Hold His Hand

Chapter 100: 100

Since Xie Chengze succeeded to the throne, Great Jin’s people’s lives have been getting better and better day by day.

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The imperial court spent money to build a water conservancy, built many waterwheels, wrote special agricultural books, and arranged for people to teach the people how to increase the yield of crops…Great Jin Dynasty’s grains were harvested year after year!

When the grain harvest is good, the common people are satisfied, they can’t help but praise the one on the throne all day long.

However, the ministers in the imperial court felt that the most powerful person was Duke Lu.

The waterwheel was brought out by Lord Lu, and the money for the construction of the water conservancy was earned by Lord Lu. Even the agricultural book was edited by Lord Lu!

Speaking of which…His majesty said that the agricultural book was written by Duke Lu, and that the book used to prevent and control the plague was also written by Duke Lu…They all thought it was the emperor who deliberately promoted Duke Lu and put gold on Duke Lu’s face.

Some even questioned it.

However, Duke Lu immediately showed his talent in medical skills and farming – some intractable diseases that even the imperial physicians could not cure, Duke Lu can cure. Duke Lu knows all about farming too!

He really knows!

He also knows more than this!

In short, after a long time, the ministers in the imperial court lost their tempers for Duke Lu. No matter what shocking things Duke Lu made, they were used to it, their faces won’t change.

Duke Lu did a lot of things, in fact, more or less, they hurt the interests of officials in the imperial court. At one time, many people hated him, but after a long time, everyone stopped hating him.

Duke Lu has been doing practical things for ten years. Although they can’t do this, they admire him.

Many people were influenced by Duke Lu and began to serve the people wholeheartedly like Duke Lu.

In a blink of an eye, it has been eight years since Xie Chengze ascended the throne. Today, as soon as Xie Chengze came down to court, someone sent him to the empress palace.

Lu Rong, the empress, is very competent. Not to mention managing the palace in an orderly manner, she has already given birth to two sons and two daughters for the ‘imperial family’.

At first, Xie Chengze and Lu Rong rarely saw each other. Although they both lived in the palace, they did not interfere with each other.

But later, Xie Chengze met his little crown prince by accident and was hugged by the little crown prince…He often went to Lu Rong’s place to look after the child.

The main reason is that he is too idle and has nothing else to do – the people under him are very capable, and Lu Yanzhou helps, there are fewer and fewer things that need him to do.

When he came to Lu Rong’s place, Xie Chengze saw that Lu Rong was chasing her second child, the eldest princess who was only six years old this year.

The eldest princess was very agile, so Lu Rong couldn’t catch her after a while.

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Xie Chengze couldn’t help laughing: “Hahahaha!”

Lu Rong: “…”

When the eldest princess saw Xie Chengze, she immediately ran towards Xie Chengze: “Little uncle, save me!”

Lu Rong’s children were all brought up by Lu Rong and Lu Qingshan himself, and the two often took them out of the palace under Lu Yanzhou’s arrangement to meet ordinary people.

The children all knew that Lu Qingshan was their real father.

As for Xie Chengze, they called him ‘imperial father’ before others but ‘little uncle’ behind others. Of course, after many years, only the crown prince was brought before others.

Hearing the eldest princess calling for help, Xie Chengze put away his smile and said to Lu Rong, “Seventh sister, calm down…The child is still young, even if she makes a mistake, you can’t beat her.”

Lu Rong said: “This child won’t listen without a beating, she actually tricked her little brother into eating chili peppers!”

Xie Chengze: “…Is her little brother okay?”

Lu Rong was helpless: “his mouth is still swollen, he has been crying for a long time now.”

The eldest princess said: “I didn’t do it on purpose! It was uncle who said the chili was delicious, so I let him eat it.”

Lu Rong glared at her: “Then why don’t you eat it yourself?”

The eldest princess: “…” She didn’t dare!

Then, Xie Chengze also reacted at this moment: “Wait, I don’t remember, how many peppers are there?”

