When ZiLi woke up, he found himself soaking in a dark, murky pool of liquid. The rising steam from the hot liquid surface exuded a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, causing ZiLi to frown and move his body uncomfortably.

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“Awake?” A languid, deep and low voice came suddenly from behind his ear.

ZiLi’s body froze when he heard the voice, because only then did he realize that he was sitting on someone’s lap with his back pressed against that person’s chest!

With a chuckle, Hong Xu put his hand around the thin chest of the person, whose chin was about to touch the surface of the liquid, to lift the one up slightly, and spooned up a lot of traditional Chinese medicine and poured it over the other person’s jade-like shoulders.

“The Imperial Physician has said that your body is weak and lacking qi, so soaking in a medicinal bath will be beneficial for your body,” Hong Xu said as he bathed him at the same time, while his hand buried underwater did not remain still either. Gently and slowly, he massaged the tender and smooth leg muscles all over, “Look at you, you have become so thin and yet still not willing to eat well.” Rubbing his lips over his smooth and round earlobes, Hong Xu murmured, “It is making Us feel distressed!”

ZiLi’s body remained stiffened, the hand moving on his leg and the words behind him with a hint of lust made him not dare to make the slightest movement.

Hong Xu licked and played with ZiLi’s earlobe and cheek, the hot breath coming out of his nose and blowing through ZiLi’s ear canal into his head like a whistling sea breeze. ZiLi lunged forward with his itchy neck to avoid the source of the noise and Hong Xu seized the opportunity and kissed along his nape to his fair and clear back, licking and sucking at his smooth and round shoulders.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 65 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi shuddered and tried to break out of the man’s embrace, but unfortunately the hand across his chest was like a solid chain preventing him from escaping. He could clearly feel the tension of the sword against his buttocks, which were pressed against that important part of the man.

The hand that had been massaging the muscles had slid up to the forbidden area at the groin, and when the hand wrapped around that sensitive organ, Hong Xu could hear a soft mewling whimper from the person in his arms.

ZiLi reached out with his hand to stop the unceasingly stroking big hand between his legs, his slightly misty eyes covered in crystalline water, like a black agate preserved in flowing clear water.

“Heh heh,” a few low chuckles rang in his ears, “seeing your appearance like this, are you feeling good or not? If you say you are liking it, why do you want to stop Our hand? If you say you are not liking it, why are your eyes filled with lust? What a contradictory character! But We like it!”

Hong Xu said, turning his face around and kissing him deeply on those half-opened cherry lips.

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ZiLi pulled back his neck wanting to avoid the overbearing kiss, but the hand clasped at the back of his head kept him firmly in place.

“Ngh――” the vigorous tongue kept stirring and tangling in his mouth for a very long time, making it feel like his cavity walls and tongue were going numb before the other reluctantly withdrew in favor of nibbling and sucking on his lips.

Hong Xu turned ZiLi’s body around, his strong arms clasping ZiLi’s waist and pulling him closer. The tight-fitting position immediately made the desire he had been holding back for so many days boil over, and his passionate kisses, accompanied by rapid gasps went all the way down, greedily sucking on those two charming cherry fruit and delicate, medicine-scented skin.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 65 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi tilted his neck and placed his hands on Hong Xu’s firm shoulders, slightly knitting his delicate brows and biting his bright red lower lip. His expression showed he was at a loss as he endured the touch of the lips and tongue on his chest and the teasing of the fingers around his back door.

“Nghh――” The hands on Hong Xu’s shoulders suddenly tightened.

“Don’t be nervous, it is only one finger!” Hong Xu soothed with a hoarse voice in his ear, “Relax!”

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After ZiLi softened his tense back, Hong Xu pulled him up by his hand and rested his head on his shoulder, kissing ZiLi’s neck as he moved his fingers in expanding motions. One finger, two fingers, three fingers, within the tightness of the hole, even when submerged in hot water, the sultry heat could still be felt. What an ecstasy it would be if his organ would be enveloped by such an inner wall. With this in mind, Hong Xu immediately took out his fingers and pressed his desire against the entrance of ultimate pleasure.

The hands around his shoulders clenched nervously again.

“Baby, relax or it will hurt!”

The entrance was completely closed, but the foreign object blocked on the outside had no intention of retreating at all, and was still advancing slowly and firmly.

*Drip drop* Suddenly, Hong Xu felt two drops of warm liquid fall on his back.

Hong Xu’s heart trembled and he gently kissed his hair and said, “Are you crying? Baby, don’t be afraid, We will be very careful!”

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 65 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

ZiLi clung tightly to his neck, unwilling to lift his face. The sensitive spot had not yet slid to the base, and the sensation of his inner wall being rubbed and swollen was sent from his spine to his brain, whereupon it seemed as if the nerve network spreading throughout his body extended the pain infinitely.

The slow movements seemed to prolong the pain even more, and by the time Hong Xu realized this, ZiLi already had tears streaming down his entire face, after which he opened his mouth to bite Hong Xu on the shoulder.

The pain of the teeth entering his flesh did not make Hong Xu frown, he just kept focusing on how to get his whole part in while minimizing the pain.

ZiLi’s sobbing made him feel distressed, but at this point, even if he was an Emperor with amazing endurance, he could not stop. With a relentless heart, he held ZiLi by the waist and pressed forward, finally getting all the way in. However, the person in his arms was in pain and sweating coldly from head to toe, letting out whimpers like a wounded kitten.

“Baby, please hold on!” Hong Xu appeased ZiLi’s suddenly flaccid member as he began thrusting impatiently.

The rhythmic movements of the bodies made the liquid ripple――

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