Hold His Hand

Chapter 114

When Lu Yanzhou woke up in the morning, there was no one around him.

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He couldn’t react for a moment.

Xie Chengze usually leaves at six o’clock in the morning, but in order to see Xie Chengze off, his current biological clock wakes up at five o’clock in the morning.

After waking up, he would prepare Xie Chengze’s food for the day, and then let Xie Chengze leave with the food.

Xie Chengze would also sweetly say something like ‘I don’t want to leave’, and then pester him to kiss him. In short, except for being left behind on the first morning, they were very sweet every morning after that.

But now…Xie Chengze just left?

He treated him like that last night, and now he just got up and left early in the morning?

Xie Chengze, what is this? This is clearly a scumbag who ate and ran!

Lu Yanzhou sat on the bed, a little aggrieved.

Chengcheng, this little heartless one just eats and leaves without any nostalgia! When Lu Yanzhou came to the living room and found that the coke he had prepared last night was gone, he was even more depressed.

Remember to bring Coke, but why not bring him?

What is this call, leaving him behind!

Wait, Chengcheng doesn’t seem to have taken any other food…so what will he eat during the day?

Xie Chengze probably hasn’t finished eating the compressed biscuits he gave Chengcheng before, right?

Although the little scumbag picked up his pants and ran away, Lu Yanzhou was still unavoidably worried about him.

After worrying…Lu Yanzhou planned to go out to kill zombies.

He wanted to accumulate enough merit quickly.

Lu Yanzhou took a large group of people out of the city again, and when he was out of the city, he met Zhou Jingshan.

Zhou Jingshan sneered at him in a strange way, and said, “You are really free, you still have time to go out and look for supplies.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t understand, so he answered: “I don’t have anything else to do recently.”

Zhou Jingshan became even angrier when he thought that Gu Tan was very busy these days, and threw a fireball directly at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou blocked the fireball with an earthen wall, and seeing that Zhou Jingshan had already left, he was speechless.

He didn’t offend Zhou Jingshan recently, did he?

But Zhou Jingshan himself seems to have 8th grade syndrome, so anything is normal.

In the original trajectory, the original owner killed Zhou Jingshan, which was really a bad move.

Although Zhou Jingshan has problems, he is not the kind of lawless person. Because Zhou Jingshan really likes Gu Tan, he is actually restrained by Gu Tan.

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In contrast, some of Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates were more problematic.

Lu Yanzhou went out of the city, intending to find some delicious food for Chengcheng.

They are going to the countryside this time, where they can collect fresh vegetables and so on.

I wonder why Chengcheng left last night…

Chengcheng left last night. On the one hand, he was shy, and on the other hand, he felt that he had done something bad and was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would scold him.

After all, Lu Yanzhou has always been unwilling to…

He didn’t sleep last night, he teleported directly from the bed to the living room, took the coke that Lu Yanzhou had prepared for him, then left.

Lu Yanzhou saved a lot of food. He wanted to take some, but he was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would be unhappy, so he didn’t take it.

When he returned to his residence, Chengcheng was already tired and fell asleep soon…In the morning, Xie Chengze woke up on time.

As soon as Xie Chengze woke up, he felt something was wrong – he was feeling uncomfortable.

Not only that…he was obviously very sad last night, but now…he feels very satisfied, even very happy.

He was just heart broken, why is he so happy?

Xie Chengze knew that he was affected by Chengcheng’s emotions. In the past, the emotions that Chengcheng conveyed to him were like loneliness, but recently, Chengcheng was always very happy.

Chengcheng was very happy last night.

As for the reason…Xie Chengze got up and checked his body.

Chengcheng did it with the person he likes!

At the beginning, Xie Chengze had doubts about that person and felt that that person had bad intentions, but even if he didn’t reply to the letter or refuse to communicate, that person would still write to him, and his attitude was very good.

He gradually had a good impression of that person.

He even imagined the image of that person, thinking that the other person must be a wise, gentle, and kind elder.

