Hold His Hand

Chapter 112: 112

Accumulating merit is quite fast in the apocalypse, especially in their security base, which has 300,000 people.

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C City was a fairly large city before the apocalyse, with a permanent population of more than one million, and many people living around it. Although many people died at the beginning of the apocalypse, many survived.

Lu Yanzhou had come to this world for more than 20 days now, not only had he built ten thousand houses, but he also reclaimed a lot of land in the security base and arranged jobs for many people.

Even most of the supplies he brought back were distributed.

What’s more…Killing zombies also has merits. He has many subordinates, so when he leads his subordinates to kill zombies, he will also get a lot of merit.

He has almost accumulated enough merits to treat Xie Chengze!

Chengcheng drank the iced milk that Lu Yanzhou had prepared in advance, and ate the french fries and fried chicken wings that Lu Yanzhou had prepared for him.

Chengcheng suddenly thought of something: “I want to drink coke.”

Lu Yanzhou answered: “I’ll look for it for you next time.” He actually found coke before, but he didn’t take it since the others asked for it…If Chengcheng wanted it, he would get it no matter what.

As for the fact that coke is not healthy…Many people are suffering from malnutrition due to lack of supplies. Sugar and oil have become supplements, so everyone can’t eat what they want.

After Chengcheng finished eating, he soon became drowsy, so Lu Yanzhou carried him to the bed and let him sleep.

As for himself, he also lay beside Chengcheng and soon fell asleep.

The next day, after Lu Yanzhou sent Chengcheng away, he left the city with his subordinates.

Today, he brought all his free subordinates with him, there were hundreds of them.

The fact that Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates were not willing to leave the city before was actually related to the original owner. The original owner was timid and afraid of death and didn’t want to go out, so of course his subordinates didn’t go out either.

Facing zombies is not a good experience!

However, in the past half month, Lu Yanzhou ran out all day, so his subordinates were also willing to follow him out of the city.

With Lu Yanzhou, an earth ability user, they don’t have to worry about being bitten by zombies. They are very safe, so killing zombies is not so terrifying in this situation.

For example, at this moment, Lu Yanzhou asked hundreds of his subordinates to stand on top of several three-story villas, and then surrounded the villas with earthen walls…

Those zombies can not climb the earthen wall, so they can only gather outside to withstand the attack of the ability users. Occasionally, there would be many mutant zombies that can climb over the earthen wall, however, Lu Yanzhou and the other with stronger ability will also quickly kill those zombies.

“When you use your ability, you have to perceive it with your heart.”

“Don’t be afraid of your ability running out, go to the back when you run out, follow what I said, find a way to restore your energy!”

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“In the future, the mutated zombies will become stronger and stronger. Only by becoming stronger can we protect ourselves, our family, the security base, and human beings!”

“We are the strongest!”

Lu Yanzhou has been lifting his subordinates’ emotions.

In battle, emotions are very important. When these people have someone they want to protect, they will have the motivation to become stronger, and they will naturally become stronger and stronger.

From time to time, he would call someone’s name and praise that person, which would also boost their self-confidence and make them work harder.

The zombies died one by one. Seeing this scene, Lu Yanzhou was in a good mood.

Kill more zombies now, and when the tide of zombies strikes in the future, the number of zombies will be less.

Of course, after killing the zombies for a while, Lu Yanzhou led his men to collect supplies. Just killing zombies is not easy for people to insist on, but if he finds some supplies for them to take back after killing zombies…everyone will think about it tomorrow.

When looking for supplies, someone said: “It’s a pity that Miss Gu didn’t come today. If she also came, we could bring more supplies back.”

Gu Tan was supposed to come today, but in the early morning, something happened to her father.

She wanted to take her father to the hospital, so she didn’t come.

“We have so many people, we can bring back a lot of supplies,” Lu Yanzhou said.

Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, someone asked Lu Yanzhou: “Boss, do you really not like Miss Gu?”

During this period of time, they always come out and Gu Tan will also follow…They actually like Miss Gu, but they really don’t know why their boss suddenly doesn’t pursue Miss Gu anymore.

“I don’t like her anymore. As I said, I have someone else I like.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Who in the world is them! Boss, why didn’t you bring them out for us to see?” These people were very curious.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Hurry up, you will see him soon, he is even stronger than Gu Tan!”

Xie Chengze’s abilities are stronger than Gu Tan’s.

This is not surprising, even if Xie Chengze only has one piece of soul fragment in this world, the strength of his soul fragment is far beyond ordinary people.

Whether one ability is strong or weak has a lot to do with one soul’s strength.

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“Boss, you are bragging.” Everyone didn’t believe it.

Lu Yanzhou said: “You will know when the time comes, go to work! By the way, don’t talk about it.”

Lu Yanzhou told his subordinates that he had someone he liked, but told them not to talk about it.

Xie Chengze was in their security zone, and Xie Chengze’s brother knew of his existence, but he didn’t come to him…He must be under control!

Afraid that the people who controlled Xie Chengze and Xie Chengze’s big brother would find out, Lu Yanzhou was very cautious.

“We know!” Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates agreed one after another.

Lu Yanzhou then said: “I’ll go find it with you, I want to drink coke.”

Tonight, he will put the coke on ice to make it cold in advance to surprise Xie Chengze.

While Lu Yanzhou was looking for Coke, Xie Chengze was assigned a new job.

A difficult patient came to their hospital, and the foreman asked Xie Chengze to take care of them.

From now on, Xie Chengze will only need to take care of this one patient.

