Hold His Hand

Chapter 95: 95

Xie Chengze was very happy to be kissed by Lu Yanzhou.

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He likes that Lu Yanzhou is close to him.

Especially with Lu Yanzhou like this…Lu Yanzhou shouldn’t be planning to kill him, right? Will he let him live the rest of his life well?

Xie Chengze smiled and looked at Lu Yanzhou, pretending that he knew nothing about what Lu Yanzhou was doing in private: “What about you? I promised you not to set up a harem, should you also promise me not to marry a wife and have children?”

“Of course, I only like you.” Lu Yanzhou didn’t hesitate.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou agreed so simply, Xie Chengze was a little taken aback.

Lu Yanzhou continued: “My partner is only you!”

Xie Chengze grabbed Lu Yanzhou and kissed him again.

The two kissed for a long time, and finally Lu Yanzhou stopped first. He remembered another thing — after Xie Chengze ascended the throne, he could not set up a harem, but the throne still needed an heir: “Your majesty, if you don’t think of setting up a harem, have you thought about who to make the crown prince? Do you want me to recommend someone?”

“Who?” Xie Chengze asked.

Lu Yanzhou rubbed his nose in embarrassment: “Does your majesty still remember Zhu jianiang in Jingning Temple? She is actually my elder sister, I think her child is good.”

This was what Lu Yanzhou had thought about from the very beginning.

He believed that after he did this, all the hatred Lu Rong and the others have should be gone!

Of course, he thinks this way too because there are really very few people in the imperial family. There’s only King Rui, Xie Chengze, and the emperor.

He didn’t plan to keep the other two from the beginning, so Xie Chengze would definitely have to choose another heir.

If that’s the case…it’s good to choose Lu Rong’s child. Judging from the memory of the original owner, that child is already very smart at a young age.

Moreover, he has both parents, so they don’t need to teach and take care of him, how wonderful!

Hearing Lu Yanzhou’s words, Xie Chengze understood Lu Yanzhou’s plan.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t mean to rob the throne with swords and spears, he probably wanted to get the throne smoothly.

Also, if Lu Yanzhou killed him and seized the throne, it would easily cause turmoil and many people would be dissatisfied. However, if Lu Rong’s child succeeded him after he died, Lu Yanzhou could justifiably be the regent.

Lu Yanzhou’s choice couldn’t be more correct.

But, is Lu Yanzhou so confident? Is he so certain he would agree?

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Xie Chengze asked, “What if I disagree?”

“Then let’s choose someone else.” Said Lu Yanzhou. Xie Chengze wants a newborn child so that they have to raise him themselves? This is not impossible.

Xie Chengze said: “No need to change, I like that child quite a lot.”

“That child is quite cute. I don’t know if his mother is willing or not. I’ll ask later,” Lu Yanzhou said, and then apologized to Xie Chengze, “I’m sorry, I concealed a lot of things from you before, mainly because I was afraid that after knowing my identity, you won’t believe me and don’t want to be with me.”

“It’s okay.” Xie Chengze said.

The two chatted for a while. Then, at this time, many people also come to see Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was going to meet people, so Lu Yanzhou naturally followed — he was afraid that Xie Chengze would be bullied.

But obviously, he thought too much.

Xie Chengze arranged manpower in advance, killed King Rui, and forced the emperor… No, the Supreme Emperor abdicated, this method is really extraordinary!

In addition, he had already supervised the country for several years, and the ministers in the imperial court had long been mentally prepared for his ascension to the throne. At most, they just murmured in their hearts, thinking that Xie Chengze was too cruel.

But it’s not aimed at them, so it doesn’t matter.

Xie Chengze had a lot to do, but Lu Yanzhou was always by his side to help him.

Fearing that Xie Chengze would be tired, he took on most of the work, and only picked out the most important memorials for Xie Chengze to read.

Seeing this, Xie Chengze couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

Lu Yanzhou really impressed him again and again.

