Hold His Hand

Chapter 101: 101

In March 2022, a university’s history department.

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The students in the history department have recently started to study the history of the Great Jin Dynasty. When they talk about the Great Jin Dynasty, everyone will inevitably think of Emperor Jinhe, Xie Chengze, and Duke Lu Yanzhou.

These two men made many achievements. During their lifetime and after their death, countless people wrote poems and prose for them. The poems and proses handed down and sung through the ages amounted to thousands, and they were also compiled into a large book.

By the way, since elementary school, there have been several poems and proses to memorize in the literature textbooks involving these two people.

For various reasons…as long as anyone has been to school, they will know these two people.

“For the next lecture, the professor is going to talk about Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu!”

“I heard that our professor specializes in studying Duke Lu, he is also writing books about Duke Lu.”

“I wonder what the professor will tell us!”

“Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu have made so many achievements, especially Duke Lu, he is like a time traveler…There are too many things to talk about. If I ask senior sister, she can talk about those two for at least 2 weeks. Calculating it, that is like 8 classes.”

“There’s a lot to talk about those two!”

Before the class, the students in the history department started a discussion. At first they talked about the achievements of these two people, then they started talking about other things: “By the way, the relationship between Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu, Is it true?”

“It should be true. It’s said in the history books that Duke Lu spends nights in the palace every day.”

“That history book really…writes these two people too ambiguously, almost saying that these two people had an affair. They finally even wrote that they died on the same day and were buried together…”

“But…Didn’t some people say that they only lived in the palace because they had a good relationship, and Duke Lu didn’t repair his own mansion yet for the common people’s interest?”

“Do you believe that kind of nonsense?”

“The official history was written that way, but the unofficial history at the time also said that they have a relationship. The two of them are absolutely not innocent.”

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou are a couple, this is almost something that has been stamped.

Xie Chengze has been in power for thirty years, according to historical records, he was accompanied by Lu Yanzhou every day.

Not to mention after the abdication, after the new emperor ascended the throne, Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou also traveled together, mingling with people incognito and left many legends all over the country.

The TV series “The Record of the Supreme Emperor’s Incognito” was a huge hit back then. When it premiered, the whole town overturned.

Even though the TV series is a real drama, it still makes people feel that the relationship between these two people is unusual. In various literary works, they are a sure-fire couple.

So, of course, there must be a little abuse.

After all, Emperor Jinhe is a scumbag. Although he is inseparable from Duke Lu, he still married Duke Lu’s sister. They even have two sons and two daughters.

It’s also for this reason that even though the official history has written the two of them as extremely ambiguous, some people still think that they have nothing to do with each other.

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At this moment, a boy in the class said: “Can you stop talking nonsense? It’s just two brother-in-laws having a good relationship, what are you even saying!”

This boy himself has no interest in history and was transferred to the History Department. As a man, he is also very disgusted with the fact that men fall in love with other men, he has difficulty accepting it.

After he finished speaking, seeing that the people around him were silent, he continued: “Duke Lu has done so many things that benefit the country and the people, how many people worship him? Why do you insist on making him seem like a person who serves other men?”

When the students in the class heard this, they also saw the professor come in before they had time to say anything.

The professor took a look at the male student and said directly: “Students, you should also know that what we are going to talk about today is about Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu. When talking about these two people, their emotional life cannot be avoided…Here, I can say responsibly that the relationship between these two people is real. Regardless of sexual orientation, Duke Lu has made so many achievements, no one can describe him as ‘serving other men’!”

The male classmate was embarrassed when he heard the words.

The professor continued: “Everyone should know that I specialize in studying Lu Yanzhou. Since I study him, I will talk about him first. Lu Yanzhou always appears in our textbooks. There are too many because many people have studied him. At first, I didn’t feel much about him, until one time, I saw a record in an ancient book collected in a certain museum. I’ll enlarge the photo for you to see…”

A picture was projected on the screen, which was a page of an ancient book. The professor continues: “The general meaning of this passage is that someone asked Duke Lu why he didn’t marry a wife, and Duke Lu said that he already had someone who would accompany him for a lifetime…I was stunned when I saw it. At first, I was skeptical about the relationship between him and Emperor Jinhe, but after seeing this record, I knew it should be true. Later, out of curiosity, I paid more attention to him. The more I focus on him, the more I feel that Duke Lu is an amazing person…”

The professor talked a lot, and while talking, he also complained about the destruction of many records at that time, and…In the early years, every museum hid its own research materials. If one wants to see them, they have to apply for various applications, that’s why they could not find all the information in the first place.

