Hold His Hand

Chapter 102: 102

Putting Xie Chengze’s soul fragments into his heart again, Lu Yanzhou used the merits collected in the small world to help that small world escape from Black Tortoise’s control.

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He immediately entered a new small world after.

As soon as he entered, Lu Yanzhou saw a fireball coming toward his face. He subconsciously raised a wall of earth in front of him to block the fireball.

There was a sneer from the opposite side, only then did Lu Yanzhou realize that there was a young man in a black leather jacket standing opposite him. This man’s face was full of arrogance, he was looking at him with disdain.

“Hypocrite.” The man sneered, turned and left.

The earthen wall in front of Lu Yanzhou disappeared, then the memory of the original owner immediately appeared in his mind. He also had an understanding of this world.

This is an apocalyptic world.

In July 2050, a comet fell onto earth and exploded above earth. Immediately afterwards, humans and animals all over the world began to mutate.

One-third of the people and animals directly turned into zombies that feed on fresh flesh while the remaining two-thirds of the people and animals, 90% became stronger and 10% awakened various special abilities.

The scary thing is that if one were bitten by a zombified person or animal, they will turn into a zombie.

The apolcaplyse occurred suddenly, the whole society began to collapse. In just one year, the population dropped by 80% and the remaining 20% of humans hid in various safe areas, struggling to survive.

C City Security Zone is a medium-sized security zone, which is established near C City and has a population of 300,000.

This safe zone was established by the army and has always been managed by the army. However, because ability users are getting stronger and stronger, gradually, ability users in the safe zone of City C started increasing.

The ability users in City C were divided into two teams.

One of the teams was led by Lu Yanzhou, an earth-type ability user. Before the apocalypse, Lu Yanzhou was an ordinary worker, but after the apocalypse, because he awakened his abilities early and saved many people, he became a leader among those with ability users, that’s why many people trusted and joined him.

The other team was led by Zhou Jingshan, a fire-type ability user. Zhou Jingshan is far stronger than Lu Yanzhou. Before the apocalypse, he was a rich second generation who liked extreme sports. During the apocalypse, he dared to fight and kill. He will be the first one that rushes to kill zombies every time. He also gathered a lot of powerful ability users around him.

The two teams have different views. Most of the ability users in Lu Yanzhou’s team are not strong but they are more willing to do other things than kill zombies, such as helping the common people build houses and build fortifications. They also feel that ability users aren’t superior to others.

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However, Zhou Jingshan’s team is completely opposite. They are very strong and always go out to kill zombies to grab supplies. They also think that ability users are superior and should be above ordinary people, such as if an ability user were to kill an ordinary person, they don’t need to pay for their life and what’s not.

This caused Lu Yanzhou to be more popular despite his low strength, but the ability users under him doesn’t have it good.

Zhou Jingshan is different. Although he is unpopular, he is powerful, so the ability users under him live well.

There were often conflicts between the two sides. The people on Lu Yanzhou’s side felt that the people on Zhou Jingshan’s side were too selfish and unwilling to help ordinary people, and they also enjoyed the looted supplies exclusively.

The people on Zhou Jingshan’s side felt that Lu Yanzhou and the others were all cowards, who only knew how to talk eloquently but didn’t dare to go out to kill zombies.

And the young man in black who threw the fireball at Lu Yanzhou just now was Zhou Jingshan.

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body was ambitious.

He came to work in City C from another place. Because his family was poor since he was a child, he vowed to make a career before returning to his hometown in the future.

After he came to City C, besides his official job, he also took part-time jobs, working more than twelve hours a day, saving money desperately, hoping to buy a house and settle down in City C in the future, and become a boss.

In order to achieve this goal, he also pursued a local white rich beauty in City C, who was very kind to him.

Seeing that the white rich beauty is about to agree to his pursuit and the money he saved is almost enough for the down payment…The apocalypse occurs!

When he found out that he had an ability, which was quite strong, the original owner began to help the people around him. Later, he found that the soldiers in charge of the security base liked what he did, so he continued to do it.

He wanted to gain a good reputation, it would be best if he could control the entire base in the future.

The reason why he clashed with Zhou Jingshan today was because Zhou Jingshan had more and more ability users under him. Zhou Jingshan wanted to drive away the ordinary people living in a certain area in the safe zone and use it to build his base camp.

Zhou Jingshan has always been proud, and so are his subordinates. They felt that if they hadn’t been killing zombies, the zombies would have invaded the safe zone in City C long ago, so they didn’t give them any compensation and just made those people move out.

Those ordinary people had nowhere to move to and happened to see the original owner, so they begged the original owner.

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As soon as the original owner drove away Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates, Zhou Jingshan came, and the two sides clashed again.

Then Lu Yanzhou transmigrated.

The original owner couldn’t beat Zhou Jingshan and Lu Yanzhou didn’t know the world yet, so he couldn’t beat him either…Fortunately, Zhou Jingshan just threw a fireball at him and then left.

When Zhou Jingshan disappeared, the people living in this area came over one after another to thank Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou took a look at the place where these people lived and felt that there was something wrong here.

This place was a park before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, many people who came to the safe zone had no place to live, so they ‘camped’ in this park.

Some of these people live in tents, some live in cars, and some live in a small house at random. The accommodation conditions are very bad.