He didn’t expect that Lu Yanzhou could get involved in government affairs in such a short period of time.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking. After working hard for a long time, he said goodbye to Xie Chengze after finishing the matter, saying that he was going to meet Lu Rong and his two cousins-in-law.

Xie Chengze agreed without even thinking about it.

After the Lu family was ransacked and beheaded seventeen years ago, the Lu family’s house was vacant.

Lu Yanzhou arranged for his two cousins-in-law to live there last night, and after Lu Rong and the others were taken to the capital, they also lived there.

When Lu Yanzhou came over, he saw Lu Rong and the others were cleaning the house.

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He forgot that no one lived in this house for seventeen years, it would be more troublesome to live in it now.

However, his two cousins-in-law also got some enlisted soldiers help, so they will definitely be able to tidy up before going to bed tonight.

“Eldest brother-in-law, fourth brother-in-law.” Lu Yanzhou greeted his two cousins-in-law with a smile.

These two people are not too young, and they have been exposed to the sun and rain all year round at the border, which makes them look even older. They can be Lu Yanzhou’s father, and even if they tell people that they are Lu Yanzhou’s grandfather, others may believe it.

These two had talked a lot with Lu Yanzhou yesterday, so they were very enthusiastic about this brother-in-law Lu Yanzhou at that time. However, now when they saw Lu Yanzhou, their expressions were a little conflicted.

They had a chat with Lu Rong not long ago and learned some amazing things.

For example, what King Rui said yesterday was true, his highness the crown prince really had a heart condition, and for example, his highness the crown prince fell in love with their brother-in-law, so much so that he was played by his brother-in-law.

For example, the Supreme Emperor’s illness was actually caused by Lu Rong’s husband. For example, Lu Yanzhou’s revenge plan may not have stopped yet.

Now that the two of them have led troops into the capital, they have dispersed the imperial army and brought the capital under control. It’s unknown whether Lu Yanzhou will try to usurp the throne.

The Supreme Emperor is dead, King Rui is dead, and the emperor has promised to redress the Lu family…In fact, Lu Rong’s hatred in her heart has been calmed down a lot now and she doesn’t have much hatred for Xie Chengze.

She was a little worried now, fearing that Lu Yanzhou would be too radical and would harm himself instead.

Xie Chengze was well received in the court, and yesterday it was King Rui who took the initiative, so although he forced the Supreme Emperor to abdicate, everyone didn’t think there was a problem.

But if Lu Yanzhou wants to usurp the throne…there must be many people who oppose it.

Lu Yanzhou noticed the faces of the three of them, so he guessed what they were thinking, and immediately said: “Seventh sister, two brother-in-laws, King Rui is dead now, and the Supreme Emperor will not live long. Most of our vengeance has been avenged. About the rest…I want to discuss it with you.”

Lu Rong’s heart skipped a beat: “What are your plans?”

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousin-in-laws were also very nervous — their brother-in-law wouldn’t tell them to rebel, right? They never did this…

Lu Yanzhou said: “I want the Xie family to have no children or grandchildren.” Xie Chengze will definitely have no children since he is with him.

The expressions of the remaining three people changed.

Lu Yanzhou said: “The plan can’t keep up with the changes. King Rui made a sudden move and Xie Chengze ascended the throne…If we act rashly now, the world may be in chaos, it’s not advisable to waste people and money.”

“Indeed!” Lu Rong said.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Fortunately, Xie Chengze loves me very much and he is very obedient to me…I asked him not to set up a harem yesterday, and he has already agreed. He also said that he can make seventh sister’s child the crown prince…Seventh Sister, is that okay with you?”

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Lu Rong was stunned: “What?”

Lu Yanzhou repeated it again, and then said: “Like this, the Xie family will lose all children and grandchildren and the throne will fall into our Lu’s family hands…This revenge will be considered avenge.”

Lu Rong asked: “Crown prince… the emperor is willing?”

