Hold His Hand

Chapter 115: 115

Chengcheng suddenly didn’t dare to look for Lu Yanzhou.

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He did bad things, he was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would have an opinion about him.

Not only would he have opinions about him, Lu Yanzhou might scold him and drive him away.

He was only thinking about marrying Lu Yanzhou yesterday, why didn’t he think that Lu Yanzhou might not like a bad guy like him?

And…AZe also told him not to go…

Depressed, Chengcheng got up from the bed and opened a can of braised pork.

Lu Yanzhou once told him that the canned food was delicious, but he was full from eating at Lu Yanzhou’s every day and was not hungry, so he didn’t open it to eat.

As for AZe…AZe cherishes these foods that can be preserved for a long time, so he didn’t open it to eat.

The can was filled with fat and thin braised pork, which looked very attractive. After Chengcheng ate a piece, his eyes immediately narrowed.

Oily and delicious!

He ate half of it in one go, then felt a little tired after eating.

Although AZe didn’t do much work today, he didn’t sleep well last night, and…he was a little uncomfortable today.

Chengcheng lay on the bed and soon fell asleep.

On the other side, Lu Yanzhou was dying of anxiety — why hasn’t Xie Chengze come?!

In the past, although Chengcheng would come to him late sometimes, but it was after ten o’clock at the latest, but what about today? It was already midnight and Chengcheng didn’t even come!

He went to the countryside to look for supplies today, and saw a lot of snacks in a family’s house. They were all smoked meat that could be stored for a long time, so he brought them all back and wanted to give them to Chengcheng, but now he didn’t even see the person!

At first, Lu Yanzhou complained that Chengcheng didn’t take him seriously, but since Chengcheng never came, now he was only worried and anxious.

Chengcheng likes him so much, and was so active last night, under such circumstances, he will not stop looking for him.

As for Chengcheng’s big brother… What he did was not right, but it was Chengcheng who took the initiative. After Chengcheng’s big brother understood the situation from Chengcheng, he shouldn’t blame him, right? He wouldn’t stop Chengcheng from coming to see him, right?

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou felt that Xie Chengze must be in trouble.

What kind of trouble did Xie Chengze encounter? Why won’t he teleport? Why didn’t he come to him?

Wait, teleportation is not a panacea. According to the original trajectory, Chengcheng was killed by Zhou Jingshan’s men!

Now…where is Chengcheng?

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t sit still anymore. He wanted to find Chengcheng right away, as for how to find Chengcheng…

Knowing that Xie Chengze lived in this safe zone, and suspecting that Xie Chengze was under control, Lu Yanzhou asked his subordinates to investigate if there are any places that could hide people in this security base.

And his subordinates really found about two places.

The food consumption in those two places is particularly large, so there should be a lot of people hidden inside.

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After the apocalypse, the whole world is in chaos. The security base they are in is orderly, but there are still many dirty things.

The original owner paid great attention to reputation, so he would not dirty his hands by doing such things and would punish his subordinates for casually hurting others, but some of Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates were more capricious.

They captured some people and locked them in two places, no one knew what they were doing.

Lu Yanzhou frowned and started thinking.

Xie Chengze knew him, so Xie Chengze’s big brother must know who he was.

He has a good reputation in the security base. Xie Chengze once asked him for help. Xie Chengze’s big brother should have no enmity with him, but Xie Chengze’s big brother didn’t come to him…They must have been controlled.

Lu Yanzhou had just learned of these two places. He planned to find out more before doing anything, but now he couldn’t wait.

He gritted his teeth, went downstairs, knocked on the doors of a few of his subordinates, then asked them if they would like to do something with him. He also said that this matter is more dangerous, and there is no benefit even if it’s done.

“We are willing!” Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates were woken up by him, but they all agreed.

They all admired Lu Yanzhou, and felt that Lu Yanzhou was bringing them to do good deeds.

Lu Yanzhou met their trusting gazes and felt that the original owner really did things wrong.

The people in the security base and the original owner’s subordinates all trust the original owner so much, what about the original owner? He betrayed these people when the danger came!

At that time, when zombies were besieging the city, if the original owner was willing to persist, the morale of other people in the security base would definitely be relatively high. However, the original owner ran away, so the security base’s defense line naturally was completely defeated.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Thank you for your help! Regardless of whether the next thing can be completed, I will give 20,000 contribution points to each of you tomorrow.”

He won’t be able to give any more…

Lu Yanzhou chose twenty men to bring with him. He brought these people for no other reason than fearing that during the battle, Zhou Jingshan’s subordinate would take advantage of being surrounded by him and hurt the hostages.

