Hold His Hand

Chapter 110: 110

Xie Chengze was unwilling to rent that car again, so his mother and stepfather were helpless.

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Leaving those three rice balls behind, Xie Chengze said goodbye to them. When his mother sent him out, she was also muttering: “What are you doing with such expensive rice balls? Wasting contribution points, I can’t even get enough to eat now…”

Xie Chengze was very silent.

His biological father was very rich and his stepfather was also rich before the apocalypse. More than a year ago, his mother would not eat this or that all day long, but now…

Life can really change a person.

Let’s just talk about him…He knew that he shouldn’t eat the food given by the person Chengcheng likes, but he still ate it…

When he returned to his residence and saw the furniture in his room, Xie Chengze was even more helpless.

He took a pen and began to write a letter.

About the matter of meeting, of course he had to refuse. He also asked the other party not to prepare his food portion in the future, only to prepare Chengcheng portion.

When writing this, Xie Chengze was a little embarrassed.

After all, he’s the one who ate it in the end.

He and Chengcheng share the same body, so many things are unclear. Now that he likes Lu Yanzhou and Chengcheng likes that person, it makes him feel like a scumbag…

But it’s really comfortable to eat well and live in a dry and clean house.

While Xie Chengze felt very comfortable, Lu Yanzhou was a little uncomfortable.

It started when they set off for that town in the morning.

At that time, when he came to the gathering place, he realized that his subordinates had called the female space-type ability user who the original owner had been chasing for a long time.

This space ability user is called Gu Tan. She has a very large space. Whether it’s the original owner, Zhou Jingshan, or the military, they all like to take her with them when they go to collect supplies.

Now that energy is scarce, gasoline is even more precious, for their security base, it’s not cost-effective to arrange a convoy to collect supplies and use up a lot of gasoline. However, it would be different if she were to follow!

She can carry several trucks by herself!

The original owner has been pursuing her and intends to confess to her. The original owner’s subordinates also know about these things. They thought that Lu Yanzhou didn’t ask her to come with him yesterday because it was tiring to fix the road yesterday, and…didn’t Lu Yanzhou bring some furniture home yesterday?

They felt that Lu Yanzhou deliberately did not bring Gu Tan because he wanted to avoid Gu Tan while he found something to decorate his new house.

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Today is different…their boss is embarrassed to call Gu Tan but they can call the person to create opportunities for their boss. They can also take more supplies back by the way.

Gu Tan is a native of C City, so many members of her family have survived. She needs supplies to support her family, so she is naturally willing to participate in such activities, so she came early.

It was impossible for Lu Yanzhou to drive away Gu Tan, a space ability user who came to help and the deputy head of the security base, so he could only search for supplies with Gu Tan for a day.

Of course, he can swear that he didn’t say more than ten sentences to Gu Tan today!

Because of Gu Tan’s presence, they didn’t drive a truck when they went there. They drove a van, and on the way there, Lu Yanzhou sat on the roof of the car and cleaned up the surrounding zombies.

He used his ability to control the little stones, using the little stones as bullets, and killed a large number of zombies at once.

When he got to the town, he rushed out to find supplies again without stopping for a moment.

As for the way back…Of course he was sitting on the roof of the car again!

He didn’t want others to think that he still liked Gu Tan, which would not only make Xie Chengze unhappy but also bring trouble to Gu Tan.

Gu Tan has never liked the original owner, the person she likes is Zhou Jingshan.

However, Lu Yanzhou, who had spent a long time in the sun on the roof of the car and worked hard for a long time, returned to the security base, only to hear his subordinates say: “Boss, you behaved very manly today! You didn’t tire Miss Gu at all.”

“Boss, are you deliberately ignoring Miss Gu today? The effect is good, Miss Gu even asked me about you!”

“Boss, Miss Gu has agreed to go out with us again tomorrow.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He was completely tanned!

Fortunately, Gu Tan has already left, so she can’t hear these things!

Lu Yanzhou felt a little helpless. Of course, the most urgent task now is to explain this matter clearly.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Don’t bring me and Gu Tan together in the future.”

“Boss?” Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates were puzzled.

“I fell in love with someone else, now I don’t like Gu Tan,” Lu Yanzhou explained, “If you put me and Gu Tan together, the person I like will be angry if he finds out.”

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“Boss, who do you like?” Everyone was very surprised. After all, except for Gu Tan, they didn’t see Lu Yanzhou showing love to anyone else.

The most important thing is that Lu Yanzhou was still pursuing Gu Tan a few days ago.

How did he change so quickly?

“I can’t tell you for the time being.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze is now a fool, if others know of his existence and his ability, they might find a way to deal with him.

Zhou Jingshan is not the kind of person who will play dirty tricks, at most he has 8th grade syndrome, but Zhou Jingshan has all kinds of people under his command.

There are even murderers in there, it would be bad if they target Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou planned to wait for Xie Chengze to recover before introducing Xie Chengze to the people around him.

Lu Yanzhou said it very seriously, so his subordinates also believed it, then they felt a little entangled: “Then tomorrow…do you want to reject Miss Gu?”

They invited Gu Tan to go with them tomorrow.

