“What happened?” ZiLi hurriedly put on the mask made of human skin, opened the door of their room and asked worriedly.

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“Ba― bandits― there are bandits, get your stuff and quickly get out of here!” The frightened innkeeper urgently dragged them out.

“What? Bandits? Why are there bandits?” The three of them stared in disbelief.

“Well, there’s no time to explain, young men come with me first. There is a tunnel in the cellar that leads to the outside, so you can quickly run away from there.”

The group of people rushed downstairs and saw the fire burning outside the banged-up gate, which was on the verge of collapse, and heard a cacophony of voices.

“Damn old man, why don’t you quickly open the door for the great me? If you don’t open it, believe me, I’m gonna burn this f•cking piece of junk down!” shouted a loud voice menacingly.

“Open it, open the door!” the lackeys also echoed, and they shouted, “Boss, if the old man won’t open the door, why don’t we just tear it down instead of waiting like a foolish bird.”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 49 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“All right, let’s tear it down, don’t let the cash cows get away!”

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“De― dear――” Seeing the bandits approaching, the innkeeper’s wife, whose hands and feet were trembling with fear, hurriedly grabbed the sleeve of the innkeeper.

“They’re coming in soon, you should run with us too!” ZiLi, who had never seen such a scene before, was anxious and sweating profusely. Will those bandits kill us as soon as they come in? Such a bad luck, we just got away from those assassins and now there are bandits!

“We have been through this a few times before and they only came for the guests in the inn and didn’t actually do anything to us! You’d better leave quickly, if they catch you, you will not only lose your money, but you will also be taken back to their village and used as slaves.” The innkeeper lifted the wooden plank door to the cellar, “The tunnel entrance is behind that barrel of wine. Get down there quickly!”


Just as the door to the cellar was closing, the bandits managed to break the door down and enter.

“You― you shall not――”

“Stinking old man, get the hell out of my way. Men, go find them!”

The chaotic footsteps above their heads made the floor creak with every step, and the three people trapped in the dark immediately fell silent with fear. They walked quietly on tip toe, groping in the dark, to the side of the wine barrel and moved it aside together. Indeed, the tunnel entrance that could be passed through as long as you crouched appeared behind it.

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“Here’s a Flame Stick 1 .” CunShou also found a torch after feeling along the wall with his hand.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 49 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

The situation outside sounded exceptional chaotic, as the bandits were probably searching thoroughly 2 . However, he did not need to worry about that anymore, so ZiLi clenched his teeth and followed CunGong and CunShou into the tunnel.


The pale moonlight glared coldly at the creeping stillness of the night, and above in the sky where only a mysterious moon hung, a falcon spread its wings and circled motionless like a hunter waiting for an opportunity. Suddenly, it reeled in and swooped quickly like an arrow fired from a bow towards a slender figure standing on a high hill, and when it was about to bump into the figure, it spread its wings out and with a few powerful flaps landed lightly and gracefully on the person’s shoulder. Then it shook its wings and arrogantly raised its head towards the man kneeling before its master.

“ My Lord 3 , everything is going according to plan. His Highness of Bei Ling has been evacuated through the tunnel!”


The man answered coldly, the edges of his clothes rustling in the night breeze. Looking at the blazing inn in the distance, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled into an unfathomable smile.


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*Swish, swish* A sudden noise coming from the patch of weeds startled a few small sparrows that were dwelling inside.

“Pfft, so much grass!” CunShou complained disgruntled as he spat bits of grass out of his mouth. He pushed his way through the long grass at the tunnel entrance and got out, followed by CunGong and ZiLi.

After an unknown number of hours of walking through the tunnels on their haunches, the three men, who had finally seen the light of day again, sank immediately exhausted to the ground, pounding on their almost stiff backs, weak and without strength.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 49 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

It was already dawn and by the looks of it, they had indeed been walking for a very long time and had no idea where they were!

After resting for a while, ZiLi stood up and said, “Let’s go see if anyone is around!”

The three walked in silence.

ZiLi was in an extremely low mood and wondered how things were going at the inn! Will the bandits give that kind uncle a hard time for not being able to steal anything? And the horse, Qu Zi, will it be taken by the bandits? I hope those bandits didn’t kill it! *sigh!*

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“Look, there’s a carriage over there! Ah, there are people!” CunGong and CunShou suddenly pointed ahead and called out.

When he looked up, he saw indeed a spacious and gorgeous carriage parked on the bank of a river in front of him. A young man sat on a big rock, with ink-black hair, a cream-colored robe 4 , and an aqua-colored outer garment 5 . His handsome side profile seemed to be plated with gold rims in the morning light.

“Mo CangJing?” ZiLi exclaimed in surprise.



Translator Notes
We made it, we made it to the chapter were BonBon left off ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ, which took me eight months (´∀`;).
We are entering new territory ヽ(^◇^*)/ and from now on I also don’t know how the story will go.

On another note, I am not busy with school anymore, so technically there should be a more regular schedule, but no idea if that will happen (^_^;)
Anyway, I’m still just going to try to release at least a chapter a week, probably somewhere between Friday and Tuesday.

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