Hold His Hand

Chapter 121: 121

After the zombie tide was discovered, Lu Yanzhou immediately informed the public.

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Because it was said in advance that there might be a zombie tide coming, people were not too flustered and soon got busy in an orderly manner according to Lu Yanzhou’s instructions.

As for Lu Yanzhou, he brought a few of his subordinates and Zhou Jingshan to investigate the zombie tide’s situation.

They didn’t get too close, they just took a look from a distance. They felt their scalps tingling.

Over the years, C city’s security base has been cleaning up the surrounding zombies, but millions of people turned into zombies back then, so even after cleaning up, there are still hundreds of thousands left.

Hundreds of thousands of tattered zombies are rushing towards their security base like this. It’s really scary to watch, and it’s also very disgusting, making people want to vomit.

Trypophobia is about to suffer!

No, there may not be just a hundred thousands zombies here. The zombies were also moving, there may be a million or more here!

How can they fight this?

“So many?” Zhou Jingshan broke out in cold sweat. His fire ability is very strong, but ability is not unlimited, it can be used up!

Such a dense crowd of zombies…Zhou Jingshan felt that if he fell into that pile of zombies, he may never come out again.

Lu Yanzhou also looked solemn.

There should be a lot of mutated zombies here. There may be ones who are as strong as him, or even stronger than him?

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Yanzhou saw hundreds of zombies rushing out from the group of zombies and attacking them. Judging by the speed and physical strength of these zombies…they are all mutant zombies, they are at least level three mutant zombies!

“Go back first!” Said Lu Yanzhou. There’s only a few of them, there is no need to go head-to-head with the zombie army now!

As soon as Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, everyone ran to the security base together.

They felt that their security base was already very strong, but now…can this security base be kept?

When they finally came to the outer wall of the reinforced security base, Zhou Jingshan couldn’t help but say, “It’s truly difficult for ordinary people to survive in the apocalypse.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “So you’re scared and want to run?” Speaking of which, after the original owner saw the zombie tide, he felt that ordinary people really won’t survive in the apocalypse and only those with ability could survive, so he ran away.

Zhou Jingshan did back down a bit, but after hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, he immediately said, “I’m not a coward! Don’t underestimate me! I will definitely kill more zombies than you!”

“Stop talking nonsense, quickly organize people to kill zombies!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Ordinary zombies aren’t fast, but those mutated zombies move very fast, and they are now approaching the security base.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze who rushed over after seeing him, and softened his voice: “Chengcheng, protect yourself and don’t let zombies approach you…If you are afraid, go home first. I will come to you when I am done……Well, remember, these zombies are very dirty, don’t let them touch you.”

During this period of time, Lu Yanzhou repeatedly told Xie Chengze not to touch zombies.

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Besides that, Lu Yanzhou has also made Xie Chengze exercise his abilities.

Based on his understanding of Xie Chengze, in this battle, even if everyone else may not survive, Xie Chengze should not have any accidents. After all, Xie Chengze’s teleportation is too good!

Gu Tan is also a space ability user, but apart from her space, she only knows how to use the space blade, she can’t teleport at all. What about Xie Chengze? Not only can he teleport, he also learned to use space blade during this time. His space blade is much more powerful than Gu Tan’s space blade.

However, Lu Yanzhou still didn’t expect Xie Chengze to kill zombies.

Xie Chengze doesn’t understand anything!

Lu Yanzhou led his subordinate to fight with those mutated zombies. He didn’t charge up as the main force, but swarmed beside them. He would only help when the people on their side were in danger.

This will also allow his subordinates to use their ability and also to save his ability.

And his approach was correct, because soon, a new batch of mutated zombies appeared!

If he hadn’t stopped them, his subordinate might have been eaten alive.

Fortunately, there are many ability users in their security base, so that all mutant zombies can be stopped!

It’s just that, as time goes by, it’s not just the mutated zombies that come — a large army of zombies is coming!

