“Where have you been?” As soon as she saw him, the beauty immediately came to meet him and said aggrievedly, “I thought you were gone!”

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“Gone? Where could I have gone to?” he said wryly, shrugging his shoulders.

“You have something on your mind!” The beauty looked at him, and the concern on her face warmed his heart.

“――It’s nothing to worry about.” He lay back down on the grass, his head pillowed on his arms, looked up at the moonlit sky and said unhurriedly, “I just feel strange in my heart, as if―― sigh, can you understand this kind of feeling?”

The beauty shook her head in puzzlement and sat down next to him on the woven mat.

“Forget it, I can’t explain it either, so enough about me, tell me something about you!”

“About me? What do you want me to talk about?”

“Why are you still here? Don’t people say that a person will reincarnate when they die?”

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Although the beauty smiled slightly, her smile was tainted with unspeakable loneliness and pain, “I’m trapped here――”


In the darkness, Hong Xu awoke with a jolt, subconsciously checking whether the person in his arms was still there. The young man’s thin breathing gave him some peace of mind, but the desperate and painful face from his dream still lingered before his eyes.

Hong Xu rolled onto his back and sat up, startled by the cold skin touched by his hands! The young man’s breathing suddenly became disordered, and when he checked the pulse, he found that the qi in the other’s body was like a wild beast that had gone berserk and spread in all directions. Hastily, he poured in his own True Qi 1 to stop it from rampaging, but it still could not prevent the blood from flowing from the other’s seven orifices, and before long the pillow under him was stained.

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“Someone, bring Imperial Physician Li,” Hong Xu ordered in a loud voice.

In order to make it easier to visit, Hong Xu had ordered Imperial Physician Li to stay at Xia He Palace, so it was not long before a palace attendant guided Imperial Physician Li in.

This was not the first time this had happened, so Imperial Physician Li naturally knew that this was a symptom of the poison. He immediately took out a row of acupuncture tools from his medicine box, sterilized the end in fire, and then slowly inserted the acupuncture needles into the Shanzhong acupuncture point 2 .

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Hong Xu continued to infuse a steady stream of True Qi.

After working for about half a stick of incense, the two finally stopped the bleeding and calmed down the restless pulse.

“The timing of the recent attacks was more frequent and they have become more intense. If this continues, I am afraid the situation will likely become hard to control, Your Majesty――”

“How could We not know this!” Hong Xu said, turning to him with an ugly face.


“This lowly Official is incompetent!” Imperial Physician Li lowered his head.


“Forget it, you can withdraw, okay!”

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Imperial Physician Li accepted the order and withdrew.

“Secret guards!”

“This subordinate has arrived!”

“You, dispatch some Shadow Guards to search for the whereabouts of the ‘Holder of Panacea’!”

The secret guard looked up somewhat astonished. The Emperor had always used the Shadow Guards as a source for gathering military intelligence and information about other countries’ secret conspiracies, but now he was going to make such a fuss over a mere male pet! But as a subordinate, he had no right to question his ruler’s orders.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

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Hong Xu carried the young man with bloodied the face to the bath and washed the stains off both of them. When he came out, Ming Yue and a few other maids had already laid out a clean mattress. He gently placed the person in his arms in the bedding and wiped the other’s hair dry himself.

After a while of tossing and turning, the sky had already become suffused with white. As the time of the Imperial Morning Audience was approaching, Hong Xu stopped sleeping and immediately put on his Imperial robe and left Xia He Palace.

The ensuing requests for an audience and deliberations kept him so busy that he could hardly get away from it, even his breakfast was hastily taken care of in the Imperial study, not to mention going back to see the person he was worried about. He could only wonder, ‘Had he fallen ill during his absence? Did Imperial Physician Li manage to treat him in time?’

He was busy until noon before he was free. Hong Xu quickly got up, left the Imperial study and rushed back to Xia He Palace. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, he saw Hong Qing who had been specially sent by him to Bei Ling a few days ago.

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“Why are you all always blocking this Prince’s path, huh?”

