Behind an opaque white muslin canopy curtain, on a bed covered with a dark red quilt with hand-embroidered peonies, a slender young man with skin as warm as jade and hair as black as ebony was sleeping peacefully.

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Hong Xu dismissed Ming Yue and Chun Lan and the others, who were waiting carefully at the side, then lifted the curtain that blocked his view as if it were mist.

The overly pale complexion made the young man on the bed look even more fragile and frail like a ceramic doll, and his delicate eyebrows were tensely knitted, as if he were suffering from something that made him extremely miserable in his sleep. His forehead and cheeks were slightly moistened, and the jet-black hair clinging to him made his face look like white jade, making people want to show affection!

Hong Xu sat down on the edge of the bed and gazed somewhat covetously at the person he had been separated from for more than a month. He raised his hand to gently caress the pale pink lips, then bend over and used his lips to feel the soft and pleasant touch instead, then buried himself deep into the person’s neck and breathed in that unique fragrance. Hong Xu suddenly felt extremely comfortable for no explicable reason!

When he looked up again, he met the young man’s eyes, originally as clear as fine crystal, but now clouded with a trace of confusion and gloom, like a secluded spring that had become disturbed and murky.

The ripples are only temporary impurities that will slowly settle and disappear. If not, let Us soothe your sorrows!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 64 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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Hong Xu kissed his eyes and whispered softly, “It is truly wonderful to have you by Our side again!”

ZiLi stared languidly at the ornate roof of the canopy, his gaze empty and hollow, seemingly to have stopped at a certain place, penetrating it with all his energy.

“Does your heart still hurt? We heard from the secret guard that you had already fainted from the pain when he brought you back!” Hong Xu gently stroked ZiLi’s heart and asked in a rare gentle tone.

ZiLi finally withdrew his gaze in a daze to stare at the man who was waiting patiently for his answer, then slowly shook his head.

Only then did Hong Xu smile with satisfaction, “You must be quite hungry after sleeping for a day, so We have asked Ming Yue to make food you like, such as Lotus Seed Cake 1 , Walnut Cookies 2 , Sweet Scented Osmanthus Cake 3 , Huai Ye Leng Tao 4 and Soup Dumplings 5 ――” He took ZiLi and walked to the table to sit down and clapped his hands. Immediately, a group of maids pushed open the door and one after another came in and set a table with delicious food.

ZiLi was indeed hungry, but he did not want to eat. However, Hong Xu held him on his lap so that he could not move, and he did not bother to move, so he could only let Hong Xu have his way with him.

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Hong Xu picked up a piece of Lotus Seed Cake and brought it to ZiLi’s mouth, but ZiLi turned his head away.

“Don’t want to eat this? Then try this.” Hong Xu put down the Lotus Seed Cake and picked up some Huai Ye Leng Tao.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 64 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi still rejected it, so Hong Xu put down his chopsticks and said good-tempered, combing ZiLi’s soft hair, “You do not want to eat at all? Ming Yue.”

“Your servant is here.” Ming Yue immediately bowed her head and stepped forward.

You, bring the Pigeon Soup with Snow Fungus 6 to your master.

“As you wish.”

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ZiLi lowered his gaze to look at Ming Yue kneeling in front of him, presenting the bowl of soup in her hands, looking at him with a worried expression.

His long eyelashes fluttered, but ZiLi still closed his eyes and averted his head.

“Still not eating?” Hong Xu said, seemingly in a quandary, “Since that is the case, it is actually you, servants, who have not served well enough! So, each of you withdraw at once to receive fifty big strokes each!”

“Your Majesty spare our lives, Your Majesty have mercy――” the maids immediately fell to their knees when they heard the words, kowtowing, begging for mercy.

“What are you begging Us for? It would be more useful to beg your master!”

When the maids heard this, they immediately turned to ZiLi and kowtowed and begged incessantly for mercy, saying, “Your Highness, we beg you to eat something to save these lowly servants! Your Highness――”

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Ming Yue stood upright on her knees, holding the bowl of soup steadily.

*Plink* There was a faint, soft sound. She looked up in surprise and saw a crystal teardrop fall into the soup.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 64 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Your Highness――” Ming Yue’s heart ached. Regardless of what the intentions of His Majesty were, it was true that His Highness needed to eat something. He had been away from the Imperial Palace for over a month, and his already slender body had grown even weaker, and his complexion had become pale and bloodless! “Your Highness, you―― even if you suffered many grievances, you must not let yourself suffer! At least drink this soup, this― this way Ming Yue’s hard work will not be in vain!” Ming Yue could not help but say, choking with sobs.

ZiLi did not speak, but simply changed from silent tears to wailing sobs.

When Hong Xu saw this, his heart tightened. He turned ZiLi’s around and looked at the coldness on his face, and said, softening his tone, “All right, if you do not want to eat, you do not have to eat. What is it that makes Our Xiao JinYu cry so full of grievances? If you do not want them to receive punishment, then We will condone their misdeeds. Still crying like this? Has Xiao JinYu not always been unyielding and absolutely not easy to give in?”

Hong Xu took ZiLi in his arms and stroked his back as if comforting a child. ZiLi buried himself between his lapels and grabbed a lock of his black hair and cried so much that snot and tears simultaneously flowed from his eyes and nose, ravaging Hong Xu’s Dragon Robe 7 , turning it into a face wipe. Hong Xu patiently let him vent, and after the crying gradually had subsided, ZiLi still lay buried motionless between his lapels. Hong Xu looked down and discovered that ZiLi had already fallen asleep!

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