Lu Yanzhou got the peppers by accident, there were only a few of them in total. At that time, Lu Yanzhou dug out the seeds and planted them, then cooked hot pot with the outer skins for him to eat.

The hot pot was really delicious, so much so that he couldn’t forget it, but unfortunately, two small seedlings grew out of the pepper seeds planted, and in the end there were only about twenty peppers.

In other words, it would take a long time for him to be able to eat chili to his heart’s content.

Now the eldest princess is even wreaking havoc on the chili peppers?

Lu Rong said: “She asked her younger brother to pick it. Her younger brother didn’t know how to control himself, so he picked six at a time, wanting to share it with the family.” Lu Rong’s youngest son was only three years old. He didn’t even know that the peppers his uncle planted in the Imperial Garden couldn’t be picked indiscriminately, and he even took six in one breath.

That’s enough for two hot pot meals for him! Xie Chengze sighed: “Seventh sister, you can spank. Remember to hit where there’s more meat so there won’t be a wound…”

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The eldest princess wanted to cry but had no tears: “Little uncle!”

Xie Chengze said: “Your uncle should have told you that you can’t pick it randomly, who told you not to listen to him?”

Seeing that the peppers were about to grow, Lu Yanzhou told Lu Rong that he would cook some dishes with peppers for them to eat.

At that time, the eldest princess kept asking questions, so Lu Yanzhou also said that she couldn’t pick it and that it would be used for cooking.

In the end…the kid obviously didn’t take it seriously.

After that, the eldest princess was spanked by Lu Rong. Not to mention that the chili pepper is very precious…It’s not right for her to coax her little brother to eat indiscriminately!

In fact, Lu Rong didn’t use much force, she just wanted to teach her a lesson, but the eldest princess was probably frightened and wanted to make Lu Rong feel bad, so she cried loudly.

It wasn’t until Lu Rong finished spanking that she breathed a sigh of relief and she stopped howling. There were no tears on her face.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Xie Chengze talks with Lu Rong for a bit.

The Supreme Emperor passed away not long after Xie Chengze ascended the throne. Afterwards, the Empress Dowager heard some rumors such as ‘the Supreme Emperor was actually killed by the Emperor’, so she immediately packed her things and left the palace to worship the buddha.

Of course, it’s said that she was worshiping the buddha, but in fact the empress dowager is not a vegetarian. She has eaten and drank there in the past few years with a group of people holding her hands. She has lived a very happy life, she even occasionally wants to send someone to Xie Chengze’s harem.

Those people were stopped by Lu Rong.

At first, Lu Rong thought that Xie Chengze had a heart condition and would not live for a few years, so she proposed to enter the palace, but later saw that Xie Chengze’s body was getting stronger every year, so she regretted it for a while.

She was afraid that Xie Chengze would want to marry a wife and have children after his recovery.

At that time, she and her child will become stumbling blocks!

However, she soon discovered that she was thinking too much.

Although Xie Chengze is in good health, he still focuses on her younger brother and has no intention of marrying a wife and having children.

Let’s not talk about anything else, he still lets her brother handle all the important affairs in the court…Only Xie Chengze, a ‘fatuous emperor’ who is obsessed with beauty, can do it.

Now her younger brother is under one person and over ten thousand…Oh, in fact, he isn’t even under one person, he is very powerful. He does what he wants to do everyday, running outside the palace. What about Xie Chengze? He stayed in the palace every day, not to mention the maids by his side, there’s not even a handsome little eunuch by his side.

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He must be under her brother’s control!

Xie Chengze did stay in the palace most of the time while Lu Yanzhou was out of the palace all day.

But…not even a handsome eunuch around him was all arranged by Xie Chengze himself.

Not only that, Lu Yanzhou was surrounded by Xie Chengze’s people.

Returning to the imperial study with the five peppers that were not eaten, Xie Chengze waited for Zhou Xueya, who came to report Lu Yanzhou’s whereabouts yesterday.

