Hold His Hand

Chapter 116: 116

After curing Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou really wanted to go back to his residence, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

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The two places he just destroyed were investigated by his subordinates, and they were able to be investigated because there were more people hiding in these two places and too much food was consumed.

But what if there were fewer people hiding?

Ability users can go out of the city to look for supplies. If there are few people hiding, others will not be able to find out at all. Let’s just talk about him. Xie Chengze comes to his house and he feeds Xie Chengze every day but others don’t know at all!

After all, although he can go to the cafeteria to buy food, he can also cook it himself. Others can’t accurately know the amount of food he consumes, so naturally they can’t think that he is hiding someone.

He didn’t find them in these two places, so is it possible that Xie Chengze and his brother were hidden in other places?

And those who hid people and did bad things, seeing such a big commotion, would they do such an irrational act such as killing the captives and destroying the corpses?

In the operation just now, there were actually some perpetrators who saw the incident come to light and killed the victim.

If the person who imprisoned Xie Chengze and his brother did something…

Lu Yanzhou didn’t have a good impression of Xie Chengze’s big brother.

The man has always refused to talk to him.

He wrote to this person before, persuading him to eat the food he provided, but the person still refused to eat, and later he did not reply to the letter.

If it wasn’t because he talked with Xie Chengze all the time and Xie Chengze had come to ask him if he and Gu Tan were going to get married, he wouldn’t even know that they were actually in the same security base as him.

However, even if he had a bad impression, he couldn’t let Xie Chengze’s big brother have an accident.

After all, he is Xie Chengze’s family, and the other party may have unavoidable difficulties.

So Lu Yanzhou didn’t rush back, instead he found District Chief Li and Zhou Jingshan who were cleaning up the mess: “District Chief Li, Zhou Jingshan, with such places in the security base, there must be more than these two places, why don’t we gather all the ability users in the security base and check them?”

Ability users are strong, they can directly demolish the villa and the factory. Other second-level or third-level earth supernatural beings can also easily create a space underground to hide people.

As for the fire-type ability user, Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates were burned to ashes as soon as Zhou Jingshan made a move!

People with water abilities are not weak either…they could drag people into the water, so they can kill people invisibly.

People with ice abilities can use ice needles to kill people, people with metal abilities are even stronger, and people with wood abilities can become invincible with just some poisonous plants!

This is also the reason why District Chief Li and the others have become weaker and weaker in their control over the security base.

However, the security nase is inseparable from the ability users. They have fewer and fewer hot weapons, so the safety of the security base requires ability users protection.

District Chief Li readily agreed, and Zhou Jingshan said, “Surname Lu, why should I listen to you?”

Zhou Jingshan killed many of his subordinates in the random killing before. However, his subordinates weren’t just letting him slaughter them, so Zhou Jingshan himself was also injured, and now one of his arms was paralyzed by electric shock.

On the contrary, Lu Yanzhou didn’t get injured at all. Well, who made him an earth ability user, his defensive power was astonishing.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Could it be that you did something in private? Are you afraid that others will find out?”

Zhou Jingshan was furious: “Nonsense!”

While talking, Gu Tan came…

Zhou Jingshan saw Gu Tan from a distance and immediately said: “These scoundrels have to be punished by everyone, old…I will investigate with you! You are not strong enough to fight, if someone resists, I have to help.”

Lu Yanzhou took a look at the wound on Zhou Jingshan’s body, then agreed without hesitation.

The number of ability users among the survivors is actually not low. About one tenth of the survivors in their security base are ability users.

In other words, there are 20,000 to 30,000 ability users in the entire security base.

However, most of these ability users are only level one, and many fire ability users can only send a few small fireballs…

However, after all, the base is large, so there are many powerful ability users.

Previously, Lu Yanzhou took his men out to kill zombies because they were strong and free, so he could bring hundreds of them at a time.

As for the ability users under the original owner’s hands, they add up to ten thousands. Of course, most of them are just using his names, the original owner doesn’t know them at all.

Zhou Jingshan is more rich than rich. The number of his subordinates is not as many as the original owner, but his subordinates are stronger, there are about two thousand in total.

