Hold His Hand

Chapter 98: 98

Previously, he felt that he would not live long, so Xie Chengze deliberately did not investigate many things, so as not to feel overwhelmed by knowing.

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Neither deaf nor mute and not a family member1Someone that pretends not to know about the other trouble/fault/problem/flaw, he was in this state at that time.

But now he is in good health!

Even if he’s a little weak, if he pays more attention to his health in the future, he will still have decades to live!

That being the case, he must investigate clearly what Lu Yanzhou did, especially the matter between Lu Yanzhou and King Rui.

If Lu Yanzhou and King Rui really had a relationship…Xie Chengze now has the urge to lock Lu Yanzhou up.

By the way, Lu Yanzhou’s previous experience in Jiangnan must also be investigated. He needs to find out where Lu Yanzhou learned those skills and whether he has used them on others.

Thinking that Lu Yanzhou might have had someone else before, Xie Chengze clenched his fists tighter and tighter.

However, although his mood fluctuated, Xie Chengze’s expression remained calm.

After he ordered Zhou Xueya, he dismissed those imperial physicians who had not treated him before leave, leaving only Imperial Physician Hu who had been treating him, the old eunuch by his side, and Zhou Xueya who had not left even though he had received the order.

Only then did Xie Chengze ask Imperial Physician Hu: “Is my heart condition really cured?”

Imperial Physician Hu said: “Your majesty, I can’t see anything wrong with your body now.” He was a little confused at the moment. He helped take care of the emperor’s body since he was a child, how did he suddenly recover?

Xie Chengze was a little dazed when he heard the words too.

What he ate yesterday, wouldn’t really be a real elixir, right?

But that taste is clearly a sugar ball!

“Your majesty? Are you in good health?” Zhou Xueya couldn’t help asking.

“I should have recovered,” Xie Chengze said with a calm face, “I didn’t expect the elixir handed down by the Lu family to be really useful.”

Zhou Xueya, old eunuch, and imperial physician Hu: “…” Is there such a miraculous thing?!

“Others don’t know about this matter, so don’t say anything.” Xie Chengze said.

“Yes, your majesty.” The three immediately responded.

Just as he was talking, a guard came in quietly: “Your majesty, Lord Lu is coming.”

This guard is the person Xie Chengze arranged to keep an eye on Lu Yanzhou. He will always inform Xie Chengze of Lu Yanzhou’s whereabouts.

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Hearing this, Xie Chengze almost couldn’t control his expression.

Now he really wants to see Lu Yanzhou, but also doesn’t want to see Lu Yanzhou too…

Asking for pleasure but making himself faint…

Of course, before he finished struggling, Lu Yanzhou came in.

Lu Yanzhou felt that Xie Chengze had slept for too long, so he had already decided to wake Xie Chengze up even if Xie Chengze hadn’t woken up. Now that Xie Chengze has woken up, it was perfect: “Your majesty, are you awake? Let’s eat something first.”

Xie Chengze asked, “What’s there?”

“It’s all your favorite food…you found an imperial physician?” Lu Yanzhou only saw the imperial physician next to him at this time.

Xie Chengze has experienced strong winds and waves, so his face did not change at this time: “Mm, I feel a little uncomfortable in the back.”

Lu Yanzhou looked embarrassed: “…I was reckless yesterday…”

Xie Chengze said: “It’s okay, it’s my fault.” Lu Yanzhou was actually quite sensible, after all, he still has to blame himself for fainting.

Speaking of it…At first he didn’t really want to see Lu Yanzhou because he was afraid of embarrassment, but now that Lu Yanzhou looked embarrassed, he suddenly felt that it didn’t matter.

Isn’t he just saying some sweet words? Lu Yanzhou brought him water to wash his feet!

“Ahem…Imperial Physician Hu, how is his majesty’s health?” Lu Yanzhou looked at Imperial Physician Hu.

Although Imperial Physician Hu has experienced a lot of wind and waves, he still can hardly bear to hear the conversation between the two — His majesty is the one below, who seems to be…very active?

His beard was shaking: “His majesty is fine.”

“That’s good.” Lu Yanzhou took out the food.

Xie Chengze chased others away without hesitation: “You go out first.”

Everyone knows who he were referring to, so Zhou Xueya and others left quickly.

Only Lu Yanzhou was left in the bedroom. Xie Chengze said: “The medicine you gave me yesterday is very effective, I am already in good health today.”

“Mm. If you exercise more in the future, your body will get better and better.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou deeply. Lu Yanzhou’s expression was no different from before, he still spoke very sincerely.

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He always felt that Lu Yanzhou was telling lies, but if Lu Yanzhou really wanted to lie to him, there was no need to cure him.

Xie Chengze asked: “My imperial father ordered that the whole Lu family be executed, don’t you hate me?”

“You are you, your father is your father, I can tell the difference.” Lu Yanzhou said. Xie Chengze was only three years old then!

“Then you killed King Rui?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t hesitate: “He wants to kill you, why can’t I kill him?”

So Lu Yanzhou killed King Rui because King Rui wanted to kill him? Xie Chengze continued asking: “If you are with me, the blood of the Lu family will end, are you okay with that?”

Lu Yanzhou answered: “Isn’t your bloodline also end? And I have several older sisters.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and couldn’t help laughing.

He didn’t know how his body got better.

He only knew that at this moment, his heart seemed to be filled with honey.

