Hold His Hand

Chapter 111: 111

In the past half a month, Lu Yanzhou has gone out to collect various things frequently, so his supplies at home are very rich.

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After returning to his residence, he put away the meals he bought from the cafeteria, went to the ice ability user, who lived downstairs, and asked for a large bucket of ice.

This ice can be used to make cold drinks, and it can also be used to cool down.

After soaking a cup of powdered milk and put it on the ice, Lu Yanzhou went to take a bath and waited for Xie Chengze’s arrival.

On the other hand…Xie Chengze has encountered a little trouble these days.

Although the person Chengcheng likes has always provided him with various foods, Xie Chengze did not give up his job.

Work can give him a sense of security. If that person finds that Chengcheng can’t help with things, he can still give the other party some contribution points as compensation.

However, ten days ago, the foreman in charge of managing these nurses began to arrange all kinds of tiring and dirty work for him. The work he has to do is even twice or thrice of others!

If it was the previous him, he would definitely not be able to do so much work. At that time, he needed to buy painkillers because of expensive food and long-term headaches, besides, he ate flatbread every day to satisfy his hunger.

It’s just, during this period of time, he got enough to eat and drink every day, and even his headache gradually improved, so he could survive.

And he learned from others that the foreman did this because someone gave their foreman money and wanted to work as a nurse.

The foreman is going to eliminate one person so that the person who pays the money can be recruited as a worker. As for who to eliminate…of course it is Xie Chengze!

Firstly, the foreman has always disliked Xie Chengze, secondly…Xie Chengze is powerless and doesn’t like to get in touch with people, no one will stand up for Xie Chengze.

So, the method the foreman thought of eliminating Xie Chengze was to give Xie Chengze a lot of work.

Xie Chengze never ate with them, and they all knew that Xie Chengze couldn’t even afford a house and lived in a car all the time. It was said that his family was also a burden.

The foreman felt that Xie Chengze would definitely not be able to do so much work, he could justifiably fire him when he was exhausted.

In the end, Xie Chengze still lasted for ten days. The foreman watched as Xie Chengze became a little stronger.

Seeing this, the foreman became even more angry. He doesn’t have that much power. It’s okay to bully Xie Chengze alone, but bullying several people will cause problems. There is no replacement target, so more and more work is arranged for Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze does a lot of work, and other people have less work to do…Nowadays, everyone is short of food and clothing and can’t afford to work. They wish they could do less work, so naturally no one will help Xie Chengze.

When the day’s work was over and Xie Chengze left the hospital, he almost couldn’t stand up.

He is really tired these days!

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If he didn’t get a good rest every night and eat meat every day, he might have to resign.

Back at his residence, Xie Chengze took out the food prepared for Chengcheng by the person Chengcheng liked and started to eat slowly.

The food that the man asked Chengcheng to bring over this morning was three sour cowpea stir-fry meat with noodles, one fresh cucumber, and two eggs.

This is for Chengcheng to eat during the day. If his thoughts were right, after Chengcheng awake at night, he could eat other things too.

Xie Chengze ate the noodles, a cucumber and two eggs in the morning, then secretly ate another noodles at noon. Now he found the hot sauce that Chengcheng had brought back, and slowly ate the last sour cowpea stir-fry meat with noodles.

The noodles dipped in hot sauce are hot and sour, very tasty and appetizing, but he is still very tired…

Xie Chengze thought of Lu Yanzhou again.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know his existence at all, but he liked Lu Yanzhou, so he would wonder if Lu Yanzhou would help him if he knew he was being bullied…

Lu Yanzhou often helps those who are bullied, doesn’t he?

In fact, Xie Chengze also thought about solving this matter by himself, but his foreman has a relative who is an ability-user.

This kind of work arrangement for him, if he reported it to the higher-ups, it should be able to reduce the workload, but he will then offend the foreman. If the foreman is really unhappy and makes his relatives, who is an ability-user, to do something…

If he was ‘accidentally’ injured by an ability-user, there is a high probability that he will have nowhere to complain to.

He didn’t want to lose the job, so he could only hold on.

When he couldn’t hold on anymore, he would think about Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou has done a lot of things recently, everyone is talking about Lu Yanzhou, he can hear a lot of news about Lu Yanzhou every day.

He even exchanged an egg for a photo of Lu Yanzhou. He would looked at it from time to time.

After eating, it was still early, so Xie Chengze simply tidied himself up and went outside.

The people in the area where he lived were very grateful to Lu Yanzhou. Every night, everyone would chat about Lu Yanzhou while enjoying the cool weather outside.

He is used to coming to listen for a while every day, and then go to bed early.

Today, when Xie Chengze went outside, he heard these people talking about Lu Yanzhou again.

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“I heard that Lu Yanzhou wants to form a militia.”

“Is it good to be a militiaman?”

“If they get enough to eat, many people will definitely be willing to go.”

When Xie Chengze heard about this, he couldn’t help being a little moved. Then, at this moment, he heard these people talk about something else: “Lu Yanzhou didn’t go out of the city very much before, but recently he often goes out.”

“I heard that he killed a 4th level zombie yesterday!”

