He followed her, trembling and wary, his eyes fixed on the back of her head with the butterfly bun 1 , afraid that as soon as she turned around, she would become a ghost with big wide eyes and a big ferocious mouth. 

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“Have you stared enough?” the beauty asked as she walked on without looking back.

“Ah, ghosts really do have eyes in the back of their heads!” he wailed in fear and shouted in bewilderment.

“Such a child!” the beauty turned to look at him and said feigning anger, “Then when you touch the back of your head, do you feel eyes, huh?”

He hurriedly touched the back of his head, “Ahh, I don’t, ah. I’m not the ghost, you’re the ghost!”

The beauty glanced at him with her beautiful eyes and said, “Not a ghost? Then who was it just now that went through the wall?”

“Oooh, not me, aahh, but you, aahh!”

“Sigh, I will not foolishly argue with you! If you think you are not a ghost, then you are not!” After the beauty finished her sentence, she walked forward in a graceful and swaying manner.

He sniffed miserably, looked at her for a while, then quickly followed.


“What should we do? Only a few days after being transferred, something like this happened. If anything happens to the Prince of Bei Ling―― then―― then the Emperor will definitely bury us with him! I am only sixteen years old, I don’t want to die, okay!”

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“Sigh, how could we have been so unlucky to have such a disaster-prone master? To make matters worse, I also have a bedridden father at home, and if I die, the money from the sale of medicine will be cut off!”

Under the willow tree by the lotus pond, two palace maids with sorrowful faces were discussing.

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“Looks like someone is dying!”

“Yes, it should be the person who currently lives in Xia He Palace, who just moved here a few days ago. I once saw him from a distance!”

The two ghosts discussed, squatting in front of the two palace maids as they openly eavesdropped.

“Since we have nothing else to do, why don’t we go and have a look!” the beauty suddenly said very gossipy.

He squinted at her with contempt for a while, then sprang up, “If you want to go, hurry up, you’re dillydallying!”

As they walked along the pebbled path to the main palace hall, they saw the doors wide open and a room full of Court Physicians and palace attendants bustling in and out in a state of panic.

The two ghosts curiously craned their necks to look inside, their eyes shining brightly, flashing with eagerness, wanting to dig up the secrets inside.

“I can’t see, just go in, okay!” the beauty said, already holding her skirt and walking up the white jade steps.

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“Wait for me!” Not wanting to fall behind, he quickly followed.

Although he had already gone through the wall once just now, he still felt a little uneasy when he saw himself bending towards the door panel to go through it, fearing that he might bump his nose. But apparently he had been overly concerned, as in the blink of an eye they had already entered the bedchamber.

The scene before him was not much different from what he had imagined. He saw that the patient was lying lifeless on the bed, the corner of the openwork carved railing blocking most of the patient’s head. From his viewpoint, he could see only half of the thin, white jade-like chin. A few Court Physicians with their heads full of sweat around the bed, were busying themselves with acupuncture, applying hot compresses, pouring medicine and giving a massage, in a manner similar to a chef making a hodgepodge with using all kinds of food.

And in the middle of the room stood a man whose aura was oppressive, so oppressive it was frightening. His face was grim as he stared intently at the group of Court Physicians who were grasping at straws 2 .

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“Somebody, drag these trash who are useless to Us out to be beheaded!” the man suddenly ordered coldly.

“Your Majesty, spare our lives, Your Majesty――” Several miserable Court Physicians immediately fell to their knees and kowtowed repeatedly, begging for mercy.

Suddenly, a palace attendant rushed in from outside the door and reported, “Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Li has returned!”

When the Court Physicians on the ground heard that Imperial Physician Li, who had gone out to visit the sick, had returned, they were all overwhelmed with excitement as there now seemed to be a way to survive when everything seemed hopeless.

Sure enough, an old man with a mustache in the shape of the character 八 was seen walking in shortly afterwards, his dusty appearance clearly showing that he had rushed back without stopping.

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He made a salutation to the man, but did not even look at his colleagues kneeling at the side, and proceeded to go straight to the bed to take a look. Everyone in the room kept silent, fearing that any sound would cause the man to order ‘drag them out and behead them’.

After finishing his diagnosis, Imperial Physician Li turned his head as if he had only just noticed his colleagues kneeling on the ground. He waved his hands impatiently, saying, “What are you sitting here stressing about? You are not needed to help when you are making such a fuss. Get out, you will be called when you are needed!”

The man did not say a word, which could be considered as tacit approval of Imperial Physician Li’s disguised plea for mercy, and only then did the few Court Physicians dare to walk out flustered and in a panic.

The attendant closed the door, leaving only the man and Imperial Physician Li in the room, and of course the two ghosts that were eavesdropping at the foot of the wall. Only to see that they already had moved to the bedside.

“Tsk tsk, what a young beauty, is he going to die? What a pity!” the beauty said with a sad face.

“Ugh, come on!” He said disdainfully, “It's obvious you’re just being sarcastic 3 !”

“Why do you always have to expose me, you little brat?”