It was almost the same as before, another busy day, during which he had no contact with anyone.

Xie Chengze was very satisfied.

According to Xie Chengze’s analysis of Lu Yanzhou after a long time, Lu Yanzhou…is a bit too kind!

It’s okay to be kind, but Lu Yanzhou loves him more than heaven. Because he likes him, he puts all revenge and everything aside, he doesn’t want fame or fortune either.

For things like waterwheels, they were all made by Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou felt that there was no need to tell others after he insisted on making them public.

Xie Chengze has been working hard to help Lu Yanzhou manage his reputation.

Of course, while helping Lu Yanzhou build his reputation, he also looked after Lu Yanzhou in an airtight manner.

He believes that Lu Yanzhou will not betray him, but if he doesn’t do it, someone will definitely follow Lu Yanzhou…Wasn’t he also deliberately approaching Lu Yanzhou back then?

After explaining some things to Zhou Xueya, Xie Chengze dismiss Zhou Xueya.

Zhou Xueya left the palace and sighed.

Alas, why did he feel that Lu Yanzhou had ulterior motives back then?

This person is clearly able to rebel but didn’t rebel, he even gave away his family’s elixir, not to mention these years, he is busy every day to make the people live a better life.

Such a person can be called sincere and trustworthy.

It’s his majesty…Don’t look at his majesty who doesn’t take any credit for Lu Yanzhou’s achievements. In fact, he already has control of all the military power, and Lu Yanzhou’s every move is also under his majesty’s surveillance.

His majesty is much more difficult to provoke than Lu Yanzhou.

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As for his majesty’s liking for Lu Yanzhou, he can also understand. If he likes men, he will definitely like someone like Lu Yanzhou…

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze don’t know much about Lu Rong and Zhou Xueya’s brain supplements.

They had a very happy life, but what they needed to struggle with was that Xie Chengze liked spicy food very much, but he would have diarrhea after eating it.

By the way, Lu Yanzhou has been struggling with one thing recently: “AZe, recently, many ministers of the imperial court seem to know about the relationship between the two of us.”

Lu Yanzhou isn’t interested in such things as showing off love. He always feels that it is enough for him to live a good life, there’s no need to let others judge him.

Now that more and more people know about his relationship with Xie Chengze, he feels a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this is mainly because…Some people only know one thing and don’t know the other. After discovering his relationship with Xie Chengze, they sympathize with him.

Ahem, in the eyes of others, Xie Chengze has both sons and daughters, but he has no wives and concubines. Xie Chengze’s behavior is like a scumbag…

But he knew very well that those children of Xie Chengze were not Xie Chengze’s at all!

Xie Chengze is so wronged!

Xie Chengze asked: “You don’t want others to know about our relationship?”

When Xie Chengze asked this question, he looked a little sad. Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Of course not, I just don’t want them to talk about you.”

“I don’t care, I want them to know that you are mine.” Xie Chengze smiled.

Why did the courtiers know about his relationship with Lu Yanzhou? He deliberately guided them!

He’s afraid that some people will think that Lu Yanzhou is using his appearance to serve others. He has been helping Lu Yanzhou to build momentum these years, so that Duke Lu will be respected by others. After their relationship was known, no one would look down on Lu Yanzhou because of it.

As for him being a bit of a scumbag in the eyes of others…It doesn’t matter, Lu Yanzhou may even feel guilty because of it and treat him better.

In short, he wanted to imprint his brand on Lu Yanzhou so that no one would covet Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was taken aback when he heard this.

So actually Xie Chengze wants to make it public? That’s fine…Since it’s what Xie Chengze wants, so be it!

But it’s not good for Xie Chengze to be misunderstood all the time…Lu Yanzhou wondered if he should explain it to others.

At least, after a hundred years, they must leave something behind to let future generations know that Xie Chengze is not a scumbag.

T/N: Aye. I will hate to be the people that will study this Great Jin’s history. After finding Lu Yanzhou clue, they will have to rewrite everything lmao

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