Hold His Hand

Chapter 122: 122

Lu Yanzhou was stunned when he saw the ID card, but he didn’t think much about it. He wrapped these things with his ability and went after Xie Chengze.

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Xie Chengze’s ability is only level four, but just now he sent a level five zombie into his space…His space will be fine, right?

Moreover, although the intelligence of mutated zombies is not as good as humans, the higher their level, the more sensitive they become. They will look for more advantages and avoid disadvantages…Most importantly, some mutated zombies can use abilities.

What if they attacked Xie Chengze with their abilities from a distance, and Xie Chengze was injured?

Lu Yanzhou came to Xie Chengze’s side and used his abilities to protect Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou. Normally, he would definitely act coquettishly, but now there are countless zombies rushing towards them…

“Chengcheng, you put that fifth-level zombie in just now…is your space okay?”

“It’s okay.” Xie Chengze said. After he finished speaking, he realized that his tone was not right.

Speaking of which, Chengcheng would never rush into a pile of zombies like him!

But if the security base is gone, or if Lu Yanzhou is injured, then everything will disappear too…

Xie Chengze didn’t want to face Lu Yanzhou now, so just collected zombies.

Previously when he saw Lu Yanzhou in danger…His ability level up!

So even if there was a fifth level zombie in his space, the zombie couldn’t escape his space.

Since it can’t escape, that guy can only stay in his space!

Xie Chengze kept collecting zombies, collecting and collecting…his ability was exhausted.

Things in this world are not always so beautiful…alas, his space still has more space but his ability is exhausted!

Xie Chengze stopped his movements, looked at Lu Yanzhou, panting, and some other ability users who followed up.

Everyone: They were guarding the city wall, but the zombies were gone, so they had to keep up. Because they couldn’t run as fast as Xie Chengze, they watched all the zombies be taken away by Xie Chengze.

They were all ready to disregard life and death, so now they were unable to react to this.

“Chengcheng, are you tired, do you want to take a break?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze was silent.

What he did today was not what Chengcheng would normally do at all, but Lu Yanzhou wasn’t surprised at all? Isn’t he even a bit curious?

Why did Lu Yanzhou still treat him with such an attitude?

Xie Chengze suddenly remembered his previous guess – he suspected that Lu Yanzhou knew that he was not Chengcheng, so he refused to touch him.

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The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this should be the truth…Xie Chengze’s heart is getting colder and colder.

Then, the army of zombies suddenly rushed towards them, and some mutated zombies even rushed out of them.

Lu Yanzhou guessed that Xie Chengze’s abilities were exhuasted, so he picked up Xie Chengze and ran away without saying a word, followed by the others.

They came to the city wall and continued to fight the zombies relying on the city wall and the many hot weapons on it.

Someone moved a stool for Xie Chengze to sit. Xie Chengze sat on the stool, looking at the soil bag among the zombies.

In the soil bag were the things he took out from the space before.

After thinking of using his space to hold the zombies, he took out all the things from his space because he didn’t want to dirty the things Lu Yanzhou gave him.

He didn’t think much about it at the time, but now he remembered that when he was packing up, he put some documents and other things on the table.

Did Lu Yanzhou see it just now?

One must know that after awakening, ability user’s physical fitness is greatly improved, so their hearing and eyesight are of course included.

Thinking about it carefully, if Lu Yanzhou really wanted to investigate his past, it would be very easy to investigate. He lived in C City since he was a child, so not only his parents knew him.

Even if Lu Yanzhou doesn’t know his real name, Lu Yanzhou still knows his appearance, doesn’t he?

Getting along with Lu Yanzhou during this time, he had already discovered that Lu Yanzhou was very careful about his work. Since this is the case…Lu Yanzhou has probably already found out his identity and his previous split personality.

He was keeping him now because he was waiting for Chengcheng to appear?

Since he pretended to be Chengcheng before, has Lu Yanzhou always looked at him as a joke all this time?

In the future, will Lu Yanzhou still treat him like before?

When Lu Yanzhou knows that Chengcheng is gone, will he want to get rid of him?

Xie Chengze’s complexion became colder and colder.

He had been pretending just for Lu Yanzhou’s tenderness before, but now he can’t pretend anymore.

He should think of something that will make Lu Yanzhou unable to leave him.

In fact…he is doing very well now.

He is very strong, and there are a bunch of zombies in his space, he got the killer machine!

From now on, will Lu Yanzhou…dare to treat him badly?

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Xie Chengze was suddenly enlightened. He stood up from his seat and started collecting zombies again.

Lu Yanzhou, who was fighting, took time to look at Xie Chengze: “Chengcheng, do you want to rest for a while?”

Xie Chengze said, “Call me AZe.”

“AZe, how is your ability recovery?” Lu Yanzhou’s eyes lit up when he saw Xie Chengze wearing a mask with a strong cold pressure lingering around him.

Looking at Xie Chengze like this, he felt his heart beat faster.

“It’s recovered a little bit.” After Xie Chengze finished speaking, he caught the mutated zombies and put them away.

The mutated zombie that just came out not long ago disappeared again!

Ordinary zombies are easy to kill. They can’t even climb the city walls. Ordinary ability users and ordinary people can deal with them without any worry.

