Hold His Hand

Chapter 130: 130

Xie Chengze didn’t tell anyone about his illness, most people didn’t know that he was in poor health.

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Lu Yanzhou knew about it because in the original historical trajectory, after the original owner frame Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze fell ill and was hospitalized, and his information was leaked…Everyone knew about his illness!

At that time, a group of netizens said that he deserved it…

Lu Yanzhou finally made three dishes and one soup, not only considering Xie Chengze’s taste, but also avoiding the food that is not good for Xie Chengze.

At noon, Lu Yanzhou invited Producer Wei to eat, but he didn’t invite Producer Wei for this meal. He only invited Xie Chengze to his RV to eat with him.

This RV has a lot of space, but no matter how big the RV is, it’s still a small airtight space. Xie Chengze felt a little uncomfortable watching the door being closed.

What is Lu Yanzhou trying to do? Lu Yanzhou touched his hand before, now will he…

Xie Chengze was a little nervous, then felt that there was something wrong with him.

He is a fat-headed director and Lu Yanzhou is a handsome fresh meat. When encountering such a scene, it is Lu Yanzhou who should be nervous, so what is he nervous about?

“Director Xie, try my culinary skills.” Lu Yanzhou talks to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze took a sip and was a little amazed. What Lu Yanzhou made was so delicious!

It was simply the best meal he had ever had!

Well, he thinks so because he has a filter for Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou’s cooking skills are really good.

He knew why Lu Yanzhou’s gold master was willing to spend a lot of money for Lu Yanzhou.

It’s just, didn’t Lu Yanzhou already have a gold master, why did he come to seduce him? Isn’t Lu Yanzhou afraid that his gold master will be angry?

“Director Xie, is it delicious?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze nodded immediately: “It’s delicious.”

Seeing Xie Chengze’s appearance, Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help smiling. Xie Chengze in the last world talked a lot and would ‘sincerely’ possess him from time to time, and then sweet talk him.

The Xie Chengze in this world is different. He doesn’t talk much and is a bit shy, which makes him want to tease him: “If Director Xie thinks it’s delicious, I’ll make it for you every day from now on.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with obvious disbelief.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m telling the truth, I will never lie to you.”

Xie Chengze: “…” This person is really good at coaxing, such a promise was said easily!

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou probably couldn’t do it, but he had to admit that he was very happy to hear it.

In addition… Lu Yanzhou has done so much, he definitely has to give an answer. Xie Chengze coughed lightly, and asked: “My film will start filming in a few days, how is your preparation?”

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Lu Yanzhou answered: “Director Xie, don’t worry, I’m ready. There’s no problem!”

Lu Yanzhou had read the script and the content of the original main role was very small and simple. He believed that there would be absolutely no problem just acting.

“You have a deep understanding of the script, I think you will have no problem,” Xie Chengze affirmed Lu Yanzhou, “You like this job so much, I believe you will have better development in the future.”

He originally wanted to tell Lu Yanzhou that he would add scenes to Lu Yanzhou, but after thinking about it, he still didn’t say it directly.

Let’s talk about it after he finishes the script, then he can give Lu Yanzhou a surprise when the time comes.

In fact, Lu Yanzhou didn’t intend to continue to develop in this industry. He was not very interested in filming. Of course, filming a film directed by Xie Chengze was another matter!

After chatting with Producer Wei today…Lu Yanzhou has actually already thought about what he will do in the future.

He wanted to do special effects.

He has stayed in the interstellar world and learned some relevant knowledge. He believes that he can develop well in this area.

The main reason…he can support Xie Chengze’s director career by doing this!

In the future, when Xie Chengze is filming, he will follow him, playing a small supporting role in the film, acting as Xie Chengze’s assistant or something, and when Xie Chengze finishes filming, he can do special effects for Xie Chengze’s movie.

He can also invest in the films made by Xie Chengze, help Xie Chengze advertise, and guarantee all-round support for Xie Chengze!