Lu Yanzhou wanted to gather so many abilities, although there was a lot of commotion, but fortunately, he didn’t encounter too much obstruction.

Let’s talk about Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates…Some of them acted recklessly, but not all of them were like this. When Zhou Jingshan killed people before, some people helped Zhou Jingshan.

As for the original owner’s subordinates, there are only a thousand strong people among them, and many of the rest are name ability users but they can only scare ordinary people. They have long been stunned by the big movement in the security base, so all of them are very obedient.

Everyone was gathered in the barracks, and then Lu Yanzhou and Zhou Jingshan brought trustworthy people and the army together to thoroughly investigate the entire security base.

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At this time, it was already dawn, and people were all awake. Though many people were already awake last night.

Everyone was very excited when they heard on the radio that there was going to be a search in the security nase. There were also some people who were bullied by ability users, so they gritted their teeth and reported some ability users.

In addition to ability users, there are some ordinary people who also bully others…Of course, they can bully people because they have ability users as their backing.

One year has passed, and because of the apocalypse, the whole world has become the law of the jungle.

So, all kinds of messy things were found out…

Xie Chengze was woken up by noisy sounds at four or five in the morning.

And as soon as he woke up, he was dumbfounded.

He suddenly had Chengcheng’s memory…No, he didn’t have Chengcheng’s memory, in fact, he had the feeling that…Chengcheng was him.

Chengcheng is indeed him. Many things Chengcheng does are actually his inner desires. Chengcheng listens to him only because…Chengcheng is him.

When he was young, Chengcheng rarely appeared, but after his father died, Chengcheng would appear every night.

That’s because since his father died in the car accident to protect him, his mother was hit hard, so she was reluctant to talk to him. Since then Chengcheng would come out every day, crying and acting like a baby, pestering his mother.

It was also because of him that Chengcheng suddenly ran out more than 20 days ago to get close to someone and fell in love with that person suddenly.

He has always been afraid that others would discover his abnormality, so Chengcheng is very timid and dare not contact strangers.

But then he fell in love with Lu Yanzhou and wanted to be with Lu Yanzhou…Chengcheng went to find Lu Yanzhou that night.

It’s not that Chengcheng wanted to find Lu Yanzhou, it was clearly that he wanted to find Lu Yanzhou!

And what he did afterwards…Xie Chengze simply didn’t know what to say.

He actually…forced Lu Yanzhou!

He used to think that the person Chengcheng liked was a beast, but in fact, he was the beast!

Lu Yanzhou was unwilling at the time and kept avoiding him. It was he who teleported around Lu Yanzhou and then pushed him down.

He felt that the man Chengcheng liked couldn’t do it, but it was actually because…Lu Yanzhou was very careful in fear of hurting Chengcheng, and…At that time, Chengcheng was tired after a while, and then stopped…

As for Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou did not continue.

Xie Chengze no longer dared to think about it.

What has he done!

Lu Yanzhou was very kind to him, but he stretched out his claws to Lu Yanzhou…

Xie Chengze went back and forth, recalling Chengcheng’s memories repeatedly as his tears fell nonstop.

He was happy, but also sad and ashamed, and even a little desperate.

He was happy because he didn’t like the wrong person, and he wasn’t taken advantage of by others. Needless to say, he was sad and ashamed…Chengcheng ran away after doing that kind of thing, and then he didn’t dare to see Lu Yanzhou, let alone him.

As for despair…Originally, he had a chance to become friends with Lu Yanzhou, but now it’s all screwed up!

He had no face to see Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze probably realized what was going on.

Chengcheng broke into Lu Yanzhou’s house suddenly. Lu Yanzhou must have been a little defensive at first, but since Chengcheng was innocent and naive, Lu Yanzhou let down his guards.

As for Lu Yanzhou being so nice to Chengcheng…he must have taken a fancy to Chengcheng’s abilities.

He didn’t know about Chengcheng’s abilities before, so he only thought that Chengcheng could teleport, but now that he had Chengcheng’s memory, he realized that besides being able to teleport, Chengcheng also had a lot of space to hold things.