The dense army of zombies rushed under the city wall.

Ordinary people have all been transferred to the inner city, and only the militiamen remain on the outer city and the city walls. At this time, the ability users deal with the mutated zombies while the militiamen deal with ordinary zombies.

There are so many zombies, it’s really scary to look at.

In the original plot, the people in the security base were frightened by the zombie army, and because Lu Yanzhou ran away, they couldn’t organize a defense line in the end.

As for now…Even though Lu Yanzhou has made a lot of preparations in advance, there are too many zombies, so no one knows whether they can stop this wave of zombies.

Xie Chengze, Gu Tan, District Chief Li and others stood together on a watchtower, surrounded by soldiers and ability users to protect them.

District Chief Li and the others have rich combat experience but they are commanding the battle at this moment.

A series of orders were sent out through their hands…

There were no casualties on their side for the time being, but everyone still looked worried.

District chief Li and several deputy district chiefs felt that it won’t be easy for the security base to survive this time.

“Fortunately, Lu Yanzhou found something wrong in advance, otherwise the wall of the security base may have been washed down.”

“From the look of the current situation, we may not be able to stop it.”

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“There are too many zombies. Zombies don’t get tired but people get tired.”

“If the people on our side die, they will also become zombies…”

Xie Chengze saw all of this.

He kept staring at Lu Yanzhou in the distance.

Lu Yanzhou was at the side at first, but now, there are many mutated zombies surrounding him.

Lu Yanzhou had to fight against these zombies and protect the ability users on their side…Several times, he was almost caught and bitten by the zombies.

Xie Chengze’s heart became tighter and tighter.

Gu Tan noticed that Xie Chengze, who was always very happy and smiling, now looked solemn. His whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of unmovable frost.

She had been in contact with Lu Yanzhou’s boyfriend before, and the behavior of the other party was a bit hard to describe — this man was very clingy to Lu Yanzhou. He also liked to show affection and make out with Lu Yanzhou in front of her.

However, she had no ill feelings towards the man.

This person is not very old at a glance, she doesn’t really care about children, at most she thinks that Lu Yanzhou has a unique taste.

“Don’t worry, Lu Yanzhou will be fine.” Gu Tan said to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze looked at Gu Tan.

Gu Tan smiled at him, then got busy again. She is also the deputy chief of the security base. Before the apocalypse, she was a top senior student, and now she also has many things to be responsible for.

Everyone is very busy. It seems that only he doesn’t have to do anything.

Xie Chengze’s mood was complicated.

He didn’t know whether he should keep pretending, or…

Xie Chengze had just thought about this when he saw a maverick mutated zombie jumping onto the city wall and began to attack an ordinary person — normally mutated zombies would attack ability users, after all, ability users’ flesh and blood was far tempting to them than ordinary people!

The mutated zombies also acted instinctively. Putting delicious food and plain white rice together side by side, they would naturally rush to the food, that is, the ability users.

It’s just that, no one knows what’s going on with this mutated zombie, it actually attacks ordinary people…was it because it’s low-level and just mutated?

Xie Chengze directly killed the zombie with a space blade, and then he felt a sense of relief.

He suffers a lot these days.

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Lu Yanzhou was very kind to him, but he would not get too intimate with him. As for him, he was worried every day, for fear that Lu Yanzhou would find out that something was wrong with him.

He lied to Lu Yanzhou and he has done many things wrong. If he pretended not to understand anything at this time and did not participate in the battle and just watched Lu Yanzhou fight on the front line alone…he would hate himself.

“Your space blade is so powerful!” Gu Tan looked at Xie Chengze in surprise. Like many people, she regarded Xie Chengze as a vase, so she didn’t expect Xie Chengze to be so strong.

Xie Chengze glanced at Gu Tan, teleported to the city wall, and used the space blade to kill zombies.

