Hold His Hand

Chapter 127: 127

After Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze stabilized C City’s security base, they went to many places together and helped many security bases.

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This made Xie Chengze’s space full of zombies all year round, and made Xie Chengze’s reputation as a zombie killer spread in many security bases.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou is also famous. After all, every time there are too many zombies in Xie Chengze’s space, he will ask Lu Yanzhou to dig a large pit, and then dump those squashed zombies into it…After that, Lu Yanzhou will use earth spike to kill those battered zombies and then they are all smashed rotten…

Although this is a very pleasing scene, it also makes the onlookers shiver.

As time went by, the zombies were slowly wiped out, and humans began to multiply again…When Lu Yanzhou left this world, he used his merits to repair the small world that was on the verge of collapse and also helped it escape from Black Tortoise’s control.

With Xie Chengze’s soul fragments, he entered the next small world.

The last small world was the apocalypse. Although Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had much better living conditions than ordinary people because of their strong abilities, they never enjoyed it much.

Even in their later years, though they have become respected by everyone, they have no chance to live a luxurious life.

However, this world…

When Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a luxurious room. At the same time, the memory of the original owner appeared in his mind.

Yachts, private jets, luxury cars, famous watches…The original owner has never lacked money since he was born. His life is extremely luxurious.

The original owner was the youngest son of a foreign-chinese descent tycoon.

The grandfather of the original owner suffered a lot when he was young, he worked very hard and finally earned a large fortune. The original owner’s father also has a very precise vision. He not only managed the company handed down by his elders well, but also invested in many emerging industries, earning a lot of money.

When he was almost sixty years old, his wealth ranked among the top ten in the world, and the original owner was the youngest son born to him by his wife in her forties at that time.

Father Lu’s family was actually very poor when he was young, so he devoted himself to his career and he got married relatively late.

After marriage, his wife gave birth to two sons and two daughters successively within ten years but he didn’t have much time to take care of them.

It wasn’t until the original owner was born that father Lu was free. At that time, among the children in front of him, the youngest was already in middle school. Even if he wants to get close to them, father Lu couldn’t get close anymore, so he placed all his fatherly love on the original owner.

It was said that the eldest grandson and the youngest son are the lifeblood of an old man…Father Lu had his youngest son at the age of holding a grandson, so he really wanted to spoil the original owner to heaven.

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The original owner had everything he wanted since he was a child. So, thinking that it was too easy to get all kinds of things, he started thinking that life is meaningless.

Well, this problem is not limited to the original owner alone. Many of the rich second generations around the original owner have this problem. Some of them will do some very dangerous things to find excitement.

However, the original owner is different from them.

The original owner grew up too well protected. If a little skin on his hand peels off, a bunch of hired doctors will surround him, so even though he was obviously tall and imposing, his body was very delicate and tender. He never suffered from anything and he never touch those dangerous things..

The boring original owner finally came up with a way to find excitement, which was to enter the entertainment industry.

He wants to be popular all over the world and become a superstar.

Father Lu really loves his children. He is now over eighty years old, his time is running out, so his love for the original owner further improved!

Son wants to be a star? OK, dad will pave the way for you!

Son wants to film? Okay, dad will invest in you!

Son afraid of hard work? It’s okay, dad will hire a double for you!

Of course, father Lu also set some rules for the original owner. For example, as a good boy, the original owner cannot stay up late and must go to bed at ten o’clock in the evening.

Father Lu also concealed the original owner’s identity.

The original owner was almost kidnapped when he was a child, because of this matter, Father Lu was very concerned about the original owner’s safety.

The entertainment industry is too chaotic. He is afraid that after the original owner’s identity is revealed, he will be targeted by people, cheated and poisoned by bad guys.

Thus, the original owner entered the entertainment circle under the protection of a group of bodyguards.

When he was filming, he came late and left early and asked for a body double. His professional ability was very bad, but no one dared to complain about him. After all, he was the one who was highly praised by the gold master dad!

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Of course, it’s impossible for the original owner, who was like this, to become popular. In fact, the original owner has been in the entertainment circle for two years and there is still no splash.

The original owner was not happy.

The original owner was clamoring not to film in the crew invested by his father anymore and wanted to audition by himself…He fell in love with a crew that the famous director Xie Chengze was preparing, and wanted to enter and play the leading role.

What Xie Chengze wanted to make was a sci-fi movie, and the investment was astonishing.

The original owner, who actually doesn’t have any acting skills, went to audition for the male lead and of course failed.

However, because the original owner has a good appearance, Xie Chengze said that the original owner can act as the young master in the film. The young master was very spoiled and his scene is very little, he’s only for comedy. It can only be said that it was tailored for the original owner — he can just be himself.

Ordinary people would probably die of joy when they get such an opportunity, but the original owner is not an ordinary person.

He felt that Xie Chengze looked down on him and complained in his heart.