He said a lot of things last night, both sincere and calculating, he wanted Lu Yanzhou to remember him.

But now, all he has left is his sincerity: “Jizhi, is everything you told me before true?”

“Of course.” Lu Yanzhou answered without hesitation.

Xie Chengze said: “Jizhi, why are you so nice, I can’t wait to bring you to my side all the time.”

“Then take me with you.” Lu Yanzhou responded immediately.

Xie Chengze laughed and began to eat the food Lu Yanzhou brought him.

He was in a very good mood, he even felt rejuvenated.

He has indeed gained a new life. His future life is still very long and he can be with Lu Yanzhou for a long time.

Lu Yanzhou said at this moment: “Your majesty…I’ll call you AZe. AZe, people can’t be too greedy, you still have to restrain yourself in the future, we can’t be like last night…”

Xie Chengze stuffed a piece of meat into Lu Yanzhou’s mouth.

Lu Yanzhou really mentions the pot that doesn’t boil2To touch a sore spot; To talk about somebody’s weak point!

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This kind of dark history…He never wants to mention it again in his life!

As for last night…When his body recovers, that was bound to be his future shame!

Of course, before that, what kind of history did Lu Yanzhou have, he must find out!

Zhou Xueya was very efficient and sent Xie Chengze the results of the interrogation the next day.

King Rui died suddenly and Xie Chengze was busy with his ascension to the throne afterwards, so he never interrogated King Rui’s confidantes and locked them up all the time.

After being imprisoned for such a long time, King Rui’s confidantes were already scared out of their wits, and since King Rui was dead, no one would come to rescue them…During Zhou Xueya’s interrogation, they said everything they knew.

These people also knew a little about Lu Yanzhou, they knew that this person was interested in their prince, and the prince disliked him very much.

As for the rest, there is nothing.

Zhou Xueya said: “Lord Lu has been with King Rui for two years but he hasn’t done much in total. King Rui has indeed told people about Lord Lu’s interest in him, but the two of them rarely meet and they only meet occasionally in teahouses…”

Zhou Xueya had been very wary of Lu Yanzhou some time ago, so he kept staring at Lu Yanzhou. After watching him, he found that Lu Yanzhou was very talented.

Not to mention things like waterwheels, Lu Yanzhou’s desire to win over officials is almost a matter of his fingertips – for some reason, everyone always tends to have a good impression of him.

Such a capable person, after working with King Rui for two years, he accomplished so little…Well, it might not be a small thing for others, but it gave him the feeling that Lu Yanzhou was passively sabotaging his work.

He also said that he likes King Rui…How does Lu Yanzhou treat his majesty and how does he treat King Rui? This is definitely not called liking King Rui.

“I see.” Said Xie Chengze. After hearing what Zhou Xueya said, he also felt that Lu Yanzhou had no sincerity towards King Rui.

With Lu Yanzhou’s ability to coax people, if he really likes King Rui, he can definitely take King Rui down.

Zhou Xueya looked up at Xie Chengze, saw Xie Chengze’s calm appearance, and admired Xie Chengze more.

He didn’t believe his majesty’s words before…

What his majesty said is true!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xueya said again: “Your majesty, I still have something to say.”

“Tell me.” Xie Chengze said.

Zhou Xueya said: “Your majesty, our spies at the border sent back the news that Lord Lu sent the money from the Lu family to the border and he indeed used it for the soldiers, but most of it was given to the elderly and disabled and those that have a difficult life. As for those who have lost their lives, the money was sent to their families…”

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Xie Chengze: “…” He knew that the Lu family should have left a lot of money, and he also felt that Lu Yanzhou must have bought many people with this money.

In the end…Lu Yanzhou really used the money to help the poor?

Zhou Xueya said: “Your majesty, Lord Lu has done many good deeds.”

When Zhou Xueya learned about this, he was shocked!

He didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to be so kind.

With so much money in the Lu family, he actually gave away all of it!

Why did he doubt such a good man before?

At this moment, Zhou Xueya felt that Lu Yanzhou should have nothing to do with the attack on the Supreme Emperor. It was probably done by Lu Rong and the others. At that time, Lu Yanzhou was clearly focused on his majesty.

Thinking about it carefully, Lu Yanzhou has done so much, but it’s indeed his majesty who benefited in the end.

The Supreme Emperor was abolished, King Rui died, and his majesty ascended the throne, and now his health is also good.

As for the matter between his majesty and Lu Yanzhou…His majesty has always been indifferent to women, so he may really like men.

Well, his majesty is obviously the one who took the initiative…

Xie Chengze was very calm: “I know, didn’t I tell you already?”

Zhou Xueya: “…” That’s right, so his majesty really devised battle plans in the tent3planning ahead of time.

Xie Chengze said: “Okay, you send someone to Jiangnan to investigate Lu Yanzhou’s past affairs carefully. In addition…you arrange a few more people to watch Lu Yanzhou, I want to know all his whereabouts.”

“Yes, your majesty!” Zhou Xueya agreed. He suddenly pity Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is completely under his majesty’s control!

On the other hand, Lu Rong also felt pity for Xie Chengze when she heard that Xie Chengze failed to get out of bed on the first day after ascending the throne. The imperial physician even prescribed tonics for him because of his weak body.

Xie Chengze has always been bullied by her brother!

1Someone that pretends not to know about the other trouble/fault/problem/flaw2To touch a sore spot; To talk about somebody’s weak point3planning ahead of time

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