Hold His Hand

Chapter 120: 120

Lu Yanzhou woke up early the next morning, and then called out Xie Chengze who was sleepy and coquettish in bed: “If you go late, there will be no good food in the cafeteria!”

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Xie Chengze had already entered the bathroom by teleportation: “I’ll be done soon!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He really wants the space ability! Especially like how Xie Chengze uses it, it’s too good!

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Xie Chengze said to Lu Yanzhou seriously, “I can actually sleep a little longer. When you get to the cafeteria, I can teleport there.” This way he doesn’t have to walk!

“Aren’t you afraid that if you don’t exercise every day, you will become a big fat man?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

“You said you like me even if I’m fat!” Xie Chengze hummed.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “That’s true.” If Xie Chengze was chubby, isn’t that good? A white and fat ball must be comfortable to hold.

However, in the apocalypse…he still has to urge Xie Chengze to exercise well.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

In the first few days, in order to let Xie Chengze eat more delicious food, Lu Yanzhou would buy a few more food each time, but not now, for example, today, they only bought one rice bowl per person.

Rice mixed with potatoes, eggs scrambled in bean paste, bacon and peanuts, and finally wrapped with lettuce…it tastes really good.

“Chengcheng, let’s go out to collect supplies today, and then you should practice your abilities more,” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Mm,” Xie Chengze nodded seriously, “Chengcheng is very good!”

Lu Yanzhou touched his head, this kid is really good!

In the past half month, there were many things happening in the safe zone. Even if Lu Yanzhou took the militia out, they just wandered around and couldn’t find any supplies at all.

On the contrary, a lot of fields have been reclaimed.

Militia training consumes a lot of food. If they don’t find supplies, the food in the security base will be exhausted if this continues.

Lu Yanzhou planned to take people to look for food today.

Gu Tan has space ability but her space is not large and can only hold a few things. Xie Chengze is different, his space is more than ten times Gu Tan’s.

Lu Yanzhou planned to take him to the countryside near C City to collect various agricultural products.

Going out to collect supplies would be inconvenient if there were too many people, so Lu Yanzhou only brought around twenty confidants.

Previously, when he went out with Gu Tan, he squatted on the roof of the car every day and tanned himself several degrees. This time it was different. He sat in the minibus with Xie Chengze, holding a plastic bottle filled with ice and teaching Xie Chengze how to use his ability, it was a good feeling.

Xie Chengze studied very seriously, and would say from time to time: “Brother Yanzhou, you are so amazing!”

Then the two made out.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinate: “…” Isn’t this too much dog food? They feel they should go to the roof.

Of course, they won’t really go to the roof, they want to learn from the expert!

Lu Yanzhou has researched some methods to exercise their ability, which can be used by all ability users, and he has also recorded a video and made them public.

However, how did Lu Yanzhou explain what in the public video to Xie Chengze so carefully?

So even if the vehicle is full of dog food, they have to eat while listening.

While talking, Lu Yanzhou would also talk to Xie Chengze about the zombies outside, telling Xie Chengze not to be afraid.

Xie Chengze looked as if he was very strong and puffed up his chest: “They are really scary but I am not afraid if you are here, Brother Yanzhou!”

Xie Chengze was actually not afraid of those zombies at all.

He was an ordinary person before, without any ability, but he once tied a kitchen knife to a stick and used it to chop up zombies.

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Now that he has ability, he is even less afraid.

However, Chengcheng is like the young him, he will definitely be scared when he sees this. Thinking of this, Xie Chengze trembled very naturally and shrank to Lu Yanzhou’s side.

Lu Yanzhou quickly comforted him, feeling a little worried.

Xie Chengze has always been violent in battle, but now he is too soft.

At noon, the convoy finally reached the countryside.

The apocalypse is scary, but one thing to be thankful for is that plants have not mutated, and zombified animals are rare, it was only limited to mammals.