“Brother Xie, why are you here? It’s dangerous here! Get behind me, I’ll protect you!” One of Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates was a little surprised when he saw Xie Chengze, but he immediately reminded him, and then he saw Xie Chengze kill the zombie who had been fighting with him for a long time in one move.

Lu Yanzhou’s subordinate: “…”

Xie Chengze didn’t care about other people’s opinions and started killing zombies.

While killing, he didn’t look at Lu Yanzhou.

He was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would dislike him if he saw him killing zombies with a space blade in his hand!

Lu Yanzhou really didn’t have such thought. In fact, seeing Xie Chengze killing zombies, Lu Yanzhou was a little surprised.

He fought side by side with Xie Chengze more than once. On the battlefield, Xie Chengze was the person he trusted the most.

Now Xie Chengze kills zombies so neatly…exactly as he remembered!

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t have time to think about it and continued to fight.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t show his full fighting strength, so he looked like he was in danger when he fought.

Because he had a bad feeling that something was staring at him.

His mental force is very strong, this premonition won’t be wrong…Just as he was thinking about it, a zombie suddenly jumped out from the group of ordinary zombies next to him and attacked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou tensed up instantly, this zombie gave him a very powerful feeling!

Wait…He knows this zombie. He is one of Zhou Jingshan’s subordinates! It was one of the people who escaped before!

This person turned into a zombie? His strength is also about the same as him?!

Could this zombie tide be related to those who escaped?

Lu Yanzhou suddenly remembered one thing, that is, those who escaped used to experiment with zombies, and even did such stupid things as transplanting zombie crystal nuclei.

Now…what the hell did they do? They actually made a zombie tide?

The strength of this zombie is comparable to Lu Yanzhou’s strength, but it’s was more aggressive…

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Lu Yanzhou’s earth ability offense is not very good, and there are many other mutated zombies around him too. At this moment, Lu Yanzhou can only use his earth ability to surround himself to block all attacks.

However, the earth ball that wrapped him was also beaten into a pile by that fifth-level zombie!

“Team leader Lu!” Many people exclaimed.

Xie Chengze, who had been paying attention to Lu Yanzhou from the corner of his eye, didn’t think about anything before he teleported to Lu Yanzhou’s earth ball: “Lu Yanzhou!”

Before he could say anything more, the fifth-level zombie launched an attack on Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengze dodged with his teleportation, then threw his space blade towards the zombie, however, it was useless. At this moment, Lu Yanzhou had already come out of the earth ball: “Chengcheng, leave quickly!”

Lu Yanzhou surrounded Xie Chengze with an earthen wall to prevent Xie Chengze from being injured by zombies, then told Xie Chengze to leave quickly.

It’s too dangerous here!

However, Xie Chengze didn’t leave. He kept attacking the surrounding zombies with his space blade.

It’s a pity that his space blade is only useful for mutated zombies below level 4, as for zombies level 4 and above, they are not afraid of it at all.

A level four zombie came to him, trying to bite him!

Xie Chengze subconsciously took the zombie into his space.

It really works!

Realizing this, Xie Chengze immediately took out all the things in his space and put them in the earthen wall that Lu Yanzhou surrounded him, then he jumped out and started to ‘collect’ the zombies.

At the beginning, he could only store the things he touched into his space, but after Lu Yanzhou’s training, he can already store all the things within a certain range around him!

He can harvest food and vegetables, and so can zombies!

As a result, Lu Yanzhou found that the zombies around him had suddenly disappeared, even the fifth-level zombie.

He couldn’t react for a moment, then he saw Xie Chengze rushing out, then all the zombies around Xie Chengze were also gone!

Lu Yanzhou: “!!!” Why didn’t he think of this! By the way, space ability is too good, right? !

By the way, Xie Chengze is quite clean. He took out the things in his space before collecting those zombies. As for the thing he took out…that was the bed and table he used before!

A bed suddenly appeared on the battlefield, which was weird.

Lu Yanzhou planned to wrap it with an earthen wall, but saw an ID card on the table.

Xu Ze?!

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