Hong Xu had made up his mind to let ZiLi move into Xia He Palace already a long time ago. Not only because there is a lotus pond in front of this palace and a plum garden at the back, which is a pleasant environment to cool off in summer and enjoy the plum blossoms in the winter while walking in the snow. The actual main reason was that it was close to his Imperial bedchamber and Imperial study, so after finishing the Imperial Morning Audience, he would not need to go through a long palace corridor in order to see him! At the thought of this, Hong Xu’s always cold and imposing aura could not help but soften a bit. The pace of his feet could not help quickening, causing the cadre of palace guards who were already tired of following him to trot to keep up!

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Entering the palace gate, he stopped Lin De’s report and left his attendants outside the gate and walked alone into the inner courtyard, where a wooden bridge with carved railings floated on the water, between layers of lotus leaves. In the middle of the pond was a small pavilion with four openwork carved walls of cinnabar lacquered wood, which Hong Xu had specially built by artisans because he liked this tranquil and pleasant place. Before ZiLi moved to Xia He Palace, this was the place Hong Xu visited most often. Whenever he felt tired and stressed, he would come and sit here, or drink some tea, or just lie down on the couch and rest for a bit.

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 67 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

Since ZiLi moved here, it had become his favorite place to spend time, often sitting here all day long. Although it was summer, the water here was cold and it was windy, so Ming Yue had made a bed in the pavilion for fear that he might catch a cold. This was rather more convenient for ZiLi, who sometimes even slept here at night.

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Although it had become ZiLi’s exclusive territory, Hong Xu's visits had continued to increase without let up, only now with a slightly different purpose!

From afar, Hong Xu saw a figure in white standing peacefully on the protruding steps in front of the small pavilion. The soft ink hair lay scattered behind his head, a few strands of it fluttering slightly in the wind, like the graceful branches of a willow by the lotus pond, making you want to take it in the palm of your hand and caress it gently. A long, cream-colored robe wrapped around the frail body, the wind blowing the clothing backwards, outlining the slender waist and two long, straight legs. Standing tranquilly among jade lotuses and green leaves, out of this world, looking as if the other were the incarnation of a flower immortal in human form.

Hong Xu really wanted to fly forward immediately and take this spirit that had descended on earth in his arms, not out of sexual desire, but just to hear the beating heartbeat and smell the scent of the other’s neck that made people feel comfortable. And as the matter of fact, he had already done so!

Please read His Majesty's Hostage Chapter 67 on Project Bezemwagen :-)

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He wrapped ZiLi tightly in his embrace from behind, and rubbed his chin lightly against the other person’s cheek and hair.

“Why are you not wearing more clothes when you are outside? It is windy, it will not be good if you catch a cold!”

“Let go!” ZiLi struggled unwillingly to free himself from his shackles, but how could he be a match for Hong Xu with such a large disparity in strength and physique? After struggling for a while, he was unable to free himself from the other’s iron arms and claws, so he obediently allowed himself to be carried back inside by Hong Xu, who was beaming with joy as he half hugged, and half supported him.

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“Although this is a good place, it is not suitable to stay for a long time. This pavilion is for enjoying the cool air, how can it be used as a sleeping room?” Hong Xu said, as he placed ZiLi on the Imperial Concubine Chair 1 to sit down and gave his own outer garment to ZiLi.

ZiLi’s dark and clear eyes were fixed tightly on him, with an uncontrollable hidden anger in them. He clenched his palms and propped himself up on the soft couch, pursing his lips as he looked at the man in front of him who had a doting smile on his face, only in ZiLi’s eyes it became a smile that exuded arrogance, or even felt like if victory was within that man’s reach.

“What is wrong? Are you not feeling well? We heard that you drank the medicine very obediently today!” Hong Xu raised his hand to probe his forehead.

*Pa* ZiLi could no longer resist slapping his hand away and stood up, glaring furiously at Hong Xu whose expression changed.

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Author Notes
The next chapter will explain why ZiLi feels deeply hurt and why he got angry!
: I’m going to be very, very busy this month, and I don’t know when I’ll be free and when I’ll be updating, so progress will be slow, very slow! Please forgive me! Muah~~~~~~~
By the way, today is Children’s Day. Happy Children’s Day everyone!
Hehe, if you are not one, it’s not bad to be an child who is older~~~~~~

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