Lu Yanzhou said: “No, it’s okay to work together, just don’t put us together.” At most, he’ll…just squatted on the roof of the car for a few more days.

Just like exercising his ability.

“Boss, we will definitely pay attention in the future.” Everyone said one after another.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou began to share the things they got this time with his subordinates.

They searched for supplies this time and found a lot of good things, including a lot of milk powder found in a certain milk tea shop.

Lu Yanzhou also specially took some clothes from the clothing store.

Lu Yanzhou moved the big and small bags to his home.

Chengcheng will definitely be happy when he sees these things when he comes.

If brother-in-law is willing to see him and sees that he has so much food, he should also agree to let Chengcheng live with him.

Lu Yanzhou thought very well, but Chengcheng was the only one who came at night. His brother-in-law didn’t want to see him, and he still didn’t want to eat what he gave.

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Regarding this situation, Lu Yanzhou was helpless. He even suspected that his brother-in-law was actually controlled by other forces in other security base.

Not being able to live with Chengcheng makes Lu Yanzhou a little disappointed, but if Chengcheng and his brother-in-law are not in danger…then, it’s fine.

When he accumulates more merits and cures Chengcheng, he will be able to find out everything!

After repeatedly reminding Chengcheng to be safe, Lu Yanzhou wrote another letter to his brother-in-law.

Brother-in-law should be very kind to Chengcheng, so even if brother-in-law doesn’t accept his kindness, he should still behave well.

Only like this can brother-in-law feel at ease and hand over Chengcheng to him!

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou also praised Chengcheng in the letter, saying how cute Chengcheng is.

As soon as he wrote this, he couldn’t hold back…

Chengcheng ate the meal that Lu Yanzhou had prepared for him, burped, then went to take a look at Lu Yanzhou writing the letter.

He liked Lu Yanzhou’s way of concentrating on doing things very much. Looking at him like this, he wanted to kiss Lu Yanzhou a little bit.

Do whatever you want, Chengcheng rushed over to hug Lu Yanzhou, then kissed Lu Yanzhou: “I like you so much!”

“I like you too.” Lu Yanzhou replied.

Chengcheng smiled and narrowed his eyes: “Turn your face around, kiss the other side too, kiss the forehead too!”

Lu Yanzhou obediently let Chengcheng kiss him.

Cough cough, such a good thing, he wished for it to happen a few more times!

“Lu Yanzhou, although you are very dark, I still like you the most.” Xie Chengze said after kissing – Lu Yanzhou is a bit dark today!

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Should he wear sunscreen tomorrow?

Alas, little heartless, if he wasn’t afraid of him being jealous, he wouldn’t be so tanned.

For the next half month, Lu Yanzhou has been very busy.

He either went out to collect supplies, or he helped build houses for the homeless people in the security base, wishing that one day could be used as two days.

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He also turned over some of the vacant but unused land in the security base with his earth ability, allowing the people in the security base to grow vegetables and food.

In order to increase food production, when Lu Yanzhou went out to look for supplies, he specially brought back a lot of chemical fertilizers.

Of course, the organic fertilizer should not be wasted, so he brought people to build a biogas digester.

Lu Yanzhou also ordered the ability users under him to run around.

Fortunately, none of his subordinates had the bad temper of Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates, and they didn’t have to take any risks to get contribution points…so, they worked with enthusiasm.

The first half during the apocalypse was chaotic. Although the latter half of the year has been better, the security base is still a bit chaotic because the number of residents in the security base has been increasing and the number of zombies is also increasing.

It was also a coincidence that when Lu Yanzhou came, the various rules and regulations in the security base were just on the right track.

Now that Lu Yanzhou has been working around, the dirty and messy places in the security base have disappeared. The entire security base has become orderly.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou also proposed that he hoped that the young and middle-aged ordinary people in the security zone could organize together and become militiamen.

During this time, Lu Yanzhou has been analyzing the situation of the zombies.

Nowadays, there are indeed many zombies that have evolved, and the evolved zombies are still very powerful, but most of the zombies are still ordinary zombies.

Let’s talk about two months later, the zombie tide that caused the entire C City security base to fall, although it was caused by high-level zombies, 99% of the zombies that came along were ordinary zombies.

Ordinary zombies can be resisted by ordinary people in the present, so only depending on ability users won’t last long…A lot of ants can kill an elephant, no matter how powerful ability users are, they can’t deal with so many zombies.

According to Lu Yanzhou’s plan, the security base must train troops, and the ordinary people’s strength should also be strengthened!

Of course, ability users should also improve their strength and ability.

He has been researching the method to improve abilities recently, so he has already made some plans. When he gets the result, he can make it public.

After all, Lu Yanzhou is not the head of the security base, he can only propose, as for whether it will be implemented in the end depends on district chief Li.

Even if it’s really going to be implemented, it will definitely take some time to form a militia.

After a busy day, Lu Yanzhou dragged his exhausted body back to his residence.

He has been very busy since transmigrating here, but he is still in good spirits. After all, every night, there will be a cutie who will come to him.

The little cutie often kissed him…that brought him back to life immediately!

What made Lu Yanzhou even happier was that after twenty days of feeding him, Xie Chengze had gotten a little fatter and looked more and more cute…well, handsome.

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