The sound of cloth and silk tearing finally aroused the fear that had been covered by ZiLi’s anger, and with a pale face and trembling lips, he shouted, “Don’t do this, Hong Xu, you―― hnnn――”

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Hong Xu had rolled the torn off clothes into a ball and stuffed it into the other’s mouth, the hostile aura around him was appallingly gloomy.

“Hmmm? You are just one of Our countless bed partners. Just because We treat you a little better you think you can be arrogant and rely on Our favor and choose for yourself whether you want to spread your legs and let Us f•ck you?”

ZiLi shook his head and whimpered, tears already running down the corners of his eyes.

Ignoring the other’s resistance, Hong Xu took off his belt and firmly tied the other’s hands to the openwork railing of the Imperial Concubine Chair. The pair of black eyes entwined with pain and tears that confronted him when he lowered his head made him feel jittery for some unknown reason, so he angrily tore off the other sleeve and put it tightly over ZiLi’s eyes!

His mouth could not speak, his eyes could not see, his hands could not move. Caught in a vision of darkness, a wave of fear swept through ZiLi. He could only predict the other man’s next move from his own imagination.

Hong Xu got up and looked down at ZiLi, who was visibly rigid on the couch.

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After a lot of struggle, the loose undergarments had reached the point where the clothes no longer covered the body. The wide open neckline revealed the entire lustrous and delicate chest, the slender frame, the narrow waist, the neck that provoked one to suck and bite, the beautiful collarbones, and further those two cherry fruits that stood out on the white jade skin, undulating with every breath. Together with the trembling that gradually increased with the owner’s restlessness, all this aroused one’s primitive desires!

ZiLi did not dare to make the slightest movement. Right now, he was like someone lost in the deep mountain forests at night. The unknown danger made him stiffen, terrified and wary of the beasts lurking in the darkness.

With a cold smile, Hong Xu pushed aside the clothes, which were already no longer of much use, and revealed a body so beautiful, as it took advantage of the rich color and luster of the red sandalwood Imperial Concubine Chair, that it exuded a deadly seduction in his eyes.

Fine hairs stood up all over ZiLi’s body. The thought of lying defenseless and naked before the eyes that had the least scruples of the other immediately brought the immense feeling of shame and anger to a boil in his chest. Indignantly, he raised his foot to kick Hong Xu, but before the corner of the other’s clothes could be touched, his ankle had already fallen into the powerful palm of the other.

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Hong Xu snorted mockingly, and with vindictive fingers, he followed the smooth surface of the foot upwards, tapping faintly all the way. When they had reached the inner side of the delicate thigh, he made a horizontal movement, maliciously increasing the force, causing the legs to completely part without the slightest warning. Hong Xu grabbed the soft sensitive organ by the root, stroking it extremely passionately. Raising his head to look at ZiLi who was whimpering and shaking his head, he sneered, “Look, it got up so easily! Truly a sensitive body, you really have a talent for being a male pet!” With that, he lightly scratched the tip of the jade organ with his fingernails, making the body tremble before his eyes in response, delicate and charming like a pear blossom gently trembling in the wind.

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“Does it feel that good? So good that you are crying!” Hong Xu propped himself up on the side of ZiLi’s waist, caged above the other, watching the whimpering of the person beneath him. The blindfold made from the sleeve was already moistened with two spots of water. “Do you want to cum? Hmm? But you seem to have forgotten something. How can a male pet cum before his master!”

The hand holding his member was suddenly withdrawn.

“Ah――” ZiLi’s body shuddered from the pain, and his organ that was originally full of energy, immediately went flaccid.

While the aftershocks of pain had not yet subsided, ZiLi, who was in a trance, suddenly felt a slight lightness of his lower body as his legs were pulled apart and suspending in the air. The scorching hard object between his buttocks made ZiLi quiver. While ZiLi was still in a daze, the foreign object had already stabbed fiercely and violently, forcing the tip of the shaft inside. Inexpressible pain swept through all his pain nerves in an instant, and the pain that would make people desperately wish to die immediately, accompanied by the muffled sound of cloth and silk tearing apart, made ZiLi feel as if his soul had left his body.

Hong Xu stilled his movements, looking with satisfaction at the spot where he penetrated deeply. With cold eyes, he watched as the young man, who was straining his neck backwards, let out a mournful cry like that of a wounded animal. A drop of dark red liquid slid down from the connected area and the traces disappeared as soon as they touched the clothing, leaving only a stinging bit of red.