Xie Chengze was stunned when he heard this.

Although these people are called nurses, they are different from the nurses before the apocalypse.

Nurses before the apocalypse need to take care of the patients’ food, drink, life, and they need to give patients injections and so on. The tasks they need to do are similar to those nurses, or even larger.

After the apocalypse, the medical staff suffered heavy losses, and the security base could only allow some ordinary people to work after receiving simple training. This is the origin of these ‘nursing workers’.

Because of this, they often have to take care of many patients alone.

All the patients assigned to Xie Chengze a few days ago were in poor health, and they also found some heavy work for Xie Chengze, which made Xie Chengze very tired, but now…

He only needs to take care of one patient?

Who is that patient?

Although worried, Xie Chengze had no choice but to go.

When he arrived at the place and saw the patient’s information, Xie Chengze realized why no one was willing to take care of this patient.

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This patient is Gu Tan’s father, who suffers from schizophrenia and attacks others.

It’s very tiring to take care of the mentally ill, and it’s even more tiring if the mentally ill patients attack people.

The most frightening thing is that this mental patient also has an ability user daughter.

This is definitely more difficult to serve.

Gu Tan…he turned out to be Gu Tan’s father…Xie Chengze was in a complicated mood, so he asked someone about it. After asking, he felt relieved.

This is not the first time that Gu Tan’s father has come to the hospital. He is indeed difficult to serve and will beat people, but he is still manageable.

Besides, Gu Tan is a nice person. Previously when a medical staff member was injured, Gu Tan paid a lot of compensation to them.

It’s just that the situation is different this time. This time, Gu Tan wanted to find someone to take care of her father for a long time…So after Xie Chengze took over the job, if he did a good job, he would be responsible for taking care of father Gu from now on.

Xie Chengze understood why the foreman did this. If he couldn’t take care of father Gu and was injured by father Gu, the foreman could naturally resign him and recruit someone again. If he did a good job, he will continue to do this from now on, so the foreman can also naturally accept others.

As for him, he has no right to choose independently.

When Xie Chengze arrived, he saw a skinny middle-aged man.

Gu Tan’s father’s illness is a little severe. He always felt that others were going to harm him, so it was really troublesome to take care of him. He was hospitalized this time because he vomited blood…Xie Chengze helped the doctor sedate him, then sent him for an examination. He was busy all morning.

He was punched and kicked by father Gu, so he got some bruises on his body.

Fortunately, father Gu’s illness was found. He swallowed a foreign object and needed surgery.

Xie Chengze was not allowed to enter the operating room, so Xie Chengze was waiting outside to take a rest.

Seeing this, Gu Tan, who followed during the whole process, said to Xie Chengze, “My dad hurt you before, I’m sorry.” Then, Gu Tan took out a few packs of biscuits and gave it to Xie Chengze as compensation.

“It’s okay…” Xie Chengze refused — although he was beaten a few times, it was nothing…

“You take it, I need your help in the future.” Gu Tan stuffed the biscuit into Xie Chengze’s arms.

Xie Chengze silently accepted the biscuit.

Gu Tan continued: “how about you come to take care of my father, I will give you 3,000 credits a month. You can also get food and accommodation…Don’t worry, my father usually doesn’t beat people, because he is in great pain this time……I’m very sorry.”

Compared with some ability users, Gu Tan’s attitude is already very good.

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This job not only pays well, but also includes food and accommodation, which is a good job.

But this is the person Lu Yanzhou likes…

Xie Chengze was in a complicated mood, but he still nodded.

So what if he likes Lu Yanzhou? Lu Yanzhou didn’t even know him.

Gu Tan is one of the deputy district chiefs of the security base. If he helps Gu Tan from this work, he can get to know the senior management of the safety base. It would be great if he could get to know who Chengcheng likes.

Xie Chengze wanted to know if that person really didn’t intend to use Chengcheng. If he was a good person, he should explain it clearly to the other party.

Gu Tan quickly negotiated with Xie Chengze about taking care of his father.

She is very satisfied with Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze wore a mask and glasses and his hair was a bit long, so she didn’t know Xie Chengze’s appearance, but she could tell that Xie Chengze liked to be clean. Xie Chengze’s previous performance also showed that he had good professional ability.

The two were talking when Zhou Jingshan suddenly came.

Seeing Zhou Jingshan, Gu Tan’s face changed slightly, but she still followed Zhou Jingshan and left.

Few people know that Gu Tan and Zhou Jingshan were actually a couple before the apocalypse.

Zhou Jingshan is not from C City. He was in C City when the apocalypse happened, so he didn’t leave yet because of Gu Tan.

At the beginning, the two were very in love, so Gu Tan went to meet Zhou Jingshan’s parents, but Gu Tan’s parents had already divorced. Zhou Jingshan’s parents, who usually don’t care much, were very dissatisfied with Gu Tan.

Gu Tan has a father with mental illness! They would not allow their son to marry such a woman.

The two said a lot of nasty things to Gu Tan, so Gu Tan broke up with Zhou Jingshan.

Gu Tan broke up with him cleanly, but Zhou Jingshan still chased after her…It’s just that although Zhou Jingshan likes Gu Tan, he is also very dissatisfied with those in Gu Tan’s family. He always wants Gu Tan to abandon her family, which Gu Tan is not willing to do, so she was also unwilling to get back together with him.

There is also a big gap in their views. For example, Gu Tan is committed to developing the security base, but Zhou Jingshan doesn’t take the C City’s security base very seriously.

The relationship between the two can be regarded as unceasing chaos.

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