However, Xie Chengze said that he will have a good development… Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Director Xie said so, I will definitely develop very well.”

Xie Chengze was dazzled by Lu Yanzhou’s smile, so he could only lower his head, pretending to eat seriously.

The meals Lu Yanzhou cooked were not large, so the two of them ate everything.

After eating, Xie Chengze felt a little embarrassed.

He is a bit fat. In the past, people would always say that he ate too much. He was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would think that he was so fat because he ate too much without restraint…

As a result, Lu Yanzhou said: “Director Xie, you eat too little, not as much as I do.”

Xie Chengze: “…” This person is really caring!

After the meal, someone came to Xie Chengze — there were many things for him to decide.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Director Xie, I’ll go with you…”

However, at this time, one of Lu Yanzhou’s assistants came over: “Young master, old master asked you to go back early.”

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His father urged him to go back, so Lu Yanzhou could only look at Xie Chengze apologetically: “Director Xie, I’m sorry, there’s something at home, I have to go back…I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze smiled and watched Lu Yanzhou leave.

When Lu Yanzhou left, he felt inevitably upset.

Producer Wei said before that Lu Yanzhou’s gold master spoiled Lu Yanzhou very much that he was willing to spend money, but because he was a little strict, Lu Yanzhou was not allowed to stay outside at night.

Today’s situation…Lu Yanzhou’s gold master called him away, right?

He was still thinking about him here, but Lu Yanzhou doesn’t belong to him at all!

It would be great if Lu Yanzhou belonged to him. When the time comes he…

At that time, he also won’t let Lu Yanzhou stay outside either!

Thinking that after Lu Yanzhou left, he was going to accompany others, Xie Chengze felt uncomfortable all over. In order to divert his attention, he could only work hard.

However, Producer Wei went to investigate Lu Yanzhou, and kept whispering in his ear nonstop: “Lu Yanzhou’s gold master protects him very well. He didn’t allow Lu Yanzhou’s black material to appear on the Internet at all. The drama Lu Yanzhou was in before, the script isn’t very good, and the actors are all so-so. They’re just there to set off Lu Yanzhou, making people think he’s the best when they watch it…”

Father Lu allowed Lu Yanzhou to enter the entertainment circle, but he didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to be scolded, so he made some arrangements when he invested in the film crew.

His son’s acting can be very bad but other people have to be even worse. Like this, people who watch the drama will scold others as well.

It is true now, Lu Yanzhou is not popular but he also has no anti-fans. However, he does have some face-con fans.

Producer Wei continued: “The costumes in those dramas are very good. The investment is also quite a lot. In the end, it was filmed like that and lost so much money…ordinary people really can’t do it.”

Xie Chengze felt even worse when he heard that. He didn’t have that much money to support Lu Yanzhou.

Is that why when the gold master called, Lu Yanzhou couldn’t wait to leave him.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze was a little worried about Lu Yanzhou. Most of the people around Lu Yanzhou were arranged for him by his gold master. Lu Yanzhou is so attentive to him today, will he make his gold master dissatisfied after he returns?

Lu Yanzhou will be fine, right?

Lu Yanzhou was indeed in trouble.

He got into the car, and as soon as it drove for a while, his assistant said: “Young master, old master is very angry.”

“What’s the matter?” Lu Yanzhou was puzzled.

The assistant said: “You never cooked for master before.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

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The bodyguards and assistants around Lu Yanzhou were indeed arranged by his parents. His bodyguards and assistants would report everything he did to his parents.

Now his parents see their son, who wouldn’t even cut a piece of fruit at home, cook for others, can they be happy?

Definitely not happy!

As soon as Lu Yanzhou got home, he saw his parents sitting on the sofa in the living room. Seeing him, his eighty-year-old father snorted coldly and turned his head away.

“Dad, Mom, I learned how to cook today, do you want to try my cooking?” Lu Yanzhou asked with a smile.