For the current security base, the horror of zombie rats is not weaker than zombies. Fortunately, after rats become zombies, they will no longer dig holes and they move slowly so they can be killed or blocked.

So far, they haven’t found any mutated zombie rats. After all kinds of rat extermination activities have been carried out in the security base, there is no need to worry about these things now.

Of course, the people who came out had to be careful, so even though it was hot, they all wore rubber boots and thick clothes.

When everyone came outside, feeling the heat waves, they immediately asked for ice from the ice ability users. After everyone held a piece of ice in their hands, they felt better, and then continued to move forward.

They visited this place some time ago and found that a lot of vegetables and food were grown here before the apocalypse.

Although it has been a year since the apocalypse, these crops have not been taken care of for a year, but they are still growing!

“What a huge piece of potato!”

“The grain is not tidy at all, it’s not good to harvest now, right?”

“There’s lots of veggies here!”

Everyone was very excited to see those crops, but how to collect these things was difficult for them.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Earth ability user will dig out all the crops in the field with me, and then put them into your space.”

It’s really troublesome for ordinary people to harvest grain, but when it comes to ability users…won’t it be stress-free to harvest a large piece?

Lu Yanzhou led the people to work. Once he used his ability, all the vegetables and food in the field came out of the mud.

Then Xie Chengze put them into his space.

As for how to deal with it…After bringing it back to the security base, he’ll let the ordinary people in the security base handle it.

“Don’t dig out all the things, save some seeds…so that we can come to collect them next time.”

“Those are weeds, not vegetables! What are you doing digging them out?”

“Control your ability, don’t harm the potato!”

Under Lu Yanzhou’s command, everyone was busy for a long time, collected a lot of food, then returned with a full load.

Of course, the most impressive thing is Xie Chengze’s ability.

So many things but it was all put into his space!

He can also teleport. As soon as he finished collecting one area, he went to collect vegetables in another area in a blink of an eye!

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates all knew Xie Chengze’s ability level, but Xie Chengze’s behavior was too harmless before, so that their impression of Xie Chengze was that he was a little boy who loves to act like a baby. They really couldn’t connect him with a powerful ability user.

However, Xie Chengze suddenly teleported over and took away all the food they worked so hard to find without saying a word, and then teleported away…

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This behavior is extremely like a cold and powerful boss!

They looked at Xie Chengze with admiration, then saw that Xie Chengze had actually teleported to Lu Yanzhou’s side: “Brother Yanzhou, am I powerful?”


“Am I stronger than Gu Tan?” Xie Chengze asked again.

“Of course!”

Whatever boss, they think too much.

This is exactly a jealous little sweetie!

Everyone works and works until evening before going back.

There is no need to re-open the road back, so the speed is much faster than when they came here. Everyone took turns to drive, and while letting the ice ability user give them frozen sugar water popsicles, they shared the dinner in Xie Chengze’s space.

“It’s convenient to have people with spatial abilities!”

“How much grain and vegetables did we harvest today? Is there 10,000 catties?”

“Anyway, zombies don’t eat vegetables and food. I think we can grow food outside the security base in the future. Well, let the earth ability users dig the ground, let the wind ability user sow the seeds, and then water ability user water…for good harvest, we’ll let the fire ability user burn the weeds and stalks and also fertilize the land!”

“What a great idea!”

Lu Yanzhou also thought it was a good idea.

However, his subordinates are really down-to-earth! Zhou Jingshan has many ability users, but they all think that ability users are masters, and ordinary people should serve ability users, so they don’t want to do this.

Of course, most of those people have run away now, and Zhou Jingshan has also become obedient.

It was already dark when everyone returned to the security base.

The energy in the security base is insufficient, so they don’t use much electricity, but because today is the middle of the lunar month and the moon is quite round, it’s not difficult to see clearly.

Lu Yanzhou and the others came to the square in the security base and asked Xie Chengze to take out all the vegetables and food in the space; it immediately piled up into a hill.

