Hold His Hand

Chapter 123: 123

Lu Yanzhou simply wanted to get close to Xie Chengze.

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When getting along with Xie Chengze before, he always felt like he was molesting a child, but now that Xie Chengze has recovered from his illness, he no longer has this psychological barrier!

What’s more, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground!

Previously, Lu Yanzhou was always worried that the zombie tide would destroy the security base, but now…this zombie tide doesn’t seem so scary?

Lu Yanzhou cooked some noodles with the alcohol stove, mixed with the braised pork broth, it tasted delicious.

Xie Chengze: “…” What happened to Lu Yanzhou? He showed his trace, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t react at all?

Lu Yanzhou wants to pretend that there is no such thing? Does he want to continue to get along with him like before?

Xie Chengze was tangled in his heart, but soon, he had no time to think about it anymore.

Lu Yanzhou had almost recovered, so he asked Xie Chengze: “AZe, have your abilities recovered?”

Xie Chengze didn’t bother to pretend anymore: “It’s recovered.”

“Then let’s go into the zombies to see if there’s any powerful mutated zombies.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze directly agreed: “Okay.”

Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze, and immediately said: “Come on, let’s teleport together. Let’s first go to the earth bag over there!”

The two of them teleported together and came to the earth bag that Lu Yanzhou was pointing at.

Those zombies originally were walking around the earth bag, but as soon as they appeared, they waved their hands to grab them!

However, Lu Yanzhou blocked them with his abilities, then he made another earth bag not far away!

The two teleported again and again, changing positions among the zombies. At the same time, Lu Yanzhou kept observing the surrounding situation.

When they came to the rear of the huge army of zombies, Lu Yanzhou finally found that there was something wrong with one of the zombies.

It was a shriveled and thin zombie, it should have been an old man before he died.

It actually looked no different from an ordinary zombie, but when Lu Yanzhou saw him, alarms went off in his heart!

The moment he saw this zombie, he dug out a fragment from the original owner’s memory!

Although the original owner escaped from the C City security base, he was torn to pieces by a group of mutated zombies before he escaped very far.

Before the original owner died, he saw many mutated zombies, and behind those mutated zombies, there was an old zombie.

Lu Yanzhou attacked the zombie almost without any hesitation.

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The old zombie dodged and looked at Lu Yanzhou. At the same time, all the zombies started to attack Lu Yanzhou frantically.

There is definitely something wrong with this old zombie!

Lu Yanzhou created a dirt bag beside the old zombie, and in the next second, Xie Chengze teleported him to the earth bag.

It was at this time that Lu Yanzhou discovered that the strength of this old zombie was far superior to the fifth level zombie they encountered before.

It’s smarter but relatively more timid.

For example, when Lu Yanzhou attacked it again and again, it would dodge and let other mutated zombies attack Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

Neither Lu Yanzhou nor Xie Chengze expected that there were so many mutated zombies hidden behind the zombie army!

If Xie Chengze hadn’t used his spatial ability to carry away a lot of zombies today…If this old zombie attacked them when they were exhausted, they would definitely be unable to stop them, and C City security base would not be guaranteed!

The battle between the two sides was very fierce. After the people in the security base noticed it, they immediately arranged for some ability users to come help.

The old zombie’s strength is not bad but it’s very timid. When it realized that something was wrong and wanted to run away.

However, Xie Chengze’s teleportation is really powerful, it can’t escape!

Seeing that the ability users from the security base were about to reach them…the old zombie gritted his teeth and launched an attack on Lu Yanzhou.

It’s a mental attack!

The zombie’s ability is mental, no wonder all the zombies listen to it!

No wonder those zombies came to attack the city neatly!

If this zombie’s ability is something else, maybe it will cause some troubles to Lu Yanzhou, but since it’s the mental…

Even if he seals his strength, a zombie in the small world still can’t control him with his mind!

On the other hand, Lu Yanzhou directly suppressed the other party’s mental force, and then the surrounding earth turned into a few boulders. Under Lu Yanzhou’s control, they repeatedly smashed the zombie until it was smashed into a pulp.

Zhou Jingshan rushed over with the other ability users, just in time to see this brutal scene.

Zhou Jingshan touched his head subconsciously, his head…is not hard enough!

Then, they looked at Xie Chengze again. They saw Xie Chengze put many zombies into his space again.

This one is not easy to mess with either!

Wait, if Xie Chengze put them into his space, would they have to face thousands of zombies?

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If Xie Chengze knew what these people were thinking, he would tell them that you are overthinking.

Living things cannot be put into his space.

As for the zombies…they’re essentially dead!

Putting another away, Xie Chengze was a little worried.

His space is full…

After he broke through to 5th level, his space became larger, but it’s full now. There’s no way to fit another zombie into it…

Wait, although it’s full, this space thing, if one squeezes it, there will be space!

Xie Chengze used his ability to squeeze the zombies in the space, then he squeezed out an open space and took in some more zombies.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou had already obtained the crystal nucleus of the old zombie. He looked around and found that the huge group of zombies that had gathered together seemed to be scattered.

These zombies have gotten rid of the control of the old zombies, so of course, they have become easier to deal with!

