Hold His Hand

Chapter 113

Zhou Jingshan has a bad temper, Gu Tan was afraid that he would cause trouble, so she followed him to the corridor outside the emergency room of the hospital, and asked with a frown, “What are you doing here?”

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“Your father is ill, so I come to visit.” Zhou Jingshan said.

“You don’t need to come,” Gu Tan said.

Zhou Jingshan sneered and took out a card to Gu Tan: “If I don’t come, won’t you be in a rush? Do you still have money?”

The safe zone has its own magnetic card, which contains the contribution points of the security base, and of course some people call it money.

Gu Tan is the deputy district chief of the security base and she is also a space ability user, so she would not be short of money, but she values the rules and will not use crooked ways to get money for herself, besides, there are a bunch of burden…

As a local, Gu Tan was born in a village near C City. Her father was ill when she was young, and her mother was also in poor health. Since then, her family’s life has been very difficult.

Luckily someone helped them.

Her father’s brothers and cousins gave money for her studies, and they also helped her grandparents’ funerals. She went to school outside, and her parents relied on these relatives and friends to help her take care of them.

Before the apocalypse, everyone was living a good life. Gu Tan just bought gifts to visit during the holidays, but now the apocalypse is here!

Because she went to rescue people in time after the apocalypse, and with the help of Zhou Jingshan, most of her relatives survived.

Among these people, there are young and middle-aged people who can work, but there are also many elderly and children. If Gu Tan doesn’t help…they may not be able to fill their stomachs, and even the elderly among them should be dead by now.

Can’t Gu Tan stop helping? She cannot.

She gave them shelter, provided food and medicine, which already cost a lot, which is why whenever Lu Yanzhou asked her to help, she never refused — she can use the space blade to kill zombies, but her own combat strength is not strong, so there is no way for her to go alone to find supplies.

“I have money.” Said Gu Tan.

Gu Tan was almost out of money previously. Her mother was ill and needed a lot of rare medicines, so she spent all her savings.

Thanks to Lu Yanzhou who always went out to find things during this time, she also got to save some money and supplies.

Zhou Jingshan’s face changed when he heard the words: “Where did you get the money? Lu Yanzhou gave it to you? Lu Yanzhou is very willing to give you!”

Gu Tan frowned.

Gu Tan doesn’t like Lu Yanzhou, she has too much burden on her shoulders. Zhou Jingshan is also pestering her, so she has no thought of falling in love again.


But she has a good impression of Lu Yanzhou. Recently, Lu Yanzhou stopped chasing her and concentrated on doing practical things. She has a better impression of Lu Yanzhou.

Seeing that Gu Tan didn’t speak, Zhou Jingshan continued: “So you plan to accept Lu Yanzhou? No wonder he seems to be a different person recently. He is obviously very afraid of death, but he runs out every day now!”

“Who I am with has nothing to do with you.”

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“How does it have nothing to do with me? You are my girlfriend.”

“We broke up long ago!”

“Gu Tan, what’s so good about that Lu Yanzhou? He’s just a hypocrite, he has no skills at all! He’s with you because he want to climb up! I’ve seen a lot of people like him!”

“Zhou Jingshan, no matter how he is, he is better than you.” Gu Tan said angrily. In fact, Gu Tan knew that Zhou Jingshan was not a bad person, but their views really differed too much.

As for Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou is obviously a good person!

Zhou Jingshan’s face was ugly: “So you want to marry him?”

“So what?” Gu Tan said.

“I’m going to kill him!”

“Zhou Jingshan! Don’t mess around, or I’ll fight you to the end!”

The two often quarreled, but this time they quarreled and finally went their way unhappy.

Zhou Jingshan ran straight away, Gu Tan followed closely and left the corridor, and then saw the nurse she had just hired standing not far away.

Seeing the other party, Gu Tan was a little embarrassed: “Sorry, I made you laugh…Please don’t talk about it.”

Gu Tan thought of the childish conversation between her and Zhou Jingshan, she felt embarrassed

Not mentioning anything else, just let’s just talk about Lu Yanzhou. He has nothing to do with her…he really has nothing to do with her. Lu Yanzhou has been avoiding her recently, he has clearly given up on her.

But she was not in the mood to explain too much, so she simply asked the person not to talk about it.

Xie Chengze nodded.

At this moment, Xie Chengze felt as if his heart was overwhelmed.

Although he had heard that Lu Yanzhou and Gu Tan might get married before, it was just a rumor after all, so he could tell himself that it was a lie.

But it’s different this time. Now Gu Tan has admitted it with her own mouth.

Gu Tan and Lu Yanzhou are about to get married.

Xie Chengze has always been a very sober person. He knows that he has no chance with Lu Yanzhou, and he also knows that no matter who Lu Yanzhou is with, it has nothing to do with him.

But at this moment, he didn’t know what was going on, but he actually had the feeling that Lu Yanzhou had betrayed him.

How could Lu Yanzhou marry someone else!

Lu Yanzhou is his!

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Xie Chengze suspected that he was crazy – how could he have such an idea?

Why can’t Lu Yanzhou marry someone else? How is Lu Yanzhou his? Lu Yanzhou didn’t even know him, did he?

It was very uncomfortable, but Xie Chengze still did his job well, and helped take care of father Gu after father Gu came out of the operating room.

When Xie Chengze was discussing the work content with Gu Tan, he specifically mentioned that he could only work from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm then he would leave at night.

Chengcheng will come out at night, so he can’t work.

It’s really unrealistic for Xie Chengze to be with her father 24 hours a day, so Gu Tan agreed.

Xie Chengze stayed in the hospital until six o’clock before going home.

He didn’t do much work today, so he wasn’t tired, but his overall condition was very bad. When he got home and lay down, he didn’t even want to get up or eat.

