Hold His Hand

Chapter 124: 124

Xie Chengze has been testing Lu Yanzhou’s opinion on Chengcheng’s ‘big brother’ these days.

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Lu Yanzhou didn’t say a single bad word, but Xie Chengze could tell that Lu Yanzhou didn’t like Chengcheng’s ‘big brother’ very much.

Thinking about it, at the beginning, Lu Yanzhou kept writing him letters, wanting to talk with him, but he kept ignoring him…It’s impossible for Lu Yanzhou to have a good impression of him.

He could see whenever Lu Yanzhou mentioned Chengcheng’s ‘big brother’, he was still a little bitter.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Yanzhou made a go for it, a little baffled: “Isn’t I’m right? Your big brother is a bit stubborn. You see, he doesn’t want the food I gave him and he also doesn’t want the furniture you take back for him…”

“I don’t have a big brother at all.” Said Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou was taken aback.

Xie Chengze continued: “It was actually me who wrote you the letter before!”

Lu Yanzhou felt something was wrong.

Xie Chengze originally wanted to hide it for a while, but what he experienced the past two days made him realize that Lu Yanzhou was completely different from what he imagined, so he simply stopped hiding.

It’s annoying to have things on your mind all day long!

The most important thing is…Lu Yanzhou just wiped him out, how could he still break up with him?

If Lu Yanzhou really dared to break up, he would release the zombies to die with him!

Well, the zombies in his space can’t kill him and Lu Yanzhou anymore, and now he just…somehow feels that he can trust Lu Yanzhou.

In this apocalypse, if there is someone who can make him be honest to them, it would be really great.

Xie Chengze lay down on the bed and said straightforwardly: “I had a dual personality before. It was me during the day and Chengcheng at night. Chengcheng called me big brother.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” So the brother-in-law he always thought was actually Xie Chengze? Fortunately, he didn’t say that his brother-in-law was bad in front of Xie Chengze!

No wonder Xie Chengze wanted to bite him.

Wait, Xie Chengze pretended to be a fool before and also pretended to be Chengcheng, did he think he liked Chengcheng?

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou remained silent, Xie Chengze said, “Now Chengcheng has disappeared. There’s only me left!”

Lu Yanzhou said at this moment: “Isn’t Chengcheng you? How did you disappear?”

As far as Xie Chengze’s action a few days ago, he was clearly Chengcheng…therefore, isn’t Xie Chengze’s inner core actually Chengcheng?

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It’s not surprising…Xie Chengze was a little too innocent in the previous worlds and he also liked to act like a baby.

Xie Chengze didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to answer like this, he frowned and looked at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and kissed Xie Chengze’s brow: “What’s wrong? I really didn’t mean to say that you are stubborn. I thought about how Chengcheng’s big brother refused to eat what I gave, that’s why I think…”

Xie Chengze finally couldn’t help asking Lu Yanzhou: “What do you like about me?” He had always thought that Lu Yanzhou liked Chengcheng’s simplicity.

In an environment like the apocalypse, who wouldn’t want a cutie who is not bad and also acts like a baby?

However, Lu Yanzhou’s reaction is not right!

Lu Yanzhou answered: “Soul.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou speechlessly—who would believe such nonsense!

Lu Yanzhou also knew that Xie Chengze didn’t believe it, so he could only say: “I fell in love with you at first sight, I only like you. This matter, the sun and moon in heaven can prove it.”

“You’re just looking at the appearance!” Xie Chengze snorted coldly. Isn’t it the face that one sees when they meet for the first time?

“What about you?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze: “What do you like about me?”

Xie Chengze couldn’t say anything for a moment.

To say that he likes Lu Yanzhou’s kindness…It’s really not that.

When he first saw Lu Yanzhou’s face with his own eyes, he…just fell in love.

So…they’re the same?

Xie Chengze was a little dazed, then he heard Lu Yanzhou say: “Actually, I have seen you in my dream before, and I suspect that we were a couple in my previous life! When you appeared in front of me that day, I felt that the partner in my dream had come alive…Of course I didn’t want to do anything to you. At that time, I just wanted to raise you well…”

Xie Chengze didn’t know why he believed it, so he asked: “What about now?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I always wanted to do what you wanted to do with me before. When you pretend to be Chengcheng, don’t you always hate that I don’t touch you?”

Xie Chengze’s face turned dark when he thought of all the things he had done before.

Lu Yanzhou now knows that he pretended before. Those are black history!

What in the world did he do at that time!

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Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze: “AZe, no matter what you look like, I like you. You can do whatever you want in the future, as long as you are safe and sound.”

Xie Chengze only felt that his heart relaxed in an instant.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze rested for a while before going out to check the situation.

The security base has been safe, not only that, but the people in the security base now feel a great sense of security and are in high spirits.

They surrounded the militiamen who had participated in the battle, and made the militiamen tell them about the battle.