The first place Lu Yanzhou went to was the villa area where Zhou Jingshan lived — all the people living in this villa area were Zhou Jingshan’s subordinate.

The villa area is very large, with a single building in the front and some townhouse stacked rows at the back. According to Lu Yanzhou’s investigation, the stacked row in the northwest corner seems to be a problem, people send a lot of food there every day.

Lu Yanzhou led people there, and found that the stacked townhouse had been reinforced with earth abilities, and the sound insulation was far better than other places.

What are you doing by making your residence so strong?

What’s more, in just a short while, Lu Yanzhou saw several ability users come out of it!

After this period of non-stop practicing, Lu Yanzhou’s ability has been upgraded to the peak of the fourth level. He even has a feeling that he will break through at any time.

In addition, he can already control cement.

This row of roofs was built on the ground, and most of the building materials used in the construction were fired with clay, and the subsequent reinforcements were also made with earth ability, which couldn’t stop Lu Yanzhou at all.

After thinking for a moment, he directly used his ability to make the entire villa roof disappear, as well as the front and rear walls.

He brought a lot of people, and his strength is not bad, so there’s no need to sneak in or something, it is better to do it directly!

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This caused a big commotion, especially after Lu Yanzhou did this, the situation in the room was completely revealed. It was simply unsightly.


“What do you want to do?”

“It’s Lu Yanzhou who is here!”

“Damn, kill him!”

Various voices sounded, then various ability users started attacking Lu Yanzhou.

When Lu Yanzhou saw the scene inside, his face changed. He said to his subordinates: “Go and save people, I will stop them!”

As Lu Yanzhou spoke, he fought with Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates.

When Lu Yanzhou brought them to the villa area where Zhou Jingshan lived, Lu Yanzhou’s men wondered if Lu Yanzhou was going to take them to assassinate Zhou Jingshan.

Although they felt it was wrong, they still decided to fight for their boss.

As a result? Lu Yanzhou didn’t come to assassinate, but to save people!

They shouldn’t misunderstand their kind boss!

Besides, Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates are too hateful!

Looking at the miserable appearance of many people inside, these people didn’t seem to do this voluntarily!

Nowadays, due to insufficient resources, some people even die from malnutrition from time to time. Some people also volunteer to do some things, so they can’t control them, but it’s wrong to force others!

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates immediately rushed over to save them.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yanzhou was in a bad mood. He was being merciless, even killing a person directly.

“Lu Yanzhou, what are you doing? Why did you come to kill my people?” Zhou Jingshan’s voice sounded, and then a sea of flames rushed towards Lu Yanzhou.

Previously, Zhou Jingshan threw a fireball at Lu Yanzhou, he didn’t use all his strength at all. This red-hot sea of flames that can burn everything is his true level!

However, Lu Yanzhou’s earthen wall blocked the sea of flames, and Lu Yanzhou said angrily: “Shouldn’t your subordinates be killed for doing such a thing?”

Zhou Jingshan froze for a moment, and then saw the scene in the villa, where some people were covered in injuries.

He is a young master who has always thought highly of himself and despised this kind of abusive behavior. He suddenly became angry and burned one of his subordinates to death: “You bastard, what are you planning by doing this at my place? Fucking disgusting!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

With Zhou Jingshan standing in front of him, Lu Yanzhou opened up the basement with his earth ability, only to find that the basement was expanded with earth ability. It was very very large, and there were a lot of people imprisoned in it.

Lu Yanzhou took a glance and found that there were probably three or four hundred people imprisoned in this place.

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He even saw someone who was tortured to death.

Lu Yanzhou was furious. The only thing he was thankful for was that Xie Chengze wasn’t here.

As for Zhou Jingshan, he didn’t expect such a place to exist near his residence, so he chased and beat his subordinates angrily, burning them until they all screamed.

At the same time, District Chief Li heard the movement and brought people over.

District Chief Li, who was wearing a vest and beach shorts, had an ugly expression when he arrived — he thought that the loud commotion was because Lu Yanzhou and Zhou Jingshan fought for the sake of profit.

It turned out that he was wrong when he got to the place…District Chief Li breathed a sigh of relief first, then his face turned green again, and then he immediately asked for help to resettle the victim.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Zhou Jingshan at this moment: “Zhou Jingshan, this place doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you, but I found another place…Does it have anything to do with you? Did you do something shady in private?”

Lu Yanzhou used the aggressive method. He did it because he was convinced that Zhou Jingshan had nothing to do with Xie Chengze being imprisoned.

