Hold His Hand

Chapter 105: 105

Although Xie Chengze is gone, Lu Yanzhou believes that he will definitely come back.

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The original initiative hit him, but he still came back!

Maybe…Xie Chengze just got up early and wanted to go back and get something?

Because of this thought, Lu Yanzhou waited in the room for a long time. He asked others to buy breakfast and bought two servings. He thought that when Xie Chengze came, he would be able to eat with Xie Chengze.

However, Xie Chengze never came back.

Lu Yanzhou had already said yesterday that he was going to build a house for people today, so he had to go. In the end, he could only put all the sweets and breakfast on the table, and then brought his subordinates to the park.

He has many subordinates, but he brought only seven people this time. After all, many people’s abilities are not suitable for building a house, and his subordinates still have other tasks to do.

After arriving at the place, Lu Yanzhou first leveled and compacted a piece of land with his ability, and then asked fire-type ability users to roast the land with fire until the ground was dry and hard.

Then, Lu Yanzhou will condense the hardest earth wall and use his ability to make the earth wall and the ground perfectly connected.

“Captain, it’s just building a resettlement house, there’s no need to be so careful, right?” asked an earth-type ability user working with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou answered: “Using more abilities will make you stronger, try to use them as much as possible!”

Using one ability will indeed make them become stronger. The earth-type ability user stopped talking and started to get busy.

Using their ability to build a house is really fast. Lu Yanzhou found that the house built by compacting the soil is still very strong.

Besides, many places in ancient times originally rammed soil to make walls.

During the building process, Lu Yanzhou also discovered that his ability was better than the original owner.

This should be related to mental force.

Although he has suppressed his strength, his own soul is much stronger than ordinary people in the small world, so he has better control over his ability.

The houses that Lu Yanzhou built were bungalows; these houses still look unattractive.

Nowadays, the house rent in the security base is very expensive. If Lu Yanzhou really builds good houses for these people, other ordinary people who rent houses will certainly have opinions.

However, although the house looked small and dilapidated, the walls were compacted and baked with fire, so it was comfortable to live in.

There are thousands of people living in this park, so there are a lot of houses to be built.

Faced with this situation, it’s natural to save effort. Therefore, all the houses are facing east or west and are next to each other. Like this, the middle house’s left and right walls are shared with the left and right houses, and the back wall is shared with the back houses, so that it was built faster.

In the morning, Lu Yanzhou led his men to build hundreds of ten-square-meter houses.

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Most of the ordinary people living in the park have no jobs, and many of them are elderly. They watched Lu Yanzhou and others build the house with their own eyes. They also went into the house to take a closer look.

“The wall is really thick.”

“With such a thick wall, it’s warm in winter and cool in summer, the sound insulation is also good.”

“The ground has been burned by fire, it’s not wet at all!”

“Ability users are amazing!”

They were pleasantly surprised, while Lu Yanzhou and the others were going to eat.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates said to Lu Yanzhou: “Boss, a cow was killed in the kitchen today. There is beef for lunch, let’s go quickly!”

Lu Yanzhou gave him his card: “Buy me some beef and save it. I’ll go back to the dormitory first.”

Lu Yanzhou wanted to go back to see if Xie Chengze was back.

He thought it was time for Xie Chengze to come back — Xie Chengze ate a pack of instant noodles and half a can of luncheon meat last night, he should have digested it long ago!

However, when he returned to his residence, he found that the breakfast he kept in the morning was still there. There was no sign of Xie Chengze’s return at all.

Xie Chengze didn’t come back?

It’s June now and C City is located in the south, so the temperature is very high. If the breakfast is left on for a long time, it will go bad. Lu Yanzhou can only eat the breakfast, and then rush to the cafeteria.

His subordinates had bought him a piece of braised beef, and he didn’t buy anything else. Lu Yanzhou put away the beef, went to buy some rice and vegetables, then put them in his residence.

He is full after breakfast, so he’ll save these for Xie Chengze.

If Xie Chengze came over in the afternoon, he could eat it directly.

After finishing all this, Lu Yanzhou went to build houses again.

The afternoon was longer, so Lu Yanzhou built thousands of houses in this busy work.

Basically, if he worked hard for another day, everyone here would be able to live in a new house. As for how to allocate the house, it was beyond his control — the head of the security base had already arranged for people to register the people who had been living here.

Busy until dark, Lu Yanzhou looked at the built house and left in a hurry.

According to the original owner’s habit, after doing such a good deed, he must talk to the ordinary people present, tell them what he did, and let them think how good he is.

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However, Lu Yanzhou was thinking about Xie Chengze, so he was in a hurry to go back.

The reason why these ability users working with Lu Yanzhou seek stability has something to do with their family members. They are also eager to go back to accompany their families.

Everyone quickly left.

The people who stayed behind watched them leave and couldn’t help saying: “Lu Yanzhou is so kind.”

“We will have a house to live in in the future!”

“I don’t know when I can live there.”

Xie Chengze wore a mask and glasses, shrank his body and hid behind others.

He came back for a while now, and then secretly squatted in the corner watching Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is so handsome!

