Hold His Hand

Chapter 99: 99

Xie Chengze’s health has recovered, so Lu Yanzhou no longer needs to pay attention to his physical condition all the time as before. He started to leave the palace every day.

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The Lu family has been redressed, and Lu Yanzhou also inherited the Lu family’s title, becoming the young Duke Lu…he has many things to do.

The main thing he does is to make money and spend it.

To get this small world out of Black Tortoise’s control, he needs a lot of merit.

He also wants to help more people.

The original owner died more than two years later, so Lu Yanzhou knew many things that happened in these two years.

Previously, his mind was on the spring exam, revenge, and protecting Xie Chengze, but he didn’t have to worry about these things now, then…

There was a drought in a certain place and the officials kept it secret, but Lu Yanzhou discovered it in advance!

A certain official did a lot of dirty things in private and the sufferer had nowhere to turn, so Lu Yanzhou took the sufferer to Dali Temple!

A certain group was crazy and brought many abducted children to the capital, before they even entered the city, they were taken by Lu Yanzhou.

For half a month, Lu Yanzhou did a lot of things, helping people everywhere non-stop.

While Xie Chengze was dealing with these matters, he couldn’t help but sigh — isn’t Lu Yanzhou’s heart too good?

Recently, he also felt that things like his father’s accident should have been planned by Lu Rong and had nothing to do with Lu Yanzhou.

Judging from the investigation…Lu Qingshan became a daoist priest a few years ago. All he wanted was to get close to his father and take revenge, at that time, Lu Yanzhou was still Jiangnan.

Looking at it this way, Lu Yanzhou is actually quite innocent. After falling in love with his enemy’s son, he obviously has the ability to rebel and ascend the throne, but in the end he gave up all of it.

What a mind full of love and affection.

He should treat Lu Yanzhou better!

Xie Chengze went for a walk in the Imperial Garden after dealing with some official business that day.

This was requested by Lu Yanzhou. Lu Yanzhou asked him to walk for at least half an hour every day on sunny days.

While strolling, Xie Chengze was stopped by the empress dowager.

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Seeing the empress dowager, Xie Chengze was in a trance for a moment — he hadn’t seen his mother in the past half a month since he took the throne.

During the period before his ascension…he actually kept his mother isolated.

At that time, he thought that he was going to die, and he was afraid that his mother would be punished if she offended Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong, so he suppressed her and didn’t allow her to come out to offend others.

As for after ascending the throne…isn’t it because he’s too busy?

He has to deal with imperial court affairs, exercise, and get along with Lu Yanzhou…He feels that there is not enough time every day.

Of course, there were other reasons why they didn’t meet — he and his mother had rarely seen each other, he was used to it, and his mother didn’t come to find him either.

“Imperial mother.” Xie Chengze greeted her.

The empress dowager immediately said: “I can’t afford to be called imperial mother by your majesty!”

Seeing Xie Chengze, the empress dowager anger burst out. She said a lot, but the main idea was…Lu Rong is not a good enough empress, Xie Chengze should abolish this empress, it’s best to choose a woman from her natal family to be his empress.

In fact, Lu Rong and Xie Chengze had nothing to do with each other, but not many people knew about it, at least not the empress dowager.

Xie Chengze said: “Imperial mother, I like her.”

“What’s so good about her?”

“Then what’s wrong with her?” Xie Chengze asked. As far as he knew, Lu Rong was a good empress. Not only did she manage the people in the harem seriously, she also went to pay her respects to the empress dowager every day.

The empress dowager said: “There is no matchmaker to match…”

“Imperial mother is complaining about me?”

The empress dowager froze.

Xie Chengze said: “Imperial mother, you are the most honorable woman in the world now. No matter who they are, they have to bow to you when they see you, but this is because I am the emperor…You have never been close to him, in fact, you keep pushing me away, why did you do it?”

The empress dowager couldn’t say anything. Xie Chengze continued: “Uncle said that I am not in good health. You cannot rely on me but you can rely on him to be the empress dowager? If I lost when King Rui besieged the palace before, you may not even be able to keep your life now.”

The emperor’s imperial concubine had already died of illness. Xie Chengze knew that his mother was the one who did it. Seeing his mother in a daze, he continued: “You are the empress dowager now, you can live as you want. You can go out of the palace secretly when you are free, or find some people to enter the palace to talk with you, it’s all possible. Even if you want to find someone again, I can do it for you too. But if you wholeheartedly help uncle to renounce me, no one knows what will happen in the future.”

Xie Chengze remembered that when he was a child, although his mother was very strict with him and her mood kept changing, she was not bad. However, when his health became worse and worse, his mother completely kept a distance from him.

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It doesn’t matter if she kept her distance from him, but his mother always makes trouble for him.

What’s more…His health is not good, his subordinates like Zhou Xueya are so concerned about it, but what about his imperial mother? She never asks a question when they meet.

The empress dowager left in a daze.

Xie Chengze thought about it, and then went to the Supreme Emperor.

He hadn’t seen the Supreme Emperor for a while, and now that he saw him, he felt that the Supreme Emperor looked much older.

