Hold His Hand

Chapter 104: 104

Xie Chengze at night is called ‘Chengcheng’, as for Xie Chengze during the day, he is called ‘AZe’.

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Chengcheng has been having a rough time recently.

He has a headache, is always tired, and is hungry every day.

In the past, every time he came out, AZe would prepare all kinds of delicious food for him, but now there is only dry, unpalatable flatbread.

AZe also locked him in a car, he couldn’t even stand up straight in it!

However, there are many people outside, and those people are still talking, he does not dare go out. He is afraid.

Chengcheng took a bite of the flatbread and tears fell.

The car is not soundproof at all, it’s summer and the car is also hot…He wants to go out and find that person.

Chengcheng has never met that person, but he also knows some things about AZe. AZe has met that person, and he likes him very much…he also likes him.

AZe thinks that person is a good person, will that good person take him in?

The flatbread was really unpalatable, and because the car was not well ventilated, there was also an unpleasant smell…Chengcheng finally couldn’t take it anymore. He put down the flatbread in his hand and disappeared from the car.

When he appeared again, he was already on the deserted island in the middle of the lake.

He felt much more comfortable with the fresh air outside, but there were mosquitoes outside.

He’s still hungry and tired.

He wants to sleep…

He also wants to meet that person.

He had never seen that person, so he didn’t know where that person lived, but AZe knew — that person lived on the top floor of the building next to where AZe worked.

Chengcheng stared at the building for a while, then disappeared in place, and the next second, he appeared in Lu Yanzhou’s bedroom.

On the bed, Lu Yanzhou was sleeping.

Chengcheng silently looked at Lu Yanzhou, the more he looked, the more he liked him.

Before he came, he liked this person very much, then after seeing him, he liked him even more!

He felt that he just kept looking at this person without getting bored.

But he’s really tired and hungry…so sleepy…

This person’s bed is very big, can he sleep here?

Chengcheng really wanted to stay, but he didn’t dare. He remembered that when he woke up and found himself sleeping on the floor with his younger brother sleeping on the bed next to him, he wanted to sleep on the bed, but his younger brother beat him.

But this person is a good person, he wouldn’t be beaten, right?

He always felt that this person would not harm him…

After thinking for a long time, Chengcheng quietly sat down beside the bed, intending to lie on a small corner of the big bed.

Lu Yanzhou was very alert. He woke up as soon as the bed moved, and then he saw Xie Chengze.

Before he could call out the other party in surprise, Xie Chengze jumped up and hid in the corner of the room, looking at him fearfully.

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Xie Chengze in this world is really like a fool.

In the original owner’s memory, the first few times he saw Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze appeared suddenly. The original owner wanted to beat Xie Chengze but Xie Chengze teleported away.

Later, the original owner found out that Xie Chengze was a fool, and began to coax Xie Chengze with good words. Xie Chengze stopped running away and was forced to kill Zhou Jingshan.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou turned on the light, and then smiled at Xie Chengze: “Hello…who are you?”

Chengcheng was uneasy.

He is afraid of people, but he is not too afraid of the one in front of him, so he finally whispered: “My name is Chengcheng.”

“Chengcheng? Your name sounds really nice,” Lu Yanzhou smiled consolingly at the other party, “Are you here as my guest?”

Chengcheng thought for a moment, and answered obediently: “No, I’m here to sleep.”

If Xie Chengze in this world is not a fool, this is clearly a tiger-wolf statement! However, Xie Chengze in this world is a cute little fool.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Are you here to sleep? The place where you sleep is not very good?”

Lu Yanzhou has been observing Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze’s clothes are very old and he is very very thin. He is obviously not doing well in the apocalypse.

Besides, it’s really impossible for a little fool to live too comfortably during the apocalypse.

Chengcheng said: “It’s very small, it also stinks.”

Xie Chengze slept in a small and smelly place? Lu Yanzhou suddenly felt distressed: “Then you can sleep in my place from now on. My place is not small and doesn’t smell bad.”

“I really can?” Chengcheng asked.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Of course, you are so cute!”

Lu Yanzhou’s attitude is very good. Chengcheng is not afraid of him at all, and now that he is praised by Lu Yanzhou, he is even less afraid.

He thought of his father, then acted like a baby to Lu Yanzhou: “I’m hungry, my body hurts, and I feel uncomfortable.”

As he said that, Chengcheng burst into tears: “Woooo…I feel so uncomfortable.”

Lu Yanzhou had never seen Xie Chengze like this before. He didn’t care about anything else and hurriedly hugged Xie Chengze: “Chengcheng, don’t be afraid, I’ll find something for you to eat.”

After being coaxed by him, Chengcheng cried even louder, his tears kept rolling down: “I want to eat delicious food.”

“I’ll cook something delicious for you!” Lu Yanzhou said.

