Hold His Hand

Chapter 97: 97

Xie Chengze is very clear about his physical condition.

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He has a heart condition, so he can’t do strenuous exercise such as running and jumping at all. Apart from these, other intense things will also make his heart beat faster, which is very uncomfortable.

He’s had attacks like this before.

Lu Yanzhou had always cared about him before, even stopping him from walking faster, but now…

Lu Yanzhou’s actions were really a bit ruthless.

He was tired all day today, and he doesn’t feel very good now, so he would definitely not be able to bear such strenuous exercise!

What exactly does Lu Yanzhou want to do?

Everything that needs him to do has been done, so Lu Yanzhou wants him to die?

Xie Chengze thought of what happened the day King Rui besieged the East Palace.

At that time, Lu Yanzhou…killed King Rui without any hesitation.

According to the situation he investigated, Lu Yanzhou helped King Rui a lot in the past two years and treated King Rui very well. If it wasn’t for this, King Rui wouldn’t have trusted him so much.

Then, what happened?

Lu Yanzhou betrayed King Rui without hesitation.

That day when Lu Yanzhou walked towards King Rui, King Rui’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then he was killed.

At the moment of his death, King Rui clearly couldn’t believe it, he didn’t understand how Lu Yanzhou could kill him.

But Lu Yanzhou still did it!

For Lu Yanzhou, perhaps the most important thing is revenge.

Under such circumstances, how could Lu Yanzhou fall in love with the son of the person who killed his family?

Falling in love at first sight and then being obedient to him? It’s impossible for such a thing to happen!

He’s afraid that everything Lu Yanzhou did was only an act.

He ascended the throne today and has made Lu Rong the empress, and the child with the blood of the Lu family has become the crown prince…

Lu Yanzhou doesn’t need him anymore, so he wants him dead?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t intend to coax him before he died? Just a candy ball and trick him that it was an elixir?

But, what’s with Lu Yanzhou’s hobby? Let him die on the bed…Isn’t Lu Yanzhou afraid that he will feel uncomfortable when he thinks about it in the future?

Although Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law are in charge of guarding the capital, the palace is still under Xie Chengze’s control.

Xie Chengze knew that if he called someone at this moment, it would not be difficult to catch Lu Yanzhou.

But he didn’t want to shout.

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Besides, he won’t live long.

Hugging Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze said, ‘faster.’

In the past few months, every time though he was moaning, he was not very happy.

Better to enjoy it before he dies.

Well, if he died, it would be even better if Lu Yanzhou was scared and couldn’t touch others!

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze bit Lu Yanzhou’s shoulder.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He is already very fast, but Xie Chengze still thinks that it was too slow?

He shouldn’t go so fast, okay!

But Xie Chengze asked for this…then, Lu Yanzhou’s speed accelerated.

Xie Chengze only felt that he was a little breathless, like a dying fish, he could only open his mouth to breathe hard.

Then, he became fierce. He grabbed Lu Yanzhou tightly and looked at Lu Yanzhou with wide eyes: “Jizhi, I like you.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Who can stand this!

He couldn’t stand it anymore, but Xie Chengze was still talking: “The time I was with you was the happiest time I’ve ever lived.”

Xie Chengze wanted to say everything that should be said, so that he will not have no opportunity to say it in the future: “For me, you are the most important person in this world.”

Xie Chengze was short of breath and spoke intermittently, but he still didn’t stop: “If I could meet you sooner…”

Xie Chengze didn’t know how much he had said.

He only knew that he was looking at Lu Yanzhou all the time. Lu Yanzhou’s body was covered with sweat, his face was expressionless, his eyes were fierce, and his movements were very, very fast…

Xie Chengze looked at him, then fainted.

His death was…well worth it.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Lu Yanzhou wanted to slap himself.

Although Xie Chengze’s heart condition has healed, he has not exercised all year round and his health is poor, and he was very tired today.

No matter how enthusiastic Xie Chengze is, he should restrain himself. Why did he listen to Xie Chengze?

If he didn’t have a little medical skills and knew that Xie Chengze was fine, and he was just a little tired and fainted, he would be in a hurry to find an imperial physician right now, then when the time comes…

Lu Yanzhou covered his face and started to clean the bed.

In the end…this is the first day he and Xie Chengze stay in this bedroom, so he couldn’t find a change of sheets for a while…

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Lu Yanzhou could only go to the people waiting outside the door and ask them to bring him various things.

After finally tidying up, Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze and fell asleep. However, they didn’t sleep for long before the old eunuch next to Xie Chengze came.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Yanzhou asked in a low voice.

“His majesty has to go to morning court.” Seeing Lu Yanzhou lying on the dragon bed, the old eunuch didn’t even give him an extra look.

Lu Yanzhou said: “his majesty was tired yesterday, dimiss today’s morning court.”

Although Xie Chengze’s heart condition has healed, his body still needs to be taken care of, so as not to tire him out.

Dismiss morning court.

Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, the old eunuch nodded and went out. Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze and continued to sleep.

As a result, he fell asleep again. It was already light out but Xie Chengze was still sleeping.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help kissing him a few times.

Xie Chengze pushed him away, turned over and continued to sleep.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Lu Yanzhou felt uncomfortable lying down, so he simply got up, went outside to find a place to do a set of punches, and then went to the imperial dining room to ask to make some nutritious food for Xie Chengze.

He must force Xie Chengze to exercise well in the future. What happened last night must never happen again.

Lu Yanzhou was staying in the imperial dining room, so he didn’t know that Zhou Xueya came as soon as he left.

A few days ago, Zhou Xueya found a very famous doctor among the people. He tried his best to invite him here, wanting this doctor to give Xie Chengze a diagnosis and treatment.

