It was very strange, but since that day, after escaping through the tunnel, the whole journey had been very calm and peaceful, no assassins chasing them, nor enemies attacking them.

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The group travelled all the way east and after seven days they left Chu Jing and crossed the border to Chi Xiang.

On this day, the carriage arrived at a street market, bustling with noise and excitement, in Chi Xiang. ZiLi lifted a corner of the curtain and looked out of the window; outside was a bustling scene. Men, women, young and old strolling in the street were all dressed up, and everyone’s faces were full of joy. Seeing this, ZiLi could not help but ask curiously, “Big brother CangJing, what is this place? Why is it so lively?”

Hearing the question, Mo CangJing also leaned forward and looked at the street market outside.

“This is Han Dan City, and today must be Han Dan Immortal’s 1 birthday!”

ZiLi had not expected Mo CangJing to suddenly lean forward, and a characteristic fresh breath behind him that belonged to Mo CangJing enveloped him. The hot breath that reached his ear when Mo CangJing spoke sent a tingle down his spine.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 51 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Mo CangJing did not seem to notice anything wrong with their current position, and continued to explain patiently, “Legend has it that a very long time ago, this was just a small village, where a beautiful girl lived who was very hardworking and kind. One day she went to the bank of the river to wash silk, there a water demon in the river saw her and wanted to take her home as his wife, but the girl refused, which made the water demon so angry that he sent a message saying that if she did not agree, he would flood the village. The girl did not want the villagers to be harmed, so she had not choice but to comply. However, she requested the water demon to control the river around the village in the future and not destroy the villagers’ crops, as well as provide sufficient water to the villagers in times of drought. The water demon agreed, so the village has been blessed with good conditions for crops ever since, and the villagers were able to live in peace! Because the girl liked Lotus flowers, people changed the name of the village to Han Dan City 2 and called her Han Dan Immortal! Every year a feast is held in her honor on her birthday!”

“Oh, so that’s what happened!” CunGong and CunShou said while nodding their heads as if everything had become clear, having at some point also moved to their side to listen intently.

“Uh, well, I wonder if there are any longevity noodles 3 for the Immortal’s birthday! Hehe!” ZiLi said, straightening his body as he escaped from under Mo CangJing’s body who was leaning over him.

When ZiLi mentioned this, CunShou’s stomach suddenly rumbled. “Big brother, I am hungry!” he said, looking at CunGong and blinking his eyes expectantly.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 51 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Boss Su, I am also hungry!” CunGong said, looking at ZiLi and also blinking his eyes expectantly.

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“How remiss of me, it is already noon, why do we not all have a meal before continuing our journey!” Mo CangJing said with a warm smile.

Inside the restaurant――

As guests from all over China had gathered for a meal, it was only natural that afterwards they would add a bit of gossip they had heard or seen to spice up their leisure time.

“Have you all heard?”

“Heard what?”

“About the King of Bei Ling. I heard that he’s already bedridden, and I’m afraid it won’t be long before he passes away!”

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“Are you for real? It’s probably just a rumor!”

“Hey, why would I lie to you? I have a good friend who runs errands for the Palace of Bei Ling, would he lie?”

“If that were the case, wouldn’t that mean that the throne of Bei Ling would fall into the hands of the First Prince? I’ve heard that the First Prince is violent and cruel――”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 51 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“――Big brother ZiLi―― big brother ZiLi?”

“What?” ZiLi responded quickly, as he had finally stopped eavesdropping.

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“Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no, there isn’t! Huh, where’s CunGong?”

“Big brother, whent thwo the thwoilet (Big brother, went to the toilet)!” CunShou said with a mouthful of food, which was hard to understand.

“This is not far from the capital of Chi Xiang. Everyone must be very tired from the journey these days. Why do we not rest here for a day and leave tomorrow morning! Besides, I also have a residence here. What does big brother ZiLi think?” Mo CangJing looked at ZiLi and asked inquiring.

“We might as well then, excuse us for the inconvenience!” ZiLi agreed without any objection. After all, he was out of the Emperor’s reach, and besides, he had not seen any pursuers coming for him, so ZiLi was happy and at ease, and he no longer cared where he was going.

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