Hold His Hand

Chapter 126: 126

The survivors in the safe zone of T city are fleeing for their lives.

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T City is located near C City , and it’s also a large city with a large population. After the apocalypse, a security base with a population of 200,000 was established.

Although there are inevitably various problems in T City’s security base due to insufficient resources, the security base still provided shelter for many people a month ago.

However, in the past month, something went wrong in the security base!

There are powerful mutated zombies sneaking into the security base, secretly catching and eating ability users.

T City’s security base lost many ability users, but the culprit still couldn’t be caught. With that desperation, more and more mutated zombies sneaked in secretly.

At that time, all the ability users lived together and defended against the enemy together, but then those mutated zombies attacked ordinary people…

This repeated repeatedly. T city’s security base actually lost 20,000 to 30,000 people. The security base seems to have become the zombies’ diner plate.

10,000 people couldn’t stand it, so they plan to escape from the security base.

However, when they escaped, they not only failed to escape, but instead became food for the zombies, which strengthened the group of zombies and made more and more zombies outside the security base.

There was no food in T City’s security base, and now this kind of thing happened…The leader of the security base gritted his teeth and decided to take everyone in the security base to relocate.

They left the security base and ran towards C City.

As far as they know, there is an army in C City, which might give them a way out!

“District Chief, there is no more food.” Someone came to report to District Chief Wang in T City’s security base.

District Chief Wang himself is a lightning ability user with strong combat power, but he can’t make food: “Please bear with me, in front is C City’s security base!”

“District Chief, gasoline and diesel are not enough, many cars can’t be driven…”

“Leave the car with no gas behind, let the children go to other cars, and the rest of them will walk first…Don’t worry, we’re reaching C city security base soon!” District Chief Wang said again.

District Chief Wang repeatedly mentioned C city security base, but he actually didn’t have much hope for C city security base.

In this world…it’s impossible for C city’s security base to accommodate so many of them, right?

And there must be zombies over there…

What he said was just to make his subordinates look forward to plum blossoms and quench their thirst.

The people under District Chief Wang also know what’s going on, but it’s better to have hope than no hope…

Everyone continued to move forward, and at the same time, they were a little fortunate — ordinary zombies couldn’t keep up with their speed, and those mutated zombies, although they always came to catch people and eat them, they had limited food, so they wouldn’t be able to kill them all in a while.

However, people around them died one by one, which made people suffer even more.

District Chief Wang took out a pack of cigarettes and smoked one. He felt as if his heart was blocked, he almost felt nauseous.

However, at this moment, the wind ability user he sent to investigate came back: “District Chief, something is wrong ahead!”

“What’s wrong?” District Chief Wang’s heart skipped a beat.

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The man said: “District Chief, there are no zombies ahead, all the roads are smooth…”

This is a good thing! But something is wrong!

District Chief Wang was still wondering when he saw a scooter driving towards them like lightning.

A big man was sitting on the lightweight scooter. When he saw them, he asked, “Where did you come from? What happened to you?”

District Chief Wang noticed that the reason why the scooter could drive so fast was because this big man used a wind ability: “We are from T City’s security base. Something happened to our security base, so we escaped.”

District Chief Wang was a little worried that this big man would drive them away.

They have so many mouths to eat, and there are a group of zombies behind them, which is undoubtedly a huge trouble.

C city’s security base definitely doesn’t want to accept such a big trouble.

But now, in order for the people in the security base to survive, he has to thicken his face to stay!

“That’s it. Don’t worry, our people will come soon, and they will definitely kill all the zombies behind you!” said the wind ability user.

They used to train with disabled zombies before, but now they can finally train with complete zombies!

District Chief Wang felt that this big man was a little too optimistic. No matter what, C city’s security base could not welcome so many people who have to eat and…the zombies behind them.

However, the big man started to lead the way: “Follow me! Go at full speed! Go to the spacious place ahead!”