After all, in the original trajectory, the original owner asked Chengcheng to kill Zhou Jingshan. Chengcheng has always been unwilling and obviously didn’t hate Zhou Jingshan…After Chengcheng’s assassination failed, Zhou Jingshan was also looking for Chengcheng. He obviously didn’t know Chengcheng.

“I never do anything shady! Don’t wrong me!” Zhou Jingshan was furious.

He previously quarreled with Gu Tan and Gu Tan said that she would marry Lu Yanzhou, but Zhou Jingshan didn’t really believe it.

After all, he is so outstanding, how could Gu Tan give up on him and choose Lu Yanzhou?

But now that the people under him have done such stupid things, what will Gu Tan think of him in the future?

Will she really marry Lu Yanzhou?

Zhou Jingshan was about to explode!

“Then you go and have a look with me.” Lu Yanzhou said, then took Zhou Jingshan to a factory after speaking. His subordinates followed after seeing this.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates felt that today’s trip was worthwhile!

They were curious before, why their boss woke them up in the middle of the night, it turned out because he wanted to save people!

Their boss is such a nice guy!

They are also very willing to do this kind of thing!

The second place is the factory controlled by Zhou Jingshan’s people.

Some factories have been built in the security base, most of which are under the control of the military, but the original owner and Zhou Jingshan have also opened factories.

The original owner feels that money is useless in the apocalypse. In comparison, it’s better to work hard to be the district chief of the safe zone, so the factory he opened has a welfare nature, and half of the money he earns is used to give back to the security base. The remaining half is used to win over subordinates.

This is also one of the reasons why the original owner has a good reputation in the security base and has many subordinates.

As for Zhou Jingshan…Zhou Jingshan lived a luxurious life and didn’t care much about his subordinates.

He has no idea what the factory under his hands is like.

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Lu Yanzhou came to this factory in the shortest time, and also used his earth ability to crush others and opened a hole above the factory.

This place…turned out to be a laboratory!

The most frightening thing is that the research subject here turned out to be ability users!

There are crystal nuclei in mutated zombie bodies, which can be used by the ability users to improve their abilities, and ability users also have crystal nuclei in their bodies…

This place is researching crystal nucleus transplantation. They transplanted the crystal nuclei from the ability user into ordinary people, and even transplanted the crystal nuclei from zombies into ordinary people!

The basement of the previous villa was opened up by earth ability users, so it was very large. The basement of this factory is even bigger. There are many experimental equipment in it, and hundreds of people are also imprisoned.

Is Xie Chengze here?

Lu Yanzhou rushed in to look for the person, but he still couldn’t find him.

Realizing this, Lu Yanzhou was in a bad mood, on the other side, Zhou Jingshan was killing people at this moment.

Zhou Jingshan is also a ability user. Someone here experimented with ability users. This has poked Zhou Jingshan’s lungs.

Zhou Jingshan is actually very clear that his subordinates are not loyal to him, so he has been dominating them with his strength to make them obedient.

If these people research this thing, is it possible for them to kill him and take his crystal nucleus too?

Zhou Jingshan became a killing god, but Lu Yanzhou was still saving people.

District Chief Li was arranging things for the rescued people from the previous place, but he was late again. Seeing this scene, he said to Lu Yanzhou, “Xiao Lu, thank you for this incident!”

District Chief Li now feels that Lu Yanzhou is really good. As for being a little ambitious…what’s the big deal?

Most people in this world actually want to make contributions, don’t they?

Lu Yanzhou said: “I didn’t do anything.”

“No, you have done a lot. If such a place is not destroyed, who knows how many people will die?” District Chief Li said seriously, “I was really lax before, I wasn’t strict enough! Lu Yanzhou, I want to ask for your help. You will lead people tomorrow to thoroughly check the security base. This kind of thing must never happen again! And the militia you mentioned must also be formed!”

District Chief Li felt that the security base must be subject to stricter militarized management and legislation to prevent such atrocious incidents from happening again!

Lu Yanzhou was very happy when he heard that. If District Chief Li does this, their security base will definitely become better and better! This is of great benefit to the future of the security base!

As soon as he thought of this, he felt merits rushing towards him.

He had already accumulated a lot of merits, he had almost accumulated enough merits to treat Xie Chengze’s illness. Now that he has these merits…he can already cure Xie Chengze!

He didn’t find Xie Chengze, but it’s good to have accumulated enough merit…Although he don’t know where Xie Chengze is, in fact, as long as he is willing, he can use merit to heal Xie Chengze’s soul in this world.

Lu Yanzhou did this without hesitation.

When Xie Chengze recovers, he will definitely come to him!

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