On the dilapidated old-fashioned square table for eight people, a cheap lamp made of sheep fat flickered dimly and vigorously. ZiLi was sitting at the table, playing absentmindedly with the wick of the lamp, peering vigilantly out of the corner of his eye at the suspicious man sitting on the edge of the bed with a friendly smile on his face, while thinking in his mind, If that man wants to harm me, what should I do? Call for help? Or run away? Or pick up the wooden stool and hit him in his handsome face with it?

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“Pfft, hahahaha――” Suddenly the other person burst out laughing.

ZiLi frowned and cast a sideways glance at him, saying, “What are you laughing at?”

“I am sorry, that was indeed rude of me!” With great difficulty, the man stopped laughing and he stood up, cupped his hands in greeting 1 and said to the slightly annoyed ZiLi, “Brother, I am not an evil person, you do not need to be so wary!”

ZiLi glanced at him with even more suspicion and muttered in a low voice, “Why would an evil person admit to being evil?”

The man walked over to him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry 2 .

“Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? You want to fight? I’m telling you, this laozi is not to be messed with!” When ZiLi saw the man moving in his direction, he immediately stood up vigilantly, took a fighting stance and said.

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The man had no choice but to stop where he was and he looked at ZiLi with an innocent and sincere face and said, “Just now I saw that your hand, brother, has an injury 3 , and I happen to have a good medicine for treating wounds with me――”

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“You sell medicine?”

The man was dumbfounded, and again did not know whether to laugh or to cry. “Brother, you misunderstood! I do not sell medicine at all, but I do enjoy working with herbal medicine in my spare time!” as he spoke, he took out a celadon bottle 4 from his sleeve and placed it on the table. “If the wound is left untreated for a long time, it will become infected and start to fester. Although this medicine is not the best medicine for wounds, it is still useful for the wound on your hand, brother. This is also my thanks for allowing me to share the room with you, so please take it, brother!”

ZiLi rubbed somewhat embarrassedly the back of his head. He had really gauged the heart of a gentleman with his own mean measure 5 ! So, it actually turns out the man has good intentions!

“I’m sorry for that! I was just too tense! Thank you very much for the medicine!” ZiLi pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Well, you really need to be careful when you travel! Take me, for instance, because I was too careless, I let that little beggar steal my money. Sigh, otherwise I would not have ended up in this situation!” The man also sat down and showed his understanding.

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Hearing what he said, ZiLi suddenly had the kind of feeling of ‘Those who have the same misfortune sympathize with each other!’ 6 When he looked more closely at the other, he found that the man was not only handsome, but also elegant and gentle, and did not look like a bad person at all! I wonder why I was so suspicious just now!

He smiled gratefully at the other, only the mask made of human skin on his face made the smile seem a little strange. He took the medicine bottle, removed the stopper, put it under his nose and sniffed it. Not only did it not stink, but it also had a faint sweet smell. He looked at the claw wound on the back of his left hand, which somehow took a long time to heal. Although the wound was not bleeding, the flesh in the middle was still as bright red as when he had first been scratched, and the skin around it was a faint purplish black. It looked very appalling at first, but now it did not hurt at all!

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It looks really bad, it’s not a bird virus, is it?!

“Let me apply it for you, it is inconvenient for you if you only can use one hand!”

“Eh, oh, thank you!”

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Seeing that he took a light cyan-colored ointment and carefully applied it to the wound, while blowing lightly, ZiLi could not help but feel a little embarrassed, and quickly asked, “Uh, by the way, what’s your name?”

After the other person had applied the medicine, he tore a corner of satin from his clothes and wrapped ZiLi’s hand in it, before saying, “My surname is Mo, and my first name is CangJing.”

“My name is Su ZiLi, nice to meet you!” ZiLi stretched out his hand and smiled, then remembered that people in ancient times had no such etiquette as shaking hands, so he hastily withdrew his hand and, feeling embarrassed, cupped his hands in greeting.

Mo CangJing looked at him with an ineffable smile and said, “ZiLi, Su ZiLi! Then can I call you big brother 7 ZiLi?”

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ZiLi nodded quickly to show that it was all right.

“May I know the destination of big brother ZiLi’s journey?”

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This question hit ZiLi’s nerve, and he could not help but twitch his mouth and he said, “I don’t even know where I’m going either! Right now, I just want to find a hiding place where no one knows me and hide first!”

“Uh? What makes you say that, big brother ZiLi?”

“This―― sigh, to tell the truth, I escaped from the hands of that perverted Em― old man Huang 8 ! I’m sure by now he must have sent a group of a lot of lackeys to catch me, and if he catches me and takes me back,” he could not help but shiver, “then I’m afraid that I won’t even have a scrap of bones left!”

“Old man Huang? Is he a vicious person?”

“Yes, he definitely is! Big brother CangJing, you don’t know how vicious! He is old and ugly, with a dark, icy face, and only three chi 9 tall, with a potbelly and radish legs 10 . Furthermore, he also has a cruel character. He once ordered that several slave servants who had just said the wrong thing should simply be whipped to death. He also threatened me practically every day 11 , trying to force me to do perverted things. I really couldn’t take it anymore, so I escaped.” ZiLi grieved with tears in his eyes and a runny nose.

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“I cannot believe there is such a heartless person in the world!

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“Right!” With a pitiful look on his face, ZiLi nodded repeatedly, lifting his sleeve to wipe away the tears that he did not know whether they were there or not, while the cogs in his head turned, selfishly calculating, Come on, come on CangJing, your family must be rich and powerful. Seeing that I’m so pitiful, you should show your spirit of overflowing compassion and pat yourself on the chest and say ‘Brother, I will help you’, all right!

As expected, Mo CangJing stood up and looked at ZiLi with sympathy and said, “Big brother ZiLi, you are small in number and meager in strength 12 , and you are in such a critical situation. Although I, Mo CangJing and you, big brother ZiLi, are strangers who have come together by chance, I cannot just watch you die and not help you!”

“Yes that is right!” ZiLi looked at him with burning eyes.

“Here, this jade pendant is my family heirloom, although it is not worth a thousand, it is still worth a few hundred. Take it, so you can eat well and dress well, and you do not have to suffer so much during your escape!” Whether he really understood it or not, Mo CangJing took the jade pendant from his belt and placed it into ZiLi’s hand, saying, “Well, it is already late, go to bed early or you will be in trouble if you do not have the energy!”

ZiLi eyes twitched as he looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and then his eyes twitched as he looked at Mo CangJing who had already climbed onto the bed and was lying down.

Really, this man――

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