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Just as he was about to rebuke her, he was suddenly attracted by the roar of the man next to him.

“What do you mean, he has already become a living corpse 4 ?” the man growled low in a deep voice, his good-looking eyebrows grim with anger, filled with violence as if he was going to crush a person’s head alive in the next moment.

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Neither servile nor overbearing, Imperial Doctor Li met the anxious and angry man and explained, “That is exactly it, Your Majesty. It is already fortunate that his condition can be maintained for the time being! As this lowly Official has already said before, the Prince of Bei Ling’s foundation is too weak to repeatedly receive excessive emotions, so it is only natural that he is coughing up blood due to qi stagnation in his heart and his spleen being damaged. Moreover, he is also currently heavily poisoned, and the poisonous qi attacking his heart is even more serious――”

“Poisoned? How can he be poisoned? What kind of poison?” Once the man learned about the poison, his eyes turned red, and he roared anxiously.

Imperial Physician Li sighed as he looked at the frequently irate Emperor and said, “Actually, it cannot be denied that you are also half responsible for the poisoning of the Prince of Bei Ling, Your Majesty!”

“We? He was poisoned because of Us?”

Imperial Physician Li nodded slightly, then continued, “Your Majesty, although this lowly Official does not dare to guess the purpose of your actions―― but, you have placed Bewitchment Gu 5 all over the body of the Prince of Bei Ling, is it not! The Gu that was cultivated with your own blood will have a connection with the Master Gu. When placed inside the body of the host, no matter how far apart they are, as long as the Master Gu gives a command, the Gu can convey it to the host, or secretly manipulate the host’s mind and body. This is actually not poisonous, but merely manipulation using the Gu as a medium! But the bad thing is that the parasite releases a liquid that is harmless if it does not come into contact with Asparagus, but becomes a powerful poison if it does. The initial onset is a sharp pain in the heart, the intermediate stage is an incessant flow of blood from the seven orifices 6 , and the final stage is a violent and extremely painful sudden death! Asparagus is rarely grown by the people of Chu Jing because it is not suitable for our soil and climate, but it is a very common condiment for dishes in Chi Xiang――”

The man’s face was ashen as he walked to the bed and carefully examined the weakly breathing young man, then took the other in his arms and held him tightly in his embrace with a look of pain and sorrow. “Imperial Physician Li, save him! We order you to cure the poison in his body immediately.”

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Being in a difficult position, Imperial Physician Li cupped his hands and said, “Please forgive the incompetence of this lowly Official! Your Majesty, at the moment, this lowly Official can only use medicine to stop the spread of the poison. As for the antidote―― this lowly Official asks Your Majesty to please give more time, this lowly Official will do his utmost to develop an antidote!”

“How long will it take? A month? A year? Or even ten years?” the man asked, gritting his teeth.

“Your Majesty――” Imperial Physician Li helplessly hung his head, then suddenly stepped forward again as if remembering something and continued, “However, Your Majesty can send someone to find a person called ‘Holder of Panacea’. This lowly Official heard that this person is not only skilled in medical expertise, but also good at detoxification. It is just that this person has no fixed place to live, likes to travel around and has a weird personality. Rumor has it that he will only treat those he thinks have been brought to him by fate and those who can fulfill his one request!”

“We do not care if he lives in a fixed place or not, or if he has a tricky personality. Either way, We will dig him out, even if We have to dig three chi 7 in the ground!”

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“Alas, I am afraid it is going to be difficult to find that Holder of something. After they were done discussing, the beauty shook her head and sighed, “I cannot see what the young beauty looks like, which is bothering me.”

“Hey, you―― what are you doing? Don’t think that just because this handsome man can’t see you, you can casually harass him.” he cried, pointing at the beauty who had suddenly moved behind the man and was holding the other in her arms.

The beauty glared back defiantly, “What are you shouting for? The Emperor is my son, as his mother, can’t I give him a hug?”



Author Notes
Yesterday, a lot of people left comments saying they couldn’t understand chapter 7, or that it did not feel connected, so after reading this chapter, do you feel like you understand it better?

In fact, the main reason for my setup is that ZiLi’s prejudice against Hong Xu is so deep that if the story were written following a normal progress, I don’t know how long it would take for the two to fall in love. Now, with the point of view of a stranger and from the position of an outsider, he will use an objective attitude to reacquaint himself with Hong Xu’s good aspects and his deep love for the other. In this way, ZiLi will be able to let go of his former hatred and develop a good feeling for Hong Xu, and then fall in love with this domineering Emperor gong. And only then will he have a future! (I will add that the ‘he’ in the chapter is actually ZiLi’s soul!)

That said, I don’t know if everyone can accept that. If there are any questions you are welcome to leave a message ~~ ∩_∩~

Thank you everyone for your support. *Bows*~~~~~~~

:Today is the first day after the college entrance exams, so fans in the third year of high school should be able to relax and loosen up ~~~~~ Throws flowers ~~~~~~~)

Translator Notes
★*:・゚✧✺★*:・゚✧ Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!! ★*:・゚✧✺★*:・゚✧

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