However, apart from living here, they have no other place to live. The better houses in the safe zone need to be rented with contribution points.

Although the original owner was ambitious, he was a little afraid of death. After all, once he died, no matter how ambitious he was, it would be useless.

So the year following the apocalypse, he spent most of his time in the safe zone, helping to strengthen the fortifications, help build houses and so on, and rarely go out to kill zombies.

It’s just that what he does can get contribution points, and the houses are all built for the safe zone, but he doesn’t do much to help the poor people for free.

So after the original owner accepted the thanks from these people, he excused himself to be busy and left here.

However, Lu Yanzhou is different. After seeing the situation here, Lu Yanzhou said to these people: “You can’t live like this forever. I will bring people over tomorrow to build some simple houses for you, and then sort out the area by the lake to grow food.”

There is a small lake in the middle of this park, the environment there is very good.

These people were stunned: “To live in a house…do I need rent?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “At the beginning, the rent can be waived for you. As for the follow-up…I will find a way to find jobs for you guys. If it really doesn’t work…you will end up living in the slum at worst.”

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Now there are too many ordinary people in the safe zone, it’s hard to find a job, which is why there are so many places like slums.

After thinking about it, these people continued to thank him.

Only then did Lu Yanzhou leave, and then he began to recall all the things the original owner encountered later…

The white rich beauty that the original owner pursued before the apocalypse turned into a zombie when the apocalypse occured. During the apocalypse, the original owner has been pursuing a strong female ability user.

Zhou Jingshan is also pursuing that female ability user…This is one of the reasons for the conflict between the original owner and Zhou Jingshan.

The original owner had been chasing the female ability user for a long time, but when he was about to confess his love to this female ability user, something suddenly happened.

In the middle of the night, a man suddenly broke into the original owner’s bedroom!

This man’s ability is a rare teleportation ability. After he entered the original owner’s bedroom, he did nothing but sleep on the original owner’s bed.

However, the original owner was very reluctant, so he attacked this person.

As a result, this person teleported and ran away. After running away, he still came again the next day.

The original owner had a conspiracy theory, thinking that this man must have been arranged by Zhou Jingshan to frame him, so he decided to get rid of this man before confessing, but before he could get rid of the man, the female ability user was with Zhou Jingshan.

The original owner felt that it was all this man’s fault. If this man hadn’t made him confess late, he would definitely get that female ability user.

It really has nothing to do with the fact that the original owner was late in his confession, she just liked Zhou Jingshan more. However, the original owner got angry and was furious at the man who always came to his room at night…Then the man burst into tears.

The original owner also discovered that this man who could teleport was a fool.

Zhou Jingshan didn’t arrange for this person to come to him, this fool just liked him.

The original owner felt disgusted and wanted to take advantage of this fool, so he coaxed this fool to assassinate Zhou Jingshan.

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But how is Zhou Jingshan so easy to kill? The fool’s mind is not good, so he went there several times without any success but suffered a lot of injuries…But, he didn’t die, did he? The original owner forced him to continue.

Then the fool really succeeded and killed Zhou Jingshan, but the fool himself was also killed by Zhou Jingshan’s men.

Ignoring that, after Zhou Jingshan’s death, Zhou Jingshan’s unruly subordinates, who thought that ordinary people were trash, actually left City C’s security zone.

City C’s security zone lost so much fighting strength all at once, and the original owner and his subordinates were also weak…So, when the zombie wave struck, City C’s security zone was breached.

The moment the city was breached, the original owner left all the people in the city and fled. However, high-level zombies are more likely to be attracted by the flesh and blood of high-level ability users, so although the original owner ran away, he still became a meal for high-level zombies.

There were hundreds of thousands of people in City C’s security zone, and none of them survived in the end.

This result was very tragic. Of course, the thing Lu Yanzhou couldn’t stand the most was the fool coaxed by the original owner to kill Zhou Jingshan is Xie Chengze.

The Xie Chengze in this world…is a fool.

It’s not a big deal if he is a fool but he even like a scum like the original owner. The original owner treated him very badly but he still gave his life to the original owner!

Lu Yanzhou returned to the original owner’s residence.

As a powerful ability user, the original owner has plenty of contribution points, but in order to gain a good reputation, he doesn’t live in a villa as ostentatiously as Zhou Jingshan…The original owner lives in an apartment in the center of the security zone.

This used to be an economic development zone. The apartment where the original owner lived was a talent apartment1Apartment for solving short-term lease and transitional turnover housing for talents to start a business in at a certain place with 18 floors before the apocalypse. The following 15 floors are single rooms while the top 3 floors are suites. The original owner lives in a certain suite on the top floor.

The suite is 80 square meters, with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a cloakroom and a bathroom. It is very spacious and comfortable to live in.

Lu Yanzhou sat down on the sofa, rubbed his brows and felt a little worried.

The original owner doesn’t know anything about Xie Chengze, that is to say…he doesn’t know where Xie Chengze is now.

That being the case, he couldn’t take the initiative to find Xie Chengze, he could only wait for Xie Chengze to teleport to him.

He couldn’t wait to see Xie Chengze, but in the original owner’s memory, it would be several days later when the fool came to find him…

1Apartment for solving short-term lease and transitional turnover housing for talents to start a business in at a certain place

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