Moreover, the Supreme Emperor can’t talk at the moment.

Xie Chengze wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything after seeing this situation.

When the empress came to see the Supreme Emperor, she probably said everything that should be said.

Just as Xie Chengze thought, Lu Rong met the Supreme Emperor specifically and brought Lu Qingshan along, and then told the Supreme Emperor everything Lu Yanzhou and them did, making the Supreme Emperor faint.

After being so angry, the Supreme Emperor couldn’t speak anymore…

Not long after Xie Chengze returned to the palace, Lu Yanzhou came back with a box: “AZe, guess what I brought back?”

“What is it?” Xie Chengze asked.

Lu Yanzhou opened the box and took out a glass bowl: “It’s a glass bowl. We tried many times and finally made this one.”

The firing of glass is completely different from the firing of traditional porcelain. Previously, Xie Chengze asked people to fire glass, but what came out were glass beads with different shapes with impurities.

Lu Yanzhou tried for a long time before he could make a glass bowl, the cost required for this was really not small.

Fortunately, this is meant to be sold as a luxury item.

“It’s so beautiful.” Xie Chengze liked this bowl very much.

Lu Yanzhou said: “In the future, I will definitely make more beautiful ones for you!”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze smiled.

Seeing that he smiled, Lu Yanzhou leaned over to kiss him, but Xie Chengze avoided him.

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Lu Yanzhou felt helpless: “AZe…”

Xie Chengze coughed lightly: “You know what to do!” He thought that Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him and that being with him was just for revenge before, so Xie Chengze naturally had no demands on Lu Yanzhou at all.

He was afraid that if he asked for too much, Lu Yanzhou would run away.

However, the situation is different now. Now he is more and more sure that Lu Yanzhou likes him.

Lu Yanzhou handed over all the waterwheels and so on to him, helped him ascend the throne, and wanted to be his empress…

Lu Yanzhou attaches great importance to him, so he can naturally make demands with Lu Yanzhou.

Seeing Xie Chengze staring at him, Lu Yanzhou immediately said, “AZe, I like you. I’m happy every day with you…”

Xie Chengze finally gave in.

He said a lot of similar things on the night of his enthronement, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t say anything, of course he had to make up for it!

Well, more than what he said.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Alas, his AZe is too easy to coax. He forgave him with just a few sweet words.

He originally thought that he would be left out for a few days after he fainted…

Of course, Xie Chengze was reluctant to neglect Lu Yanzhou, but his heart still had a little pimple — did Lu Yanzhou have someone else before?

As a result, the person who went to Jiangnan came back and told him that when Lu Yanzhou was in Jiangnan, he devoted himself to studying. There were no men or women around him.

When he was in the capital, there was no one around Lu Yanzhou either.

So…Lu Yanzhou is just extremely talented?

That night, Xie Chengze couldn’t help but ask, “How do you know so much?”

Lu Yanzhou’s heart skipped a beat, he could only make nonsense: “I asked my sister for advice.” He did ask a little bit…Xie Chengze wouldn’t ask Lu Rong, right?

Xie Chengze: “…” I see.

It can only be said that Lu Yanzhou’s learning ability is really strong!

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And he had been blindly jealous for so long!

Now that he looks back and thinks about it carefully, it was already really wonderful that he and Lu Yanzhou knew each other…Why did he think so much before? !

Lu Yanzhou didn’t lie to him at all before, what he said was actually the truth!

Luckily he didn’t do anything at the time.

Seeing Xie Chengze’s silence, Lu Yanzhou reflexively said some sweet words: “AZe, in my last life, this life, and the next life, you are the only one!”

Xie Chengze threw him down directly.

His health is much better, he can avenge his shame!

But…Xie Chengze’s body is still not good enough to win…

However, in the following days, his body became more and more healthy, and the country also became better and better.

There is Duke Lu watching the civil and military affairs in the imperial court…the ministers in the imperial court didn’t dare to do such things as corruption and bribery!

It stands to reason that Lu Yanzhou cut off a lot of people’s money, so everyone should hate him, but they can’t hate him.

Because Lu Yanzhou is really good at making money. He made a lot of things, they didn’t know how much money he got back. 50% of the money went to the national treasury, 40% was used to help the poor, and the remaining 10% became the year-end bonus. They…they are working hard for the year-end bonus now!

They couldn’t help but sigh, Duke Lu is really a good man!

His mansion was dilapidated but he never took money to repair it, instead he helped many people.

In addition to being a good person, Duke Lu is also well known in the world for his talents.

Whether it’s training soldiers and fighting wars or dealing with the imperial court affairs, whether it’s water conservancy or plague, Duke Lu understands everything. He is a rare all-rounder!

They didn’t know what his majesty did, but he made duke Lu give up his hatred and be so devoted to him. His method was really extraordinary!

It’s said that his majesty is ruthless, merciless, and skilled in controlling people, this statement should be true.

What’s more…Wasn’t it said that his majesty has a heart condition? Years have passed…how could they only see that his majesty is healthier than them?

T/N: Two extra and this world is done!

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