The eyes beneath his closed eyelids darted around, his small brush-like eyelashes fluttered lightly, and he opened his eye to a slit in a daze, and in a haze he seemed to see a figure staring down at him. When he opened his narrowed eyes even more, he indeed saw a figure staring down at him with excitement on the face. He shot his eyes wide open and was immediately confronted with a close up of a magnified face in front of him. The expression on that face like a wolf looking at a sheep made him reflexively throw a punch!

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“Ah――” the person immediately cried out in pain and took a few steps back.

He quickly sat up, only to realize that the other person was a woman, and a very, very beautiful one at that. Skin white and smooth as cream, eyes clear as limpid autumn waters, lips naturally red, and eyebrows naturally jade green 1 . She was wearing a pink Ruqun 2 , with a gold-rimmed ribbon around her waist, a smoke-colored muslin outer garment, and a hairpin with an openwork carved chrysanthemum pattern. Dressed from head to toe in a graceful and luxurious manner, but the owner’s bright and clear eyes added a touch of natural innocence! At this moment, she was covering her nose with her small hand and looking at him with tearful eyes.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 70 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Uh, about that, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” he hastily apologized in embarrassment. Shoot, he actually had hit a woman with his hands? Although it was not intentional, it went against his principle not to harm women and children as a man.

The beauty’s smile disappeared and she suddenly burst into tears, crying loudly, “Booohooo―― You hit me――booohooo―― not only did you take my bed, but you also hit me――booohooo――”

Uh, he fumbled over to comfort the beauty with runny nose and tears, “I’m sorry, don’t cry, okay? I really didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, ah! Don’t cry, you see, if you keep crying, you will become an old woman when the water runs dry!”

Upon hearing this, the beauty immediately stopped sobbing, and nervously ran to the bronze mirror with her face buried in her hands and carefully studied her reflection for a while, before breathing a sigh of relief.

It was during her moment of vanity that he took the opportunity to take a look around, noticing that it was a gorgeous furnished yet homely bedchamber.

“What is this place? How did I get here?” he mumbled confused.

“Well, that is exactly what I wanted to ask!” The beauty who had unknowingly come to stand behind him at one point suddenly spoke, scaring him so much that he flinched.

“Please, don’t scare me like that, okay?” He patted his chest, recovering from the shock.

The beauty looked askance with her beautiful eyes and said elongating her words, “Oooh―― it turnsss out that youuu are a scaredyyy-cattt!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 70 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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Her tone made him very uncomfortable, but he could not come up with anything to retort, so he changed the subject.

“Is this your room?” he asked, gesturing to the surroundings.

The beauty smiled and nodded, “Very beautiful, isn’t it? My husband specially decorated it according to my original boudoir!”

“Uh, yes, it’s very beautiful! But my main concern right now is not whether it’s beautiful or not, but what the hell this place is! And, who are you?”

“Huh, me?” The beauty pointed at herself, after which her eyes immediately glowed with pride like a bay of limpid autumn waters, “Hehe, I am quite a big shot――”

“Wait, you better tell me what this place is first, all right!” Seeing that she was about to give a long speech, he immediately interrupted her.

Although the beauty was not very happy to lose the chance to make a long speech, she was still quite happy to have her own kind to talk to, so she immediately replied with a leap of joy, “This is Jia Ning Palace, that is where I live!”

“Jia Ning Palace? We are inside an Imperial palace?” he drawled.

The beauty nodded again with a smile.

“Ah―― how did I end up in the Imperial Palace?” He suddenly pulled his hair and screamed bewildered, “What the f•ck, what the f•ck, what the hell is going on here, I was obviously―― I was―― uh, where was I obviously?”

The beauty looked strangely at the person who was pacing back and forth in the room, “You are not from the Imperial Palace?”

“I――” he suddenly stopped moving and looked at her miserably, saying, “I don’t remember!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 70 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Huh, how can you not remember? Then, what’s your name?”

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He thought for a while and then curled his lips, “――I don’t know!”