“It’s said that he’s not as powerful as Zhou Jingshan, I couldn’t see it. Lu Yanzhou’s ability is obviously very powerful.”

“That’s right, he’s the same 4th level as Zhou Jingshan! He just didn’t show off before.”

While chatting, someone became curious: “Why is Lu Yanzhou showing off recently?”

“Why else? He must want to start a family.”

“Now that life in the security base is stable, does he want to marry Deputy District Chief Gu?”

“He and Deputy District Chief Gu are a couple?”

“That’s right, Lu Yanzhou has been pursuing Deputy District Chief Gu, and recently he has been taking Deputy District Chief Gu to go out, haven’t you seen it?”

“I didn’t see it, but I heard about it.”

Xie Chengze didn’t want to listen to it anymore, so he went back to his residence silently.

He was lying on the bed, a little uncomfortable.

When he felt uncomfortable, he began to think about other things, such as who is the person Chengcheng likes?

In fact, the person Chengcheng likes…Xie Chengze has a rough guess.

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First of all, if that person can produce so many supplies, his status in the security base must not be low.

Secondly, that person was very very careful and took good care of Chengcheng. In the letter he wrote to him, he also showed his love for Chengcheng, and he treated Chengcheng like a child from his words…

It’s impossible for a young and strong man among ability users like Zhou Jingshan and Lu Yanzhou to be so cautious and thoughtful. Xie Chengze suspected that that person was a high-ranking military officer, or an older and powerful ability user.

District Chief Li is amiable, isn’t he?

The main reason is…In fact, Chengcheng has always been thinking about his dead father, so it’s normal for him to have a good impression of the elderly.

Xie Chengze thought a lot, but he still couldn’t divert his attention. Before going to bed, he was not only tired, but also extremely sour.

Are Lu Yanzhou and Gu Tan on the verge of reaching a true fruition?

So, after taking a bath and chilling the milk, Lu Yanzhou saw the unhappy Chengcheng.

When Chengcheng saw Lu Yanzhou, tears welled up in his eyes: “Lu Yanzhou, are you getting married?”

Lu Yanzhou was taken aback: “Where did you hear that?”

“Anyway, some people said that you are going to marry Deputy District Chief Gu.”

“There’s no such thing, I would not marry Gu Tan.” Said Lu Yanzhou. He wanted to show his loyalty by saying that he only wanted to marry Xie Chengze, but he couldn’t say it when he saw Chengcheng’s clear innocent eyes — it’s not easy to confess to a child!

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou said, “Gu Tan likes Zhou Jingshan, she won’t marry me.”

Chengcheng’s thoughts were simple, upon hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, he immediately believed it and started smiling again.

He ran to Lu Yanzhou and hugged Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Yanzhou, I’m so tired!”

Chengcheng always said he was tired these days, but when Lu Yanzhou asked him why he was tired, he couldn’t explain it, and it turned into something like his brother did a lot of work…

Lu Yanzhou held him in his arms and asked him, “What did Chengcheng do during the day?”

Chengcheng has recently distinguished himself from AZe, so he feels that he has done nothing: “Nothing.”

Lu Yanzhou asked: “Then why are you tired?”

“Someone bullied my big brother.” Chengcheng said.

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“How did that man bully your big brother?”

“He asked my big brother to do a lot of work!” Chengcheng looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Yanzhou, can you help big brother?”

“Can I help him?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

“My big brother also wants you to help him.”

Lu Yanzhou always wanted to know who Chengcheng’s brother was: “Where is your brother? Chengcheng, tell me, I’ll help him.”

However, after hearing Lu Yanzhou say this, Chengcheng refused to speak again…His big brother kept telling him not to say anything.

While Chengcheng was extremely entangled, Lu Yanzhou frowned slightly.

Although there are some things that Chengcheng doesn’t say, but he has been with Chengcheng for a long time, he could infer the situation with just some words. Then, he found that his first thought that Chengcheng and his brother live in another security base isn’t true.

Chengcheng and his brother live in their security base.

However, Chengcheng’s big brother just refused to meet him…Lu Yanzhou suspected that Chengcheng’s big brother must be controlled by Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of Xie Chengze’s abnormalities these days.

Xie Chengze was very tired these days and said that his big brother wanted him to help…In the original owner’s memory, Xie Chengze came to the original owner during this time, he also told the original owner that he wanted the original owner to help.

However, the original owner didn’t listen at all at that time, and he directly drove Xie Chengze away.

So…Xie Chengze came to the original owner to ask for help?

Even when Xie Chengze fell asleep on the original owner’s bed, he was just too tired to hold on.

Xie Chengze in the original owner’s memory is in worse condition than when he first met Xie Chengze!

What happened to Xie Chengze and his big brother?

Lu Yanzhou had never planned to use special means before, but now he suddenly thought of it.

In fact, as long as he gives Chengcheng a device that will tell his location and make him take it back, he will be able to find Chengcheng.

But if Chengcheng and his big brother were controlled, would Chengcheng be targeted if he brought such things back home?

It’s better to forget it…His merits accumulated are almost enough. It shouldn’t take long for Xie Chengze to return to normal. He’ll just ask him when the time comes.

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