Demon King Castle Capture – First Part

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Side: Ririana

At last, the long history of demons being isolated from other races will end.

No, it only will end as long as we capture the Demon King castle in front of us.

I stared for a while at the Demon King’s castle spreading along with the shadow of the moon before returning to the headquarters.

「Ririana-san, please return to home. …What’s the matter? Homesick?」

「It’s hard to say. I don’t know whether be happy or sad that I ran away」

「…I guess so. I’m sure you are happy to have saved fellow demons, but certainly, there were lives that were lost when you escaped, Ririana-dono」

It’s like Ares-dono said.

Most of my trusted soldiers were killed by Dekira when I ran away.

He may have been a pervert, however, outside of his private life, he was an excellent commander and a completely pervert.

Yes, a pervert.

「But everything will be settled after this battle at dawn. I will protect Ririana-dono, so don’t worry and call me to the front lines. After all, she saved my sister named Herge. I’ll at least do that」

「Lowell-onee-sama, thank you very much」

「Don’t be, Herge. It’s not just that. Ririana has endured desperately all this time together with the demons. This is your greatest chance to help, don’t miss it. We, Gartz, will never forsake our brave friends who fought along us」

After having said that, Lowell-dono holds up her heirloom shield.

She is quite the thing as long as she has protection.

「But this time the betrayal strategy won’t work. No, even if it does, we already have measures in place. Besides, this headquarter has already been exposed to the enemy. The problem is to know how they will attack」

Crack-dono means to say that this will be a tough fight.

Of course, it will. Surely they are already aware of what happened at the gate from the ones who escaped, so the difficulty did nothing but increase.

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But well, I’m sure Crack-dono said what he said aware of it.

「I don’t want to get the residents involved as much as possible. Ririana-dono, let me confirm once again, most of the inhabitants are demons and the family of those who couldn’t become one, is that right?」

「Yes, they are just being forced to obey that perv-… Demon King. However, I don’t believe they will become enemies as we didn’t ever force them to obey orders using slaves’ collars. I’m sure they will welcome us with open arms as long as we don’t harm them. They, what they want most, is to be released」

「I understand. However, if a volunteer army comes out from the inhabitants, it will bring forth chaos. We need to think about what to do in that scenario…」

「Certainly, the inhabitants will gladly want to join and if we can’t coordinate well with them they will hold us back. And if they were to disobey us and go out to the front lines, we may not be able to cover them」

It’s true, if everyone revolts at once, and a volunteer army is created as a result, the Allied Forces will fall into confusion since they won’t be able to cooperate well.

That’s why the plan is to make the volunteer army intentionally revolt.

Rather than restraining them, it would be better if they were led by a leader chosen by us, making cooperation between the two groups easier.

Seriously, the idea of manipulating an indeterminate factor is outrageous.

I really wonder what’s going on that person’s head?

That person could guess which concerns would go through the heads of the Allied Forces topmost and take the appropriate measures.

Of course, if you think about it, it’s the obvious choice.

However, not everyone can come with that line of thought.

How can that person have that kind of knowledge? In comparison with the Allied Forces, it’s as if it were the answer given by numerous wise men who have accumulated knowledge through a long history.

Certainly, he has the same origin as that other world hero that is in Rankusu.

Another world. I wonder what kind of place is that another world for it to conceive not a hero, but a normal person with that line of thought?

Ups, before thinking about this, I should dispel the Allied Forces’ concern.

「Perhaps, but if it’s about the volunteer army then it should be okay」


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「At the time of the gate capture, I had one of my friends mix with the ones retreating. In these moments she must be explaining everything to the volunteer army. Saying that it would be a bother if they were to make a bad move and that they should coordinate with us. That person is my friend. She has a talent for commanding people…」

「I see, that’s what you mean, Ririana-dono. There is also those friend of yours are struggling at the gate. Let’s believe in those friends. Is that okay, everybody?」

「No problem」

「I also have no problem」

Everything went smoothly, the Allied Forces leaders believed in me, and the volunteer army didn’t get so involved and focused more on helping to capture the gate.

Now it only remains to wait for dawn.

