Hold His Hand

Chapter 103: 103

Lu Yanzhou felt that Xie Chengze’s flaw in this world should be ‘fool’.

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Being a fool is a big problem, it must be cured as soon as possible.

The present world is very chaotic!

Even though the security base in C City is managed by the army, it was orderly, but there are still people who die abnormally in the security base every day.

Those who get sick will die if they are not treated. There are those that die from long-term malnutrition. There are also those that die from the cold or heatstroke.

If it weren’t for the mutation that made most people’s physical fitness strengthened…Any infectious disease could paralyze the security base.

In such an environment, it’s too difficult for a fool to survive!

He must get Xie Chengze back to normal as soon as possible.

There is also the fact that the zombies will become stronger and stronger in the future, and the outbreak of zombie waves will destroy the entire security base…

The destructive hot weapons have the problem inflicting 1,000 on the enemy but also 800 self-damage. The environmental pollution caused also makes it difficult for human beings to survive, so now humans rely on ordinary hot weapons and ability users to deal with zombies.

Ability users recently have become stronger and stronger, they have become the main force for killing zombies.

It’s just that ability users are getting stronger but the zombies are also getting stronger, so the powerful zombies fighting ability is also amazing.

Therefore, if C City’s security base wants to survive the zombie tide, those on Zhou Jingshan’s side cannot leave. He and his subordinates’ strength should also be increased too.

Even ordinary people in the security base also need to improve their strength.

There are too many things to do, he can only do one thing at a time.

After sorting out his thoughts and familiarizing himself with his abilities, Lu Yanzhou went to his subordinates and asked them if they would like to join him tomorrow to build houses for the homeless ordinary people in the security base.

Most of the original owner’s subordinates have ordinary abilities and are not strong in combat. They don’t really want to fight zombies, but they don’t mind working in the security base, so they all agree.

Seeing that his subordinates agreed, Lu Yanzhou went to the head of the security base non-stop and asked him.

It has been less than a year since the apocalypse. In the first few months, the army that established the security base basically kept saving people, which also caused them heavy casualties.

Now the total number of people in the security base is hundred thousand, it will be even more difficult to manage the remaining army. This is why the original owner and Zhou Jingshan can get ahead.

Compared to Zhou Jingshan, who is not very obedient, the original owner is more loved by the district chief. Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, the district chief was a little surprised: “Why did you think of doing this?”

“Actually, I’ve thought of it a long time ago but I didn’t have the time before.” Lu Yanzhou said.

There are a lot of people living in the security zone. The original owner has been leading his men to clean up the security base, build walls around the security base and repair the houses in the security base… he really doesn’t have time for this matter.

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“Building more houses is definitely a good thing, but there is a shortage of building materials now,” said the district chief.

“I’ll find a way to do this. We ability users don’t have that high requirement for materials when we build a house,” Lu Yanzhou said.

He had studied his ability before coming here. His ability was said to be an earth-type ability. If the soil was compressed, the soil could become harder than a stone in his hands.

Besides…he had a faint feeling that if his abilities were strengthened, he should be able to control stones and cement.

Earth-type abilities don’t sound like much, but if used properly, the effect will be very good!

Lu Yanzhou discussed with the person in charge, then quickly decided how and where to build the houses.

Then, after confirming this, Lu Yanzhou asked: “District Chief, can I check the roster of our security base? I had a friend before the apocalypse, I don’t know if they are still alive now.”

The district chief replied: “Of course.”

Although the number of people in the security base is a bit large, everyone has registered for the convenience of management.

After the apocalypse strike, the network was paralyzed, all the satellites in the sky could not be connected. However, the computer was still working offline, so a local area network has been set up in the security base…Lu Yanzhou wants to find someone, he just needs to turn on the computer and search from the name.

The person Lu Yanzhou was looking for was naturally Xie Chengze.

However, after he entered Xie Chengze’s name, nothing popped up.

After thinking about it, he entered the word ‘Chengze’ alone, and this time two people named Chengze popped up. However, according to the registration, one is a three-year-old child and the other is only twelve years old, which isn’t the same age as Xie Chengze from the original owner’s memory.

Xie Chengze isn’t in this security base, is he?

Could it be that he is in another security base?

He hopes that Xie Chengze will come to him in a few days.

Lu Yanzhou did not find Xie Chengze, so he could only leave.

He didn’t need to find his colleague. The colleagues who had a good relationship with the original owner before the apocalypse had already taken the initiative to find the original owner. After all, the original owner was very famous in the security base.

After a lot of working, it was already dark. Lu Yanzhou returned to his residence, ate something, then began to study his own abilities.

The present people divide ability into various levels. The original owner’s earth ability is level four, Zhou Jingshan is also level four, so the two of them were the strongest ability users in C City’s security base.

If his ability was well used, his strength shouldn’t be weak. As for how to improve his ability, he has to think carefully.

When Lu Yanzhou was studying his abilities, people were already getting ready to sleep in the area he had been to during the day.

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They registered to enter the security base, but they couldn’t find a job, so they could only find the open space to stay, and then received a little relief food every day to survive.

Zhou Jingshan was going to drive them away this morning, so they were all terrified.

To those ability users, their residence might be a pile of rags, but to them, it was a place where they would not be exposed to the wind and the sun.

Fortunately, Lu Yanzhou drove them away and said he would build a house for them.

Everyone was very happy, so it was inevitable for them to talk about this matter: “Lu Yanzhou is still better, he is willing to help us.”


“Can we really live in a house?”

“In the past, I always disliked my dilapidated house, but now really, I will just be happy with a dirt house as long as there’s a bed.”

Just as they were talking, they saw a hunched young man coming back from a distance and opening the door of a car with all the windows covered tightly.

