Hold His Hand

Chapter 107: 107

At first, Xie Chengze felt that the person who gave Chengcheng food and medicines should have taken a fancy to Chengcheng’s appearance.

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Chengcheng is very shy towards strangers, and he also told Chengcheng not to be discovered by others…At that time, he thought that Chengcheng should be discovered when he was wandering outside alone, and then picked up by someone.

Chengcheng hasn’t eaten anything good for a long time, so being coaxed by people with delicious food, he might be willing to let others apply medicine on him.

As for Chengcheng not being hurt…he thought it was because Chengcheng ran fast.

Now it seems that he was wrong.

In their security base, if those that don’t have any special hobbies want to find a young and beautiful man to spend the night with, they will just give them a full meal.

However, these things around him…canned braised pork, canned luncheon meat, and compressed biscuits…These high-calorie foods that can still be stored are treasures nowadays!

It’s unlikely that someone will be willing to pay so much for his body…That person didn’t even touch him!

Therefore, there is a high probability that Chengcheng’s ability was discovered, and the person who discovered Chengcheng’s ability wanted to make friends with Chengcheng, so he gave Chengcheng so much delicious food.

He was really thinking too much before!

Realizing this, Xie Chengze heaved a sigh of relief, but immediately, his guard was raised again.

Chengcheng is like a child, although he has a powerful ability, but with his mind, he may not be able to do anything.

More importantly, Chengcheng only comes out at night, and basically goes to bed soon after he comes out…

If the man gave so much food, but finally found that Chengcheng couldn’t help him with anything, would he be angry?

Although Xie Chengze couldn’t help swallowing when he saw those foods, he didn’t eat anything. He took the flatbread he bought yesterday and was ready to go to work.

As a result, as soon as he went outside, he heard someone talking about Lu Yanzhou.

“Lu Yanzhou came early!”

“Today he has built so many houses!”

“Wait for tonight, maybe we all can live in a new house?”

Lu Yanzhou came early in the morning to build houses for them! Xie Chengze’s heart beat faster, he thought for a moment, put on a big hat, bent his body and walked forward.

From a distance, he saw Lu Yanzhou using his ability, and the houses were taking shape in front of him.

So handsome! Xie Chengze didn’t dare to look any further, so he lowered his head and left in a hurry.

Lu Yanzhou felt something, so when he looked to the side, he saw many people looking at him with red eyes.

He hurriedly turned around and continued to work until noon.

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Thinking that Xie Chengze might come to see him at noon, Lu Yanzhou specially bought two lunch meals and went back to his room to eat. However, even after finishing his portion and the lunch break was over, Xie Chengze still didn’t come.

Lu Yanzhou could only go back and continue building houses.

In the district chief’s office, someone came to report to him about what Lu Yanzhou had done in the past two days.

After the man finished speaking, the district chief looked at the deputy head sitting next to him: “Old Zhao, you said before that Lu Yanzhou’s intentions were not right…You see, he is quite good.”

Deputy District Chief Zhao frowned slightly: “No matter what he does, he has a purpose.”

“So what if there is a purpose? He is willing to do it anyway.” District Chief Li said.

District Chief Li and Deputy District Chief Zhao are both in their fifties. People of their age have met many people and have had a rich experience.

It was also because of this that the first time they saw Lu Yanzhou, they found that Lu Yanzhou’s eyes were full of ambition, and they found that Lu Yanzhou was a bit hypocritical, he did everything for fame and fortune.

Deputy District Chief Zhao felt that Lu Yanzhou was too utilitarian and disliked Lu Yanzhou very much, but District Chief Li felt that it was nothing.

Even if Lu Yanzhou only wanted to climb up, he did so within the rules, because if he wanted to climb up, Lu Yanzhou would work hard to maintain his image and not do bad things…Isn’t that good?

In contrast, he felt that Zhou Jingshan and Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates were more difficult to manage.

Because ability users are powerful, the security base has always given many privileges to ability users. However, some people that suddenly obtain ability, or after gaining great power, their mentality will change a lot, they will look down on others.