Really…that’s a lot!

It was still early, so many people in the security base were still awake. When they came outside and saw such a mountain, they were also shocked!

There is a mountain of vegetables here! It’s really spectacular!

In order to ensure food supply, the security base grows relatively few vegetables, but now there are so many here at once…Tomorrow everyone in the security base will be able to eat vegetables!

The people in the security base suddenly felt like it was the new year, so they started thinking more.

In the countryside near C City, people have the habit of growing sweet potatoes. If they ask someone to open a land and water it according to the situation, will they be able to harvest a lot of sweet potatoes? Sweet potato vines can also be used as vegetables!

With Xie Chengze here, they don’t have to be afraid that they won’t be able to bring it back!

Everyone was very happy, including Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

The two went back to the room to take a shower, then Xie Chengze stuck to Lu Yanzhou again: “Do you not like me anymore?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “How could that be!”

“Then why don’t you do what husband and wife do with me?”

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“Chengcheng, I’ve been tired all day, let’s go to bed early! We have to go out of the city to collect supplies tomorrow!” Lu Yanzhou coaxed him.

Xie Chengze: “…” He pretended to be so hard, can’t he eat a piece of meat?

In the next few days, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were busy all the time, but their busyness was also useful – they brought back a lot of food, and even caught some prey.

So every day in the security base is like the new year, and everyone is very happy.

After all, vegetables cannot be kept for a long time, so everyone has to eat them!

However, a few days later, when Lu Yanzhou took people out of the city, he felt something was wrong after not walking for too far—why did he feel that there were fewer zombies around?

It’s a good thing that there are fewer zombies around the security base, but…According to the original trajectory, before the zombie tide came, there were also less zombies around the security base!

At that time, no one knew what happened, all the zombies in C city gathered together. There’s a very strong zombie leader among these zombies, and then they attack C city’s security base together.

There are so many zombies, the number is several times the population of the security base, and there are also many powerful mutant zombies inside!

C City’s security base didn’t even survive a day.

However, didn’t the zombie wave appear a few months later? Why are there signs now?!

If there is such a strong wave of zombies now, can C City’s security base stop it?

Although his strength is stronger, among those zombies, there are also level 5 mutant zombies!

“There are a lot fewer zombies, it’s very easy to come out this time! That’s great!” Said someone.

Lu Yanzhou’s expression was serious: “Let’s go back quickly, I feel something is wrong, something might happen!”

“Boss?” Everyone was puzzled.

Lu Yanzhou said: “My sixth sense is very accurate, let’s go back!”

According to the original owner’s memory, it was almost a month after Zhou Jingshan’s men left the security base, and then there were fewer zombies outside the security base.

The original owner was still very proud at the time, wantonly bought people’s hearts, and wanted to squeeze out District Chief Li to become the District Chief of the security base, but before he could succeed…the zombie tide came.

Lu Yanzhou led his men back to the security base, and directly told District Chief Li that there might be a zombie tide.

“There are fewer zombies near the security base, it’s very likely that they were gathered together by something…If there are a lot of zombies besieging the security base together, the security base may be in trouble!”

“Are you sure?” District Chief Li frowned.

“I can’t be sure but it’s better to be prepared than not to be prepared.” Lu Yanzhou said.

No matter what, it’s better to strengthen the security base. With a wave of his hand, District Chief Li gave Lu Yanzhou a lot of resources and asked Lu Yanzhou to be responsible for strengthening the security base.

After getting the authority, Lu Yanzhou thought about it and directly issued an announcement to ordinary people, saying that they found zombies gathering and suspected that there would be a zombie tide attacking the security base, so that the people should be prepared.

If they don’t say anything, when the ordinary people suddenly find that the zombies are coming, they will definitely be very flustered. However, it will be different if they know it in advance.

They will be prepared and when they see the zombies, everyone will be more rational.