“Actually, anyone who knows something about the Great Jin Dynasty’s history knows that these two people are really a couple. It was fine when they were young, but in their later years, they never concealed it at all. They even said things like ‘living together and dying together’. It’s because of this that there were rumors at the time that Emperor Jinhe’s four children were not emperor Jinhe’s at all” The professor said.

Some students asked: “Professor, Is Emperor Jinhe’s children really Emperor Jinhe’s?”

The professor said: “Regarding this, there is no conclusion in the academic circles. At that time, many people said that Emperor Jinhe’s child were his empress and someone else children. The imperial family did not stop the spread of this rumor at the beginning. But later, Emperor Jinguang, the great-great-grandson of Emperor Jinhe, disagreed with this and destroyed many relevant records, so there was no way to prove it.”

That’s it…the students were a little disappointed.

The professor continued: “The academic circle is still inclined to believe that those four children are Xie Chengze’s. Don’t just look at Duke Lu’s outstanding talents, Emperor Jinhe is actually not simple either. His ministers and subordinates all evaluate him as ruthless and with great desire to control. Duke Lu has been favored all his life, under one man and over ten thousand, but he has never had any military power. No matter what he does, after finishing the hardest part at the beginning, he will hand it over to others…that is to say, he has worked so long but he has no real power in his hands.”

The students were extremely disappointed when they heard the words.

“Emperor Jinhe must really like Duke Lu, but at that time, as an emperor, no one knew how much sincerity he had! And he also has the throne to pass on, so the children should be his.”

At this time, some students couldn’t help but say: “Duke Lu has no wife, concubine, and children in his life, but Emperor Jinhe is like this…Emperor Jinhe is a scumbag!”

The professor said: “If it were in modern times, you can indeed say that.”

The class passed quickly. When class ended, everyone started discussing again: “Alas, Duke Lu is really pitiful. He was infatuated with Emperor Jinhe, but he met a heartless person.”

“You can’t say that. Compared with other people who emperors’ favor in history, his fate is quite good. It can be regarded that he grew old with the emperor.”

“But he is really pitiful…to meet such a scumbag as Emperor Jinhe!”

Just now the professor talked about a lot of things about Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu. It was mentioned that Duke Lu is very good-looking and Emperor Jinhe was very unassured, so he always arranged many people to follow Duke Lu. No one was allowed to talk too much and get too close to Duke Lu.

There are many unofficial stories about this. At that time, a well-known poet wrote a poem to complain about it. The general meaning of the poem was that he was very excited to see Duke Lu, but the people around him stopped him and did not allow him to approach Duke Lu…

By the way, this poet is Duke Lu’s brainless fan. He has written many poems praising Duke Lu, he is always full of praise for Duke Lu.

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Because of these descriptions…Duke Lu is recognized as the most beautiful man in history, and in all TV dramas about Duke Lu and Emperor Jinhe…Emperor Jinhe can be ugly but Duke Lu must be good-looking.

Everyone also felt that Duke Lu must be the bottom one.

“Duke Lu really has a love brain! Emperor Jinhe’s father killed his whole family but he still worked for Emperor Jinhe.”

“No one is perfect……”

“I read a short story about him not long ago, it made me cry. Emperor Jinhe is really a big scumbag!”

While everyone was talking, a person who took the time to swipe his mobile phone suddenly said: “Fuck! A tomb was destroyed not long ago, they now decided to dig it. It turns out to be Emperor Jinhe’s tomb!”

Emperor Jinhe’s tomb? Everyone was excited and wanted to know the result.

According to historical records, Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu were buried together, it’s unknown whether this is true or not.

Just as they were thinking about this, they saw their professor in the group asking them to watch the live broadcast immediately, saying that he had rushed to the scene non-stop to witness history.

When the students in the history department heard the news, they all watched the live broadcast. They were not the only ones who followed the live broadcast.

This incident caused a sensation on the Internet!

No way, Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu are too famous!

Not to mention the things they did to benefit the country and the people…After the advent of the Internet age, various novels based on the two of them have emerged endlessly!

There are also countless movies and TV shows.

This made everyone know them, so they were all curious about what happened to the beautiful Duke Lu and emperor Jinhe.

The tomb was dug, everyone watched the live broadcast together, and then…This tomb is really a joint tomb, the kind where two men are buried together!

“Emperor Jinhe was actually buried with Duke Lu.”


“Emperor Jinhe should be sincere to Duke Lu.”

“Emperor Jinhe’s favorite must be Duke Lu…”

“Based on that era people’ views, maybe he thought that marrying Duke Lu’s sister was also an expression of his deep love for Duke Lu…”

As everyone was talking, many funerary objects were unearthed, including well-preserved calligraphy and paintings.

“This preservation technique…Is Lu Guogong really a time traveler?”

