“Back in the day, my Xu’er was a very cute and adorable little baby, lovely and delicate as jade, and giggling at the sight of people. When he was one year old, he loved to hold the corner of my skirt and call out ‘Mother Consort, Mother Consort’. His soft and sticky voice was so sweet that you could not wait to hold him tightly in your arms and give him a few kisses!”

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“My Xu’er was a very bright and intelligent baby. When he was three years old and attended the Imperial Academy, he already knew several hundred characters, and after learning for a while, what he knew already surpassed his brothers, and the Grand Tutor often praised him in front of his father.”


“My Xu’er was a wonderful brother. At only four years old, he was already like a little adult who loved and cared for his younger brother, my second child, but my poor Ning’er died young. After Xu’er found out, he immediately fell ill for quite a few days, and the first thing he said to me when he woke up was, ‘Mother Consort, you will give birth to another little brother, right?’ Later, I gave birth to Qing’er, and that year Xu’er was six years old――”

Early in the morning, the beauty was talking endlessly with a sorrowful expression like a meowing cat in his ear about her precious son’s interesting childhood stories.

He pretended not to hear, turned over and went back to sleep.

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“Hey, I told you before, you are clearly a ghost, so why would you need to sleep?” The beauty who had been singing all night and monologuing all morning nudged him resentfully in protest, “Get up and talk to me! After more than 20 years, I finally met with great difficulty someone of the same kind who died like me but was not taken by the Ghost Messenger 1 . How can you completely ignore me?”

Finally he could not take it anymore, sat up and said, “Hey, you’ve been chatting all night, aren’t you tired? Even if you’re not tired, I’m tired, so let me sleep some more, okay! Besides, if you don’t sleep, you’ll get wrinkles, don’t you know? Look, don’t you have a few wrinkles on your face now?”

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“Ah, for real? Then I won’t bother you anymore, I have to go back and catch up on my sleep right now!” The beauty immediately ran, cupping her cheeks, through the wall back to the bedchamber next door.

Having finally chased away the chatterbox of a ghost, he collapsed into bed, but could not fall asleep no matter how much he tossed and turned! Frustrated, he got up and went out of the room straight through the door.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly and the only sound in the silent palace 2 was that of the summer cicadas. For no apparent reason, his mood was low and his chest unbearably stuffy!

He thought it was funny when he thought about it. Was he not a ghost? Since he was a ghost, then why could he walk around in the sun? Since he was a ghost, then why did he have human emotions!

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With a soft sigh, as he snapped out of his rambling thoughts, he found that at some point he had gotten outside the doors of Xia He Palace.

The way back to the master’s bedchamber was unimpeded. Compared to yesterday’s overcrowding, the room was now empty. He walked over to the sickbed and looked down to get a better look at the young man on the bed.

The pale face, the closed eyes, the slender body, so fragile that it seemed it would break at the slightest touch! After looking at it intently for a while, he could not resist raising his hand to go over the delicate lines of the young man’s face, tracing the contours.

“What are you doing?” Suddenly, a ghastly cold berate came from behind him.

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His hand trembled in terror and pierced the face of the young man. What followed was an abrupt suction, like a swirling vortex, that tried persistently to pull him into the body of the young man. He abruptly withdrew his hand and continuously tried to take several steps backwards.

Just as he had recovered from the shock, the angry roar of the man behind him sounded again, “We asked you what you are doing here sneaking around?”

Turning around in astonishment, he saw that Emperor son of the talkative ghost standing at the door! He saw that the other was staring at him with a gloomy expression. No, wait, the other was staring at a maid in front of him who had sneaked in who knows when and was holding a sharp weapon.

When the maid turned around and saw the hostile man, she was so startled that the dagger in her hand fell to the ground with a ‘thud’.

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“Your―― Your Majesty, this servant, this servant, the Empress――” Trembling as if she were a sieve, she fell limply to the ground, her face ashen and her words slurred.

When the man saw the dagger fall to the ground, he immediately flew into a rage, and before the maid could finish speaking, he had already moved in front of her and kicked her, sending her flying against the wall.

“Someone, drag this vile lowly slave out and send her back to her master!”

The attendants who took the order quickly came in and dragged out the dying maid with a mouth full of blood!

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The man went to the bed and took the young man in his arms, changed his violent attitude from just now, and gently caressed the other’s forehead, saying, “Were you scared? Do not worry, it will not happen again, We will absolutely not allow anyone to hurt you!”

He wrapped his arms tightly around the young man, as if he wanted to press him into his body!

“――When are you willing to wake up? Hnn? If you are angry with Us, wake up quickly, and scold Us, punch Us, kick Us, all will do! But do not just sleep like this, okay?” the man whispered softly.

The sword eyebrows, which had always been tilted towards the temples, were now sorrowfully tilted downwards, full of worry, tinting his grave and stern face with a layer of miserable sorrow. This ruler with absolute power and absolute authority was now just an ordinary man! An ordinary man who was worried about his beloved!

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He stared blankly at the man’s semi-downcast eyes, and a strange, sour, swelling, inexplicable, unexplainable emotion slowly rose in his heart!

In the days that followed, the man tightened the security of Xia He Palace, anyone entering or leaving the palace had to be heavily checked and anyone entering the main hall had to have his proof of signature. Feeling that this was not good enough, the man simply moved right in!


In the soft glow of the candlelight, the man was bending his head over the Memorials to quietly read through and evaluate them, the two thick stacks of Memorials on the desk reaching up to his chin. From his view point, he could see the man’s slightly furrowed brow and his eyes full of wisdom and profundity that could be felt even when they were half-closed. Every now and then, the man would look up at the sleeping young man on the bed, and when the man did, he would notice that the look on the man’s face would become unusually gentle, and the hint of indulgence in the air, became more and more ambiguous, even the candlelight was drowned in it.

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It was already late at night, and as the moonlight outside the window also began to drift off to sleep, the man finally put down the Memorials and finished his day’s work. He raised his hand and rubbed the Jingming acupuncture point on the bridge of his nose, then stood up and walked to the bed.

He also got up from the chair when the man got up, only then did he suddenly realize that he had been staring at the man all night!

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Just as he inwardly berated himself for his inexplicability, the vigilant palace attendant outside the door had already quietly entered to remove the man’s outer robe and untie his jade crown.

As soon as the man waved his hand, the palace attendants immediately retreated through the door and continued their vigil.

He averted his eyes with some embarrassment, deliberately ignoring the man’s strong and lean body that was faintly discernible under the man’s undergarments.

The man lay on the bed, and held the young man tightly in his arms.

“Did the noise wake you up? Baby!” the man asked softly as he kissed the young man’s forehead.

After caressing the soft hair, the man kissed the young man’s lips again, and only then did he close his eyes in complete satisfaction.

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