He always thought about Lu Yanzhou during the day yesterday, and today, it goes without saying.

He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s full, but as long as he’s free, his mind is full of Lu Yanzhou.

He really likes this guy a lot.

However, Lu Yanzhou likes women. He also has a mental illness, so it’s impossible for him to be together with Lu Yanzhou.

He could only watch Lu Yanzhou secretly from a distance.

After Lu Yanzhou left, Xie Chengze went to register and learned the rent of the house.

The house was given to them for free for the first month, then rent will be charged for the second month. However, the rent was very low and the required contribution points use to rent were even lower than renting his stepfather’s car.

Of course, this is also because the rent for renting this car is actually a bit high.

The person who registered them also said: “For those of you who don’t have a job, we will find a way to arrange a job for you. In addition, after this house needs rent, you can actually rent a room with several people, which will save money.”

The house is very small, only about ten square meters, but even if they don’t make bunk beds and directly make floor beds inside, it’s still possible to squeeze four or five people together.

As a result, the rent is very low.

In addition to the food relief, the elderly can also get a little contribution point as a subsidy. A few of them can rent a house together.

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Everyone was very happy, and Xie Chengze also made up his mind to rent a room and live there for a long time.

This is the house built by Lu Yanzhou.

The people who registered said that they could move in tomorrow night. Of course, there is no door in this house, so they have to install the door by themselves.

This is not a big problem, they all have some miscellaneous things on their hands, which can be used to make a door without any problem.

For example, Xie Chengze can use the wooden plank that he used for sleeping in his car to be the door.

That night, everyone was very happy and talking about this matter. Xie Chengze sat in the car, listening to the voices outside, but worried about another matter.

Will Chengcheng run out again tonight? If he runs out…is it possible that someone will take advantage of him?

Xie Chengze doesn’t have Chengcheng’s memory, but he can vaguely feel Chengcheng’s emotions, and he also found…If he has a strong thought, Chengcheng can feel it too, Chengcheng can even see his memory.

For example, he told Chengcheng some things before and Chengcheng listened to them.

Even though he could only live in the car for the past six months, Chengcheng never cried in the car.

He draws a picture and writes some words, saying that Chengcheng can’t eat what others give, can’t go to other people’s house casually, and can’t let other people touch his body, and he has to take his clothes back…

Another very important point is that Chengcheng must come back on time and he must not tell anyone his identity!

Xie Chengze struggled for a long time before finally lying down.

After lying down…Although the car’s sound insulation is not good and the car is still hot and smelly, this is his rare rest time that is completely his own after a day.

Xie Chengze thought of Lu Yanzhou again.

It would be great if Lu Yanzhou liked him!

He even began to fantasize that the apocalypse did not come, and then he met Lu Yanzhou and became good friends with Lu Yanzhou…

It was said that Lu Yanzhou was an ordinary laborer before the apocalypse. He didn’t have much money and he couldn’t even buy a house in C City…

However, he was different. His biological father left him several houses and a lot of money, he could definitely let Lu Yanzhou live in his house.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze slowly fell asleep.

When Chengcheng got up, his eyes were shining.

It would be great if Lu Yanzhou lived in his house!

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Chengcheng can feel AXe’s thoughts, he has always listened to AZe’s words.

AZe forbade him to do this or that…he thought it made sense.

One must not eat other people’s food casually, good children will not do that!

As for not letting others see his body, his parents taught him that a long time ago!

But…but…Lu Yanzhou is not someone else!

AZe also wants to live with Lu Yanzhou!

And he promised Lu Yanzhou. A good boy promises other people, so he must do it.

It’s just…He originally wanted to tell Lu Yanzhou where AZe was and he also wanted to ask Lu Yanzhou if he could let AZe live in Lu Yanzhou’s house…

He thought Lu Yanzhou would definitely agree, so why isn’t AZe willing?

Does AZe want Lu Yanzhou to live in AZe’s house instead?

Chengcheng couldn’t figure it out, but he was an obedient child.

Glancing at the flatbread that AZe put next to him, feeling his empty stomach, Chengcheng took out the clothes that Lu Yanzhou gave him yesterday, changed into them and teleported directly to Lu Yanzhou’s house.

Lu Yanzhou has been waiting desperately.

After he came back, he made dinner and waited for Xie Chengze without eating, but Xie Chengze never came.

The original owner beat Xie Chengze but Xie Chengze still came. He took good care of him, why didn’t Xie Chengze come?

Lu Yanzhou felt a little wronged and waited for a long time. Finally, at around eight o’clock, Xie Chengze, who was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, came.

“Chengcheng, you’re finally back. Where did you go during the day?” Lu Yanzhou immediately asked.

Chengcheng blinked: “Chengcheng can’t say.”

Lu Yanzhou pretended to be hurt on purpose: “But you suddenly disappeared, I was worried.”

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou was sad, Chengcheng was at a loss for a moment. He thought for a moment, and then rushed forward and kissed Lu Yanzhou heavily on the face: “Chengcheng is hungry!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Faced with this situation, what else can Lu Yanzhou do? Of course, immediately feed his family Chengcheng!

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