Hold His Hand

Chapter 106: 106

Lu Yanzhou had dinner three hours ago, but because it’s summer, the dishes do not need to be reheated, so he directly takes Xie Chengze to eat.

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Chengcheng saw so many delicious things, his eyes widened. He couldn’t wait to take a piece of beef and took a big mouthful of rice.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yanzhou said: “Chengcheng, eat slowly, chew before swallowing.” Xie Chengze was very thin. Since the apolcapyse, he must not have lived well. He’s afraid he never had enough to eat.

In this situation, if he suddenly overeats, his stomach may be uncomfortable later.

“Um.” Chengcheng nodded while slowing down the speed of eating, but his eyes still stared at the dishes on the table, his mouth chewed quickly.

He chewed it, then he opened his mouth to show Lu Yanzhou: “I chewed it!” After that, he couldn’t wait to swallow the rice and ate another mouthful.

Lu Yanzhou felt amused: “Chengcheng, I have a lot of food here, so I won’t be hungry. If you want to eat, don’t worry and eat as much as you want. ”

Chengcheng looked up and asked Lu Yanzhou: “Can I eat everything here?”

“Yes,” Lu Yanzhou said, “As long as you want to eat, you can eat anything here. However, you can’t eat too much at once, your stomach will be uncomfortable.”

“Chengcheng is very good, Chengcheng will not eat too much.” Cheng Cheng’s eyes fell on the candy on the table.

Lu Yanzhou said: “These are all for Chengcheng.”

Chengcheng looked at Lu Yanzhou with tears: “You are so good, wait for me to have a big house in the future, I will let you live in and give you delicious food.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect Chengcheng to have the thought of raising him: “Then I’ll thank Chengcheng first.”

Chengcheng replied seriously: “Don’t thank me.” Then he couldn’t wait to continue eating. He used the other hand to pull the candy to him.

He didn’t like to eat these, but now he really wants to eat them!

Seeing Xie Chengze’s appearance, Lu Yanzhou had a better appetite.

However, he didn’t touch the beef on the table. Xie Chengze obviously liked the beef. This beef… Although he didn’t have a refrigerator here, it was still good for tomorrow. If Xie Chengze couldn’t finish eating today, he can let him eat it tomorrow.

When he was about to eat, Lu Yanzhou said: “Chengcheng, didn’t you promise me, aren’t you going to live with me in the future? Why did you leave today?”

Chengcheng replied: “I’m living here!” When Chengcheng woke up, he came immediately!

“Then during the day?”

Chengcheng, who was thinking about how Aze always warned him not to talk about the two of them, were tangled.

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Lu Yanzhou asked, “You can’t say it?” Lu Yanzhou was a little worried. Xie Chengze wouldn’t be controlled during the day, right? But this is not quite right too. If Xie Chengze is really controlled, there’s no way for him to come to him at night. Besides, with Xie Chengze’s teleport ability, others won’t be able to control him.

Chengcheng said: “I went to work during the day to make money!”

“Work?” Lu Yanzhou was surprised.

Chengcheng nodded sincerely: “I earn money, rent a big house, so you will live in my house in the future!” AZe also think so.

What can Xie Chengze do with him like this? Lu Yanzhou didn’t figure it out, so he asked directly.

Chengcheng said: “I’m saving people!” AZe worked in the hospital and saved people!

Lu Yanzhou had previously suspected that Xie Chengze had been in another security base. After all, if they had a teleport ability user, how could he not know.

Now listening to Xie Chengze say that his job was saving people…Lu Yanzhou thought of his ability for the first time.

With the ability to teleport, people can be rescued from many dangerous places.

As for how Xie Chengze saved people…The original owner can make Xie Chengze kill, so others can naturally coax Xie Chengze to save people!

However, isn’t that person treating Xie Chengze too badly? Xie Chengze’s ability is so precious but that person does not give Xie Chengze enough to eat!

The head of the security base is not so stupid, right?

Lu Yanzhou asked: “Who asked you to save people?”

This is hard for Chengcheng to answer, it was AZe, himself…Chengcheng finally said: “It’s big brother.”

For Chengcheng, AXe is his big brother.

“Big brother?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Chengcheng nodded seriously and smiled: “family!”

“Chengcheng, do you have other family members?”

“There’s mom, stepdad, and little brother…My dad is gone.” When Chengcheng said that, he seemed a little depressed.

Lu Yanzhou patiently talked with Chengcheng and learned that when Chengcheng was a kid, he had a good father and mother who was very good to him, but then his father disappeared and his mother was with his stepfather. After that, he wasn’t treated very well, and his younger brother, whom his mother gave birth to for the stepfather, also disliked him.

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In addition, Chengcheng also has a big brother, who Chengcheng likes a lot.

“They are not good for you, you don’t have to be too good to them…Chengcheng, don’t save people in the future, live with me.” Lu Yanzhou coaxed him.

Chengcheng said: “Big brother is going to save people…Big brother is very good to Chengcheng.”

“Big brother doesn’t give Chengcheng delicious food, does he?” Lu Yanzhou said.

Chengcheng listened to Lu Yanzhou say that AZe didn’t give him delicious food, he was a bit unhappy: “Big brother gave all the delicious ones to Chengcheng to eat!” Although Chengcheng does not want to live in the car and does not want to eat it, he knows that AZe is very good, and AZe gave him all the food.

