ZiLi wanted to take a bath, but since both the innkeeper and his wife were of old age, it was obviously not good to let them carry water. Presumably they must have felt that they could not let their guests down, so they had built a public bath behind the small inn near the well.

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After grabbing a set of clean clothes, he dragged the two reluctant brats to the public bath. Facing the clear water, ZiLi immediately stripped himself naked and jumped into the water for a refreshing swim.

“So comfortable, it’s truly a blessing to be able to take a bath! Hey, you two, wash yourselves before you come in!”

“Tyrant!” CunShou said pouting, as he had just lifted his foot, and was about to step into the water.

“ Little brother 1 stop talking, and just wash yourself quickly!”

“ Big brother 2 , help me wash my hair.”

“Then close your eyes.” CunGong poured water on his brother’s head with a ladle, then took some soap made from Chinese Honey Locust 3 and put it in his brother’s hair, rubbed it in for a while and then rinsed it off.

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“I’ll help you wash your back, big brother.”

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ZiLi stared at the two brothers showing affection to each other in front of him, and suddenly said in an exasperated tone, “You two, don’t show me incest, ah!”

In response, he got a wooden ladle flying in his face.

“Hey, how dare you two brats who eat my food be so rude to me, your boss Su?”


Only now did ZiLi understand why these two brothers wanted to make themselves so dark and swarthy. Looking at their appearances now, they looked like two elves, and anyone who saw them would have the urge to abduct them.

“Boss Su, can you stop staring at us like that? It gives me the creeps!” CunShou said, touching his arm.

*Cough, cough* ZiLi quickly burst the pink ambiguous bubble with the question ‘Xiao Gong + Xiao Shou = ?’, coughed and said with a serious face, “Your appearances are really too ostentatious, but luckily I am a master of disguise! Sit down, and I’ll disguise you two.”

CunGong and CunShou sat down as instructed and tilted their two identical small white and delicate faces upwards. ZiLi unfolded his bundle with his belongings, thought for a moment and said, “This time you will pretend to be my sons!”

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“But boss Su, you’re only five years older than us!” CunGong and CunShou both said at the same time.

“Don’t you know what pretending is? What I’m talking about now is the pretending, okay! Don’t move!” ZiLi held the arms of CunGong and CunShou in place and took out two different masks made of human skin from the pile of disguise tools and put them on their faces.

CunGong and CunShou closed their eyes and waited for a long time without noticing any other movements, so they opened their eyes and asked curiously, “Boss Su, why aren’t you doing anything?”

“What else do I need to do, when it’s done? If you don’t believe me, look!” He picked up a bronze mirror and handed it to them.

Looking at the mirror with black lines all over their faces, they said in unison, “You call yourself master of disguise? Then we can call ourselves that too, ah!”

ZiLi hovered over them and said with squinting eyes, “Why? Do you have a complaint?”

“――We don’t!”

“If there are none, come over and lend me a hand! We need to make more weapons to defend ourselves.”

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ZiLi poured the rice wine he had just received from the innkeeper into a washbowl, then took out a bunch of sachets made from sheep intestines that he had bought again on the way and put them in the washbowl to soak.

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“What is this for?”

“For poison!” ZiLi replied succinctly.

CunGong immediately pulled his younger brother three meters away and covered his nose as he stared warily at the washbowl.

The corners of ZiLi’s mouth twitched as he looked at the two and he said, “I didn’t say this was poison, so why are you standing so far away? This is just a container for the poison!”

CunGong let go of CunShou somewhat embarrassed.

“This is a container? What kind of poison is if for?” CunShou asked curiously. He had never heard of anyone using sachets made from sheep intestines to store things!

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Looking at the surprised twins who had gathered around him again, ZiLi smiled smugly and said, “You don’t even know this, ha! Haha, this is a concealed weapon I invented myself ―― The Invincible Poison Bomb!” ZiLi took out the medicine powder that Mo Shou had stolen for him that day and carefully poured a little into a cup of water, and they saw to their surprise that the fine powder quickly dissolved into a dark liquid with a ‘fizz’ sound.

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“You mustn’t touch this, your whole hand will rot quickly if you do! And if you don’t stop it, it will keep on rotting until only your remains are left!” ZiLi said with some fear and trepidation. I really don’t know what this substance, which is more corrosive than Aqua Regia 4 , really is! When he got the medicine powder that day, he did an experiment and discovered that it corroded not only chicken feet, but also wood, fiber and even steel, but not ceramics and sheep intestines soaked in wine, although he didn’t know exactly what the reaction mechanism was! And when he saw those sheep intestines, ZiLi could not help but think of the game he played in his childhood, filling small balloons with water and then using them as hand grenades, which gave him the idea of the mysterious concealed weapons he had thrown at the assassins who had been chasing him that time.

Looking at the dangerous cup of poison, CunGong and CunShou could not help but swallow their saliva and ask, “So― so, how can we stop it from corroding further?”

ZiLi threw them two pairs of gloves soaked in wine and replied, “With wine 5 of course, you fools! Go to work, dissolve the powder, but be careful! I will put it in the sheep intestines!”

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“All right!” The two brothers, eager to give it a try, replied.

The three of them, like workers in a sweatshop, made another thirty-one bombs in the room. Together with the nine smoke bombs that CunGong and CunShou carried, he was convinced that this could ensure some safety for the three of them, who were young, inexperienced 6 and with little ability to defend themselves.

“Keep the gloves, you two, and remember when you throw the bombs you have to put them on. All right, go to bed, tomorrow we must hasten our journey!”

They had just climbed into bed after packing their things and had just laid down when they suddenly heard an urgent and rough banging on the door downstairs. The three of them got up in alarm, then heard the innkeeper coming upstairs panting, after which he knocked on their door, saying in panic, “Young men, open the door quickly, you must leave here at once!”

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