In a most extravagant bedchamber, lustful moans, and rapid breathing, sometimes aroused and sometimes languid, escaped from behind the dangling cotton yarn curtains of the bed, and an image of two overlapping bodies was projected on the cotton yarn curtains. A man could be seen on top thrusting quickly back and forth, his swift movements causing the bed frame to sway, and the orange glow of the candlelight and the lingering musky scent in the room magnified this ambiguous and lascivious scene even more.

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“Nghh, ah―― Your― Your Highness――” a woman gasped softly and moaned incessantly.

Without saying a word, the man simply held down the woman’s jade-like arms, immersing himself in this purely physical movement, and after a few quickened thrusts, accompanied by a long moan from the woman, this sensual carnal desire finally came to an end.

The man put on some clothes and got out of bed, staring coldly at the three assassins kneeling before him on the ground, and asked, “How did it go?”

The three men did not dare to make a sound and bowed their heads even lower!

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The man sneered and said, “So it was a failure?”

The assassins on the ground could not help but shudder.

The man’s expression became distorted, and he raised his foot and ruthlessly kicked one of the assassins in the chest, who then rolled a few times and spat out a mouthful of blood, but immediately crawled back to his original spot and resumed kneeling.

“The target has not been killed, and yet you still have the face to come back? This Highness has never been someone who likes to keep trash!”

“This subordinate deserves to die, please Your Highness, give us one more chance to make amends for our mistakes 1 .” The three of them begged in trembling voices.

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“This Highness will remember your incompetence. If you do not bring back An JinYu’s 2 head next time, kill yourself!”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


XiLai Inn is an old inn with a history of more than forty years. The current innkeeper had taken over from his father and is run purely privately. The inn is located on the side of a small road extremely far away from the official road, which is so remote that one wondered whether the owner lives in seclusion or does business!

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Because it is a small business and there are not many customers, the innkeeper did not hire a waiter, and even his wife acted as the cook. So, the middle-aged couple was the only one in charge of the entire inn.

There had been no guests at the inn during the day, but the innkeeper and his wife did not mind and were happy to be free. In such a off season, they usually cooked a few dishes for themselves and drank a few cups of home-brewed rice wine.

It was already dusk and the couple, having determined that guests were unlikely to come, were about to close the inn when they suddenly saw three moving black dots at the far end of the road. Only when the dots got closer did they know for certain that the dots were indeed three passers-by on horseback.

“ Uncle 3 , don’t close yet, we want to stay for the night!” A man in approximately his twenties, in a long, cyan-colored robe and with a short beard, shouted nervously.

“Don’t close, don’t close yet!” The two dirty teenage kids next to the man also shouted.

The innkeeper chuckled and said, “As a matter of fact, we were just waiting for you three!”

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The three of them jumped off their horses, shook the dust from their heads, and followed the innkeeper into the small, old-fashioned inn.

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“Uncle, let’s have some food first, we’re starving!”

“Alright, please wait for a moment!” The innkeeper served tea to the three of them, then turned around and entered a small door behind the counter. A few moments later, he brought out a few dishes. “My wife can only cook some rural side dishes. The three of you, dear guests, will have to make do with it,” the innkeeper explained cheerfully.

“It smells so good! Uncle, you’re too humble. Where I come from, this natural, unpolluted rural side dish is much more precious than chicken, duck, and fish!”

“Boss Su, we are starving!” the two children next to him reminded in unison, staring with burning eyes at the dishes still in the innkeeper’s hands.

“Ah, how muddleheaded of me, I was so engrossed in talking that I forgot I was still holding the food in my hand, which incurred ridicule from the two young brothers because of my poor performance.” The couple quickly served the top-notch dishes. “We will not bother you for now on, you three, enjoy your meal!”

“Uncle, wait, do you have any wine here?”

“Dear guest, you want wine? There is actually some, but the rice wine is all brewed by ourselves, so it is not good enough to serve.”

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“That’s fine for me, is it possible to get some?”

“Of course you can,” the innkeeper replied and went to the cellar to fetch the wine.

“Boss Su, I want to drink wine too,” Lin CunShou said as he picked up some rice. That is right, these three guests were none other than ZiLi and the two brothers CunGong and CunShou.

ZiLi knocked CunShou on the head and said, “You are too young to drink wine!”

“But don’t you drink too?” CunShou said with a mouthful of food, not convinced.

“Who said I was going to drink it! This is for a different purpose, you know?” ZiLi knocked him on the head again in a bad mood.

“Don’t knock, or he will get stupid!” CunGong said, while touching his brother’s head a little distressed.

“Tsk! How superstitious!” During their journey, he had already learned how protective this brother was, so ZiLi just twitched his mouth and continued immersing himself in eating.

After the meal, they were led by the innkeeper up the stairs, which creaked with every step, to a room that smelt a little of mold.

“I’m really sorry, because it’s an old building, the smell is a bit strong!”

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Not having to camp in a field full of snakes, insect, rats, and ants was already very good, so ZiLi was still happy with such a room.

But the two Gong and Shou brats both fastidiously sniffed with their nose and said, “It really stinks!”

ZiLi rolled his eyes, The two of them are the least qualified to say this.

“Is it your bodies or this building that stinks? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you two take a bath since I’ve met you!”

“Uh, this― this is for disguise!” both Gong and Shou used as an excuse.

ZiLi gave them a sidelong glance and said, “If you want a disguise, ask me! I am an expert! I’ve been wanting to mention that smell of you two for a long time!”

“You don’t like us?”

“To be honest, yes I don’t!”

The two brothers made a hurt expression on their faces.

“Okay, stop pretending! Now go and wash yourselves for the sake of my sense of smell, or you won’t be allowed in the same room as me.”

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