“Xiao Xu, are you back?” Someone greeted the young man.

The young man nodded and got into the car.

Seeing the young man go in, everyone started to whisper: “Xiao Xu is so weird, he still lives with us even though he has a job.”

“He’s not in good health. I’ve seen him buy medicine. You all know that medicine is very expensive now.”

“He eats well and he often buys delicious food, which is expensive.”

“He goes to rest in the car so early every day, he won’t open the door even after knocking. I wonder what he is doing at night.”

“Maybe he was afraid that someone would steal his things.”

These people whispered, and the young man who got into the car, that is, Xie Chengze, fell on the ‘bed’ made of wooden planks on the car and did not move as soon as he got in.

He is so tired and his head hurts.

It’s a pity that painkillers are too expensive, and the contribution points he earns are not enough to buy painkillers.

Before the apocalypse, Xie Chengze was a university student.

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His father died when he was young. After his mother remarried, she changed his name to Xu Ze, following his stepfather’s surname.

When the disaster happened, he just returned to C City for summer break, and then he and his family were rescued by soldiers and entered the security base.

His family was lucky. Neither his stepfather, mother, nor his younger brother became zombies, because they entered the security base earlier and were natives of C City. His stepfather, his mother, and him all found jobs.

They can rent a house if they have a job. They rented a small house in the security base to live in.

It’s just that the rent became more and more expensive later, and the contribution points in exchange for work became less and less…When the family could only afford to rent a single room, his stepfather kicked him out.

Because he is sick.

He has had a dual personality since he was a child. It was fine when he was young, the other one didn’t appear very often, but as he got older, especially after his father passed away, the other one appeared more and more. Over the years, he appears every night.

It’s just, he is mentally retarded like a child. That was okay in peaceful times, they can wait for him to come out, give him something delicious, coax him to sleep, then he will be fine.

However, now that the apocalypse strikes…the one who ‘woke up’ at night, wanted to eat, drink, then cry…his stepfather couldn’t bear it.

Of course, if he could earn more contribution points, his stepfather could bear it, but he didn’t earn much contribution points, so his stepfather naturally didn’t want him to stay at home.

The car he lives in now belongs to his stepfather. He pays a certain amount of contribution points to his stepfather every month. It can be regarded as renting this car from his stepfather. He would work during the day and sleep in the car at night, it can also be considered living.

Xie Chengze lay down and rested for a while, then sat up again.

He put the food he received today on the driver’s seat, and then lay down again.

The other one is a naive child, who can’t stand hard life and can’t stand hunger.

So now he doesn’t eat during the day and saves it all for him to eat at night.

This is also to prevent him from running around outside if he is not full at night.

He’s also quite helpless to say that during the day he has no abilities, but at night he…can teleport.

His day and night memories are not connected, so they can’t meet each other. All he knows about the person at night is from his mother and the surveillance cameras he installed before the apocalypse.

Afraid that the fool, self-proclaimed ‘Chengcheng’, would run out at night and get bullied, after he moved into the car, he tried to seal up the car and drew some pictures to warn Chengcheng not to go out.

However, Chengcheng still went out…Although he was in the car when he woke up, the mud on his shoes isn’t fake.

He also studied for a long time before he realized that Chengcheng should have awakened a ability like ‘teleportation’, which allowed him to leave the small car without harming it.

If he is the one who has the ability, he will definitely be able to live a good life by relying on this ability, but the one who has the ability is Chengcheng.

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Chengcheng only comes out at night, he doesn’t know how to communicate with others, and his mind is like a four or five-year-old child. He only knows how to eat and sleep, then sleep and eat.

Forget it, Chengcheng is also afraid of strangers, so he dares not contact strangers at all. His mother is fine, but Chengcheng is quite scared of his stepfather and brother.

Such Chengcheng can’t do any task at all, and he may even be accidentally bitten to death by zombies.

Xie Chengze can only pretend that he doesn’t have any ability.

Fortunately, Chengcheng doesn’t go out very much. He is very busy and tired from work during the day, so when Chengcheng comes out, he is basically tired and hungry. He will go to bed after eating then.

He’ll just go out once in a while…With Chengcheng’s shy personality, he will only stay in a place where no one is around for a while, and then he will come back.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes, endured hunger and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, he thought about what happened in the morning.

He went to a medical university and worked as a nurse. Their hospital worked late, when Lu Yanzhou and Zhou Jingshan clashed in the morning, he was about to leave.

This was not the first time he met Lu Yanzhou, he had seen Lu Yanzhou many times when Lu Yanzhou helped build the hospital.

At that time, he had a good impression of Lu Yanzhou, but that’s all. However, today…he doesn’t know what happened, when he saw Lu Yanzhou, his heart started beating faster.

He fell in love with Lu Yanzhou at a glance.

When working during the day today, Xie Chengze kept thinking about Lu Yanzhou, of course he was just thinking about it – the gap between him and Lu Yanzhou was too great, they couldn’t be together.

No, it’s not just a matter of gaps…Who doesn’t know that Lu Yanzhou is pursuing the most powerful female ability user in their safe zone? Before the apocalypse, Lu Yanzhou also had a girlfriend too.

Since Lu Yanzhou likes women, it’s impossible for them to be together.

Feeling disappointed, Xie Chengze fell asleep.

Not long after, he got up from the bed again.

At this time, his expression changed, looking very pitiful with tears in his eyes.

Now he is not Xie Chengze, but Chengcheng.

Touching his hungry belly, Chengcheng sobbed twice, then found the food Xie Chengze had left for him and slowly ate it.

It’s really unpalatable…It’s not comfortable to sleep here either…

At this moment, a person popped up in his mind…he wanted to find that person.

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