There aren’t many materials in the security base now. Unless ordinary people have some special talents and can earn a lot of contribution points, otherwise they can only eat unpalatable flatbread made with various vegetables and shelled grains.

However, it’s much easier for ability users to get contribution points than ordinary people. Their living conditions are very good. The original owner’s card also has a lot of contribution points. He can eat white rice, fresh vegetables, and various meats every day.

He also has his own residence…Ordinary people that want to live in a house need to rent it with contribution points. Water and electricity are also expensive, but as long as the ability user is willing to do missions, even if they do missions once or twice a month, they can live in the house with free water and electricity.

The original owner lived alone in an 80-square-meter place, so there was a lot of food in the house. Zhou Jingshan’s living conditions were even better, he lived in a single-family villa.

Lu Yanzhou carried Xie Chengze to the living room outside and put Xie Chengze on the sofa: “Chengcheng, wait for me, I’ll prepare something delicious for you.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhou began to dig through the original owner’s grain storage.

Although there is a cafeteria in the security base, eating also needs contribution points. However, the original owner had saved a lot of food in his room to prepare for a rainy day.

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There are all kinds of candy, army rations, canned food, and other foods with expiration dates.

Of course, now everyone doesn’t care much about the expiration date. They will still eat even if it has expired.

Lu Yanzhou first gave Xie Chengze a few pieces of chocolate, and then prepared to make something for Xie Chengze.

He finally found a pack of instant noodles, boiled it, and then opened a box of luncheon meat, cut half of it and put it in.

He wanted to put in more, but he was afraid that Xie Chengze would eat too much and spoil his stomach.

The original owner usually doesn’t cook, so there are few things he can make. Xie Chengze waited anxiously to eat, so Lu Yanzhou didn’t cook anything else and quickly put the instant noodles with luncheon meat in front of Xie Chengze: “Chengcheng, it’s ready.”

“It smells so good!” Chengcheng was very pleasantly surprised: “You are such a good person.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” The good person card is no longer needed.

Chengcheng picked up a piece of luncheon meat and took a bite, tearfully saying, “It’s delicious.”

How could luncheon meat be delicious? The kid just hasn’t eaten anything good for too long: “Chengcheng, eat slowly, stop if you’re full, don’t eat too much.”

“Mm.” Chengcheng nodded while eating, looking at Lu Yanzhou from time to time.

This man is really nice. He looks good and he is also good to him.

He was very happy to see this person.

He has not been happy for a long long time, even if this person treats him badly, he is still happy to see this person, not to mention that this person treats him so well.

Chengcheng likes this person very much: “Do you want to eat? I will give you half?”

“I’ve already eaten, and I have a lot to eat,” Lu Yanzhou said, “Chengcheng, will you live with me in the future? I’ll make delicious food for you every day.”

Chengcheng agreed: “Okay!”

Seeing that Xie Chengze agreed, Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a pleasant surprise for Xie Chengze to come to him in advance, but now that Xie Chengze promised not to leave, it made him even happier!

He will try his best to provide Xie Chengze with a good life and raise Xie Chengze to be white and fat!

Xie Chengze puffed his cheeks and quickly ate the whole bowl of instant noodles. After eating, he even started to drink the soup.

“Chengcheng, don’t drink the soup, it’s full of seasonings.” Lu Yanzhou stopped him.

“The soup is delicious.” Chengcheng looked at Lu Yanzhou pitifully. He hadn’t eaten such delicious food for a long, long, long time.

“Tomorrow I’ll cook you something more delicious.” Said Lu Yanzhou. He has a lot of contribution points in his hands, so tomorrow he will take Xie Chengze to eat the most luxurious breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. He can also exchange for some ingredients to cook a big meal in the evening.

“Mm.” Chengcheng nodded earnestly, leaned over and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s face.

He used to kiss his parents like this!

But now, he really really wants to kiss Lu Yanzhou!

After Lu Yanzhou was kissed, he felt numb all over.

This Xie Chengze is so cute!

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Lu Yanzhou said: “Chengcheng, I’ll take you to take a shower. We’ll change your clothes.”

Xie Chengze should have taken a shower, he has no smell on his body, and although his clothes are old, they are still clean.

However, Lu Yanzhou wanted to see his physical condition, so he coaxed him to take a bath, um, and he also wanted him to change his clothes.

Lu Yanzhou’s appearance is like Xie Chengze’s. Every world they will look the same, except for a little difference in body shape. For example, in the last world, Lu Yanzhou was tall and slender, but Xie Chengze was not tall because of illness.

However, Lu Yanzhou in this world is not that tall, but Xie Chengze is quite tall. They are about the same height, so Lu Yanzhou’s clothes can be worn by Xie Chengze.

Chengcheng pouted: “Chengcheng doesn’t want to take a bath, it hurts.”