The scooter drove out again and District Chief Wang hurriedly asked people to follow.

Then, not long after he followed, he saw something wrong with what the people under him said before – isn’t the road in front of him too smooth?

Even if the road is level, the two sides of the road…If he saw it correctly, are they planted crops?

Could it be that they have already entered C city’s security base? But this is wrong, none of them saw the city wall!

District Chief Wang was dumbfounded, and the people under District Chief Wang were also very confused at the moment.

Along the way, all they saw were dilapidated places, full of zombies, but now such a flat and clean place suddenly appeared…They suspected that they had seen it wrong.

But they were also a little excited – District Chief Wang didn’t lie to them, they had reached C city’s security base!

They should be safe and live a good life now?

Everyone is looking forward to the future.

They hurried on their way. After walking for a while, they came to a huge square, and a scooter troop approached them.

Gasoline is too precious, and now the roads are smooth, so C city security base doesn’t use cars, but a batch of small electric scooters have been modified to increase their speed and used for transportation.

The security base electricity is also lacking, but there was solar power generation, which is renewable at any rate.

Now…with wind power generation and thermal power generation…The electricity in their safe area is no longer so short!

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As for where the wind power and thermal power come from…Isn’t there ability users with these abilities?

Zhou Jingshan: I am a powerful fire ability user, why should I be in charge of generating electricity?!

When District Chief Wang saw this small scooter unit, he was very excited. He didn’t expect that someone would actually come to help them in C city’s security base!

Too loyal to humans!

At this time, the small scooter team stopped, and the leader looked at District Chief Wang and the others: “Stop and take a rest, eat something first. I can see that you are very tired.”

The group of people in T city’s security base seemed to have reached their limit, as if they would fall down at any time.

They are also very, very thin, and it could be seen that they are all malnourished.

District Chief Wang said: “There are zombies following us!”

They didn’t dare to stop along the way. Once they stopped, they would be overtaken by a huge number of zombies!

Someone in the small scooter team immediately said: “Don’t worry, Brother Xie and Team leader Lu have already gone there, the zombies behind you are nothing.”

District Chief Wang felt that these people were too boastful.

With so many zombies, how are they nothing? What’s more… “Behind us, there are thousands of mutated zombies…”

“Oh.” These people were very calm.

District Chief Wang: “…” What happened to the people in C city’s security base? Thousands of mutated zombies! They didn’t take it seriously!

District Chief Wang was thinking about this, when he saw a high earth wall suddenly erected behind the team he led.

He froze for a moment, then took out his binoculars and looked, only to find that the earth wall separated their team from the zombies, not only that, two people suddenly appeared on the earth wall.

What do these two plan to do? Do the two of them really plan to fight so many zombies alone?

They are not crazy, are they?

Of course they are not crazy.

In order to save people as soon as possible, Xie Chengze had already emptied his space before he came, and now after seeing those zombies…he put those zombies into his space under Lu Yanzhou protection.

The mutated zombies that can run around pretend to be ordinary zombies at first…Xie Chengze’s movements are extremely skilled.

After all, hundreds of thousands of zombies have already been taken, so this few ten thousand is trivial.

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou actually came for a while now. After they arrived, they went behind the team, capturing all the zombies that ran into the team and wreaked havoc. After capturing, Lu Yanzhou built an earthen wall to isolate the zombies behind.

District Chief Wang has always been in front and the line is too long, so he doesn’t know.

At this moment, the people in the rear were so excited, they all looked at the two excitedly: “They are too strong!”

“Who are they?”

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“Did God come to save us?”

“We don’t have to die?”

People in T City’ security base began to set up camp, waiting for the result, and at this time, Gu Tan and Zhou Jingshan also came.

Considering that these people in T city’s security base might not have anything to eat, Gu Tan brought some food here.

Looking at it now…these people must have not had enough to eat for a long time!

Gu Tan immediately said to the people around him: “Get ready to cook!”

