Hold His Hand

Chapter 129: 129

Lu Yanzhou and Producer Wei had a good chat.

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Lu Yanzhou didn’t know anything about filming before, but after having the original owner’s memory, because the original owner has always been a hands-off shopkeeper, he also has a half-knowledge about many things.

Chatting with Producer Wei now, he learns a lot of things.

As for Producer Wei, his impression of Lu Yanzhou is getting better and better — this Lu Yanzhou has a good temper, not as bad as the legend says.

When Lu Yanzhou found out that they didn’t have enough investment, he promised to find a way to get some investment. Producer Wei even regarded Lu Yanzhou as a treasure.

Lu Yanzhou also took the opportunity to inquire about Xie Chengze.

On the way here, he had already searched about Xie Chengze on the Internet but there were very few things he could find. Those things were usually sighing, thinking that Xie Chengze’s mother and father were both beautiful and handsome, why did they give birth to a fat man in the end…

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to see those things, he wanted to know the real Xie Chengze.

When Producer Wei heard Lu Yanzhou inquire about this, he felt a ‘thump’ in his heart — this person is very good-looking, but why did he want to ask about Xie Chengze’s preferences? He doesn’t plan to seduce Xie Chengze, right?

Producer Wei could only remind vaguely: “Director Xie has a bad temper and is serious in his work. There was a female star who knocked on Director Xie’s room door in the middle of the night to discuss the script with Director Xie but Director Xie didn’t even let her in.”

“Director Xie is really good!” Lu Yanzhou was very happy, and at the same time secretly learned a trick — Knocking on Director Xie’s room door in the middle of the night to discuss the script…It can be used in the future!

He believed that Xie Chengze would definitely let him in.

After chatting for a while, it was time for lunch.

Lu Yanzhou asked his assistant to take out the lunch box he brought. He invited Producer Wei to eat together, then said, “Director Xie didn’t eat, did he? Let’s call Director Xie to eat with us?”

“I’ll call him.” Producer Wei said.

Producer Wei quickly found Xie Chengze: “Old Xie, I have talked with Lu Yanzhou. He is not bad. The most important thing is that the person behind him should really dote on him…I’ve already persuaded him to bring money into the group. Now he wants to invite you to eat together, you should come with me…”

Producer Wei was ready to persuade Xie Chengze but then he saw that Xie Chengze had already left: “Old Xie, why are you going?”

“Didn’t Lu Yanzhou invite me to eat together?” Xie Chengze asked.

Producer Wei: “You don’t even need me to persuade, you agreed so simply?”

Xie Chengze: “…” Even if Producer Wei didn’t come to invite him, he would still go out and invite Lu Yanzhou to eat together!

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Producer Wei caught up with Xie Chengze, and continue: “Lu Yanzhou has been asking me about you, probably because he wants to work hard for you so that you can add more scene to him…For the sake of investment, don’t be angry with him, don’t make things too hard for him.”

Xie Chengze took a deep breath: “Did Lu Yanzhou really ask you about me?”

“It’s true!” Producer Wei said.

Xie Chengze coughed lightly: “How did you answer that?”

Producer Wei said: “I told him, you are not the kind of person who will do unspoken rules!”

Xie Chengze: “…” how is he someone who doesn’t do unspoken rules? It isn’t good to dampen the enthusiasm of young people like this, right?!

Lu Yanzhou’s bodyguards had already cleared out a clean table with placemats on it with a row of expensive food…It was obviously in an unfinished studio, but it gave people a sense of being in the palace.

Xie Chengze’s gaze landed on Lu Yanzhou, then he couldn’t look away anymore. At the same time, a bitterness rose in his heart.

This person is not his.

“Director Xie, I don’t know what you like to eat, so I prepared something casually. I don’t know if there is any food you like…” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze with a smile.

“I like them all.” Xie Chengze answered.

“Director Xie, as long as you like it,” Lu Yanzhou pulled back the chair for Xie Chengze, “Director Xie, I have liked your movies since I was a child. You have always been my idol!”

The original owner has seen many of Xie Chengze’s movies, so Lu Yanzhou can really talk.

However, when he said these words, Xie Chengze felt as if he had been stabbed in the chest.

Lu Yanzhou is very young. He’s only 22 this year. He’s 10 years younger than him, so he really did watch his movies since he was a child…Isn’t he a little old?

“Thank you for liking.” Xie Chengze said dryly.

Xie Chengze didn’t know what to say, but Lu Yanzhou had already found a new topic to talk about the movie with Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou, who has the original owner’s memory and knows the filming of this movie, can say a lot about this movie.

Xie Chengze suddenly had the feeling of having met a bosom friend, so the more he looked at Lu Yanzhou, the more he fell in love with him.

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Producer Wei: “…” Lu Yanzhou is quite capable, he can even coax Xie Chengze!

However, when one thinks about it, there are so many people looking for gold masters these days, but there are very few gold masters, so all those handsome men and beautiful women who have successfully sell themselves should have real skills.

If Lu Yanzhou hadn’t been good-looking, good-natured and able to coax people, how could he get his gold master to invest so much money in him?

