Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou – 140

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Side: Kuaru


I spoke to the commander of Litea while watching that farce unfolding in front of my eyes.

「What do you think of this farce?」

「If Yuki-dono is the one behind this, then there’s no doubt. It would certainly be a mistake to follow his decision blindly without having heard the reason, but I’m sure you have heard his story, isn’t that right?

「Of course. I heard it from Seraria-sama too」

「Then this farce it’s necessary」

While giving instructions to his suborders, Crack-dono carries the plan of saving demons as the official stance. The Allied Forces are rushing to the gate with a fierce momentum, insisting that the demons who have come to our side are our allies, justice, while the enemy who is defending the castle, demons, and monsters, is the evil.

As originally planned, before getting to the gate, a male demon came to us to deliver a message.

「You have my gratitude for the reinforcements, however, there’s no need to divide the army. Please, leave this place to us and go to the Demon King’s castle. After all, you are our hope」

That being said, we are not aware of the situation at Roshur. Roshur’s elite guard’ captain, Ares-sama, and the Allied Forces soldiers urge Herge-sama to support and rescue their allies at the gate.

And as planned, we participated in the gate’s capture, supported and protected our demon’s allies while capturing the gate.

「However, it’s just a matter of time」

「The barrier’s gate was already breached by our allies and the army is already flowing in. Furthermore, due to the traitor, the magic and arrows that should have fallen from the door most have been de-activated. The same goes for the inside. A large number of people can be intercepted by a few people on a narrow passage, but it’s not currently functioning」

「N? Crack-dono, isn’t it wrong? It doesn’t make sense to defend inside once the barrier’s gate is broken, isn’t’ that right?」

「As you say, it’s meaningless to defend as far as military purposes go. However, it’s not wrong to leave a couple of people behind defending in the corridors so that few escape」

「Ah, now that you mention it. So you think a few of them escaped to the Demon King’s castle?」

「I suppose. However, Yuki-done has already suppressed the other side. It’s a perfect checkmate. I’m sure some will survive as individuals, but the organization centered on the Demon King is almost at the end of its rope」

「But if 300,000 people invading Rumel return, won’t they find out?」

「That’s one of the concerns, but as you know, Seraria-sama and Yuki-sama are not concerned much about that」

「Why not?」

「I’m sure you’ve already heard, but the army invading Rumel has been already halved, and now only 150000 remains. They suffered a disastrous defeat and it’s no longer functioning as an army. But due to the order of the Demon King to fight to the end that came from their home country, the 150000, are desperately fighting」

「In other words, it means that if they hear that the demon king has died in addition to losing half their troops, they will surrender? 」

「It may not be all of them, but the majority will. After all, they have no place to return now. Of course, they won’t surrender knowing that they will be killed once all this is over, so, at that time, Ririana-dono will reemerge as the Demon King, no, as the king of the demons」

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「Right, there’s also that strategy that Yuki-dono mentioned, so you believe there’s nothing to worry about?」

「Yes, there is that and besides, blind loyalty will only lead them to ruin」

Certainly, if the plan is successful, the diehard’ supporters will have no choice but to be overthrown.

A strategy to eliminate the meaning of the diehard supporters.

While we were chatting, the Demon King’s flag is finally lowered from the gate and replaced with the ones from every country of the Allied Forces.

「It seems that it has fallen」

「But even so, I’m surprised. The time it would normally take to make fall a gate is usually 10 days, no, it would not be anything strange that even up to a month…」

「It’s expected result considering the plan. It has fallen in only four hours. By the way, what are the plans for today? We continue marching?」

「No, as planned, we must cooperate with the allied army on the gate. We are done marching for today. There is the treatment of injured soldiers and there’s also the cleaning up after the gate falls. As an official stance, we will gather information for one or two days, but in truth, we’ll use that time to rest」

「That’s right, there was also a plan to bring in additional supplies later」

「Correct, in the event that the gate fell, this place would become the stockpiling site for military provisions. We need to prepare for that and also establish the defense unit. It was earlier than planned. But there is no need to rush」

Seraria-sama approaches as we talk, Of course, it’s Doppel the fake.

「I came here after receiving the report, but it seems that there is no problem. It seems that you have managed to do it with the Roshur and Litea’s elite units, as well with Gartz’s support」

「Much appreciated, Seraria-sama」

「This time those who should be praised should be Roshur’s soldiers who were on the front lines」

「Crack is stubborn as always. Indeed, Roshur’s efforts could be seen, but the restoration and support of Litea couldn’t be done with the impregnable great shield of Gartz. It’s because there was the Allied Forces that we could reach this result. And it is also thanks to the new friend who lent me his strength. Look」

As Seraria-sama told us, we saw soldiers from Roshur, Litea, Gartz, and even demons shouting side by side.

Elsewhere, wounded soldiers are being desperately treated by Litea and by the unique magic of demons.

All over the place, there is no discrimination by race or country.

