“Aah――” ZiLi cried out in fright, springing up from the bed covered in dense sweat that glistened faintly in the pitch-black night.

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Looking nervously at his surroundings, he only saw very weak moonlight seep in through the paper doors and windows, casting thin shadows of bamboo branches that swayed dully back and forth. Where was there any sign of that Hong Xu? Just now, that was clearly fake and a dream!

Inwardly sighing with relief, ZiLi slapped his somewhat groggy head, unable to remember what had happened after he collapsed after getting drunk! How did I get back to my room?

The damp undershirt clung uncomfortably to his skin and his throat was also dry and itchy. Fumbling over to the table, he poured himself a cup of tea to moisten his throat. Thinking of the dream he just had, which he did not know whether to classify as a spring dream or a nightmare, ZiLi’s cheeks became burning hot for a while! As people say ‘That which one thinks about during the day, is what one dreams about at night.’ 1 , but I never thought of wanting to do that kind of perverted thing with that perverted Emperor, so why would I suddenly―― And what’s worse, why did the me in this dream seem to be looking forward to it? Fu――

ZiLi slapped his head in irritation and poured another cup of tea. Still feeling unbearably hot, he got up, opened the door and walked out.

It was now the height of summer, but the nights were noticeably cooler than the days. The gathered moonlight seemed like a pool of water in the courtyard, and the evening breeze, with its scent of grass and flowers, gently rippled the intertwined shadows of the trees. His head, which was still a little fuzzy, instantly became clear and bright after being brushed by the wind like that!

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ZiLi strolled down the steps and walked along the flower path to the pavilion not far away. As he turned around the rock garden, he suddenly noticed a shadow of a bird sweep across the ground. When he looked up, he indeed saw a big bird, like a falcon, circling in the sky. It stayed there for a long time, not showing any intention of wanting to leave, seemingly domesticated. Then he suddenly saw it dive in a straight line into the courtyard and disappear without a trace!

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The next day, ZiLi lazed in bed until the sun was already up in the sky. When he opened the door of his room, he saw several servants waiting at the door with washing utensils in their hands. After washing up in embarrassment, ZiLi found that the two brats CunGong and CunShou seemed to be staying in bed longer than he was. He ran to their door and knocked, and had to wait for a long time before CunGong got out of bed to open the door.

“You two are still tired? I’m already awake!”

CunGong yawned and said, “Last night, CunShou got drunk, threw up and made a big fuss. With much effort, he finally fell asleep. He's still not awake at the moment!”

“Is he stupid! If he can’t handle wine, he shouldn’t drink.” ZiLi lectured, pretending to be a big brother.

Upon hearing this, CunGong squinted and said, “Who was it again who kissed someone as soon as he saw them, acted willfully and made scene? Yet is now here to lecture my family’s CunShou?”

“You― what are you talking about?” ZiLi looked at the extremely defensive CunGong with wide eyes and asked, “Who― who kissed people on sight?”

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“Who else? But you?! You pushed Young Lord Mo to the ground and smeared saliva all over his face! And it drove CunShou crazy too! So, don’t disturb CunShou’s sleep. Young Lord Mo said that we will travel again in the afternoon, because I still have not slept enough!” With that said, he slammed the door of his room and went back to bed.

ZiLi’s face turned red with anger and shame. Not to mention the brat's bad attitude when he argued with him, just the thought of him holding and madly kissing Mo CangJing last night made his blood rush to his face.

F•ck― F•ck my life! Why do I have such a bad habit when I’m drunk? From now― from now on, I will never drink again!


Sitting in the carriage in the afternoon, ZiLi kept avoiding Mo CangJing and did not dare to make any eye contact! CunShou lay on his older brother’s lap to catch up on sleep, and CunGong also leaned sleepily against the side of the carriage. Only ZiLi and Mo CangJing were left awake, awkwardly facing each other.

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“Is big brother ZiLi unwell?” Mo CangJing inquired as if nothing had happened.

*Cough, cough* No, I’m fine! Thank you for asking, but everything is fine!” ZiLi replied, sitting up straight, staring at the fluttering window curtains.

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Mo CangJing smiled, then fell silent again!

ZiLi thought about it and felt that his behavior was really rude! Playing ignorant after eating this perfect man’s tofu 2 , no matter what, he had to apologize! He secretly glanced at Mo CangJing from the corner of his eye and found that other was looking straight at him with a smile yet not a smile, so his face could not help but turn extremely red.

*Cough, cough* Ehm, big brother CangJing, I’m really sorry for my rude behavior last night!” ZiLi said apologetically, biting the bullet when he had gathered the courage.

“Hehe, it is all right, you do not have to worry about that!” Mo CangJing waved his hand with a bright smile.

ZiLi also smiled, then to break the awkwardness, he suddenly changed the subject and asked, “Oh, by the way, I think I saw a falcon flying into the residence last night, could it be that you raised one, big brother CangJing?

When Mo CangJing heard the words, he paused for a moment, then said with an unchanging smile, “Yes, that is right, that was indeed one of the falcons I raised.”

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“Oh, it really was! I’ve heard of such birds before, but I’ve never seen one. I wonder if I’ll have the pleasure of seeing it one day!” ZiLi said curiously and with some regret.

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“That would be easy, I will summon it now!” As he spoke, Mo CangJing fished out a small whistle made of silver from his bosom and blew on it gently. Then he opened the curtains, and not long after, a falcon came in, landing steadily on his arm.

The falcon was about thirty to fifty centimeter 3 . Its back was dark gray, mixed with dark brown lines on the feathers. The head was dark brown, with a white patch on the back of the neck, and the cheeks and throat were white. The feathers on the wings were dark brown, and the feathers on the tail were light brown with dark brown horizontal markings. The chest and abdomen were cream colored, gradually fading to brownish yellow, and were densely covered with light black and brown vertical markings. The beak was blue-gray with a black tip, the feet were yellow, the irises were brown and the cere 4 was yellow.

Its eyes were sharp and it’s gaze was haughty to the extreme as it looked at ZiLi.

“So― So beautiful! Can I touch it?”

“Of course!” Mo CangJing moved his arm towards him.

ZiLi very carefully stretched out his hand touch its forehead. The falcon stared mockingly at ZiLi’s hand for a while, then lazily closed its clear and bright eyes.

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