“What are you doing?” Hong Xu said in a deep voice with a cold expression on his face. Although there had been moments of disagreement on other days, the other had never dared to charge head-on like this today. The hand that had been slapped away did not hurt at all, but ZiLi’s action had undoubtedly touched the bottom line of his indulgence. As an Emperor, if he showed even the slightest hint of favor, be it his Imperial concubines or his subjects, they all could not hide the ecstasy in their eyes. So how dared this person in front of him have the audacity to brush off his own attempts to please the other with such contempt? The more he thought about it, the angrier Hong Xu became, and as the anger raged in his heart, the depths in his eyes became more malicious.

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“What am I doing? It is making me sick! Do you find it funny to pretend to be a good person so hypocritically every day? Does it spice up your lonely, boring life to play me like a clown?” ZiLi’s chest heaved violently as he clenched his fists in hatred and snarled angrily at the man in front of him who thought he was the best thing in world.

“Have you gone insane!”

The smile in Hong Xu’s eyes had completely disappeared, and they had become piercingly cold and gloomy again. Even ZiLi, who felt he had nothing to lose, could not help but feeling intimidated. However, the feeling of being intimidated was quickly replaced by the anger he had nowhere to vent these days and the humiliation after realizing the truth.

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“I have gone insane? I have never been so clear-headed. From the beginning I have been played like a fool by you all along. Do you think it is amusing that everything is in your control? I always wondered why not a single officer or soldier came after me when I was an important Hostage Prince who ran away. Moreover, in the towns I passed along the way, I did not hear of any official who wanted to arrest major criminals in the Capital. The journey was uneventful with no obstructions, so I was even foolish enough to think I was lucky, but it actually turned out it was all done with your permission and even intention! You knew all along that I wanted to escape and yet you deliberately let me accompany you to ChangKun Temple for the Purification Ceremony, and even more, you deliberately let people arrange for me to stay in the backyard where no Imperial bodyguards were on duty.” A fine sweat seeped from his forehead and his pale face was faintly blue as he took a few deep breaths with difficulty and continued, “You must have smiled smugly when I thought I was already free. It was like watching a monkey performing tricks, whose struggle and effort to escape were in your eyes nothing more than a great big show!” ZiLi immediately bit hard on his lower lip after he finished speaking to prevent a groan from escaping because of the pain in his heart!

Thinking that his escape for more than a month was just a game of entertainment for the other, ZiLi could not help trembling all over. He felt like he was a single helpless animal caught in a hunter’s trap, unable to escape from it no matter how hard he struggled. The desperation of his destitute situation and the fact that he had to act so weak as someone who had no power made him feel implacable hatred! Therefore, he resented this manipulator, who had been in control of the overall situation and yet still pretending to be Passerby B coming to his rescue when he was clearly the mastermind. Could it be that he did that to reflect his superiority and power, just like the bad taste of cats teasing mice?

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He had been completely abandoned by his own world and had come alone to this strange place in a different time period, and now he just wanted― he wanted nothing more than to stay away from those nobles who were full of ambition and calculating schemes, and just live an ordinary life, that was all! Was that too much to ask?

“Are you done?” Hong Xu stared impassively at ZiLi, who seemed a little too emotional to him. His sharp and menacing aura was mixed with absolute authority that could not be questioned as he walked step by step until he was in front of ZiLi. His tall figure looming over the other as he raised his slender and strong fingers to pinch ZiLi’s chin, his expression sullen. Then his thin lips, which seemed to be emotionless, suddenly hooked into a sneer.

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“It seems that you are not stupid. You could guess that We deliberately let you escape based on just a few words that Hong Qing let slip.” His eyes that were so deep that they did not reveal any trace of emotion suddenly turned cold and the strength of his hand increased slightly, yet ZiLi just bit his lips without making a sound.

“You have said so much, and every word is to blame Us, but you actually have no intention to reflect upon yourself! You wanted to leave this place? Sure, no problem, We let you do as you wished, right? You even left Chu Jing and ran off to Chi Xiang! You blame Us for deliberately letting you escape, but would you rather have been caught by Us as soon as you left the city gates?” Hong Xu narrowed his eyes dangerously and suddenly grabbed ZiLi’s arm and pulled him forward to hold him firmly against his chest. Looking down at ZiLi, whose face was slightly distorted, he continued, “Ask yourself, if it were not for the fact that your lover 1 had turned his back on you and broken your heart, would you still blame Us for deliberately giving you the chance to escape? Heh, it is too late to express Our thanks, is it not!”

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“We don’t have that kind of relationship at all!” ZiLi gritted his teeth and said, “I have not talked about what is bothering me yet, have I? I am angry and upset because I hate myself for being too naive not be able to see through people’s hearts.”

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Hong Xu snorted coldly, “You sound like you are rather regretting you have not talked about it yet! Hmm? You are still making excuses?”

When he learned from a report from his secret guards that the two were acting in an ambiguous and intimate manner, how eager he was to immediately order the other to be taken back and lock him firmly at his side and never let him out of his sight again. But he could not be too hasty, for to be a good hunter, he had to be more patient. Since the deer could not escape his sight anyway, why not give it more time to learn how dangerous it would be once it stepped outside his reach? When the deer returned and he gently soothed it when it was vulnerable and hurt, how could he still be afraid it would run away again? But the truth was always different than one desired. Blame the deer for being actually being so clever that it sensed my intention so quickly! Hong Xu thought with some irritation.

Why is my time of peacefully having a good relationship with him so short! Yet he was able to be lovey-dovey with other people for a month, smiling at others, whispering in others’ ears――

Thinking of this, Hong Xu could not help but become manic. When he looked down and saw ZiLi’s expression of silently enduring the pain, he became even more furious.

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“Is that man really worthy of making you look miserable all day? Just because he kicked you out, you are taking your anger out on Us! Hmm? What is so great about him, is it because his skills in bed are so outstanding that he takes you to the seventh heaven? If that is the case, We are definitely better than him and will make sure you will not be able to get out of bed for days!”

ZiLi was trembling with anger. He endured the faint cardiac pain that flared up and snarled furiously, “Don’t think everyone is as dirty-minded as you―― Ah, what are you doing, let me go―― ah――”

Without waiting for ZiLi to finish speaking, Hong Xu suddenly pushed him on the soft couch, pressed his flailing hands down with one hand, and said with a cold expression, “Dirty? You think We are dirty? Hmm? Is it because We are too kind to you and give you more and more face that you are forgetting who We are? Hmm? If that is the case, We will teach you today so that you understand properly what Our identity is!”

After he finished speaking, he immediately fiercely tore off ZiLi’s robe――

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