The fact that Gu Tan is so valued by others has something to do with her being a space ability user. Since Chengcheng is also a space ability user, Lu Yanzhou will naturally treat Chengcheng with courtesy.

This has nothing to do with what he thought at first, that Lu Yanzhou wanted Chengcheng to do something dangerous!

From the beginning to the end, Lu Yanzhou never thought of hurting Chengcheng, he could feel it!

As for the future…Chengcheng is very likable and Lu Yanzhou is kind, so he takes good care of Chengcheng.

The results of it? He took advantage of this good impression to kiss Lu Yanzhou, and peeked at Lu Yanzhou taking a bath…

Lu Yanzhou treated him like a fool, and even indulged him!

If Lu Yanzhou knew that he used so many good things but what he fed was a white-eyed wolf who coveted him, he wondered how he would feel.

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The current Lu Yanzhou must regret it, right?

Xie Chengze didn’t know how long he had been lying on the bed.

He recalled every detail of being with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was really good to him. If there was any good food or drink, he would save it for him first. If he couldn’t finish it, Lu Yanzhou would eat it after.

There is also the matter of Lu Yanzhou and Gu Tan. Lu Yanzhou said that he and Gu Tan will not get married…Lu Yanzhou will not lie to him, so this should be true.

If he didn’t do stupid things, stayed by Lu Yanzhou’s side all the time, treated Lu Yanzhou better, and behaved a little more usefully, maybe he could be with Lu Yanzhou.

After all, Lu Yanzhou doesn’t look…particularly straight.

Why did he do something stupid!

The more Xie Chengze thought about it, the more entangled he became, then at this moment, the movement outside became louder.

Although Xie Chengze was woken up by the movement outside, he didn’t know what happened outside. After thinking about it, he finally got up and walked outside.

When he came outside, Xie Chengze saw that the person in charge of managing their area was talking to someone. Xie Chengze asked the people around him what happened, and the people around him said: “I heard that Lu Yanzhou took people to destroy the security base last night. There are a few criminal dens, and now they will thoroughly investigate the entire security base…Our side is not the focus, but they still need to check, so someone will come door-to-door to check later.”

Their house was recently built by Lu Yanzhou, and everyone has just checked in, so it is unlikely that there are prisoners and victims hiding, so only ordinary soldiers will come to check later.

As for other places…the ability users will be the one to investigate thoroughly!

The people who live here don’t care about this kind of inspection, so they started praising Lu Yanzhou again: “Lu Yanzhou is so kind, he took people to fight crimes at night.”

“I heard that several people under him were injured, I wonder if he is okay.”

“He’s so strong, he should be fine, right?”

“Maybe that’s not the case. There was a lot of commotion last night. I heard that many people died.”

Hearing what these people said, Xie Chengze was worried about Lu Yanzhou, but also a little dazed.

Others don’t really care about here because the people who live here are very very poor!

Let’s just talk about now, many people’s doors are just a curtain, some even sleep with the door open at night — it’s so hot now!

But he is different from others. His house is full of furniture, and there are clothes and food given to him by Lu Yanzhou!

If the people who come to check see it, they will definitely suspect him, and he still can’t explain it clearly.

Xie Chengze hurried back to the house, a little worried — what should he do with these things?!

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze suddenly thought about his ability.

He couldn’t use Chengcheng’s ability before, but now that he got Chengcheng’s memory, he might be able to use it!

Xie Chengze tried it and found that he could really do it!

He put away all the furniture and things he brought from Lu Yanzhou, then he found that his house was suddenly very empty without the warmth it had before.

His heart also suddenly emptied.

Life during this period was like a sweet dream to him.

Today, the entire security base will be thoroughly inspected. Many factories were closed, and everyone was not allowed to wander around.

Xie Chengze originally wanted to take care of father Gu, but in this situation, he obviously couldn’t.

He doesn’t want to do this job anymore.

Even if Lu Yanzhou and Gu Tan won’t get married, they must meet each other often, and they live not far away. If he were to really go to Gu Tan’s house to take care of Gu Tan’s father, there is a high possibility that Lu Yanzhou will bump into him…

Although he had negotiated with Gu Tan about the price of taking care of Gu Tan’s father, up to now, he has not taken Gu Tan’s money, so it’s okay if he doesn’t go.