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“It’s really rare to find such well-preserved paintings and calligraphy in a tomb!”

“God, isn’t the man in the painting too handsome? Is he Duke Lu?”

“He’s really beautiful!”

“Love love love!”

“I’m a man but I’m going to be bent!”

Everyone was looking at one of the paintings in shock, then an old professor took a close-up of the signature.

“Wait, the person in the painting is Emperor Jinhe?”

“This painting was also painted by Duke Lu?”

“Emperor Jinhe looked like this? So because he looks so good, Duke Lu is so devoted to him?”

“Here comes the second painting! It’s two people together!”

“The one next to Emperor Jinhe is Duke Lu? This is not what I expect…”

“Duke Lu is also very handsome, but he’s…so tall?”

“It’s normal for Duke Lu to be tall. The Lu family are all military generals. When everyone describes him, they all say that he is seven feet tall. Calculated Great Jin’s measurement, he is about 1.9 meters.”

“So Duke Lu is a tall shou?”

“He may not necessarily be the shou…”

“There are a lot of paintings! There is actually a painting of Emperor Jinhe and the empress together? The one wearing the empress’s clothes should be the empress, right? The empress looks different from what I imagined.”

“Didn’t everyone say that the empress looks a lot like Duke Lu? They don’t look anything alike except for their height…”

“The empress is taller than Emperor Jinhe. They all say that Emperor Jinhe has been in poor health since he was young. It seems to be true.”

“Why is there a disfigured man in the painting?”

Everyone was wondering when they saw the signature again.

Wait, what’s with this signature?

The inscription of this painting was written by Duke Lu. It was actually written that it was a painting of him, Xie Chengze, his sister, and brother-in-law in the Imperial Garden.

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“Sister and brother-in-law?”

“Isn’t Duke Lu’s brother-in-law Emperor Jinhe?”

“Looking at the inscription, the brother-in-law he mentioned doesn’t seem to be Emperor Jinhe? Is it that disfigured man?”

“Emperor Jinhe is far away from the empress, the two seem to have nothing to do with each other…”

“Emperor Jinhe’s children is really not his?”

Emperor Jinhe’s children were indeed not his.

There are many paintings here, some of which are inscribed by the emperor after Emperor Jinhe. The emperor who painted Emperor Jinhe and Lu Yanzhou called them big uncle and little uncle, there was no ‘emperor father’ at all.

So…they all thought that emperor Jingehe is a scumbag, but he actually wasn’t?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, stunned by this shocking reversal.

It’s said that Duke Lu is a love brain, but it’s actually Emperor Jinhe, right?

The crown prince was not his, but he has the Lu family blood!

“A lot will be changed in the history book…”

“In the past, many people thought that Duke Lu disregarded the Lu feud and became a love-brain, but now…the Xie’s mountain and rivers…has fallen into the Lu’s hands?”

“I remember that there is a big female drama in which Lu Rong is the female lead that is being filmed now. In it, Emperor Jinhe is really in love with the female lead, even duke Lu also likes the female lead. As an infatuated male supporting role, Duke Lu let go of his hatred for the female lead. And in order to give the female lead an identity, he told people that the female lead is his sister. Now this drama definitely can’t go on…”

“A lot of the TV series and books I watched before are wrong! I can’t watch those anymore!”

There has been a lot of fuss on the Internet for a long while. The students in the history department waited a month before their professor came back.

As soon as the professor came, he said, “Students, many things in the class I taught before were wrong. Today we will talk about these two people again!”

Sigh, what scumbag, Duke Lu and Emperor Jinhe is true love!

Emperor Jinhe arranged people around Duke Lu, not for the purpose of monitoring or anything, it’s probably because of pure petty jealousy.

Duke Lu doesn’t have a love brain either, the crown prince isn’t even related to Emperor Jinhe by blood, he is his nephew too…Tsk tsk!

Thinking about it, Duke Lu was the one who killed King Rui with a sword move, how could he suddenly be in love…

The professor thought of this, and said to the students: “Students, I found a lot of documents this time, including some things related to the two people written by the reigning emperor after Emperor Jinhe and Duke Lu’s death. According to the records, these two people were never against each other before, their relationship is very good. It was recorded that Duke Lu once only focused on revenge. However, Emperor Jinhe loved him deeply and was willing to do everything for him, then, he finally let go of his hatred…”

So it’s not the love between the domineering and cruel scum emperor and the stunning beautiful love brain Duke, it’s clearly the love between…the silly, white, sweet, and beautiful emperor and the all-powerful Duke who let go of his hatred for love!

It seems pretty good?

T/N: Next is Apocalypse…|・ω・`)

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