More than twenty days have passed, and he even thought about explaining the situation to that person!

But what happened? That man actually did such a thing to Chengcheng!

What a beast!

But he couldn’t blame him either, Chengcheng wasn’t sad at all, he was very happy!

Xie Chengze felt extremely confused and didn’t know what to do.

He felt strangely angry at being taken advantage of, but…but…

Xie Chengze knocked himself on the head hard.

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He is crazy.

However, this doesn’t seem like a bad thing? Xie Chengze suddenly discovered that he was no longer concerned about Lu Yanzhou’s marriage.

The sadness and despair of last night had all left him.

But that’s really not right.

The person Chengcheng likes is probably not young, just because he did this kind of thing to Chengcheng…There must be no shortage of people around him.

So what did Chengcheng do? Became a mistress or even a third, a fourth, a fifth, or a tenth.

Although he was struggling, there was still work to be done. Xie Chengze started to pack his things, and at the same time he was a little thankful that the man was very careful. He…Well, Chengcheng was not injured.

It may not be that the person is very careful, it may be that he is too old and couldn’t do it well.

Xie Chengze pulled back his wandering thoughts and discovered another thing.

Chengcheng didn’t bring any food back.

Now that he has it, he doesn’t cherish him anymore?

Xie Chengze was reluctant to eat compressed biscuits that could be stored for a long time, so he hurried out and bought the cheapest multigrain biscuit for ten contribution points.

Rent is expensive in the security base, and food is even more expensive.

Speaking of which, the food provided to him by the person Chengcheng liked before should be the most expensive kind.

A rice ball or a cowpea flatbread can already make someone sleep with that person, which is not a loss for him.

However, he still suffers.

He thought he was a good person, why did the other party do such a thing?

On the way to the hospital, Xie Chengze also heard news from Lu Yanzhou. It is said that Lu Yanzhou brought many people out of the city today.

Xie Chengze felt very uncomfortable yesterday, but he was calm today, he even thought…he wondered what Lu Yanzhou would bring back.

Xie Chengze: “…” Something is really wrong with him.

The more he realized that something was wrong with him, the more Xie Chengze dared not lose his job.

His previous job as a nurse is definitely not going to work. His foreman is determined to squeeze him out, now he can only take good care of Gu Tan’s father.

Xie Chengze went there after seven o’clock. When he got there, there was a young man in Gu Tan’s father’s ward, who was still chatting with father Gu.

Father Gu only repeated one sentence, saying that someone on the balcony was scolding him.

“Uncle, there is no balcony in this ward.”

Father Gu said: “That person stood outside the window and scolded me!”

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“Uncle, this is the tenth floor.” The young man was very calm.

Seeing Xie Chengze coming, the young man breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xie Chengze, “Hello, my name is Gu Mingyang, and I am Gu Tan’s cousin…I will take care of my uncle with you from now on.”

Xie Chengze asked: “Isn’t it just me who takes care of him?”

“It’s okay now, I will handle my uncle’s mess that you can’t handle. Actually, I was responsible for cooking…I used to take care of my uncle with my dad, but my uncle said that my dad was going to poison him, so he pushed my dad down the stairs, and my dad broke his leg…” Gu Mingyang realized something was wrong while talking, and said to Xie Chengze: “Don’t worry, if something happens, my cousin will fully compensate you. Uncle usually doesn’t dare to do anything to people. This is just the most serious case. He usually hides alone in the house.”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Father Gu is now sick and tied up. What Xie Chengze needs to do is to simply carry his excrement and urine, the work is actually very easy.

This made him feel very fortunate, he was even more fortunate that Gu Mingyang was a bit talkative and told him a lot about the Gu family.

Gu Tan rented a townhouse, and all the Gu’s relatives lived in it. There were forty or fifty people taking care of the family.

Among them, the young and strong ones have found jobs and can earn money. Besides, Gu Tan always sends them food, so they live well.