While talking, Lu Yanzhou said, “Director Xie, I’ve always been interested in making movies. Can I come to you in the future and learn from you?”

How could Xie Chengze be willing to reject him: “Of course.”

“Thank you, Director Xie.” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze with a smile.

He knew that Xie Chengze would never refuse him!

“You’re welcome.” Said Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze said so…After lunch, Lu Yanzhou simply followed Xie Chengze and served as Xie Chengze’s assistant.

Well, he can’t do much work, so he can only pass water and praise Xie Chengze.

“Director Xie, you know so much!”

“Director Xie, you are amazing!”

“Staying by Director Xie’s side, I have learned a lot!”

Xie Chengze took a deep breath and understood why some people like to have a celebrity by their side.

Such a young and handsome man praised him every day…It felt so good!

“Director Xie, you draw really beautifully.” Seeing Xie Chengze drawing the storyboard, Lu Yanzhou said again.

Xie Chengze felt that he shouldn’t let Lu Yanzhou talk alone…So, He asked, “Can you draw?”

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “I can.” The original owner learned to draw when he was a child, but he felt too tired, so he refused to learn later. In fact, he didn’t learn anything.

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However, Lu Yanzhou is different. He has learned to draw, and he is also very good at drawing, especially sketches. When he drew Xie Chengze back then, it was very lifelike.

“What kind of drawing did you study?” Xie Chengze asked.

“I can draw sketches. Director Xie, let me draw you.” Lu Yanzhou took the pen and paper next to him and drew a picture of Xie Chengze in two or three strokes.

The chubby Xie Chengze appeared on the paper, looking much more handsome than Xie Chengze’s real appearance.

Xie Chengze said: “You draw very well, but I’m not so good-looking.” Because of his illness, his skin is not good and he is even fatter.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Director Xie, in my heart, you are thousands of times more beautiful than the person on this paper.”

Xie Chengze was taken aback for a moment, and then met Lu Yanzhou’s sincere eyes — Lu Yanzhou’s eyes seemed to be filled with stars, but it was true that he was the only one reflected.

Xie Chengze’s heartbeat almost stopped, then a thought came to his mind – Lu Yanzhou, is he trying to seduce him?

Lu Yanzhou continued: “Director Xie, in my heart, you are the most handsome!”

Xie Chengze: “…” Such words can be said, there is no doubt that Lu Yanzhou is seducing him!

Xie Chengze was elated for a moment, then he was inevitably sad — Lu Yanzhou must have told people a lot of this before, right?

Lu Yanzhou could speak so sincerely to a fat and old man like him, so he must be the same to others.

Xie Chengze looked at his fat hands, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Lu Yanzhou noticed Xie Chengze’s gaze. He grabbed Xie Chengze’s hand and rubbed it: “Director Xie, your fleshy hands are so cute!”

In the original trajectory, Xie Chengze obviously did nothing to the original owner, but was wronged by the original owner. Such a cute hand was even called a salty pig’s hand…

He wants to kiss this hand!

However, such a fast progress can easily scare Xie Chengze, so let’s talk about it in a few days.

Thinking so, Lu Yanzhou reluctantly let go of Xie Chengze’s hand.

Xie Chengze took a deep breath, deeply shocked.

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He had encountered many people who came to him before and wanted to take shortcuts, but he had never seen someone as high in rank as Lu Yanzhou and as proactive as Lu Yanzhou!

The feeling Lu Yanzhou gave him was really too sincere! Ordinary people really can’t stand this kind of treatment!

“Director Xie, what do you like to eat, I’ll make it for you.” Seeing that Xie Chengze had been silent, Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou was just like a vixen, no, he was more attractive than a vixen!

Now such a person wants to cook for him…Xie Chengze felt flattered: “I’m not picky about food.”

“Then I’ll do whatever I want.” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

He has asked the driver to bring his RV over, and also bought some of Xie Chengze’s favorite dishes. He will give it to Xie Chengze later!

This world is safe and there is no life-and-death hatred between the two of them. Lu Yanzhou really can’t wait, he really wants to establish a relationship with Xie Chengze.

“Okay.” Replied Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze thought that Lu Yanzhou was just talking casually, and felt that Lu Yanzhou would take the food made by others and feed it to him as if he had made it himself at most.

In the end…Lu Yanzhou actually got an RV, and then cooked outside the studio!

Seeing Lu Yanzhou skillfully chopping vegetables and cooking, his movements were smooth and flowing, Xie Chengze knew that he had fallen and could never climb out again.

He took a deep breath and began to think about how to add more scenes to Lu Yanzhou’s role.

T/N: Director Xie has fallen! (○ ^ω^)_旦~~

Singledog Theater:

Producer Wei: A star knocked on the director’s door in the middle of the night to talk about the script won’t work!

Beauty Lu: Okay. Trick Noted. (AXie won’t refuse meヾ(▽) )

Producer Wei: Director Xie doesn’t do unspoken rules!

Corrupted Xie: Don’t damper young people’s enthusiasm!

Singledog101: Love brains just work differently I tell u ( ˘▽˘)っ

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