Hold His Hand

Chapter 108: 108

Afraid that Chengcheng would be tired, after Chengcheng had finished eating and had a quick wash, Lu Yanzhou let him go to sleep.

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Chengcheng fell asleep in seconds. He slept very soundly, his little face was flushed.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yanzhou’s heart almost melted. He gently fell asleep beside him.

It’s a pity that it’s been too hot recently, because the security base lacks energy, so he doesn’t turn on the air conditioner, so Chengcheng doesn’t get into his arms.

Lu Yanzhou felt a little lost.

Before Xie Chengze’s illness is cured, he will not do anything to Xie Chengze, but if Xie Chengze gets close to him, he is also looking forward to it.

It’s a pity, Xie Chengze didn’t kiss him today. He definitely doesn’t want to be next to him who is hot tonight.

When Chengcheng woke up the next day to go to the toilet, Lu Yanzhou also woke up.

The first day Chengcheng teleported away as soon as he woke up, so he didn’t know. However, now Chengcheng would take a stroll in the room when he got up in the morning, so Lu Yanzhou would naturally wake up too.

“Chengcheng, don’t forget to take the things I prepared for you. You must show your brother the letter inside.” Lu Yanzhou remind Chengcheng.

He wrote that letter very sincerely, but he didn’t write his signature. His understanding of his brother-in-law comes from Chengcheng’s description. Chengcheng also refused to say many things…in the chance of his brother-in-law’s uncertain character, he won’t inform the other party of his identity for now.

“Okay!” Chengcheng nodded seriously.

“My table, chairs and bed, you can take whatever you want…Can you take it? How about taking them all?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Chengcheng frowned and thought for a moment, then pressed his hand on the dining table in front of Lu Yanzhou, and then the table disappeared!

Lu Yanzhou was taken aback.

Chengcheng was very happy: “Chengcheng can pack them up and take them home!”

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Chengcheng is really amazing! Chengcheng is the best!”

Chengcheng puffed out his small chest, very proud of himself.

“Then Chengcheng, take everything you want.” Lu Yanzhou said. According to the current situation, Xie Chengze’s ability in this world should not be teleportation, but space!

Xie Chengze can control space, so he can teleport, and now that he can ‘take’ the table – he should have the space ability!

This ability is really easy to use and very useful!

“Then where do you sleep at night?” Chengcheng was a little puzzle.

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Lu Yanzhou said: “I’ll get a better bed later.”

Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, Chengcheng was so excited that he packed up the 1.8-meter bed in the bedroom with the bedding on it.

After taking, seeing that it was almost time, Chengcheng said, “I’m leaving.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately disappeared in front of Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” This little heartless person, who is in such a hurry to leave, can’t he stay with him a little longer?

Looking at his empty room, Lu Yanzhou sighed.

He has to go to the city to find supplies, otherwise he won’t be able to support his family’s beloved one!

In fact, the best way for a ability user to make a fortune is to go out of the city to find supplies.

It has been a year since the apocalypse, so the nearby supplies have been brought back by the army, but if they go farther, they can still find a lot of things.

He’s looking for a bed, a table, and chairs, so it’s even easier!

It’s a pity that there are very few space-type ability users, and even fewer people have enough space to store things…There are only two registered ability users with space in the entire C city security base.

Of these two people, one of them has very little space. He is in the army, and usually does not go out on missions, and the other…is the girl that the original owner has been chasing after the apocalypse.

Not only does this girl have a large space, but she can also kill people with space blades. It wasn’t known how many people wanted to get her.

She is also very smart. At the beginning of the apocalypse, she took the initiative to approach the army and help the army.

The people in the army treated her very well, and she also helped the army bring back a lot of supplies, which gave her a high status in the security field. She was also one of the deputy district chiefs of the security base.

The original owner pursued her because of her status as the deputy district chief and because of her special and powerful ability.

As for Zhou Jingshan’s pursuit of her…It’s said that before the apocalypse, she and Zhou Jingshan had something to do with each other. Unfortunately, the two didn’t talk about the specifics, so others didn’t know.

Lu Yanzhou wanted to go out of the city to look for supplies, the best way was to ask her for help.

As long as the reward is enough, this girl is willing. When the original owner left the security base to find supplies, he always asked her to ‘cooperate’.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to do that.

He already has Xie Chengze, so it’s better to keep a distance from this girl.

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Lu Yanzhou found a big truck, and finally took ten of his men, planning to go out of the city to find something.

C City security base is located in the suburbs of C City, next to C City’s downtown area.

A year has passed, and most of the urban areas in C City have been rummaged, but there are many surrounding villages and towns that no one has visited, so Lu Yanzhou chose a small town.

Before the apocalypse, one hour was enough to drive from their side to that small town, in the present, however, this time is definitely not enough. It’s said that many of the roads there are blocked…

For this reason, Lu Yanzhou specially brought some more earth-type ability users to open the way.

While Lu Yanzhou was preparing to go out to look for supplies, Xie Chengze had already woken up, and then he was stunned by his cramped room.

He was already shocked when Chengcheng brought back so much food yesterday, but today…Chengcheng even brought him a bed and a table?

His room is ten square meters in size. There was no furniture at all before, but now there is a 1.8 meter bed, a table and two chairs…It looks just right.

Xie Chengze was lying in a big bed with a thick mattress, sleeping in a particularly comfortable bed, feeling a little dazed.

