Hold His Hand

Chapter 96: 96

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou was very strange, the point of his focus is always weird.

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He makes him, a dying man, promise not to set up a harem, but now he also wants an empress.

Lu Yanzhou should have waited for his death then take reins of power, he should be able to control the emperor and command his vassals!

Now that Lu Yanzhou is talking about this with him, is he trying to lower his vigilance, or does Lu Yanzhou really have some affection for him?

Xie Chengze thought about it and felt that Lu Yanzhou should have some affection for him.

He has already confirmed that Lu Yanzhou likes men, otherwise he wouldn’t be unable to stand his teasing, and since Lu Yanzhou likes men…Among the men in the world, he should be considered good in terms of appearance and talent.

Although there is a grudge between him and Lu Yanzhou, he is dying and he is also obedient to Lu Yanzhou these days. It’s normal for Lu Yanzhou to like him, right?

This is good, he should be able to live the rest of his life comfortably.

The only annoying thing is that after his death, Lu Yanzhou might make out with other people and coax them like him.

Lu Yanzhou should have done this before, otherwise how could he be so proficient?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze grabbed Lu Yanzhou’s arm, rolled up Lu Yanzhou’s sleeve and bit Lu Yanzhou’s arm.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know why he bit him, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing.” Said Xie Chengze. His teeth were itchy, he just wanted to grind them.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” it may just be a little fun, Xie Chengze has always liked his body very much.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou pulled Xie Chengze into his arms and kissed him again.

The two talked for a while, then went to work.

The enthronement ceremony is scheduled in a few days, so before the enthronement ceremony, all arrangements must be prepared.

Xie Chengze’s subordinates are arguing about various things every day.

But today, when Xie Chengze sat in front of them and said calmly that he was going to make a woman an empress, everyone was shocked.

Xie Chengze’s age is not too young, he is already twenty-one, plus he started to replace the Supreme Emperor to handle government affairs early…As early as a few years ago, some minister already persuaded him to marry and set a crown princess.

However, he kept shirking.

Why was he suddenly willing to set up an empress now? More importantly, the empress had already given birth to a child.

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Xie Chengze explained: “emperor father is very guarded against me and has placed a lot of people around me. King Rui has also been watching me all the time. I hid them outside the palace for the safety of the mother and child…Of course, this is also related to their identities, the empress is a descendant of the Lu family.”

Ministers: “!!!”

No wonder the Lu family listened to their emperor, so it was because of this reason?

Their emperor found a descendant of the Lu family to be the empress?

It seems pretty good?

Xie Chengze continued: “When I was the crown prince, I could only visit them from time to time, and now it’s time to take them back to the palace.”

Xie Chengze secretly leaves the palace every month. Many people also know about it, it turns out…he raised someone outside the palace?

The ministers were shocked.

This dynasty has only been established for a few decades but the imperial power is very strong. In addition, the current capital is under Xie Chengze’s control… Naturally, they will not object to matters related to his marriage.

Most importantly, she was from the Lu family!

Most of the veterans in the court felt guilty towards the Lu family and were willing to give the Lu family more face.

That’s done.

This is why Zhou Xueya approached Xie Chengze afterwards — he knew the matter about Lu Rong best, so Xie Chengze had absolutely nothing to do with Lu Rong.

However, he is very clear about the relationship between Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou.

“Your majesty……”

Xie Chengze didn’t bother to explain this time: “I need an heir.”

Zhou Xueya was speechless.

In fact, if Lu Yanzhou is sincere to his majesty, his majesty will make the right choice.

Since taking Xie Chengze’s pulse, Zhou Xueya has always been concerned about Xie Chengze’s body, and even found a doctor from outside the palace to treat Xie Chengze.

All the doctors felt that Xie Chengze won’t live long.

At that time, he was worried that Lu Yanzhou would be malicious to Xie Chengze, or that if the two of them were together every day, it would affect Xie Chengze’s condition. However…Lu Yanzhou cared more about Xie Chengze than he did. Xie Chengze was also well taken care of when he was with Lu Yanzhou, leaving him speechless.

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And now…if Lu Rong is crowned empress, Lu Rong’s child will call Xie Chengze emperor father. In the future, when this child succeeds, the empress dowager in the palace will surely enjoy her old age as his imperial grandmother, and Xie Chengze’s confidants will also be reused.

Xie Chengze said: “I always only make the choice that is best for me.”

Zhou Xueya said: “Your majesty, didn’t you say that the Lu family has an immortal medicine that can cure you? If your illness is cured…”

Xie Chengze said: “I like men.”

Zhou Xueya left dizzy again.

After Xie Chengze dealt with Zhou Xueya, he went back to rest.

With Lu Yanzhou’s help, his life is much more comfortable now than when he was in charge of the country.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day before the enthronement ceremony.

Lu Yanzhou is not in a good mood these days.

He had been receiving stable merits before, but he was quite busy these few days. Because of the great changes in the court, many things were suspended, and his merits were gone, that’s why he couldn’t gather enough merits to treat Xie Chengze.

The enthronement ceremony was very busy and tiring, he wondered if Xie Chengze would be tired.

