Hold His Hand

Chapter 128: 128

The original owner lived abroad when he was little, and was almost kidnapped, which scared his parents.

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Later, his parents did various inspections and felt that the country was relatively safe, so they brought the original owner to live in the country.

From the original owner’s parents’ perspective, compared with personal safety, everything else is secondary. They don’t ask for anything else, they only want their youngest son to live safely until he is 120 years old.

Why not a hundred years old? The average life expectancy of people nowadays has been increasing, more and more people live to be more than a hundred years old, therefore, their youngest son must live longer!

Now the original owner lives with his parents in a super large villa with a large garden left over from the last century in S City and just renovated a few years ago.

Lu Yanzhou got up from his custom-made three-meter-by-three-meter-long bed, rang the bell, and someone immediately came in to change his sheets and clothes and take care of him as he got ready.

There is even a dedicated stylist asking him what he wants to look like today.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m going to see the director today, give me a clean appearance.”

Upon hearing this, the stylist immediately selected suitable clothes and accessories for Lu Yanzhou.

During this time, someone also brought milk to Lu Yanzhou to drink, so as not to let Lu Yanzhou starve.

There were a lot of people, but they didn’t bother Lu Yanzhou for too long. In fact, after less than half an hour, Lu Yanzhou was ready and went downstairs.

The original owner woke up late every day, it was already nine o’clock in the morning. The original owner’s parents were up early and were watching TV in the living room. When they saw Lu Yanzhou, they asked Lu Yanzhou what he wanted to eat.

There are several cooks in this house, some are good at french cuisine, some are good at cantonese cuisine, some are good at sichuan cuisine… anyway, the original owner can eat whatever he wants.

Lu Yanzhou was not picky about his food, so he chose a chinese and western set meal that the original owner often chose, and ate slowly.

It’s really delicious! The cooking skills of the original owner’s chef are amazing!

Seeing Lu Yanzhou eating deliciously, father Lu and mother Lu looked relieved.

Father Lu, who is in his eighties, is still well maintained. He looked seventy years old at most. Seeing that Lu Yanzhou had almost finished eating, he asked with a smile, “Zhouzhou is going to see the director?”

Mother Lu looked even younger. Even if she told people that she was only in her fifties, others would believe her. She followed up and said, “Since you are going to see the director, do you want to prepare a gift?”

Lu Yanzhou answered: “You can prepare a little…Mom, can you ask someone to prepare a lunch suitable for take-out for me. The portion should be big but light. Director Xie is not in good health.”

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In this world, Xie Chengze suffers from lupus erythematosus and some complications that require hormone treatment.

The use of hormones made Xie Chengze inevitably gain weight. He looked chubby with a face like a full moon.

He was a director in the first place, so no matter what he looked like, no one would say anything. However, on the original historical trajectory, after the original owner said that he did unspoken rules, everyone started attacking him, saying that he was fat, big, greasy, and disgusting.

Lu Yanzhou felt that those people were blind.

Xie Chengze’s chubby appearance is obviously very cute!

In the last world, he once said that he also liked if Xie Chengze was fatter, and now he has met the chubby Xie Chengze!

Although the production crew has not yet started, the preparations are almost complete, and the special effects studio has also been set up.

A young actor like Lu Yanzhou shouldn’t know the address of the studio, but he is not an ordinary young actor. If he wants to know, he will know it.

So, he took a box of food, plus four bodyguards and two assistants, and took two cars to the destination.

The car he was sitting in was a modified business car. The seats on it were specially designed for him. There was a sofa bed at the back that allowed him to lie down and sleep on that was as comfortable as it could be.

He rides this when he goes out for a short time, but if he is filming…then there will be a caravan following him.

The studio was built on the outskirts of S City. When Lu Yanzhou arrived at the place, he was about to get out of the car with his lunch box, but someone had already carried the lunch box for him.

One can’t enter the studio casually, but the original owner made a fuss not to shoot the TV series that his father invested in him. After entering the big-budget movie, his father had already found someone to contact the investor of the movie, so Lu Yanzhou went in very smoothly. .

Xie Chengze is very busy during this time.

He is considered a second generation of celebrities. His parents are well-known celebrities, so he has attracted much attention since he was born.

However, he hasn’t appeared in front of the media because his medical condition was detected at a young age. More than ten years ago, a reporter was conducting an interview in front of the Film and Television Academy. When he saw the chubby Xie Chengze, he was surprised and asked him how such a body shape was admitted to the Film and Television Academy. Xie Chengze said helplessly that he majored in the directing department…This interview strangely became popular, bringing Xie Chengze in front of the crowd.

Xie Chengze is 32 years old this year. 14 years have passed since he first entered the Film and Television Academy. In these 14 years, he has made a total of ten movies. Five without much splash but still made a small profit, three with a good box office, and two of them were very popular, earning a fortune!

It is also because of this that this time when he wants to make a sci-fi movie with a large investment, someone is willing to invest.

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And Xie Chengze himself also attaches great importance to this movie.

During this period of time, he has been living in a hotel near the studio. He came to the studio every morning at six or seven o’clock, and stayed until around ten o’clock in the evening before going back to sleep.

After talking with the producer today, he started discussing with the screenwriter again. While discussing, he drew the storyboard. While he was drawing, producer Wei rushed over and told him that Lu Yanzhou was coming.

“Xingyu Entertainment, the biggest investor in this movie, just called me and said that Lu Yanzhou is coming over…According to Xingyu Entertainment, Lu Yanzhou is a junior of one of their directors. They’re telling us not to embarrass Lu Yanzhou if possible, it’s best if we could teach him more,” Producer Wei said in a complicated tone, “I didn’t expect ah…the person behind Lu Yanzhou is actually a director of Xingyu Entertainment.”