As soon as Gu Tan finished speaking, a metal ability user took out a few cauldrons and a water ability user filled them with water, and then Zhou Jingshan set them on fire…

When the water boils, they throw in the potatoes with skins on them. Then the wind ability user chops up the potatoes with a wind blade and boils them over high heat. Soon, the aroma of the potatoes permeates.

The people from T City’s security base couldn’t help but swallow their saliva. They were also a little dazed—isn’t these ability users too proficient in cooking?

However, it’s really delicious!

Gu Tan invited people from T City’s security base to come to her to register, and also asked people with earth ability to build some houses – all registered people had to take a hot bath inside and change into clean clothes .

As for how to get the hot water…There are ability users, how could there’s no hot water?

District Chief Wang was the first to take a hot bath. When he came out of the bathroom, he was still in a daze.

The house built by the earth ability user is really exquisite, it even has a sewer!

By the way, after the construction was completed, some fire ability users also roasted it with fire, so the house was roasted into porcelain!

Besides that, he is sure now that there are really no zombies here!

No wonder they came all the way and felt that there were fewer and fewer zombies.

“Why are there no zombies here?” District Chief Wang asked.

Gu Tan answered: “Kill them all.”

“This is outside the security base, right? Why are so many fields planted? Can you plant them?”

“Of course they can be grown, it’s also very fast!”

“Do you use machinery? Farming machines use a lot of oil, right?”

“We didn’t use machines, we used earth ability users.”

“Use ability users to farm?” District Chief Wang was a little confused.

However, he soon discovered that Gu Tan didn’t say a single lie.

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Because the tens of thousands of zombies behind them disappeared soon!

Completely gone, not a single one left!

Those who had taken a bath drank a bowl of some watery mashed potatoes and started walking towards C city’s security base.

Along the way, they also saw people with earth abilities plowing the ground, and people with wind abilities planting seeds!

Ability users! Those are ability users!

A proud ability user next to District Chief Wang couldn’t help but say, “How can you let ability users do this?”

“Why can’t ability users do these things? They can get high contribution points by doing these things. They can eat delicious and spicy food every day and don’t have to worry about becoming a feast for mutated zombies,” Gu Tan said, looking at Zhou Jingshan, “Right, you also feel that life is good now, right?”

Zhou Jingshan did not hesitate: “Good good.” Zhou Jingshan had thought about it before, such as ‘can’t own this place, so better not stay’.

However, the last time the zombie ride attacked the city, those zombies were so powerful that he couldn’t beat them.

He stopped leaving in an instant.

There is nothing wrong with generating electricity and cooking…Excluding Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, he is the richest person in the security base, and he is still very respected!

The ability users on District Chief Wang’s side looked at Zhou Jingshan’s white appearance and gorgeous attire, and suddenly felt…that’s pretty good too.

So what about high status? Aren’t ability users also hungry too?

They don’t mind doing farm work as long as they’re safe to eat and drink!

District Chief Wang couldn’t help but ask: “In your security base, what can people with lightning abilities do?”

Zhou Jingshan’s eyes lit up: “Generating electricity! You can discharge electricity directly, and the efficiency is higher than using my fire ability to generate electricity!”

District Chief Wang: “…” It could be used like this too?!

At this time, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze teleported over.

“Brother Xie! Boss!” Everyone greeted them one after another.

District Chief Wang knew that these two people should be the leaders, so he hurried up and wanted to greet them too.

However, he was soon too frightened to speak, because those people in C city’s security base actually surrounded that ‘Brother Xie’ and said something: “Brother Xie, how many thousands of zombies are there in your space now?”

“Brother Xie, these zombies should be complete, right?”

“Brother Xie, release them when you get back, let the brothers train their hands!”

“Brother Xie, I haven’t seen a complete zombie for a long time!”

District Chief Wang: “…” This C city security base is a bit too scary!

These two handsome young men are even more terrifying!

T/N: Next….Director Xie and Little Star Lu

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