The beauty suddenly patted him on the head with a sympathetic look and said, “Alas, what a pitiful child! But don’t worry, I’ll take care of you!”

Unconvinced, he moved his head to dodge the small hand ravaging the top of his head, “Tsk, how old are you, you only look seventeen or eighteen! And you call me a child? Besides, I can take care of myself, no need to bother!” With that, he turned around and walked out the door.

“Hey, hey, where are you going?” the beauty asked who also immediately followed.

“Why should I tell you?” he grunted.

“Geez, how can you be so petty? All I did was call you a child and you’re already holding a grudge!”

“Hey, that is twice already!” He rolled his eyes at her and said, “You are too young to act like the oldest one, it’s more like you are the one who should call me big brother!”

“What a rude child!”

“Since I am rude, don’t follow me, okay!”

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 70 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“This is my place, how can you say I’m following you?” The beauty pouted, feeling wronged.

“Hmph, what a troublesome woman!” after saying that, he kept his mouth shut and paid no attention to the beauty, even when she teased him.

“Hmph, how petty!”

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The two walked in silence for a while when they suddenly saw a palace maid coming this way in the ambulatory in front of them.

He was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly went up to greet the other and politely asked, “Hello, excuse me, may I ask how to get to the palace gate from here?”

The palace maid did not even raise her eyes, and walked past him, minding her own business.

“Hey, don’t leave, okay. You haven’t answered me yet,” he called out as he hesitantly took a few steps to give chase.

“Stop shouting, she can’t hear you!” the beauty said with a monotonous look as she picked her ears.

“――Oh, it turned out to be a deaf person!” he lamented.

The beauty secretly rolled her eyes helplessly.

“Don’t go any further, in front of us is a place we cannot go!” After walking aimlessly again for a while, the beauty standing right behind him suddenly tugged at him and said.

“Why? It’s not as if the gates of Hell are in front of us, right?” he snorted lightly.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 70 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

“Pftt,” the beauty also laughed, “It would actually have been better if it were the gates of Hell! In front of us are the Emperor’s bedchamber and Imperial study, the Purple Clouds 3 are too strong there. If you go there, I am afraid you won’t even have to go through the gates of Hell, as you would immediately be annihilated!”

“What are talking about!” He mumbled to himself, but he still obediently allowed himself to be pulled back by her. After all, intruding into the Emperor’s domain was something that could cost him his head!

“Where are you taking me?” he asked in a bored voice.

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“Since you are also idle, why don’t you come with me to Xia He Palace to enjoy the lotus flowers? The jade lotus there are actually blooming very beautiful this year!”

So he followed her, turning seven or eight times, before finally arriving in front of a magnificent palace.

“Look, the doors are all closed, we did not come in vain, did we?”

The beauty turned around and smiled sweetly, saying, “Who said a closed door means you can’t get in?”

Just as he recovered from her peerless appearance, he saw a scene that made him dislocate his jaw. He saw the beauty walking straight towards the door and then her whole body just went through it! Repeating, it went through!

A leaf curled and swayed in front of him, and he felt that he had been caught into a strong winter gale, his whole body was shivering with goosebumps!

When the beauty went inside and saw that he did not follow, she somewhat helplessly stuck her head out again and said, “Why are you not coming in, what are you so foolishly standing there for?”


“Aaaahh―― a ghost, aahhhh――”



Translator Notes
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Sorry that it took me so long (_ _ ;)

On another note, I’ve apparently been translating for a year now, and thinking back, I guess my translation style has changed over time. You may have noticed for example, that I make far fewer translation notes, because I feel that some notes are not really necessary. Furthermore, I think it has become easier for me, but I still struggle with choosing to translate the story more loosely so that it flows better, because I am still afraid of deviating too much from the original Chinese text. Furthermore, I believe I will definitely have to reread earlier chapters sometime, because I think they could be improved. Unfortunately, I have not become faster at translating, but I still find it super fun to do! Hopefully everything was readable so far and thank you so much for reading (*´▽`*)

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