Did Chengcheng go looting? Well, it could be stealing.

Thinking of this possibility, Xie Chengze simply didn’t know what to say.

Chengcheng has always been a good boy, but now he has learned to be bad?

Sitting up from the bed, Xie Chengze saw a plastic bucket on the bed at a glance. He had always wanted a plastic bucket that could hold water…Now he not only has a bucket, but it’s also full of food.

It was the food from yesterday, and there was a letter inside.

Xie Chengze was taken aback, did Chengcheng tell about his existence?

How else would anyone write to him?

After opening the letter and reading it, Xie Chengze realized that the other party didn’t know his condition but regarded him as Chengcheng’s big brother.

Judging from the content of this letter, the other party took a fancy to Chengcheng’s abilities and wanted to recruit Chengcheng.

He was giving both food and furniture, this person obviously attached great importance to Chengcheng. However, because of this, Xie Chengze couldn’t trust him.

Since the apocalypse, he has seen a lot of human ugly nature.

Chengcheng’s ability is teleportation, but he has no combat power. Who knows what the other party wants Chengcheng to do after he recruits him?

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That person is willing to pay so much, it must be something very dangerous that Chengcheng has to do.

Although life is difficult in the apocalypse, Xie Chengze still wants to live.

He fell in love with Lu Yanzhou recently. He wants to live for a long time, so that he can see Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

Xie Chengze planned to write a letter in the evening, telling the other party that Chengcheng could not help the other party.

As for the furniture and food…Chengcheng couldn’t stop himself from eating, but he could.

Xie Chengze hurried to work.

There is only one hospital in the entire security base, so their hospital is very very busy.

Before the apocalypse, Xie Chengze was only a first-year college student, not yet qualified to practice medicine. He worked as a nurse in the hospital, helping to take care of patients.

He and some other male nurses also have to do all kinds of physical work, so they are very tired every day.

Xie Chengze didn’t eat much during the day before, so he only relied on his youth to survive.

However, he was already a little bit overwhelmed by then.

“Xu Ze, you’re late again!” Seeing Xie Chengze, the middle-aged man in charge of managing these male nurses, said dissatisfied.

The prescribed working time is eight o’clock, and now it’s already seven fifty. Xie Chengze is not late, but the person in charge has always asked them to come over at seven forty, and then listen to his lectures.

Xie Chengze lowered his head and apologized repeatedly: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

The person in charge reprimands Xie Chengze a few words before letting Xie Chengze go to change clothes for work.

They put on their white coats and started a busy day. Most of the people were quiet and numb. Only a man in his thirties spoke to Xie Chengze: “Little Xu, why are you here so late these days?”

Xie Chengze said, “I overslept.”

The man said: “You overslept, there is really nothing you can do about it. In fact, at your age, you should sleep well. You see, after you have slept well these few days, your whole complexion has improved.”

Xie Chengze was a little embarrassed. His good complexion was not because he slept well, but purely because Chengcheng ate a lot of other people’s food.

The work in the hospital is divided into day shift and night shift. Xie Chengze’s situation is special, so he works the day shift every day. His working hours go from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

When it was time to get off work, Xie Chengze briefly scrubbed himself in the hospital, then left in a hurry.

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He used to buy flatbread for Chengcheng to eat, but now…Chengcheng probably won’t eat it, so he won’t buy it.

Like this, he can buy fresh ones to eat tomorrow instead of eating cold and hard ones that have been left overnight.

Back at the residence, Xie Chengze sat on a chair and began to write a letter to the person who gave Chengcheng a lot of things.

He stated in the letter that Chengcheng is in a special situation and cannot do many things, so he is embarrassed to accept the other party’s things.

As for the other party asking Chengcheng to go there during the day…they’re quite busy, so Chengcheng can’t go. Chengcheng is only free at night.

He also told the other party not to expect too much from Chengcheng.

After writing the letter, Xie Chengze put it on the table and lay down on the bed.

The bed is very soft, and the bedding on it is also used by someone else. This bed may belong to that person…

However, for some reason, Xie Chengze did not seem to reject it.

He even had the urge to let Chengcheng tell that person everything.

He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him…He can’t stand the hard life now, so he doesn’t hesitate to let Chengcheng do dangerous things in order to live a good life?

With a wry smile, Xie Chengze closed his eyes and began to think about Lu Yanzhou.

He found that it’s good to have someone he likes, and with someone he likes, he has a little comfort in a difficult environment.

As for Chengcheng and that person…He told Chengcheng not to trust strangers, and not to tell others about them.

If that person knew Chengcheng and his situation, he would definitely not like Chengcheng!

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou returned to the security base exhausted with a truck full of things.

C City is located on the coast of Jiangnan. It’s still a plain, and the population is very dense. There are no mountains at a glance, even in the countryside, there are houses everywhere.

Before the apocalypse, there were too many people and vehicles, and there was always a traffic jam. After the apocalypse, everyone started fleeing…There were scraps of vehicles and zombies, and the roads were all blocked.

The road to that small town hadn’t been cleared, so it was completely impassable. Lu Yanzhou could only use his earth ability to move all those cars away, he even used his ability to rebuild a road.

How is this looking for supplies and killing zombies…he is going to build roads!

Fortunately, when they got to the town, they found not only plenty to eat, but also all the furniture which can furnish the room.

He must set these furniture before Chengcheng comes, so that Chengcheng will feel that he is omnipotent!

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