Xie Chengze hurts when taking a bath, he must be injured. Lu Yanzhou said: “Chengcheng, I’ll give you medicine after taking a bath, it won’t hurt after taking the medicine, okay?”

After convincing Chengcheng, Lu Yanzhou took him into the bathroom and bathed him.

Xie Chengze did have a lot of wounds on his body, but it doesn’t look like he was beaten, it should be caused by a simple bump.

Of course, the point is not these wounds, it’s Xie Chengze who is really…very thin.

After the apocalypse strike, he probably didn’t have a good meal, so his body was quite skinny!

He has to fatten Xie Chengze as soon as possible!

Lu Yanzhou was very experienced in bathing Xie Chengze, so his movements were very gentle.

Xie Chengze felt very comfortable after being washed by him, and soon he fell asleep.

Lu Yanzhou is also very experienced in this situation, so he apply medicine and put clothes on Xie Chengze without waking Xie Chengze up.

He first gave Xie Chengze medicine, then changed Xie Chengze into a white T-shirt that the original owner hadn’t worn, and found clean pants for him to put on…By the time Lu Yanzhou finished all this, it was already midnight.

Lying beside Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou quickly fell asleep.

At six o’clock in the morning, Chengcheng suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around, suddenly realized something, blinked his eyes, and then disappeared from Lu Yanzhou’s bed, appearing in Xie Chengze’s car.

He also understands what AZe means. AZe forbids him to stay outside all the time!

Chengcheng dare not make AZe angry.

After returning to the car, Chengcheng frowned in disgust and fell asleep again.

When Xie Chengze woke up, he felt very comfortable.

He hasn’t felt so comfortable for a long time, his whole body is warm, and his head doesn’t hurt anymore!

Wait, something seems wrong!

Xie Chengze smelled a faint scent. He didn’t know if it was the scent of shampoo or shower gel, but…he didn’t have such a thing to use right now!

After sniffing vigorously, he suddenly found that the scent was mixed with the smell of medicine!

Xie Chengze stood up suddenly, looked at his body, and then realized that his clothes had changed from the inside to the outside!

The scratches on his body were all medicated!

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And…the food he left for Chengcheng last night, Chengcheng only ate a little bit, but he didn’t feel hungry now at all!

So last night, Chengcheng ran out? He found a place to eat, took a shower, gave himself medicine, and found new clothes to wear?

How can Chengcheng have such a skill?!

It’s more likely that Chengcheng ran out, and then someone picked Chengcheng up, fed him, bathed him, and gave him medicine!

Thinking of this possibility, Xie Chengze was dumbfounded.

The apocalypse is really chaotic, people with better looks are easily targeted by others.

Their security base is managed by the military, so there are relatively few messy things, but it’s not uncommon for good-looking ordinary people to be violated.

He didn’t want to fall into that situation, so he tried to hide his appearance during the day and would deliberately hunch his body.

Fortunately, the place where he works is a hospital, so he needs to wear a mask all the time…If his face is covered by the mask, and if he puts on plain glasses, messes up his hair and hunches his body, no one will pay attention to him.

However, he can hide himself but Chengcheng can’t. Has Chengcheng been taken advantage of by others?

Xie Chengze felt a little uncomfortable and thought of Lu Yanzhou again.

After sleeping, when he thought of Lu Yanzhou, he liked him even more in his heart. He even wanted to see Lu Yanzhou urgently and wanted to tell Lu Yanzhou about his grievances.

However, he couldn’t talk to Lu Yanzhou at all!

Even if he could talk to Lu Yanzhou…he was taken advantage of by an unknown person, if Lu Yanzhou knew about it, he would definitely dislike him.

Xie Chengze checked and found that he had not been violated, so he was relieved.

He couldn’t help but wonder, Chengcheng has always been very vigilant and afraid of people, why did he let others bathe him and give him medicine last night?

Who is that man?

After struggling for a while, Xie Chengze suddenly realized that he was too comfortable and slept too well last night. He got up a little late today, so he needed to tidy up and went to work immediately.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze immediately changed his clothes and got ready.

When he went out, after thinking about it, he brought Chengcheng’s leftover food from last night — he recently left food for Chengcheng to eat every day, so he was hungry all day during the day, which was really unbearable.

Chengcheng didn’t finish his food last night, so he had something to eat during the day today, which is quite good.

When Xie Chengze hurriedly left to go to work, Lu Yanzhou also set out to this place.

Lu Yanzhou is not in a good mood today.

Anyone who wakes up to find that their lover beside him is gone will not be in a good mood.

He had already thought about what to take Xie Chengze to eat today, but Xie Chengze left him and ran away!

Xie Chengze clearly promised to stay last night!

Lu Yanzhou strangely had the feeling that he had met a heartbreaker.

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