Out of worry, Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze to go to bed early that night.

Xie Chengze: “…” It feels quite good to be treated like a porcelain doll?

On the day of enthronement, Xie Chengze had to wear heavy clothes to attend the ceremony. He was busy all day, during which Lu Yanzhou kept staring at him, and whenever there was a chance, he would send a chair over, making Xie Chengze sit on the chair to rest. He was always beside him, fanning him to dissipate the heat, making Xie Chengze not know whether to laugh or cry.

It was alright at first, but then Lu Rong also came…Lu Rong was also standing by his side!

The phoenix crown and robe on Lu Rong’s body were much heavier than his dragon robe.

Xie Chengze was embarrassed to sit down and was looking at Lu Rong, so he asked her: “Seventh sister, do you want to take a rest?”

“Your majesty, the courtier is not tired.” Lu Rong said. She was already tall, and she carried a twenty-pound baby back and forth every day on weekdays. This weight on her body was nothing to her.

But Xie Chengze…

She looked at Xie Chengze’s pale face and rouge-painted lips, and she felt some maternal love: “Your majesty, sit down and have a good rest. I’m okay.”

Xie Chengze: “…” the way Lu Rong was looking at him seem wrong…

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But today’s Lu Rong is really pretty.

Lu Rong is much older than Xie Chengze. She is already twenty-eight this year, but a woman of this age is still young and has a good temperament.

After being skillfully dressed by the palace people, the ordinary-looking Lu Rong looks dignified and graceful, with the demeanor of a mother who the world respects, making people afraid to look directly at her.

Her temperament made her far more able to support this court dress than those thin and petite women. She wasn’t timid at all, she looked as if she disdained the world.

The courtiers only had to take a look at her from a distance and knew that this woman was not simple. She was capable of taking on important matters, no wonder his majesty liked her.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what other people thought. He had already asked someone to bring a stool to Lu Rong.

He was negligent just now, it seems as if he dislikes his sister, so he have to make up for it.

Alas, he didn’t think about it before, so he can’t be blamed. Lu Rong is much stronger than Xie Chengze after all.

Official from the Ministry of Rite: “…” This is the first time they saw someone sit down and rest at the enthronement ceremony…

But what about it? The matter of his majesty’s heart condition has been spread all over the place. If his majesty is not allowed to rest, what would they do if something happened during the enthronement ceremony?

Fortunately, his majesty appointed the crown prince early, otherwise they would really panic if something really happened suddenly to his majesty.

The enthronement ceremony finally ended perfectly.

On this day, Xie Chengze sealed the Empress and Crown Prince, pardoned the whole world and exempted some places from taxes.

Then…Lu Yanzhou realized that his merits were enough.

Thank goodness! Tonight, he will be able to cure Xie Chengze’s body and restore Xie Chengze’s health!

So, returning to the emperor’s bedchamber with Xie Chengze that night, Lu Yanzhou immediately took out a sugar ball he made for Xie Chengze’s sweet mouth, and said to Xie Chengze: “Your majesty, didn’t I tell you that my ancestors passed down a elixir? This is it. As long as you eat it, all illnesses will be cured.”

Xie Chengze has been busy all day today, so he is really tired, and his heart feels very uncomfortable.

He just wanted to rest, but Lu Yanzhou suddenly gave him a so-called elixir…

Xie Chengze didn’t know what to say.

This thing is obviously the same as the sugar ball that Lu Yanzhou gave him every time he finished taking medicine!

And…Although he showed a lot of trust in Lu Yanzhou and would agree no matter what Lu Yanzhou said, he had actually arranged for people to watch Lu Yanzhou all the time.

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Lu Yanzhou has never had any contact with outsiders in the past few days, he has been staying by his side all the time today.

Where did he get the ‘elixir’?

What exactly does Lu Yanzhou want to do? Make fun of him?

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou puzzled: “Will I really recover if I eat it?”

“Yes!” Lu Yanzhou was certain.

He is already treating Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze will definitely recover soon.

For this, Lu Yanzhou had indescribable expectations.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about how Xie Chengze teased him every day in the past few months and most of the time he could only hold back…

He wanted to punish Xie Chengze severely!

What’s more…Xie Chengze ascended the throne today, his appearance in the dragon robe is very alluring.

Xie Chengze is still wearing the dragon robe! If he can overwhelm the emperor…it will be really exciting.

Of course, the premise is that Xie Chengze recovers.

Otherwise, Xie Chengze has been tired for so long today, he wouldn’t dare to touch Xie Chengze at all.

Xie Chengze: “…”

“Eat it quickly.” Lu Yanzhou stuffed the sugar ball into Xie Chengze’s mouth.

In fact, he should make up a better reason, at least he should choose a better prop.

But in the past few worlds, Xie Chengze got better for no reason and didn’t get to the bottom of it. Now there’s a reason, that is already very good.

Xie Chengze only felt a sweetness in his mouth, and then Lu Yanzhou kissed him with a bit of aggression.

He had never seen Lu Yanzhou like this before.

Lu Yanzhou wouldn’t want to kill him, would he?

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