Lu Yanzhou was stunned. He thought that Xie Chengze was controlled by his family to make money. It isn’t it?

Lu Yanzhou asked a little bit more, he became jealous.

He has always become the most important person to Xie Chengze, but in this world, Xie Chengze liked his big brother more.

According to Xie Chengze’s description…His big brother has always been good to him.

Because of this, even if that big brother can’t provide a good life to Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze still has to go to him during the day.

Lu Yanzhou was in a complicated mood, but sincerely said, “Chengcheng is full, Chengcheng should go to sleep.” When he said that, he began to doze off.

AZe did a lot of work during the day. He was very tired and now that he was full.

“Chengcheng, go to take a bath first…” when Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he remembered: “Chengcheng, will you go back to your big brother tomorrow?”

Chengcheng nodded: “um, Chengcheng is going back, big brother said I must go back.”

Lu Yanzhou listened helplessly, after all…Xie Chengze was going to leave, he couldn’t stop him!

He wondered where Xie Chengze’s big brother was…he asked several times, but Xie Chengze never said, so he couldn’t do anything either.

It was too short a time since he and Xie Chengze got along, so Xie Chengze did not trust him completely.

“What should you do if you have no good things to eat during the day?” Lu Yanzhou asked. Xie Chengze went to his big brother and could only eat rough grain flatbread. He felt distressed when he thought about it.

Chengcheng thought about how Aze hadn’t eaten good things for a long time, so he didn’t feel very happy anymore.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou said helplessly: “Chengcheng, when you go back tomorrow, take a little food so that you won’t be hungry during the day.”

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Chengcheng was particularly happy to hear this: “Okay!”

Seeing that he agreed, Lu Yanzhou asked him to take a bath and then go to sleep. He kept telling him: “Chengcheng, you must pay attention to the safety during the day, okay?”

Chengcheng nodded.

In fact, what he wants to do during the day doesn’t depend on him. AZe has always paid attention to safety, so he doesn’t need to worry about him at all.

AZe is great!

Chengcheng quickly took a shower, put on clean clothes and rushed to the bed, then fell asleep in seconds.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

The next day, Lu Yanzhou was awakened by a rustling sound. He opened his eyes and saw that Xie Chengze was pretending to eat.

The old clothes he changed the day before yesterday were washed and dried on his hand. Now Xie Chengze was wearing these clothes.

“Chengcheng, do you have to go back so early?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

“Hmm!” Cheng Cheng nodded seriously.

“I’ll make some food for you. You eat it, okay?” Lu Yanzhou proposed.

Although Chengcheng wanted to eat, he still said, “It’s too late!”

Listening to Xie Chengze saying so, Lu Yanzhou could only take out the beef that Xie Chengze did not finish yesterday with a fresh bag and put in canned meat, braised pork, and six packs of compressed biscuits in it and give it to Xie Chengze.

There are so many things, of course, Xie Chengze can’t finish eating alone, but he’s afraid that if there are fewer things prepared, Xie Chengze’s family will eat all his things leaving Xie Chengze with nothing to eat.

However, if given too much, it’s not good to be taken advantage of.

And although the original owner has food, there are not many.

“Chengcheng, you eat beef yourself, don’t give it to others. This canned food of braised pork is delicious. You must try it. Although the taste of compressed biscuits is not so good, it’s also good to soak it in hot water…” Lu Yanzhou gave the compressed biscuits that are usually given to the army, its taste is not as good as ordinary compressed biscuits.

However, in the apocalypse, this is already a good thing.

“Um.” Chengcheng nodded, and then disappeared in front of Lu Yanzhou.

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Lu Yanzhou: “…” The family’s beloved one ran away again!

He wonders who that big brother is…Oh, one day, he will make his family’s beloved one make him the most important one, not his big brother!

Since he was already up…Lu Yanzhou went to the cafeteria.

Although it was still very early, there were already people in the cafeteria. Lu Yanzhou asked for two pickles and rice balls and ate a lot.

The most lacking in their security zone is food and energy. Although many lands have been opened for planting, food is still not enough.

This is also one of the issues to be solved.

If there is not enough food, how can he fatten Xie Chengze?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze’s situation was, but if what Xie Chengze said was true, his big brother was very good to him. It was likely that Xie Chengze’s big brother was controlled by others.

In that case, if he wants to free Xie Chengze, maybe he must rescue Xie Chengze’s big brother first.

Xie Chengze listened to his big brother now and told him nothing, but as long as he saved enough merit and cured Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze must be willing to tell him everything!

When Lu Yanzhou thought of this, he was motivated. After eating, he rushed to the park and helped the people there to build houses.

Building these houses also got him merits!

On the other hand, Xie Chengze got up early in the morning and was stunned.

Even if his stomach is full, there is still a bunch of food around him!

Chengcheng ran out again last night?

The first thing he should do is to get out of the house, but Chengcheng not only ate at their house this time but also took the food?

Xie Chengze felt uncomfortable when he thought of the person who took advantage of Chengcheng, but somehow he didn’t hate that person, and even seemed to like them.

He must be affected by Chengcheng!

His favorite is Lu Yanzhou!

It’s just…a large bag of candy, precious canned lunch meat, canned braised pork, and compressed biscuits…That person is really too generous!

What exactly does he want to do?

They didn’t force, nor rape or rob him…Xie Chengze is very confused.

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