His Majesty's Hostage - Volume 2 - Chapter 24

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A characteristic of the structure of the houses

Something like this, I think:

Some interesting information

1 in ancient times is that they were usually built around courtyards. The courtyards would contain pavilions, ambulatories

Something like this, I think:

2 , arched bridges

Something like this, I think:

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3 , gardens with willows, paths along fragrant nature, and a clear shallow tranquil pond or a lively flowing stream. The architecture of this world is no different from this general structure, therefore Mo CangJing’s private residence also had the same charm as the Classical Gardens of Suzhou

Sūzhōu yuánlín
A group of gardens in the Suzhou region of China, representing the development of Chinese gardens throughout history.
Below a photo of one of the gardens called ‘The Lion Grove Garden’:

4 !


They were greeted by an old housekeeper who was over fifty years old. His back was perfectly straight, and his appearance was frighteningly serious, but when facing Mo CangJing, his eyes showed only absolute obedience and respect.

Looking at the same unsmiling domestic servants around him, ZiLi felt suffocated and uneasy in his whole body. In fact, it was not only him who felt this way, but even the always lively and active CunGong and CunShou were silent at this moment. They followed blindly behind ZiLi, as if they were back in the days when they were afraid that ZiLi would suddenly leave them and run away!

Seemingly seeing the uneasiness of the three of them, Mo CangJing said with a warm smile, “Surely, the housekeepers may be a little strict from time to time, but they mean no harm!”

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“Huh? Ah, okay!” Caught in the act by the host, ZiLi smiled awkwardly, not knowing what else to do. Was my expression really that obvious? he thought to himself as he unconsciously touched the mask made of human on his face.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 52 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Mo CangJing personally led them to the wing where they would be resting tonight and said, “Big brother ZiLi will be staying in this room, and the two young brothers will be staying in the two rooms next door! No need to be formal, just let the servants know if you need anything!”

“Then thank you for your trouble, big brother CangJing!” ZiLi said, as he cupped his hands.

“No need to thank me! Just rest for a while, someone will call you when it is time for dinner!”

After Mo CangJing left, CunShou immediately tugged at CunGong’s sleeve and said, “Big brother, I don’t want to stay in a room by myself. I want to stay with you.”

CunGong did not say anything, which could be considered tacit approval, then he suddenly turned his head and said to ZiLi, “Boss Su, I think there is something strange about the people here!”

“Yes, that’s right!” CunShou immediately nodded in agreement, then said gravely, “They are full of killing intent!”

‘Pfft’ ZiLi burst out laughing and knocked CunShou on the head, saying, “What does a brat like you know about killing intent?”

Although ZiLi also felt uneasy, he would never go as far as to think like CunShou!

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“What, brat?! I’m already twelve!” CunShou retorted, his neck turning red with indignation.

“Okay, okay, you are not a brat!” ZiLi did not want to lower himself to the brat’s level and said, “I am not going to argue with you two, I am going into my room!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 52 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He turned around and pushed open the door of the room. The furnishing was very elegant and unique. ZiLi contentedly put down his bundle with his belongings. As soon as he turned around, he saw several domestic servants outside, carrying buckets of water to the door.

“Young Lord, the young master asked us to prepare water for you to bathe!”

ZiLi just happened to want to take a bath! He had not expected Mo CangJing to be so thoughtful, so he could not help but add a few more points to his favorable impression of Mo CangJing!

At dinner, only Mo CangJing, ZiLi, CunGong and CunShou, the four of them, were present, and since they were all familiar with each other, they did not feel constrained. During the meal, ZiLi also drank a few cups of a delicious flowery wine whose name he did not know, but which tasted very good. At first, he had not dared to drink for fear of getting drunk, but when he saw that CunShou liked it so much after one sip that he could not stop drinking, he also tried it out of curiosity. The taste was rich and mellow, which was delicious, and it did not have the spicy taste of rice wine. In the end, he could not resist drinking several cups, but the wine turned out to be unexpectedly very strong and by the time he realized, he was already dizzy and lightheaded. Seeing the sky spinning, he lost conscious. The last thing he remembered before losing conscious was the image of Mo CangJing’s face splitting in two, while his mouth opened and closed, saying something――”


A tall figure swayed hazily in front of his eyes, a pair of slender, well-defined hands lifted the cotton yarn curtains, which seemed like mist, in front of the bed, and a familiar strong scent enveloped him. Even though he could not open his heavy eyelids to see what was in front of him, he could still feel the scorching gaze of the other moving across his body.

A slightly calloused hand caressed his face ambiguously, sometimes gently and sometimes more intensely, while the panting above him grew heavier. His body, however, was unable to move, or perhaps he did not even want to move!

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 52 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He felt the weight of the other on his body, as the other lay on top of him, and a moist, hot object constantly touched his face, his mouth, and finally his lips, violently plundering, stirring, and sucking. Not only did he not feel disgusted when he heard the sound of sucking in his ears, he even found it extremely arousing. The other’s kisses moved from his lips to his neck, and then wandered from left to right on his chest, which had already become exposed at some point. The other’s hands worked their way through the layers on his body, like peeling cocoons, layer by layer, to draw silk

Chōu sī bāo jiǎn.
Very carefully done step by step.

5 . When he came to his senses again, he realized that the bodies of them had long since become honest. Their limbs, pressed tightly together, were like water plants intertwined and rubbing each other in the water, clearly able to feel each other’s skin and heat.


“Nghh――” A tiny moan could not help but escape.

“Hehe, feeling good?” a low, magnetic voice whispered in his ear.

“Hnn――” He felt like a cat lazing in the sun.

The other seemed to be very satisfied with the long legs that voluntarily wrapped around his waist. He let out another sultry sigh, then the hand that was gently caressing his face suddenly slid to the round buttocks, spread them, then pressed his weapon against the entrance and pushed forward――

ZiLi suddenly opened his eyes, and was confronted with the devilish charming face that he could not escape――

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