There are also some ability users who have been killing zombies. Those ability users, who did not come to the security base in time at the beginning of the apocalypse, may have killed people before…Prolonged killing can also make them disregard ordinary people’s lives.

Nowadays, many ability users feel that this apocalypse is actually a cleanse for humans. Only those with ability are the chosen ones to live.

There are also ideas like ‘people are selfish, since no one helps them, they don’t need to help others’, which is endless.

In fact, Zhou Jingshan is good compared with some of Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates.

Although Zhou Jingshan was unruly, at least he didn’t feel that ordinary people should not exist.

District Chief Li and Deputy District Chief Zhao actually felt that now they need to educate people in the security base, so as to twist everyone into a rope, but there are too many problems facing the safe zone, so they can’t do anything.

Previously when Lu Yanzhou said that he would help to settle the poor people who did not work, District Chief Li thought he was just saying that but he really went to do it now …District Chief Li was quite relieved.

Deputy District Chief Zhao also changed a lot toward Lu Yanzhou.

On the other side, Zhou Jingshan also knew what Lu Yanzhou did.

Regarding this, Zhou Jingshan only felt disdain: “That surname Lu will only do superficial work like this. If anything happens, he will run faster than anyone else.”

Before the apocalypse, Zhou Jingshan liked to try extreme sports. After the apocalypse, this the weak are prey to the strong world made his adrenaline soared.

He likes the present life, as for Lu Yanzhou…he doesn’t care about him.

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However, he didn’t want to conflict with Lu Yanzhou. It was troublesome, and he got no benefit either.

Lu Yanzhou’s ability made Lu Yanzhou seem like a turtle, so he didn’t want to fight the turtle shell!

As for those ordinary people…why should he help and save them? He was very disgusted with those people that took it for granted.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know about the others’ thoughts.

In two days, he built nearly 4,000 houses, and his ability was overused many times, but his ability control also improved.

Earth components are complicated, and there are many particles produced from weathering of rocks, so in theory, he can also control stone.

Now Lu Yanzhou can indeed control the stone.

After finishing his work, Lu Yanzhou returned to his place as usual, waiting for Xie Chengze to come to him.

He gave Xie Chengze so much, so Xie Chengze’s family should let Xie Chengze come early?

However…Xie Chengze didn’t know that Lu Yanzhou was waiting for him. He was, at this moment, excitedly waiting to live in the new house.

He has been registered and can get the house, but they find that he has a job, so the person in charge of registering them said: “Now is June, the rent of people who do not work in July can be avoided, but you have a job, so you need to pay the rent. ”

“I will pay.” Xie Chengze answered.

Listening to Xie Chengze, the man arranged a house for Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze got the number card and went to his house in excitement, then moved the things in his car too.

There was no door in this house, so he took out his bed board and used it as the door.

Xie Chengze spent a lot of time installing the door, then laid a piece of cloth on the ground and laid down.

He lived in Lu Yanzhou’s house, so good.

The car was really uncomfortable to live in. He almost froze in winter, but now with a house, after sorting everything, he could definitely live comfortably.

Xie Chengze was full of expectations for the future, but soon thought of his dilemma — would he go to eat and drink again at night?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze took out a piece of paper to write and draw, trying to express what he wanted Chengcheng to do — he wanted Chengcheng to pay attention to safety, and Chengcheng had to take those foods back.

Without contribution, in this apocalypse, Chengcheng should not take such valuable things.

Xie Chengze fell asleep late tonight. When Chengcheng woke up, it was a bit late.

However, Chengcheng is very happy.

He lived in Lu Yanzhou’s house!

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AZe lived in the house Lu Yanzhou built, so it should be okay for him to go to sleep at Lu Yanzhou’s house too!

It’s just, why didn’t AZe eat what Lu Yanzhou gave and even ask him to return it?

Chengcheng didn’t understand but Chengcheng still took the things back obediently.