What a joy!

Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze, and other people in the security base worked together for a day and a night, then they finally dealt with the zombie army.

However, Lu Yanzhou had already exhausted his ability and couldn’t hold on anymore, so he told District Chief Li and was about to go back to sleep.

District Chief Li said: “Go to sleep quickly, have a good rest, rest thoroughly, and then come to meet me!”

District Chief Li is an ordinary person. He can’t last too long, so he went back to rest for a while in the middle, and he just came back from the rest, so he was looking radiant.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went back to their residence together.

The first thing they do when they get back is, of course, to take a shower.

They have taken off their coats and thrown them outside. There is nothing dirty on their bodies, but the sweat all over their bodies stinks!

Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, come and take a bath.”

Hearing this, Xie Chengze raised his eyes to look at Lu Yanzhou.

His heart was tense, waiting for the verdict from Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t say anything at all.

Xie Chengze didn’t want to wait any longer, so he walked to the bathroom, wanting to take Lu Yanzhou to take a bath together.

Then…before he reached out to pull Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou pulled him into the bathroom: “Let’s wash together!”

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Xie Chengze: “…” This should be what he did!

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze tried to kiss Lu Yanzhou.

However…before he could make a move, Lu Yanzhou moved first.

Lu Yanzhou blocked his mouth.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Lu Yanzhou was actually very tired, but after going through the great battle, he wanted to do something now. His voice was low and pleasant: “AZe…”

Xie Chengze no longer has the mind to think about anything else.

He felt that Lu Yanzhou was too good at talking nonsense.

He used to say that he was very tired, so. he didn’t want to do anything with him, but what’s the matter now?

No matter how tired he was then, it would be impossible to be as tired as today, right?!

Why was he too tired to move before, but he is so energetic today?

What Lu Yanzhou said before, he was just fooling him, right?!

It’s just that this development is different from what he thought!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t ask him anything, but then did what he always wanted to do?

Xie Chengze almost broke down. That’s not the point, the point is that Lu Yanzhou hugged him afterwards and fell asleep immediately.

How could Lu Yanzhou still be able to sleep?!

Xie Chengze was speechless. He really wanted to shake Lu Yanzhou awake and ask Lu Yanzhou to give him an explanation.

However, Lu Yanzhou slept very soundly.

Infected by Lu Yanzhou, he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

When they woke up, they had slept for twelve hours.

Xie Chengze was in a daze when he was woken up by Lu Yanzhou, and then he was kissed by Lu Yanzhou just after waking up.

Xie Chengze: “…” What’s going on with Lu Yanzhou? Does he want Chengcheng to come out from exhaustion?

He wanted to push Lu Yanzhou away, but Lu Yanzhou kept calling his name: “AZe, AZe…”

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It took another two hours before Xie Chengze got up, feeling that something was wrong.

He couldn’t get it no matter how much he asked for it before, but now it was given to him suddenly that he was about to blow him up. He can’t stand it.

Xie Chengze sat on the bed in a daze. Lu Yanzhou had someone bring breakfast over, so then brought it to him at this moment: “AZe, eat something first.”

Seeing the breakfast, Xie Chengze couldn’t help but say: “What’s the matter with you, you were not happy no matter how I took the initiative before, now…”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I also want to ask you, have you recovered long ago? Why are you still acting like a fool?”

Xie Chengze was stunned: “What?”

“I said, why are you pretending to be a fool? I am too embarrassed to do anything to you.” Lu Yanzhou sighed.

Xie Chengze felt that something was wrong, things seemed to be completely different from what he thought: “My illness…”

“You were a little fool before, right? Are you sober now?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze: “…” By saying this, Lu Yanzhou clearly doesn’t know that he has dual personalities!

Lu Yanzhou continued: “I like your current appearance. Of course, your previous appearance was also very cute. I like it very much too.”

Xie Chengze no longer knew what to say.

So after Lu Yanzhou saw his action yesterday, he thought that he had a cognitive illness before, but now he is cured?

What a mess!

He thought that Lu Yanzhou didn’t touch him because he was not ‘Chengcheng’, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t touch him because he was too ‘honest’?

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou remembered another thing: “By the way, isn’t your name Xie Chengze? Why is Xu Ze on your ID card?”

Xie Chengze: “…” It seems that Lu Yanzhou has never checked him.

What happened to Lu Yanzhou? He didn’t play cards according to common sense at all. He didn’t know how to deal with it!

“My name used to be Xie Chengze, but after my mother remarried, I changed my name.” Xie Chengze explained.

“So that’s the case.” Lu Yanzhou nodded.

The current Xie Chengze is easy to talk to and has a clear mind…Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help asking: “AZe, where did you live before? Why did you only come to see me at night? And your stubborn big brother…Do you want to pick him up? You are qualified to apply for a very good house. That house can be given to live to stay.”

The corner of Xie Chengze’s mouth twitched. He grabbed Lu Yanzhou and bit Lu Yanzhou’s neck: “You are the stubborn one!”

Don’t think he doesn’t know, Lu Yanzhou has a problem with his ‘big brother’!

T/N: Honest/sincere/true is Cheng.

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