His mind was full of…Lu Yanzhou betrayed him, Lu Yanzhou was getting married.

He is really crazy!

Well, he is actually mentally ill, the kind who would regularly go to a mental hospital for check-ups before the apocalypse!

He is also a pervert, fantasizing about Lu Yanzhou all day long!

Xie Chengze held his head and thought for a long time, like a little broken jar. He wanted to get revenge on Lu Yanzhou, and even wanted to kiss Lu Yanzhou forcefully.

No, this is not enough, he also wants to develop something with Lu Yanzhou.

But this is impossible, Lu Yanzhou is going to marry someone else, and he will live with Gu Tan in the future. They will be husband and wife, and he becomes a despicable stalker.

Xie Chengze used to think that he could take care of father Gu for the contribution point and to have a job, but now he feels that he can’t do it.

He absolutely couldn’t stand looking at Lu Yanzhou and Gu Tan being together.

He should resign…

Thinking about it…Before Xie Chengze fell asleep as usual, his expression suddenly changed.

Chengcheng appeared much earlier than before.

Chengcheng’s expression was very bewildered, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

Lu Yanzhou wants to marry someone else?

He knew the meaning of marriage. After marriage, two people would sleep in the same bed.

He also knows that when you get married, you are a family. If you are a family, you will not welcome others.

After his mother married his stepfather, they didn’t like him and didn’t welcome him!

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There will be children after marriage, and when they have children…

The most important thing is that he cannot accept Lu Yanzhou marrying someone else.

He didn’t like this, he wanted to go to Lu Yanzhou every day and sleep in the same bed with Lu Yanzhou.

Also, Lu Yanzhou lied to him, Lu Yanzhou clearly told him that he would not marry Gu Tan, but what happened?

Chengcheng trembled, then the next second, he appeared in Lu Yanzhou’s living room.

Lu Yanzhou was taking a shower. In the living room, there was a bucket full of ice with some coke in it.

He wanted to drink coke yesterday, so Lu Yanzhou found it for him.

Lu Yanzhou was very very good to him, but…but…now Lu Yanzhou is going to marry someone else.

What is he going to do?

No, he can’t let Lu Yanzhou marry someone else!

Xie Chengze doesn’t have Chengcheng’s memory, but Chengcheng is different, he can see Xie Chengze’s memory.

It’s just that in the past, he didn’t look at those things very much, and what he paid attention to repeatedly were all things from his childhood.

But at this moment, he began to recall other things.

So…he can actually kiss Lu Yanzhou forcefully, and even do various things to Lu Yanzhou?

That’s something couples would do. If he did it to Lu Yanzhou, would Lu Yanzhou marry him?

AZe said that this is a bad thing, and Chengcheng is a bad boy if he does this kind of thing.


Chengcheng is a good boy, but his father is still missing.

No, he’s not missing, he knows that his father is gone, and his mother doesn’t want him either.

If Chengcheng was always a good boy, would Lu Yanzhou not want him anymore either?

If so, Chengcheng might as well be a bad boy.

In the first place…It was Lu Yanzhou who said first that he would not get married, but it was Lu Yanzhou who lied to him, so he should just pretend not to know that Lu Yanzhou was going to get married…

Lu Yanzhou was taking a shower when Xie Chengze suddenly appeared in the bathroom.

This is not the first time, so Lu Yanzhou was very calm. He silently turned his back to Xie Chengze, and asked, “Chengcheng, why did you come so early today?”

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Chengcheng didn’t answer, but instead asked: “Lu Yanzhou, did you lie to me?”

“No.” Lu Yanzhou said, how could he lie to such a lovely Chengcheng!

Chengcheng was very happy: “Mm!”

“Chengcheng, why did you ask this suddenly? By the way, Chengcheng, did you see the coke outside? You should go outside and drink the coke first.” Lu Yanzhou wanted to coax Chengcheng out.

However, Chengcheng is not interested in coke now. He stares at Lu Yanzhou, only feeling that he is very hot all over.

He always wanted to kiss Lu Yanzhou before, but kissing is not enough.

Now he knows what he wants.

Chengcheng suddenly teleported to appear in front of Lu Yanzhou whose back was turned to him and hugged Lu Yanzhou and kissed him, not the face kiss like before, but a kiss on the mouth.

Lu Yanzhou was stunned by the sudden attack, and wanted to push Xie Chengze away.

Xie Chengze hasn’t recovered from his illness yet, so now he’s just like a child. He always feels that something is not right like this.

With great strength, Lu Yanzhou quickly pushed the person away, stood aside and was about to say something, when Xie Chengze teleported into his arms again.

Abilities can also be used like this? He can’t hide from Xie Chengze at all!

Lu Yanzhou hid a few times but couldn’t dodge, so he could only let Xie Chengze hug him, and then use his willpower to restrain: “Chengcheng, what’s wrong with you today? Let’s have a good talk…”

“Lu Yanzhou, do you not like me anymore?” Chengcheng asked pitifully.

“How is that possible, I like you the most!”

“Then you hug me.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t move, he is not a saint, if this continues…

“You definitely don’t like me anymore. If you’re going to marry someone else, then you will not want me. I will definitely die. I will die of starvation and exhaustion…” Chengcheng began to cry.

Before meeting Lu Yanzhou, AZe often thought like this.

Every time he woke up in the car, he also thought that he might die.

At that time, he still thought that it would be good to die, and he would not have to be hungry, feel uncomfortable, and have a headache.

But he doesn’t want to die now, he wants to be with Lu Yanzhou.

“I won’t marry anyone else, I won’t abandon you, and you won’t starve to death.” Lu Yanzhou quickly coaxed.

Xie Chengze became more aggressive. Seeing that Lu Yanzhou was not moving, he moved.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” What else can Lu Yanzhou do?

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