“I went up the city wall that day! At first I saw so many zombies, I thought I was going to die, but then those zombies were all taken away by Xie Chengze!”

“Team leader Lu and the others are also powerful, those ability users are too strong!”

“Yes! Those ability users are very strong!”

“What about those zombies? Come ten thousand and we’ll kill ten thousand, one million, and we’ll kill one million!”

These militiamen all talk very big!

Although the zombie tide disappeared, who knew if there would be another zombie tide in the future, so these militiamen still had to continue training. He wanted to see if they could survive the next training.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze.

The zombies in Xie Chengze’s space must be disposed of, so let’s use them for the militiamen and the ability users in the safe zone to train!

Lu Yanzhou went to District Chief Li.

At the moment, there are many people from District Chief Li’s side. Seeing them, everyone is very enthusiastic, um, except Zhou Jingshan.

Zhou Jingshan has been trying to reduce his sense of existence…

“Lu Yanzhou, it was thanks to you and Xie Chengze this time. If it weren’t for you, the security base would be in danger!” District Chief Li said, looking at Xie Chengze while speaking.

In fact, this time, Xie Chengze made the biggest contribution.

Although District Chief Li had a good impression of Xie Chengze because of his strong abilities and bringing back a lot of supplies to the security base, he still couldn’t stand Xie Chengze’s character.

He is obviously a big man, but he is very sticky, which makes District Chief Li, who was born in the army, didn’t like him much.

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However, Xie Chengze killed zombies so cleanly the day before yesterday…he’s completely different from his previous impression.

Don’t talk about the day before yesterday, just talk about today. The current Xie Chengze looks like an ordinary, normal man.

Well, much more indifferent than ordinary people, but completely different from before.

“It’s what we should do!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

After the conversation, District Chief Li talked about the next arrangement for the security base. He directly stated that he wanted Lu Yanzhou to be the security base’s district chief.

After repelling the zombie tide this time, Lu Yanzhou has become the veritable number one person in the security base.

Most of the ability users in the security base are now following Lu Yanzhou’s lead!

As for ordinary people…the strength of ordinary people is not enough in front of ability users.

After discussing with the others, District Chief Li planned to give up his position as soon as possible.

He thinks that Lu Yanzhou should be very happy, after all, Lu Yanzhou has always wanted to be the head of the security base.

However, Lu Yanzhou refused.

Being a district chief needs to take care of so many things, how tiring it is! Lu Yanzhou felt that it was better to live freely like now for him.

Just let District Chief Li take care of the chores in the security base!

District Chief Li and others: “…” What happened to Lu Yanzhou? He obviously wanted to be the security base’s district chief before!

Well, the current Lu Yanzhou…it’s no difference whether he is the district chief or not.

After Lu Yanzhou rejected the tedious job, he inquired about the situation of the zombie tide.

Regarding this, the security base has really come to a conclusion.

Before they destroyed the laboratory, they had already discovered that the experiments done by those people were not quite right. Among the zombies that invaded this time, many mutated zombies were actually those ability users who escaped from the security base.

After those people escaped from the security base, they should have done something to trigger the zombie tide.

“Now there are no zombies near C city’s security base, but this time there will be 6th level zombies, and maybe stronger zombies will appear in the future…We must improve our strength…” District Chief Li talk about his thoughts.

After District Chief Li finished speaking, Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “I also want to talk about this! Now there are many zombies in my AZe space. They can be used as sparring partners for ability users and ordinary people in the security base!”

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“Good idea!” District Chief Li said.

As a result, those militiamen who had been bragging for two days learned that the security nase would use zombies as their opponents.

Everyone: “…” Although they think killing zombies is cool, they don’t really want to kill them…

Zombies are so scary and dangerous…

However, they have been bragging before, and now they have to train…

Ahem, there are ability users watching them, so they should be fine?

Everyone was gathered together for training.

They are all ordinary people, so they are naturally using ordinary zombies for training. Xie Chengze released an ordinary zombie from his space with a wave of his hand.

Wait, something is wrong with this zombie…why is it whole body folded in half?

Its waist is folded back and its head touches its heels!

Because of this, after the zombie fell on the ground, it still couldn’t get up…

Xie Chengze stared at the zombie for a moment, then said coldly: “Sorry, the space is a bit crowded, this zombie was squeezed…I’ll change it.”

He released another zombie. This zombie’s leg was broken and its neck was squeezed into its body.

Xie Chengze released another one without hesitation!

The spine of this zombie is broken into several pieces!

Then another zombie with its head squeezed and its hands squeezed was thrown out.

Those ordinary people who were scared at first: “…”

Xie Chengze was a little thankful that he was still wearing the mask: “There wasn’t enough space, so I squeezed them…”

“Your space is now a can of sardines…oh no, a can of zombies, right?” Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but say.

Xie Chengze: “…” It seems so.

He really didn’t mean to!

T/N: 2 more extras (๑˘ᵕ˘)

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