“You only know how to cook for others, you still remember us?” Father Lu snorted.

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s my first time cooking, I don’t know what the final product will be like, so how dare I give it to dad! I must let others try the poison first!”

Father Lu was happy now: “It’s not too bad! We haven’t eaten yet, you can cook something for us to taste. However, don’t hurt your hands…How about this, just steam an egg for us to eat.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Can steamed eggs be called cooked food?

There was still a tough battle to be fought, so Lu Yanzhou didn’t dare to be careless…He cooked seven or eight dishes in one go.

Of course, he was able to cook so much in such a short time because of the chef’s help at home.

Washing and cutting vegetables and so on, they have already done it, so he only needs to fry it in the pan.

Father Lu and mother Lu knew that Lu Yanzhou was out cooking for others today and knew that it was a bit delicious, but in fact, they didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to have any cooking skills at all.

They knew that their son had never been in the kitchen before, so what could he do?

The results of it? Lu Yanzhou cooked so many dishes in one go!

When father Lu and mother Lu came to see, they stood in the kitchen and watched Lu Yanzhou make it with a stunned expression.

Their son was not good at what he did before, so they felt that their son had no talent at all.

It seems to be different now. Their son is also talented, it just, his talent is in cooking.

Mother Lu asked, “Zhouzhou, when did you learn to cook?”

Lu Yanzhou looked innocent: “You need to learn how to cook? I just watched food videos.”

Mother Lu continued asking: “Then why didn’t you do it before?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I don’t want to do it, then don’t do it.”

Father Lu frowned: “What about today? Why did you suddenly start cooking today? And Director Xie, do you have to pay so much attention to him?”

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Father Lu felt that something was wrong, his son was so good-looking, why did he suddenly attach so much importance to Xie Chengze?

However, at that time, his attention was all on the fact that his son could cook, so he didn’t think much about it.

Lu Yanzhou coughed lightly, showing a little guilt: “I just admire Director Xie very much, so I want Director Xie to take care of me more…”

Seeing his son’s behavior, father Lu felt more and more wrong: “What you said is true?”

Lu Yanzhou felt even more guilty when he saw it, he knew it was not true.

Father Lu was a little uneasy, so he immediately asked, “Tell me, what’s going on?!”

Lu Yanzhou knew very well that he was different from the original owner, so as long as Father Lu observed more, he would definitely be able to see the difference between him and the original owner.

There is also his relationship with Xie Chengze. Father Lu, who has gone through decades of ups and downs and still attaches great importance to his son, cannot fail to see it.

Since the other party will know about it sooner or later, he might as well confess it earlier, even the reason why he changed can be attributed to him liking Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, I like Director Xie.”

Father Lu was stunned for a moment, and then said, “Director Xie made good movies, it’s normal for you to like him…”

“Dad, it’s not his movies that I like, but him. Dad, I really like Director Xie, the kind that I want to marry him.” Lu Yanzhou is very sincere.

Father Lu almost couldn’t breathe: “The Director Xie you’re talking about is Xie Chengze, right?” His son was going to film in Xie Chengze’s crew, so it was impossible for Father Lu not to investigate Xie Chengze.

After some investigation, he learned that Xie Chengze was a decent man, so he agreed to his son’s visit.

He also saw Xie Chengze’s photo at that time. He remembered that he was a fat man?

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s him! Who else besides him?”

Father Lu was dumbfounded: “You really like him? He looks like that…”

“What does Xie Chengze look like? Isn’t he good-looking? He’s chubby and so cute. The first time I saw him, my heart beat so fast.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Mother Lu didn’t know much about Xie Chengze, so she quickly find a photo of Xie Chengze on her mobile phone.

She held the mobile phone and looked at her son with disbelief: What’s going on with her son? All these years, her son has never been in love, is it not because of his high vision, but because of…special preferences?

Well, among many fat people, this Xie Chengze’s appearance…is really good-looking.

Wait, this Xie Chengze is a man! She almost forgot about this!

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