Of course, he still joined the crew, but after joining the crew, everything was not pleasing to his eye. When filming, he had to roll around on the ground but he didn’t like being dirty.

With such arrogance, Xie Chengze felt that he couldn’t serve him, so he wanted to terminate the contract with him and make him stop acting.

How could the original owner bear such ‘grievances’?

He complained to his father, saying that Xie Chengze wanted to do unspoken rules to him and took advantage of him while filming!

Father Lu always thought that his precious son was the most obedient in the world, so he didn’t think that his son was lying at all, therefore, he immediately started to deal with Xie Chengze.

He found someone to fabricate a lot of black information about Xie Chengze and posted it on the Internet, saying that Xie Chengze is gay and likes to do unspoken rule with others, and also put pressure on the investors who invested in this sci-fi movie…

Xie Chengze couldn’t make this movie anymore, and he became the existence that everyone scold and beat!

Xie Chengze himself was not in good health, so after this kind of thing happened, he was inevitably hit hard.

Besides that, Xie Chengze had also ‘offended’ a popular little fresh meat before. At that time, the little fresh meat wanted to be in Xie Chengze’s crew and even let the wind out in advance, but Xie Chengze refused…

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This little fresh meat has always held grudges after being ridiculed by the crowd. This time, seeing Xie Chengze in trouble, he stomped hard.

He posted a Weibo, implying that Xie Chengze had made that kind of request to him at the beginning, but he didn’t agree, so he couldn’t join Xie Chengze’s crew in the end…

This little fresh meat has a lot of fans. His fans hated Xie Chengze when he was ridiculed by the crowd, so once this incident appeared, it became even more serious!

In the end, a few extreme fans chased Xie Chengze’s car, crashing into it, causing Xie Chengze to die in the car accident!

Lu Yanzhou took a deep breath, why…he turned into a scumbag again?

Of course, with the original owner like this, there is no good end.

After getting rid of Xie Chengze, the original owner tasted the sweetness, so he used his father’s hand to deal with many people he didn’t like.

Most of these people left the entertainment industry sadly after being entangled in scandals, and a few of them couldn’t bear the pressure and committed suicide.

The original owner has done so many things, and there will always be traces left. Xie Chengze failed to take revenge, but someone went all out. When the original owner was filming in a certain time, someone sneaked in to be the group actor, and then secretly changed the props and stabbed the original owner in the chest with a real knife. That was the original owner’s end.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Well done!

As far as the consequences of what the original owner did, many people have been killed!

Of course, the original owner hasn’t done anything yet…At this time, he had just auditioned for Xie Chengze’s crew, and got the role of the funny young master in that sci-fi film.

In the whole movie, his scene is only two or three minutes long. Of course, if there is any accident, it’s normal for him to be cut.

Lu Yanzhou was very satisfied with this.

Now that he has passed the audition, he can approach Xie Chengze!

He believed that Xie Chengze would never refuse him!

In this world, he is rich enough to do anything conveniently!

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He can also provide Xie Chengze with the best life!

Xie Chengze’s crew has already prepared, and all the casting has been completed, so the filming will start soon.

Although there is no need to join the group yet, but…

Lu Yanzhou turned over and got up from the bed, planning to go to Xie Chengze in advance.

At the same time, Xie Chengze was also discussing Lu Yanzhou with someone.

The producer has worked with Xie Chengze many times. He is a bald man in his thirties. He looked at Xie Chengze puzzled: “Old Xie, why did you choose that Lu Yanzhou? He has a bad reputation.”

Xie Chengze was stunned for a moment: “I just think he looks pretty good…What’s wrong with him?” Xie Chengze didn’t know Lu Yanzhou. Although his movie investment was huge and important, that was just a small role with a few minutes appearance for people to take.

What’s more, the outside world is not very optimistic about his sci-fi movie.

Lu Yanzhou was good-looking, and although he didn’t have any acting skills, he could act with his true personality. He read Lu Yanzhou’s information and found that he had acted in many TV dramas, so he decided to choose him.

“This Lu Yanzhou…he has a gold master and he also has a bad temper!” The producer, surnamed Wei, said in a low voice at this moment.

Xie Chengze was a little surprised: “Really?”

“Of course it’s true! His previous films were all invested by his gold master. During filming, his good master would send someone to pick him up every night. I heard that they were very fond of him…Of course, it doesn’t matter if he has a gold master as long as he works, it won’t be a problem…But he is not serious about filming, always looking for a body double…”

Hearing what Producer Wei said, Xie Chengze was also a little worried. He thought for a moment, then said, “In this movie, he only has a few scenes, and some of them can be left out…it should be fine.”

“That’s right, his scenes can be filmed in a day or two, so nothing will happen.” Producer Wei no longer struggled.

At this time, Xie Chengze couldn’t help sighing in his heart – such a good-looking boy, why would he choose to walk such a path?

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