Unusually, he wouldn’t be in such a hurry, and he would ask Xie Chengze for instructions first, and then ask the doctor to come see Xie Chengze after he agreed.

However, Xie Chengze felt a little uncomfortable when he returned to the bedchamber yesterday, and he still didn’t wake up today…He was very worried, so he called the doctor in advance.

Led by the old eunuch beside Xie Chengze, Zhou Xueya and the doctor came to the gate of the emperor’s bedroom.

The doctor came from an ordinary family, so when he learned that he was going to see the emperor, he was already in a state of panic, and now that he entered the palace, he dared not even breathe.

The old eunuch was still the calmest. He said after entering the bedroom: “Your majesty, Lord Zhou is asking to see you.”

Xie Chengze didn’t respond at all.

The old eunuch changed his face and called out a few more times: “Your majesty, your majesty?”

Xie Chengze still didn’t respond.

“What’s wrong with the emperor?” Zhou Xueya was also anxious at this time and asked loudly outside.

Fortunately, at this time, Xie Chengze’s voice finally sounded: “So noisy!”

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Xie Chengze was puzzled. He is dead, why are there still people talking in his ear and calling him?

Can’t they just let him lie down?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze opened his eyes.

He saw the bright yellow bed curtain and also saw the wrinkled old eunuch beside him.

The old eunuch saw that Xie Chengze had woken up, his face was also rosy, so he finally heaved a sigh of relief, but his heart was not completely relaxed — Xie Chengze’s voice was hoarse, and his eyes were red… “Your majesty, Lord Zhou asked to see you, he brought a doctor to see you…”

Xie Chengze asked, “What time is it?”

“Your majesty, it’s past noon.”

“Where’s Lu Yanzhou?” Xie Chengze asked.

“Young master Lu went to the imperial dining room.”

Everything in front of him was extremely real. After thinking about it, Xie Chengze finally realized one thing – he might…not have die.

How could he not be dead? Last night he clearly felt that he couldn’t breathe.

As for why he couldn’t breath…such an extreme experience, ahem…it feels good.

“Your majesty?” Seeing that Xie Chengze was in a daze, the old eunuch called out again.

Some parts of Xie Chengze’s body were uncomfortable and aching, but his heart didn’t feel any discomfort…Thinking of the old eunuch saying that Zhou Xueya had brought a doctor…he said a little dazedly, “Let the doctor take a look at me.”

Before Lu Yanzhou left, he dressed Xie Chengze in his inner clothes. Xie Chengze lay on the bed, asking the doctor to check his pulse.

The doctor took Xie Chengze’s pulse for a long time, his whole body trembling.

Zhou Xueya, who followed in, was anxious: “Doctor, what’s wrong with his majesty?”

The doctor trembled: “Your majesty, no…nothing…”

“What’s wrong?” Zhou Xueya was even more anxious.

But the doctor still faltered and didn’t speak.

Xie Chengze couldn’t stand it anymore: “Doctor, don’t be nervous. If there’s anything, just tell me, I won’t blame you.”

Xie Chengze spoke slowly, with a calm voice, strangely convincing. The doctor finally became less nervous and then said: “Your majesty is fine, but you’re a bit indulgent and need to rest…”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Zhou Xueya: “…”

What’s the matter with you, doctor? You don’t talk about such a serious heart condition but talk about this?

Xie Chengze coughed lightly, then asked in an unusual voice, “What else?”

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“What else? There are no other major problems, but your majesty is a little weak.” The doctor was trembling. Because the emperor’s body was very weak, he could not stand such a toss.

The most important thing is…who exactly tosses emperor? Did he know something great?

He’s just a little weak? Xie Chengze felt that something was wrong, but he stabilized his expression and retracted his hand to feel his pulse.

His pulse was very strong, completely different from before.

Xie Chengze looked at Zhou Xueya: “Lord Zhou, come and feel my pulse.”

Zhou Xueya felt Xie Chengze’s pulse too. The more he felt, the more confused he became — where did the heart condition go?

Several people looked at each other, and finally Xie Chengze said: “Lord Zhou, you send this doctor to the imperial hospital and ask him to prescribe some medicine for me…By the way, call some imperial physicians over.”

He didn’t die after being so fierce…Could it be that his illness was really cured by Lu Yanzhou’s sugar ball?

Zhou Xueya ran to send the person to the imperial hospital, and then brought several imperial physicians.

Among the several imperial physicians, only one had treated Xie Chengze before, but they all knew that Xie Chengze had a heart condition — Previously, King Rui yelled loudly, so many people heard it!

And these days, the Supreme Emperor has not said much.

They all thought that Zhou Xueya was in such a hurry because something had happened to Xie Chengze, so they were all in a panic too.

As a result, when they check Xie Chengze…

What about his heart condition? Where did the heart condition come from?

It’s just that his majesty’s body is a little weak!

Xie Chengze: “…” These people are very courageous, they all say one by one that he is just weak.

Of course, he was indeed a little weak, after all he passed out last night.

Did Lu Yanzhou get scared after encountering such a thing?

Alas, he doesn’t even want to see Lu Yanzhou at the moment.

What did he say last night? He even urged Lu Yanzhou to be faster, and then forced himself to faint!

Lu Yanzhou will definitely make fun of him!

Wait, if Lu Yanzhou really cured him, it means that what Lu Yanzhou said to him before is true, Lu Yanzhou should…really like him.

Xie Chengze froze in place, all kinds of emotions rushed up, and then he immediately looked at Zhou Xueya: “Lord Zhou, the people around King Rui are still under arrest? Interrogate them well, I want to know everything about King Rui and Lu Yanzhou.”

He is jealous!

T/N: Well, Xie Chengze’s vinegar jar is ready and open. The smell is coming out! Take cover!

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