Unlike the other leaders, I don’t need to make any preparation for the operation, so I carelessly go outside my tent to gaze at the moon.

「My, what’s wrong, Ririana?」

Following after me, Seraria, who hadn’t said anything at all earlier, opened her mouth for the first time here.

「No, there’s nothing for me to do, so I came to look at the moon. How is your side of the things going?」

「N? If it’s about that plan, everything is ready. Though I’ve been having trouble figuring out who’s going to play the role of the Demon King」

「I-I see…」

How can she be so calm?

How can she be like this before this important and crucial battle?

「Are you wondering how can we be so calm before the battle? It may be an important battle, but for us, it’s not something so significant to stop us」


「This is not the end. Once this war is over, I don’t know how, but we’ll create a secure world united not by war with other countries but by peace」

Having said that, Seraria-sama passes by me and looks up at the moon beside me.

「The road to that goal is not as easy as it sounds. You were also serving a king, then you should understanding, right? How fragile and difficult is to maintain the balance of peace」

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I wished strongly for peace, looking for a bloodless way, but eventually, I allowed the diehard supporters to rise.

In a certain sense, I broke the delicate balance of peace that had been preserved for so long and made countless people bleed.

「This conflict is only a step in our way. There’s no meaning in doing this lightly. I wonder if you, Ririana, understand what’s going to happen from now on? From now on, demons are going to be involved with all kinds of races and countries. The one that will deal with the problems that may occur will not be other than Ririana, the one who will lead the demons」

「So it was like that」

Yes, when this battle is over, I will seek the help of the Allied Forces, speed up the capture of the gate, and I will become the king who rules the demons promoting that it was a demon that killed the Demon King.

In short, I’ll be the Demon King again, however, being connected with other countries, it will bring unprecedented and unexpected problems that we never had to deal with

Certainly, it will much more difficult than just to win a war.

「It may be a step for Seraria-sama, but it also the same for me. It’s one step towards my dream」

「That’s right. That’s why we can’t afford to stumble to something like this, and neither a reason to panic」

「I agree. It’s like you say」

Looking at Seraria-sama’s face, I remembered why I wanted to establish peace with other races.

I only thought that it would be fun if we could laugh like this together.

It may have been a childish idea to think that wars were going to disappear just like that, but it could be that such an idea was not so wrong.

Since in front of me people of different races are laughing together with demons and not fighting.

If I could only wish for it… No, we have to make it eternally possible with our hands.

That’s why the farce that will take place later will be absolutely necessary.

That pervert… No, that false imitation of the Demon King behaves better like a proper Demon King.

That false demon king calls powerful diehard supporters monsters as sacrifices at random as if he didn’t want to rule the demons race.

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As if Dekira himself wanted to eliminate the others to remain as the strongest person, many diehard supporters start to alienate away from him.

He said that such development is cliche from where he came from, but I wonder, is it normal for people from another world to come with such horrific measures with a calm face?

Anyway, more than half of the diehard supporters will become sacrifices of the inhuman acts of the false demon king, and the other half will surely lose their fighting spirit.

Upon learning this, Rumel invasion forces would have no choice but to withdraw, since if they continue to invade even knowing that the castle fell the peace faction will change sides, besides the diehard supporters can’t replenish themselves.

A perfect check-mate.

「Now, it’s time to start advancing. Finally dawn broke」

Seraria-sama looks ahead, the sky is dyed with blue and light starts to leak out.

When I took notice, the Allied Forces leaders have gathered around Seraria-sama.

「I wonder how is the preparation going?」

「There’s no problem with Weed unit」

「Roshur unit can depart at any time」

「There’s no problem with Litea unit」

「Gartz unit is already prepared to go to war including me」

「You heard it, Herge」

Then, Herge-sama walks out from the headquarters.

「Everyone, please lend me your strength. Although this battle may be to kill the Demon King, it’s also an important battle to save our friends. I pray that we are able to return alive to our homes. Please live and laugh with everyone…」

Herge-sama’s stops his speech there.

「Next, the capture of the Demon King’s castle begins!! All units, do your best!!」


The Demon King’s castle capture plan started right here and now.

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