It’s ten o’clock but Chengcheng hasn’t come yet, Lu Yanzhou is anxious, so when Chengcheng finally appeared in front of him, he was relieved: “Chengcheng, why do you come so late?”

Chengcheng said: “A…um, big brother is very busy.”

“What is he busy with?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Chengcheng replied, “We moved to a new house!”

It turned out to be busy moving…Lu Yanzhou was about to ask a few more questions when he saw Chengcheng take out the food he took away in the morning.

Oh, there is still something that wasn’t brought back. The leftover beef from last night, Chengcheng should have eat it.

“Chengcheng, this thing is for you, why didn’t you eat it?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Chengcheng thought for a moment, then said: “Big brother said that to eat then we have to do things, big brother don’t want it.

Lu Yanzhou pondered it for a moment, then he understood the reason.

Xie Chengze’s big brother was afraid that he would make Xie Chengze do dangerous things, so he didn’t accept these things?

If one looks at it like this…Xie Chengze’s big brother is pretty good to Xie Chengze?

“Chengcheng, what did your big brother eat during the day? What about you?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Chengcheng said: “Unpalatable flatbread.”

Lu Yanzhou was relieved. He was worried that Xie Chengze’s family would treat Xie Chengze as a cash cow. Fortunately, they did not.

In this case…he may be able to communicate with Xie Chengze’s big brother — as long as he writes and Xie Chengze takes it back.

No matter what, he has to let Xie Chengze eat better.

Xie Chengze brought everything back today except for the beef. This shows that Xie Chengze only ate unpalatable flatbread during the day…how is that okay!

“I’m hungry.” Xie Chengze said.

Lu Yanzhou heard his words and immediately took out the food he had prepared for Xie Chengze to eat.

He had eaten in advance, so he watched him eat beside him, and also wrote to Xie Chengze’s big brother by the way.

He hopes that Xie Chengze’s big brother can accept the food he gave.

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Of course, he must write the reason why he gave food…Lu Yanzhou pondered and wrote a lot.

In short, Chengcheng’s ability is very precious, so he should have the best treatment. As for Chengcheng being unable to go out to do missions now, it doesn’t matter. Chengcheng should treat his body first, and he will also teach Chengcheng how to use his ability…

Lu Yanzhou wrote very sincerely, and also said that since they’re in the apocalypse now, Chengcheng needs to learn to protect himself.

Of course, this is just writing.

With him, Xie Chengze won’t be in danger!

When Lu Yanzhou finished writing the letter, he took out another bucket, then put everything in it with the letter, and let Chengcheng take it back tomorrow.

Chengcheng nodded, then frowned and shook his head: “Big brother don’t accept.”

“Chengcheng, I wrote a letter to your big brother. Let him read it.”

“Then won’t you have nothing to eat?” Chengcheng was a little worried.

“No, I have a lot of food! Chengcheng, I’m not short of anything. If you want anything, I can get it for you.” Lu Yanzhou was very close to patting his chest to guarantee.

Chengcheng looked admiringly at Lu Yanzhou: “I want tables, chairs, and bed.” He remembered that AZe wanted these.

Lu Yanzhou, who was stared by Chengcheng, answered without any hesitation: “You can take the bed and table from my room!” He could go out to take some back again.

“You are so good!” Chengcheng, who was looking at Lu Yanzhou, felt moved.

“That Chengcheng, do you think I’m better, or is your big brother better?” Lu Yanzhou asked suddenly.

Chengcheng felt that this was not easy to answer, so he didn’t speak.

Lu Yanzhou was sour like lemon. He suddenly felt that he was very sour for no reason.

He and Xie Chengze only knew each other for three days. Why would Xie Chengze feel that he is better?

However, Xie Chengze was with his big brother most of the day. He only came here to eat and sleep…

He can’t be jealous!

One day, he wants to let Chengcheng know that he is the person who will accompany Chengcheng for a lifetime.

As for big brother-in-law…he can’t offend him.

T/N: Wasn’t married yet, in fact they weren’t even dating, and already calling brother-in-law.

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