Lu Yanzhou had almost exhuasted his abilities, so he stopped and walked towards Xie Chengze.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou walking towards him, Xie Chengze felt a little nervous.

They’re still fighting now, so Lu Yanzhou probably won’t confront him right now…but it’s not guaranteed!

Xie Chengze was about to remind Lu Yanzhou that there are a bunch of zombies in his space, which is the killer machine. However, Lu Yanzhou hugged him and Lu Yanzhou even kissed him.

No, it’s not a kiss, it’s a deep kiss.

Whether he was with Lu Yanzhou as Chengcheng or pretending to be Chengcheng, although he always kissed Lu Yanzhou, they always let go after one kiss. The two had never kissed deeply.

Lu Yanzhou rarely even took the initiative to kiss him.

Now Lu Yanzhou actually kissed him!

After the kiss, Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, you were so handsome just now!”

Xie Chengze froze: “…” This is not what he thought!

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t see Xie Chengze’s face through the mask, so he said: “Let’s take a break, wait for our ability to recover a bit, then teleport me to the pile of zombies to find…I always feel that there is something hidden in these zombies .”

Only then did Xie Chengze ask, “Why did you suddenly kiss me?”

“If want to kiss, just kiss. I used to not understand why those people would kiss back and forth when they were excited when watching movies, but now I understand.” Said Lu Yanzhou. Just now, he really wanted to kiss Xie Chengze!

After speaking, Lu Yanzhou smiled at those who were looking at them.

Both Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were standing on the city wall, and there were naturally many people who followed them. Everyone saw what Xie Chengze did before.

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At that time, everyone thought that Xie Chengze was too powerful! As expected of their brother Xie!

Also, isn’t Xie Chengze afraid when he sees zombies? Where are his fear? So, he was just playing before?

The bigshot hobbies are really different!

While thinking about it, they saw Lu Yanzhou kissing Xie Chengze.

So…team leader Lu is the more powerful one! He can make brother Xie act like a spoiled child to him!

District Chief Li, who had been very nervous before and felt uncomfortable in his heart, saw this scene and narrowed his eyes with a smile: “Tsk tsk, young people nowadays!”

Gu Tan: “…” She actually went to comfort Xie Chengze before, telling Xie Chengze that Lu Yanzhou would be fine…he didn’t need her comfort at all.

Zhou Jingshan: “…” What the hell is going on? Not long ago, he was still the number one expert in the security base. Lu Yanzhou and District Chief Li were very polite when they met him, but now…

He has been busy for a long time today but he only killed a few zombies. When the battle is over, will he be called to make steel again?

If Lu Yanzhou went too far, maybe he would be asked to make porcelain, glass, or even floor tiles?

No, he will never burn floor tiles! At most, he will fire glass!

Xie Chengze was actually also confused because after Lu Yanzhou smiled at others, he then pecked him on the mouth again, his eyes were full of love.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Even if Lu Yanzhou wanted to keep him steady, it would be good to do as before, he doesn’t need to do this right?

Lu Yanzhou really didn’t want to just stabilize Xie Chengze. Seeing Xie Chengze’s behavior, he only thought that Xie Chengze had recovered from his illness long ago, so he was just playing in front of him.

This is actually nothing, Xie Chengze may just want to act like a baby.

As Xie Chengze’s partner, of course he wants to satisfy Xie Chengze!

As for the ID card named ‘Xu Ze’, it’s fine, Xie Chengze probably just thought the name was not pleasant, or changed his name for some reason or something.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou also said: “AZe, wait here for a while, I will go and get back the things you took out of the space before.”

Lu Yanzhou has been fighting for a long time, so he is a little hungry!

The things Xie Chengze took out from the space before contained food, so they could eat some after they brought them back.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Yanzhou directly used his earth ability to build a platform higher than the city wall, and then built a small house with big windows on all sides on the platform.

After they stay in this small house, they will be able to keep an eye on the zombies’ situation!

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Xie Chengze said, “I’ll go with you.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Okay. You can teleport there, so it will be faster!”

Then, everyone saw Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze moving some furniture and some food into the small house.

When Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates saw the table and the bed, they thought of something: “Isn’t that the furniture used by boss?”

“Boss said he broke the furniture, so he needed to find a new one…So it wasn’t broken, but Brother Xie put them into his space?”

“How long have they been together in secret?!”

Of course, the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is…Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze put the dining table by the window of the small house and started eating!

They also drink coke!

Really too much! They are hungry too!

Because there are no mutant zombies, everyone’s pressure is greatly reduced, so they went to eat in batches.

It’s just that in the present situation, their food is simple but Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou are different!

Xie Chengze even found a gas stove to cook canned braised pork!

How inhumane!

However, no one complained.

Because…when there were mutant zombies again…they still relied on Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou to take away all the zombies.

Xie Chengze is really cool!

Xie Chengze, who was considered really cool by others, was still doubting his life at the moment.

Lu Yanzhou actually touched him!

Isn’t Lu Yanzhou always a gentleman? Now he’s so active that he can’t sit still!

Now Lu Yanzhou relies on how others can only see above their shoulder through the window to hold his hand, what does he mean by this?

T/N: Lu Jingshan can really open a factory by himself (⁀ᗢ⁀)

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