However…After the announcement, it’s inevitable that people in the security base will panic.

Fortunately, everyone didn’t panic for too long – Lu Yanzhou arranged a lot of jobs for the people in the security base.

Such a large base, which can accommodate a hundred thousand people, needs to reinforce all the outer walls of the security base, and build another inner city wall!

There are too many things to do so people have no time to panic. They only know how to keep their heads down.

On this matter, Zhou Jingshan has deep resentment.

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Lu Yanzhou, that fool, let such a powerful fire ability user make iron!

He also had to burn out steel that met the standard, and then let metal ability users make hot weapons.

What the hell. He, a powerful fire ability user, should be killing zombies outside, why make him stay at home and burn iron every day?!

After finally finishing his day’s work, Zhou Jingshan turned to Gu Tan to complain: “My people didn’t find any zombies gathered at all. Lu Yanzhou is just using chicken feathers as arrows to fool people! He is just fighting for power and profit!”

Gu Tan didn’t bother to pay attention to him. She is too busy now, so she has no time to provide emotional support to Zhou Jingshan!

She admitted that she agreed to Zhou Jingshan’s confession before the apocalypse because she knew Zhou Jingshan’s family background. After all, money can solve many problems, but when she realized that Zhou Jingshan’s parents disagreed, she gave up this path.

Now…the nurse she had found for her father before disappeared. It was a chaotic day and the nurse might have even been killed, so she wanted to find a nurse again…Because Lu Yanzhou formed a militia, she couldn’t find a suitable one for a moment.

Fortunately, her father didn’t fall ill during this period of time. If he falls ill next time…Gu Tan pondered, She could ask an earth ability user to wrap her father up.

In the past, ability users didn’t like to do these things, and she couldn’t think of it, but now everyone is more down-to-earth, so someone will definitely be willing.

Alas, when her father was sick, he would not only hurt others, but also himself. He was hospitalized because of eating recklessly, so it was really troublesome to simply lock him up.

Gu Tan was thinking about her own matter and didn’t care about what Zhou Jingshan said.

Zhou Jingshan: “…” Gu Tan ignored him again, Gu Tan’s family is really too troublesome! Gu Tan is still unwilling to spend money to let others take care of them all!

No matter how aggrieved Zhou Jingshan was, he was still forced to make steel every day, and so his control over his ability’s temperature became more proficient.

Then, the entire security base was reinforced under Lu Yanzhou’s supervision.

No zombies came, on the contrary, there are fewer and fewer zombies near the security base!

This made many people think that zombie tide would never come, and they also felt that Lu Yanzhou was messing around.

Today, the leaders of the security base gathered for a meeting, and Zhou Jingshan said: “Lu Yanzhou, you recently made the excuse that the zombie tide is coming, how much power do you want to take from the security base? So, what about the zombie tide? It didn’t come at all! I think you just want to take the opportunity to seize power!”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jingshan was a little proud.

This is what someone told him, he feels that it was very right.

Lu Yanzhou ignored him and only reported to District Chief Li what he had done now.

Among other things, he has already discovered the extent of ability user’s ability.

Now the ability users in the safe zone are more capable than the other, let’s just talk about Zhou Jingshan…

If the apocalypse is over, Zhou Jingshan can open a steel factory by himself!

Seeing this, Zhou Jingshan was a little annoyed: “Lu Yanzhou, is it appropriate for you to keep fooling people like this? What about the zombie tide?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Coming soon!”

Zhou Jingshan said: “Oh, if they really come, I’ll take your surname!”

Just as he was talking, the wind ability user, Lu Yanzhou arranged to patrol outside the security base, came in a panic: “District Chief, Team leader Lu, we found a large number of zombies. They are heading towards our security base!”

Everyone’s expression changed.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Zhou Jingshan: “Lu Jingshan, let’s go kill zombies together?”

Zhou Jingshan: “…”

T/N: This is how one successful change their surname (^^)b

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