In fact, Gu Tan did not help them without a bottom line, but the food in the security base is too expensive. Gu Tan can’t eat delicious and spicy food by herself, but giving them the cheapest food still costs a lot of money.

In addition, Gu Tan’s mother is in poor health and suffers from a rare disease. Before the apocalypse, the disease was rare, and the medicine was only available in big hospitals. Now it’s even more serious now, but there is no medicine at all!

The pressure on Gu Tan was even greater.

Xie Chengze knew why Zhou Jingshan felt that Gu Tan had no money before.

But now Gu Tan is not short of money…Is it because of Lu Yanzhou?

Lu Yanzhou went out of the city again today to help Gu Tan?

Xie Chengze was in a bad mood, but he was very professional when taking care of the patients, and even coaxed father Gu to make father Gu less tense.

Gu Mingyang was surprised when he saw this: “You are amazing! Were you a nurse before the apocalypse? Or are you a doctor?”

Xie Chengze said, “I’m still in school, the Medical Department.”

“What’s your major?” Gu Mingyang asked again.

Xie Chengze said: “Psychiatry.”

Gu Mingyang: “No wonder my cousin looked for you! Let the professional do it!”

Xie Chengze said: “I just finished my freshman year, so I’m not very professional…”

He doesn’t hurt people and no one can see what’s wrong with him during the day, but he may not be able to study in the future.

He went to learn this, mainly for his own illness.

Speaking of which, in order to get a job as a nurse, he only said that he was a medical student, he didn’t dare to say his department. Fortunately, they all came to work after training and he was surrounded by certain people who also knew nothing about medicine before training.

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“You are better than me! I will count on you in the future!” Gu Mingyang liked Xie Chengze very much.

Gu Tan came over at noon and was very happy to learn about Xie Chengze’s previous major from Gu Mingyang.

In fact, her father was not that seriously ill before the apocalypse, so he didn’t go to the hospital and stayed at home.

But now…Now there is no professional hospital for her father to stay in.

Gu Tan prepared lunch for Xie Chengze, which was a set meal worth 50 credits at the base, which contained a few potatoes, some pickles and some fresh vegetables.

This is already a good meal, but it can’t compare with what that man prepared for him.

Xie Chengze asked Gu Tan: “Miss Gu, I saw a patient eating white flatbread made with sour cowpea minced pork. Where can I buy that kind of flatbread?”

After listening, Gu Tan said: “That kind of flatbread is only sold in the first canteen, and one costs two hundred contribution points.”

The first canteen is a special canteen, and most people are not allowed to enter. The things in it are also very expensive.

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the security base. The first canteen was specially built by the district chief to harvest money from those ability users in the security base.

As far as she knew, Zhou Jingshan’s consumption in the first canteen was sky-high. He would not only buy all kinds of food provided by the first canteen, but also order dishes for the chef to cook.

Xie Chengze was stunned upon hearing this.

He worked for a month before, and only earned 1,000 contribution points. That person gave him three flatbread a day, eggs, vegetables, and other things…

Did he eat a thousand contribution points a day?!

Xie Chengze felt that he couldn’t blame that person.

However, he was really aggrieved.

Because of this, Xie Chengze kept admonishing Chengcheng that night not to go to that person.

He also repeatedly emphasized one thing, that is, forcing others to do something is a very bad behavior, and it’s something bad people do!

They must draw a clear line with that kind of people!

The Lu Yanzhou he likes likes someone else, and is about to marry someone else, and something like this happened to Chengcheng too…Xie Chengze, who was no longer affected by Chengcheng’s emotions at night, felt very sad.

He even felt that he was not worthy of liking Lu Yanzhou.

What did he do for some food!

After Xie Chengze fell asleep, Chengcheng came out.

Chengcheng ran away in embarrassment yesterday, but today…he still wanted to find Lu Yanzhou.

But…but…a person who forces others is a bad person?

Did Lu Yanzhou also want to draw a clear line with him?!

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