With Gu Tan’s salary, it’s very easy to find someone who is willing to take care of her father.

He drove the ducks onto the perch1to push somebody to do something way beyond their ability on the first day.

As for him…he can find a way to find a job elsewhere, even if he doesn’t have a job now.

His ability is really useful, if he teleports out to find supplies, who can compare to him? He can also find some more supplies and send them to Lu Yanzhou.

He ate and drank for free at Lu Yanzhou’s place and even make Lu Yanzhou…he will be compensated.

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Xie Chengze was waiting at home, then the inspector quickly came to him.

There was nothing wrong with his registration information, and the room was empty, so they took one look and left.

After they had checked all of them, someone brought some bread and gave them one by one.

This is provided for free. Today many people won’t be making any money because of the close down, so the security base was compensating them.

After Xie Chengze received the bread, he ate it with the people around him.

He doesn’t chat, but he listens to those around him.

The people who came to check just now talked about what happened last night. After they figured out the specific situation, they all praised Lu Yanzhou together, thinking that he was a very good person.

Xie Chengze felt the same way.

Lu Yanzhou was so kind to him. He just broke in but Lu Yanzhou still gave him delicious food.

The sun rose higher and higher, it was afternoon in the blink of an eye. Xie Chengze couldn’t bear the sun, so he went back to the house and lay down.

However, at this time, Lu Yanzhou was very anxious.

They found out many illegal and criminal things, but he never found Xie Chengze.

During this period, he went back and did not see Xie Chengze coming to him either.

Where is his Xie Chengze?

His big and cute Xie Chengze?

Lu Yanzhou had no choice but to keep looking…

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates praised in a low voice: “Boss really worked hard.”

“Yes! As expected of boss!”

“We must do our best to crack down those crimes and protect the security base!”

Encouraged by Lu Yanzhou, his subordinates were all in high spirits and worked neatly.

On the other hand, Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates were not slow at work, but they were not motivated by Zhou Jingshan, but intimidated by Zhou Jingshan.

Having lost face last night, Zhou Jingshan is in a bad mood right now, so with his bad temper, he scolds everyone he sees.

If anyone moves slowly, he will start hitting.

After he did this, how could his subordinates dare to resist. All of them were very obedient like quails.

Of course, Zhou Jingshan didn’t just dislike his subordinates, he also disliked Lu Yanzhou, and kept targeting Lu Yanzhou in a strange way.

Because Zhou Jingshan took the lead last night, Lu Yanzhou originally didn’t intend to quarrel with him, but now Zhou Jingshan seems to need a beating, so Lu Yanzhou directly used his ability to condense a stone stick and hit Zhou Jingshan.

Zhou Jingshan cursed and tried to burn it with fire, but failed to burn the stone stick, so he took a hard hit: “Lu Yanzhou, you are sick!”

“You attacked me a lot before, obviously you are more sick.”

“Fuck!” Zhou Jingshan sent a sea of flames towards Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou easily blocked his attack, then he wrapped Zhou Jingshan with his earth ability.

The huge hollow mud ball wrapped around Zhou Jingshan was rolling around on the ground, but no sound could be heard from inside, only some places on the mud ball were burnt red.

After watching for a minute, Lu Yanzhou removed the mud ball.

There is only so much oxygen in the mud ball, if Zhou Jingshan uses his fire ability in it…tsk tsk, the oxygen will be gone immediately.

Zhou Jingshan came out of the mud ball, gasping for breath, “Lu Yanzhou, fuck yo…”

Lu Yanzhou interrupted him: “My ability has been upgraded, are you sure you want to scold me?” Since he was busy last night, his ability was also upgraded.

Zhou Jingshan’s face darkened in an instant, he didn’t dare to scold him anymore.

He felt uncomfortable, so he pulled his hair subconsciously, then he pulled off a handful of burnt hair.

When he was trapped in the mud ball before, he used his ability, not only was he almost suffocating himself to death, he also accidentally burned his hair off.

His hair!