“Asking the Prince for forgiveness. His Majesty has instructed that no one can enter Xia He Palace without his proof of signature!” the guard said with difficulty, “If Your Highness wishes to enter, you will first have to go to His Majesty and ask for his proof of signature, then of course this subordinate will not dare to stop you, Your Highness!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 73 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Hong Qing was just about to curse some more when he suddenly saw the Imperial bodyguards fall to the ground in unison in front of him and reverently say, “Paying respect to His Majesty!”

Hong Qing turned around bitterly and also knelt down to greet the Emperor, “Paying respect to His Majesty!”

“My my, this is the first time We have seen you so well-behaved and disciplined!” Hong Xu said, unable to tell if he was angry or not.

“Are you making fun of me, Imperial Elder Brother?” Hong Qing got up and walked over to Hong Xu and said, “I know Xiao Yu'er is recuperating from his illness, but I promise to make absolutely no noise, so Imperial Elder Brother, why don’t you let me go inside and see him, okay?”

Hong Xu looked with an expressionless face at Hong Qing, who was currying favor.

“Uh, Imperial Elder Brother, can you not look at me like that? It’s terrifying!” Hong Qing said in a low voice while patting his chest.

“Hmph!” Hong Xu flicked his sleeve in contempt and ignored him as he headed inside.

Hong Qing noticed that while he did not agree, he did not object either.

When they barely had arrived at the main hall, Hong Qing had already thrown far away his promise from just now, as he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Xiao Yu’er, Xiao Yu’er, I have come to see you, and have specially brought the best pine nut cake from Bei Ling. I tasted it and it is really good――” But the words that were to follow were abruptly swallowed when he was confronted by Hong Xu’s murderous gaze.

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Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 73 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

He hastily covered his mouth, deliberately ignoring Hong Xu’s gaze that wanted to throw him out the door, and hurried to be the first to enter the bedchamber.

Hong Qing, who had always been thick-headed, walked over to the bed, not thinking anything of the overly quiet face of the person on the bed, only that he was still sleeping, so he called out in a low voice, “Xiao Yu’er, it’s time for lunch, are you still sleeping? Wake up, time to get up――”

“Hong Qing, can you not just be calm for a while?” Hong Xu walked over and brushed away his groping paws, took the person on the bed in his arms and carried him to the Imperial Concubine Chair to sit down.

“Imperial Elder Brother, what’s wrong with Xiao Yu’er?” Hong Qing, finally noticing the strangeness, asked in alarm.

Hong Xu did not answer his question, but let the person in his arms lean against his chest in a comfortable position, after which he evenly kneaded the other’s slender limbs, massaging the muscles that had not moved for a long time. This was something that Hong Xu must do every day and would never let the hands of others do.

The maids around them all had the same expression as always, seeming not in the least surprised by Hong Xu’s unconventional behavior! Although they had been very astonished at first. Even though they knew that His Majesty had shown unprecedented affection for the Prince of Bei Ling, they could never have imagined that His Majesty, who had always been such an aloof, imposing and inviolable ruler, would personally lower himself and do the work that should have been done by them, as if the Prince of Bei Ling was a rare treasure that no one else could touch and that everything could only be done by him!

“Hong Qing, now that you have seen him, you can go back to your residence, okay!” Hong Xu said wearily with a slight frown. The firm and expelled tone gave Hong Qing no room to refute.

“――Oh, yes, I’ll go!” Hong Qing replied sullenly, always feeling that his Imperial Elder Brother could not be disobeyed lately! “Then, take good care of Xiao Yu’er, Imperial Elder Brother, he seems to be quite ill!”

After Hong Qing was driven away, Hong Xu ordered, “Bring the blood-enriching medicine!”

“Here it is, Your Majesty,” Ming Yue said as she presented the steady boiled medicine.

“We know you hate to drink bitter medicine, but if you do not drink it, your body will not be able to hold on,” Hong Xu lowered his head and said softly to the young man who was lying limp in his arms. But as he looked at the young man’s extremely well-behaved appearance, the look in his eyes became slightly pained.

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