Xingyu Entertainment is one of the largest entertainment companies in the country. It has earned an unknown amount of money over the years. It’s a colossus that no one can shake in the entertainment industry.

Because of the large size of the company, Xingyu Entertainment has relatively few messy things, and most of the directors only accept the dividends and don’t care about anything else.

He didn’t expect someone to open the back door for Lu Yanzhou now…

He remembered that the famous directors of Xingyu Entertainment were also not young!

Tsk tsk! Lu Yanzhou has a very strong taste!

“What is he doing with just a few minute scenes?” Xie Chengze was a little puzzled.

“Maybe he wants us to add more scent to him?” Producer Wei guessed.

Xie Chengze’s sci-fi film was written for him by a screenwriter from his ideas. Under such circumstances, if Xie Chengze wants to, he can add a few scenes for Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze said: “He thinks too much, I can’t add scenes to him.”

Xie Chengze has already got the outline for the whole film in his mind, it’s impossible for him to casually add scenes to a small character.

While they were talking, someone came over, saying that Lu Yanzhou came.

After all, it was Xingyu Entertainment, the largest investor, who asked them to take care of him…Xie Chengze and Producer Wei walked out together.

Xie Chengze is the same age as Producer Wei. They were aso classmates back then.

Over the years, Xie Chengze’s appearance has not changed much, anyway, he has always been chubby, but Producer Wei has changed from a handsome young man in his prime to a bald man with a beer belly.

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As soon as the two went out, they saw Lu Yanzhou followed by six people.

Producer Wei somewhat understands why Xie Chengze chose him to play the young master in the script. With such style, such temperament…Lu Yanzhou can definitely act in his true colors!

The director of Xingyu Entertainment has a good vision!

Xie Chengze was stunned at this moment.

Last time, he just thought that Lu Yanzhou was pleasing to the eye, but this time it was different. He didn’t know if it was because the Lu Yanzhou in front of him was dressed too dazzlingly, he had the feeling that this person had pressed head-on into his heart.

His heartbeat speeded up unconsciously, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind — in fact, it’s not impossible to add some scene to Lu Yanzhou…

Wait, what is he thinking!

Xie Chengze quickly looked away, and then he heard Lu Yanzhou smile and say, “Hi, Director Xie and Producer Wei!”

“Hello.” Xie Chengze responded in a daze.

“Hello, hello!” Producer Wei also smiled. Producer Wei is actually not afraid that the actors have a gold master, what he is afraid of is that the actors will not work hard during filming.

There are actors who still work hard during filming even with financial backers, so everyone is rushing to get them! How sweet it is to bring money into the group!

Although this Lu Yanzhou has a lot of ostentation now, he seems to be easy to get along with, so Producer Wei doesn’t reject him so much.

He even began to wonder if he could get more investment by currying favor with Lu Yanzhou.

Alas, the movie made by Xie Chengze uses a lot of special effects, which cost a lot of money!

The original owner’s attitude towards the people around him had always been bad, but Lu Yanzhou was different.

He smiled and talked to Xie Chengze and Producer Wei, saying that filming is his dream, so he wants to join the group early and learn here…

His attitude was too good, and since the people above had even called him, Xie Chengze and Producer Wei naturally wouldn’t disagree.

Producer Wei rushed to speak: “Teacher Lu, how about this, I’ll show you around!” Xie Chengze was not very tactful, so Producer Wei feared that he would accidentally offend Lu Yanzhou, the celebrity besides Xingyu’s director, so he naturally had to do it himself.

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Lu Yanzhou wanted Xie Chengze to accompany him more, but Xie Chengze seldom talked and he must be busy recently, so he left with Producer Wei, intending to have a good chat with Producer Wei, to see if he could invest more.

On the original historical trajectory, after being overworked by the original owner, the film was never finished at all and finally nothing happened.

This movie is what Xie Chengze has always wanted to make…This time he must help Xie Chengze make this movie well!

Seeing Lu Yanzhou and Producer Wei leave together, Xie Chengze returned to his workshop with a cold face.

“Director Xie, has that Lu Yanzhou lost his temper?” The screenwriter surnamed Zhang asked Xie Chengze when he saw Xie Chengze’s unpleasant expression.

Xie Chengze answered: “No.”

“You don’t look very happy.” Screenwriter Zhang continued.

Xie Chengze rubbed the center of his brows: “I’m not unhappy…it’s just…” He just felt a little depressed.

Lu Yanzhou chose to find a gold master because he wanted to pursue his dream, right?

It’s not easy for him to say anything about Lu Yanzhou, but he always feels it’s a pity.

Such a handsome young man…If he met him sooner, he would definitely be willing to help him, so that Lu Yanzhou would not have to sell his body.

Well, not necessarily either.

He doesn’t know Lu Yanzhou well, so why is he willing to help Lu Yanzhou? It wasn’t because he fell in love with Lu Yanzhou’s beauty, right?

So in the final analysis…he is no different from the gold master behind Lu Yanzhou.

It’s really not easy for Lu Yanzhou. Always being targeted by people with malicious intentions like them.

Xie Chengze looked at the script and suddenly had a terrifying idea – if he gave Lu Yanzhou hints that as long as Lu Yanzhou was with him, he would add scenes to Lu Yanzhou…Would Lu Yanzhou be willing?

As soon as this thought came up, Xie Chengze threw it aside.

Accompanying a fat old man is not something interesting, why would he bother to harm Lu Yanzhou?

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