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How will he be handsome without his hair? What does he look like now?!

Zhou Jingshan is rich and handsome, so he has been held up by others since childhood. After the apocalypse, he also possesses powerful abilities…He has always felt that the sky is the oldest child, the earth is the second child, and he is the third child.

But now…he’s numb, he’s gone.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou thought of something: “Zhou Jingshan, don’t you always think that as long as you are strong enough to crush others, you don’t need to listen to others?”

Zhou Jingshan didn’t say anything. He really always felt that the weak should be preyed upon by the strong. Of course, he never thought of bullying the weak. At most, he looked down on the weak and turned a blind eye to the weak.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Since this is the case, you will be responsible for the rest of the work. I’m tired, so I’ll go back and have a rest.”

They have checked almost all the security base, now there’s only some troublesome finishing work left. He should just let Zhou Jingshan do it!

Zhou Jingshan had no way to refuse, so he could only agree with a cold face.

Lu Yanzhou waited for him to agree, and then said to his subordinates: “Go to the security base to spread the news, say that I fought with Zhou Jingshan and was injured by him, and the injury was serious.”

“You’re framing me!” Zhou Jingshan was angry: “Where did I hurt you?!”

Lu Yanzhou sneered: “Then tell people that you were injured by me? Even your hair is gone?”

This is too poisonous! Zhou Jingshan would rather be discredited! “No, just do as you say.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that these people were curious about why he did this, so he explained: “I want to lure someone out, just do as I say.”

Lu Yanzhou is very sure of one thing, that is, Xie Chengze’s life is guaranteed now.

However, he still couldn’t find Xie Chengze…Was Xie Chengze really trapped?

After thinking a lot, Lu Yanzhou could only do this, trying to get Xie Chengze to come to him.

When Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates heard what Lu Yanzhou said, they all agreed.

So, not long after, the news spread throughout the security base.

Although Xie Chengze was lying in the room, the door was not closed tightly, and he also kept listening to the sounds from outside.

He already knew that the criminal gang that Lu Yanzhou targeted last night was Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates, so he was worried that Zhou Jingshan would hurt Lu Yanzhou.

In the end…he was really hurt?

Is Lu Yanzhou alright?

Xie Chengze thought for a moment, then he was really worried. After he got up and closed the door, he teleported to Lu Yanzhou’s house.

He arrived at Lu Yanzhou’s living room. As soon as he showed up, he saw Lu Yanzhou sitting on the sofa.

Xie Chengze didn’t know how to react for a moment. He froze in place, and then he heard Lu Yanzhou stand up and say, “Don’t run!”

Xie Chengze didn’t run away after all, but he also didn’t dare to face Lu Yanzhou, however, he had to…He should bear the consequences.

Xie Chengze lowered his head.

“Chengcheng! Why didn’t you come to see me last night? Do you know how worried I was that something might happen to you! I’ve been looking for you all night!” Lu Yanzhou said in one breath.

Xie Chengze was stunned when he heard this.

He was always afraid that Lu Yanzhou would blame him, but…Lu Yanzhou didn’t blame him? He even worried about him?

Even the big commotion last night was caused by him?

Seeing him stunned, Lu Yanzhou stepped forward to check his physical condition: “You haven’t encountered any trouble, have you? Little heartless…”

Lu Yanzhou’s attitude remained the same as before. He was very worried about Chengcheng.

Xie Chengze felt so lucky in his heart that he rushed up and hugged Lu Yanzhou, kissed Lu Yanzhou on the cheek, and said sweetly: “Lu Yanzhou, I’m tired and not feeling well, that’s why I didn’t come, don’t be angry…”

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou didn’t speak, Xie Chengze kissed him several more times: “Don’t be angry!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Why does this make him suffocate?

And, isn’t Xie Chengze better? Why is he still like this?

Uh…Xie Chengze recovered from his illness, but it’s really not easy to change all of a sudden…

Lu Yanzhou sighed: “I’m not angry…Chengcheng, are you hurt that day so you don’t feel well? Go to bed, I’ll take a look for you.”

Xie Chengze: “…”

1to push somebody to do something way beyond their ability

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