When he woke up the next day, the sun was already high in the sky. ZiLi rubbed his sleepy eyes in a daze and lingered in bed for a while, before slowly getting up.

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Seeing that the place next to him where the man had slept had already become cold, he once again looked around and found that not a soul was to be seen in the room at the present.

“He left without saying goodbye, how uncivilized! Shame on you, last night you even called me ‘big brother ZiLi, big brother ZiLi’ in a familiar way!” ZiLi muttered. When he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, he saw a piece of paper lying on the table.

“I had to leave first because of an urgent matter, but as I saw that big brother ZiLi was still sound asleep, I could not bear to disturb you, therefore I left this note to inform you. I hope that the day that big brother ZiLi will be able to escape will come soon. I am sure we will meet again someday! Yours sincerely, Mo CangJing.” ZiLi sat somewhat sullenly on the stool.

An urgent matter? I don’t know if that’s true or not! I was hoping he would help me! On second thought, Why would someone who is neither a relative nor a friend feed you until you are full and stick with you when you are in big trouble?

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“Argh!” ZiLi pulled his hair in distress. He had been on the run for four days already, and he did not know what was going on in the capital! The situation at hand was a bit precarious, and he always felt like he was just like Sun WuKong. It seemed that no matter how he tried, he could not get out of the Five Finger Mountain 1 of that perverted man.

“Stop, stop, why do I always have to help the aspirations of the opposition, while undermining my own power and prestige 2 ! Just bring it on! This laozi is not afraid of you!” After some self-encouragement, ZiLi stood up pleased, intending to rinse his mouth and wash his face.

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*Bang! Bang! Bang!* At that moment the rough sound of banging on the door could be heard, and from the sound of the movements it was clear that it was the fat waiter with whom he had gotten into a dispute last night.

“Time to check out! It is time to check out! How dare you have the nerve to stay until this hour when you’ve only paid for just one night? Open the door! If you don’t open the door, I’ll open it by force!” As expected, it is better to keep the number of hostile persons to a minimum!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 45 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi was very angry, but he was indeed in the wrong first, so he could not say anything back. He could only grumble a few words and wash up quickly. He put on a cyan robe, put the bundle with his belongings on his shoulders, and then suddenly opened the door of the room, which was on the verge of collapse because of the banging. The fat waiter almost fell into the room as he slammed into a sudden emptiness.

ZiLi gave him a narrow-eyed glare, remembering him, before walking down the stairs with stamping feet.

After replenishing his food rations and water and eating a few meat buns, ZiLi stood up and left, about to set off.

“Take care, dear guest!” the waiter, who was leading the horse, said as he handed over the reins in ZiLi’s hand.

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ZiLi glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, then took out a few pieces of silver from his sleeve and handed them to the waiter, saying, “My horse has been well taken care of! Here, this is your reward.”

“Thank you dear guest! Thank you very much!” the waiter, who led along the horse, repeatedly thanked, while accepting the reward.

“Qu Zi, let’s go! Go――” ZiLi said, climbing in a relax mood on the back of the horse and flicking the reins. One man and one saddle horse, leaving nothing but dust as they went straight ahead, causing the fat waiter, who was hiding behind the door, to turn red 3 with anger.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 45 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The next few days ZiLi rode his horse eastward. Bordering Chu Jing in the east is a country called Chi Xiang. Chi Xiang faces the sea, its shipbuilding industry is well-developed, and several sea lanes have been opened up for commercial transportation, which has not only greatly reduced the cost of goods but has also greatly improved the safety and volume of freight of the goods. In addition, the cold weapons 4 produced in Chi Xiang, are also particularly in high demand in several countries. The current situation is such that it is the only country on the continent that is equal in power to Chu Jing, and the two are listed as the two most powerful countries on the continent.

After careful deliberation and investigation, ZiLi finally decided to flee across the border, as going to Chi Xiang was a safer choice than hiding in that man’s territory. ZiLi now understood why all those corrupt officials and criminals in today’s society like to flee abroad.

On that day when he arrived at a small road, ZiLi took Qu Zi to the side of the road to rest under a tree and have some food. He found a patch of grass and was about to sit down, when suddenly a brightly colored snake shot out of the grass beside him and ZiLi immediately jumped away in fright. Before he could recover from the shock caused by the snake, he heard another ‘whoosh’ and a dagger flashed by, barely grazing his cheek, and sinking deep into the spot where he was about to sit down.

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ZiLi stared straight at the dagger that felt like as if it had pierced his body. This, it seems, the target was―― He gasped in fright, and then suddenly screamed, “Ah―― Help――”

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He quickly got on the horse, and immediately urged it to gallop away quickly. This happened so fast that he had already run about fifty meters before the assassin who was hiding in the bushes could react.

ZiLi lowered his body, and when he turned around, he saw as expected more than a dozen masked men with a murderous aura chasing after him.

“Go―― Qu Zi, run faster, ah! Someone is trying to kill me. If I get killed, you will also be turned into horse meat――”

The group of horses created a huge dust sand cloud with their hooves, and the scene from above looked very spectacular. In normal times, ZiLi would have uttered something like ‘awesome’, but now that he was being chased and was the target of the killing, all he could feel was his head hurting. Although Qu Zi was running fast, he had not fully recovered his physical strength after a full day of running. Now that they were being chased by a dozen good and fully grown horses, it gradually became clear that Qu Zi was losing strength and speed.

Why do these people want to kill me and who on earth sent them? Is it Hong Xu? But it doesn’t make any sense that he wants to kill me! F•ck, I am really going to die! Why do I have such bad luck, as soon as I went out, I am being chased to be killed!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 45 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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ZiLi sweated profusely as he watched the assassins getting closer and closer. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as if he had remembered something, and he hastily reached into the bundle with his belongings, fished out something and threw it resolutely at the nearest assassin. The assassin was so engrossed in his victory that seemed to be up for grabs that he did not foresee that ZiLi would suddenly throw a concealed weapon, and therefore did not clearly see what the concealed weapon was. Suddenly, he covered his face and let out a scream. He fell off his horse and was trampled on his belly by the horse of his companion behind him, who had no time to stop his horse.

“!” ZiLi exclaimed very happily, despite the very bloody scene, as he had successfully managed to take care of a life-threatening situation. Then he threw his unique concealed weapons one after the other.

When the assassins saw that their companions were attacked one after another and let out a scream, they immediately drew their longswords vigilantly. They aimed at the concealed weapon flying straight at them, and immediately swung their swords to block it, but unexpectedly the concealed weapons were not made of hard metal and were more like a soft ball. When the edge of the sword touched it, it immediately burst, and the liquid inside splashed on their body. They immediately felt a sharp pain, and when they looked down, their skin was already completely festered and turned into a bloody mess.


Translator Notes
I am sorry everyone, I got really busy with school, and unfortunately I am afraid that this will be the case till the end of June (◡﹏◡✿)

On another note, I guess this is ZiLi’s first indirect kill (°△°)
The concealed weapon he used was made from sheep intestines that he had asked the restaurant waiter for and the medicine powder that he had asked Mo Shou for.

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