“Of course he is willing.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Rong: “…” What is going on with Xie Chengze, why does he always listen to her brother! He likes her brother so much?

For a moment, Lu Rong didn’t know what expression to make. The Supreme Emperor was so suspicious and selfish but he gave birth to such a naive son?

He even willingly handed over the throne to others!

Although Lu Rong didn’t hate Xie Chengze in the past, because of Xie Chengze’s identity as Xie’s family member, she always felt a little upset, but now it’s different.

Now she only has affection for Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou’s two cousins-in-law were also a little confused — how could it be like this?

The emperor even agree to such a request?

This…this…They always thought that the emperor was very wise, but they didn’t expect him to be as easy to deceive as a little girl who didn’t know much about the world.

This is…his family business is going to be wiped out!

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou asked Lu Rong again: “Seventh Sister, are you willing?”

Lu Rong’s eyes lit up: “I am willing!” It’s impossible for her to disagree with such a good thing. Who doesn’t want to give their children the best?

“That’s good.” Lu Yanzhou laughed.

Lu Rong thought for a moment and said: “If the emperor wants me to enter the palace, of course your brother-in-law will follow but he cannot be castrated.”

The emperor has a heart condition and may not live for too long, she can’t let her child stay alone in the palace!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t think about this before, he just wanted to find an heir for Xie Chengze, but if Lu Rong is willing to enter the palace…In fact, this is the best: “Then it’s settled.”

Lu Yanzhou was thinking about Xie Chengze, so after discussing with his sister and cousins-in-laws, he returned to the palace.

Lu Rong and the two cousins-in-law looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

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After a long time, Lu Rong said: “Fortunately, he is not too cruel.”

The two bearded men nodded again and again.

On the other hand, after Lu Yanzhou left, Xie Chengze met Zhou Xueya.

Zhou Xueya was still worried: “Your majesty, you have to guard against the Lu family…”

“There’s no need to guard against it,” Xie Chengze said, “Lu Yanzhou is absolutely devoted to me.”

Zhou Xueya was still a little worried.

Xie Chengze continued: “There is actually another reason why I value the Lu family so much.”

Zhou Xueya looked at Xie Chengze puzzled.

Xie Chengze used Lu Yanzhou’s words to deceive Zhou Xueya: “Back then, the Lu family got some miraculous medicine from the imperial family from the previous dynasty which can save life and revive the dead. If I can take it, all diseases will disappear.”

Zhou Xueya: “…” Your majesty also believes this?

Besides, even if there was such a treasure, Lu Yanzhou wouldn’t give it to his majesty, would he? He would be sure to keep it for himself!

But Zhou Xueya was still convinced — His majesty never had a losing temperament!

When he left the palace, he saw Lu Yanzhou entering the palace excitedly, still wondering if he had really wronged Lu Yanzhou before.

If what his majesty said is true, his majesty has always been using Lu Yanzhou…Then Lu Yanzhou is quite pitiful!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Zhou Xueya was thinking. After he returned to the palace, he began to discuss with Xie Chengze about letting Lu Rong enter the palace.

In fact, if Lu Rong and Lu Qingshan could live in the harem, it would also be very good. The children will be taught, so they don’t have to worry about them at all!

Xie Chengze will also have an ‘empress’ and those officials will have nothing to say.

When Lu Yanzhou mentioned this matter, Xie Chengze immediately agreed.

He doesn’t care about these things. If Lu Yanzhou and the others got things smoothly, they wouldn’t go to war. At that time, his mother can be a good empress dowager in the palace and his confidants can gain a foothold in the court, which is very good.

In the end, it was Lu Yanzhou who felt that Xie Chengze agreed too quickly: “Why did you agree so quickly…Hey, let me tell you, the empress on the surface is my sister, but in fact it’s me. You have to remember my name when the time comes. My sister is just marrying on behalf of her younger brother.”

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