His heart suddenly lurched, an inexplicable emotion spread through his chest, and with an irritated frown, Hong Xu pushed back the disturbing emotion, then grabbed ZiLi’s legs tightly and moved vigorously as if to prove that his heart had not softened, and he was not worried.

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The weak body swayed helplessly back and forth with his movements. The amount of blood that came out with each rubbing movement was like a gurgling stream, a ghastly sight. The smell of blood filling his nose startled Hong Xu, and he stopped all his movements in shock.

What the hell was he doing! He absolutely did not want to force or hurt the other person anymore! He pulled himself out and looked at the extremely still chest of the young man, which seemed so calm it looked unmoving, and for the first time Hong Xu felt panic. He immediately moved forward to untie ZiLi’s wrists, and removed the piece of clothing in front of his eyes. Suddenly, Hong Xu saw two writhing trails of blood seeping from those tightly closed eyes, making him look at them intently. A little shakily, he reached out with his hand and removed the ball of cloth from the other’s mouth, causing the blood that was no longer held back to flow out immediately.

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Hong Xu hurriedly pressed ZiLi’s Geshu acupuncture point

Géshù xué
Can be used to stop bleeding and is located here:

1 , but still could not stop the blood from flowing out.


“Someone―― the Imperial Physician――” Hong Xu roared with bloodshot eyes, and as soon as he had picked up the unconscious ZiLi, he strode out.

“Someone―― is everyone dead or what? The Imperial Physician――” Hong Xu held ZiLi tightly and leaped quickly to the other side of the pond. A far cry from his usual calm and cold demeanor, Hong Xu was now in a state of panic. His attire was in disarray, the lapels of his Dragon Robe, the cuffs and hem of his robe were stained with blood. The person in his arms had one hand dangling limply down, face as pale as white paper tilted inwards, blood still gushing from the corners of the eyes and mouth. The other’s appearance was appalling, as if every bit of hot liquid lost had also taken away a piece of his life!

When the people who had heard the sound rushed over and saw this scene, they were all shocked.

Hong Xu shouted furiously, “You bunch of trash, what are you still standing here for? If anything happens to him, We will bury all of you with him!”

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The palace attendant, who was just a bit slow, immediately ran panic-stricken to fetch the Imperial Physician.

“Your Majesty, please carry His Highness inside!” Ming Yue said hastily.

But before she could push open the door, Hong Xu had already kicked it open and entered the bedchamber with large strides, placing the person in his arms on the bed, as carefully as if it were a treasure that would break as soon as it was knocked on.

Ming Yue took a thin quilt and covered ZiLi’s naked body, even without telling her about the bruises between his thighs, she knew what was going on. The other was clearly still fine this morning――

Seeing Hong Xu’s anxious and pained look, Ming Yue could not help sighing, If you care about him, why did you hurt him in the first place?!

“Why has the Imperial Physician not arrived yet? We will have your entire family executed, if it is too late――” Hong Xu shouted with red eyes as he held ZiLi’s chin.

The Emperor’s roar caused several Imperial Physicians who had anxiously rushed to the door to stumble on their feet.

“Paying――Paying respect to His Majesty――”

“What is the point of saluting? Why are you not all getting your asses over here to see what is wrong with him?”

“Ye―yes.” Several Imperial Physicians gathered around the bed under tremendous pressure, once they saw ZiLi’s appearance, their hearts and spirits all sank.

“This lowly Official will be so bold as to request Your Majesty and the others to wait outside the room first.”

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Inside the hall――

Hong Xu sat in his chair staring at the tightly closed door of the room with a gloomy expression, while a group of attendants stood in silence.

The whole hall seemed shrouded in dark clouds.

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After about three sticks of incense, the tightly closed door of the room finally opened, and Hong Xu immediately jumped up from his chair.

The Imperial Physician touched the sweat on his forehead, bowed, then walked over to Hong Xu and kowtowed in front of him.

“How did it go?”

“Your Majesty, the Prince of Bei Ling, he―― uh, for now, has stopped coughing up blood――” the Imperial Physician spoke meekly.

At his words, Hong Xu’s face eased a little, but he was still impatient because of the stammering of the other. He restrained himself and said in a heavy voice, “What is it that you cannot say straight?”

The Imperial Physicians immediately prostrated themselves on the ground trembling and said, “These lowly Officials deserve to die! These lowly Officials are stupid, we really do not understand, the Prince of Bei Ling he――”

Hong Xu did not wait for them to finish and frantically kicked away the person kneeling in front of him and stormed into the bedchamber――

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