The only thing here is a comrade in arms, friends.

And this will be the bridge to friendship.

This is definitely a step towards the peace of the continent.

「I’m sure this event will go down in history」

「It’s likely」

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「What are you saying? Don’t be satisfied with this alone. There’s a long way ahead」

Indeed, this is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg.

It’s only the first step to get rid of the endless war of this continent.

「I have a question, Seraria-sama. Is the plan already in motion?」

「Yes, of course. Who do you think planned this strategy?」

「…Yuki-sama. I know for sure that it isn’t Seraria-sama achievment」

「My husband’s achievement is my achievement. Isn’t that so, Crack?」

「Ah, is not that. You could say that they are and at the same time they are not」

It seems like Crack-dono wants to say something hard to say, and if I don’t give him a hint right now, my husband will start bragging without stop. I have to change the topic of the conversation somehow.

「By the way, what happened to that Yuki-sama in the end?」

「NnーYuki is a home preparing the dinner」


I don’t know what to say, I knew Yuki-sama’s personality, but isn’t he pampering Seraria-sama too much?

Rather, her husband, a great person, who can move from the shadows, three, no, four countries including one of the demons with only one command, and who also made Seraria-sama the counselor of the army, is being treated as the same as a waiter.

「What’s with those eyes, that’s his hobby. The meals are delicious and it’s not like he put aside his work. There should not any problem, right?」


「…I guess so」

The two muttered some words.

Why are we talking about food before the job?

While talking about that, Desto came back from the gate.

「…The total control of the gate has been obtained. Next, we will be bringing in the supplies and start selecting the members of the defense unit」

「Understood. Two days from now we will start sending the injured soldiers back and start to replenish the supplies. If you wish to treat the demons who participated in the battle and are injured you can send them back so they can be carefully nursed」


「Except for the minimum required you can treat the defense forces with alcohol. This remarkable deed is the first time in history, so let’s celebrate it」

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「Yes, I received the order!!」

Desto-dono says and rushes out.

Ah, did you pass the order correctly?

After all, it’s not possible to use the goods with only the OK of Seraria-sama.

You need to write it down and have it signed for it to work.

You have to properly do these things.

「Then, ah, I found you. Herge」

「Ah, my esteemed ane-sama」

Once she says goodbye to Crack-dono and finishes giving the orders, Seraria-sama as expected, looking for her beloved Herge-sama enters the headquarters.

I believe that I’m your guard, so I’d like if you were to tell me where you’re going in advance…

「What’s the matter, my esteemed ane-sama?」

「It’s about time for dinner, so come back」

「Eh, but, I already made fall the gate, I can’t leave…」

「Leave it to Doppel. Kuaru is also here, I’m sure they will do just fine. Husband is preparing a sumptuous feast to celebrate the fall of the gate, you know?」

「Gulp, Yuki-san is the one making it…? 」

Yeah, the food that Yuki-sama cooks is a delight.

He uses seasonings in a balanced manner to bring out the taste of the ingredients.

That means that if Yuki-sama himself says it’s a luxurious feast, then it should be better than normal.

「Eh, wait a second!!」

「Oh, what’s wrong, Kuaru?」

「You plan to leave me behind!?」

「Eh? Of course」

Nghh!! It’s true that I’m only a subordinate, and I even respect him.

But, the story it’s different when it comes to a meal prepared by him.

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Rather, most of the complaints of Weed’s Seraria-sama guards are about meals.

Even the Allied Forces have only dried meat and dried fruit.

At first, we had plenty of supplies from Weed, but the Allied Forces have a policy of first eating what they brought themselves.

In fact, there was a risk that soldiers from different countries buying Weed’s food directly.

The higher-ups noticed this and were able to prevent the soldiers from splurging somehow.

It’s a simple story, it would be a loss for each country to buy directly from Weed.

The current plan is to import things produced by Weed and making each country assign a price to the product and sell it in their country, circulating the money not only to Weed but to each country.

However, if you spend money directly, the money will accumulate on Weed and yours will run out.

I want to stop that.

This will bring a lot of problems in the long run, so, convinced, Yuki-sama took the position of selling the minimum and necessary.

However, if there is a serious problem, Yuki-sama can easily replenish their supplies, though this is the Allied Forces food problem.

If I have to say something about this, it would be…

「I’m not content!! Please take me with you!!」

Knowing that they are going to eat delicious things I can’t leave them alone!!

Side: Yuki


「I wonder what’s wrong?」

「It’s nothing, I had the feeling that the number of people will increase」

「It’s as expected. We’ll be eating something so extravagant. Someone’s going to be lured by that smell」

Well, it’s not an amount that will disappear quickly just because a few more people join us, besides, Labiris and the others are helping me so I can always make more food if it’s not enough.

Yeah, there’s no problem at all.

「Hey, take this with you」

「Yes, onii-chan」

「Yes, nii-sama」

Now, let’s try the roast beef next time.

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